mlx5e-updates-2019-01-10 (mlx5 SW reset)

This series from Feras and Alex, adds the support for mlx5 software reset

Some fatal hardware errors are recoverable by issuing software reset.
Since mlx5 is a function per port, to avoid extra reset by the 2nd
function driver instance, we add a vendor specific access gateway (VSC)
to synchronize software resets between the different pcie functions of
the same HCA.

Before a software reset is issued we want to capture a Crdump FW snapshot,
this is done via the existing devlink region snapshot API, a user can
read this crdump later on demand.

The new mlx5 devlink region snapshot support is documented under
net/mlx5: Protect against infinite recovery requests

A buggy HW may cause infinite recovery requests loop that may terminate
the driver. The following change protects against that by adding a
timestamp variable that will remember the last recover request timestamp,
and allow recovery only if the period between two sequential requests is
bigger than 20 min.

Signed-off-by: Feras Daoud <>
Signed-off-by: Saeed Mahameed <>
2 files changed