allot/perf-sanity-tests: change to 4G as 2G always trigger OOM


[    8.278820] Tasks state (memory values in pages):
[    8.280118] [  pid  ]   uid  tgid total_vm      rss pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
[    8.282450] Out of memory and no killable processes...
[    8.283825] Kernel panic - not syncing: System is deadlocked on memory

Signed-off-by: leishaoting <>

Signed-off-by: Philip Li <>
1 file changed
tree: a88e40f0daa5b12726960fbb2868e5e65e35492c
  1. allot/
  2. bin/
  3. cluster/
  4. daemon/
  5. distro/
  6. doc/
  7. etc/
  8. filters/
  9. hosts/
  10. include/
  11. jobs/
  12. lib/
  13. lkp-exec/
  14. mailing-list/
  15. monitors/
  16. pack/
  17. params/
  18. pkg/
  19. plot/
  20. repo/
  21. rootfs/
  22. sbin/
  23. setup/
  24. spec/
  25. stats/
  26. tests/
  27. tools/
  28. .gitignore
  29. .rubocop.yml
  30. _config.yml
  32. Gemfile
  33. Makefile
  34. Rakefile

Linux Kernel Performance tests

Getting started

	git clone

	cd lkp-tests
	make install

	lkp help

Install packages for a job

	# browse and select a job you want to run, for example, jobs/hackbench.yaml
	ls lkp-tests/jobs
	# install the common dependencies for lkp
	lkp install

Run one atomic job

	lkp split-job lkp-tests/jobs/hackbench.yaml
	# output is:
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-1600%-process-pipe.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-1600%-process-socket.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-1600%-threads-pipe.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-1600%-threads-socket.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-50%-process-pipe.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-50%-process-socket.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-50%-threads-pipe.yaml
	# jobs/hackbench.yaml => ./hackbench-50%-threads-socket.yaml

	# install the remaining dependencies for the splited job
	lkp install ./hackbench-50%-threads-socket.yaml

	lkp run ./hackbench-50%-threads-socket.yaml

Run your own benchmarks

To run your own benchmarks that are not part of lkp-tests, you can use mytest job.

	lkp split-job lkp-tests/jobs/mytest.yaml
	# output is:
	# jobs/mytest.yaml => ./mytest-defaults.yaml
	lkp run ./mytest-defaults.yaml -- <command> <argument> ...

Check result

	lkp result hackbench

Supported Distributions

Most test cases should install/run well in

  • Debian sid
  • Archlinux
  • CentOS7

There is however some initial support for:

  • OpenSUSE:
    • jobs/trinity.yaml
  • Fedora
  • Clear Linux(>=22640)

As for now, lkp-tests still needs to run as root.

Adding distribution support

If you want to add support for your Linux distribution you will need an installer file which allows us to install dependencies per job. For examples look at: distro/installer/* files.

Since packages can have different names we provide an adaptation mapping for a base Ubuntu package (since development started with that) to your own distribution package name, for example adaptation files see: distro/adaptation/*. For now adaptation files must have the architecture dependent packages (ie, that ends with the postfix :i386) towards the end of the adaptation file.

You will also want to add a case for your distribution on sync_distro_sources() on the file lib/


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request