blob: 2f30fc8c6c65285e4f5852a3f91980add5661357 [file] [log] [blame]
* arch/ppc/boot/spruce/misc.c
* Misc. bootloader code for IBM Spruce reference platform
* Authors: Johnnie Peters <>
* Matt Porter <>
* Derived from arch/ppc/boot/prep/misc.c
* 2000-2001 (c) MontaVista, Software, Inc. This file is licensed under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. This program
* is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any kind, whether express
* or implied.
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/elf.h>
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <asm/processor.h>
#include <asm/mmu.h>
#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#define CMDLINE ""
/* Define some important locations of the Spruce. */
#define SPRUCE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR 0xfec00000
#define SPRUCE_PCI_CONFIG_DATA 0xfec00004
#define SPRUCE_ISA_IO_BASE 0xf8000000
unsigned long com_port;
char *avail_ram;
char *end_avail;
/* The linker tells us where the image is. */
extern char __image_begin, __image_end;
extern char __ramdisk_begin, __ramdisk_end;
extern char _end[];
char cmd_preset[] = CMDLINE;
char cmd_buf[256];
char *cmd_line = cmd_buf;
unsigned long initrd_size = 0;
char *zimage_start;
int zimage_size;
extern void udelay(long);
extern void puts(const char *);
extern void putc(const char c);
extern void puthex(unsigned long val);
extern int getc(void);
extern int tstc(void);
extern void gunzip(void *, int, unsigned char *, int *);
extern unsigned long serial_init(int chan, void *ignored);
/* PCI configuration space access routines. */
unsigned int *pci_config_address = (unsigned int *)SPRUCE_PCI_CONFIG_ADDR;
unsigned char *pci_config_data = (unsigned char *)SPRUCE_PCI_CONFIG_DATA;
void cpc700_pcibios_read_config_byte(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned char *val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
*val= (in_le32((unsigned *)pci_config_data) >> (8 * (offset & 3))) & 0xff;
void cpc700_pcibios_write_config_byte(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned char val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
out_8(pci_config_data + (offset&3), val);
void cpc700_pcibios_read_config_word(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned short *val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
*val= in_le16((unsigned short *)(pci_config_data + (offset&3)));
void cpc700_pcibios_write_config_word(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned short val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
out_le16((unsigned short *)(pci_config_data + (offset&3)), val);
void cpc700_pcibios_read_config_dword(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned int *val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
*val= in_le32((unsigned *)pci_config_data);
void cpc700_pcibios_write_config_dword(unsigned char bus, unsigned char dev_fn,
unsigned char offset, unsigned int val)
(((bus & 0xff)<<16) | (dev_fn<<8) | (offset&0xfc) | 0x80000000));
out_le32((unsigned *)pci_config_data, val);
unsigned long isa_io_base = SPRUCE_ISA_IO_BASE;
#define PCNET32_WIO_RDP 0x10
#define PCNET32_WIO_RAP 0x12
#define PCNET32_WIO_RESET 0x14
#define PCNET32_DWIO_RDP 0x10
#define PCNET32_DWIO_RAP 0x14
#define PCNET32_DWIO_RESET 0x18
/* Processor interface config register access */
#define PIFCFGADDR 0xff500000
#define PIFCFGDATA 0xff500004
#define PLBMIFOPT 0x18 /* PLB Master Interface Options */
#define MEM_MBEN 0x24
#define MEM_TYPE 0x28
#define MEM_B1SA 0x3c
#define MEM_B1EA 0x5c
#define MEM_B2SA 0x40
#define MEM_B2EA 0x60
unsigned long
load_kernel(unsigned long load_addr, int num_words, unsigned long cksum)
int timer = 0;
char ch;
char *cp;
int loop;
int csr0;
int csr_id;
volatile int *mem_addr = (int *)0xff500008;
volatile int *mem_data = (int *)0xff50000c;
int mem_size = 0;
unsigned long mem_mben;
unsigned long mem_type;
unsigned long mem_start;
unsigned long mem_end;
volatile int *pif_addr = (int *)0xff500000;
volatile int *pif_data = (int *)0xff500004;
int pci_devfn;
int found_multi = 0;
unsigned short vendor;
unsigned short device;
unsigned short command;
unsigned char header_type;
unsigned int bar0;
/* Initialize the serial console port */
com_port = serial_init(0, NULL);
* Gah, these firmware guys need to learn that hardware
* byte swapping is evil! Disable all hardware byte
* swapping so it doesn't hurt anyone.
*pif_addr = PLBMIFOPT;
*pif_data = 0x00000000;
/* Get the size of memory from the memory controller. */
*mem_addr = MEM_MBEN;
mem_mben = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
*mem_addr = MEM_TYPE;
mem_type = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
*mem_addr = MEM_TYPE;
/* Confirm bank 1 has DRAM memory */
if ((mem_mben & 0x40000000) &&
((mem_type & 0x30000000) == 0x10000000)) {
*mem_addr = MEM_B1SA;
mem_start = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
*mem_addr = MEM_B1EA;
mem_end = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
mem_size = mem_end - mem_start + 0x100000;
/* Confirm bank 2 has DRAM memory */
if ((mem_mben & 0x20000000) &&
((mem_type & 0xc000000) == 0x4000000)) {
*mem_addr = MEM_B2SA;
mem_start = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
*mem_addr = MEM_B2EA;
mem_end = *mem_data;
for(loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++);
mem_size += mem_end - mem_start + 0x100000;
/* Search out and turn off the PcNet ethernet boot device. */
for (pci_devfn = 1; pci_devfn < 0xff; pci_devfn++) {
if (PCI_FUNC(pci_devfn) && !found_multi)
cpc700_pcibios_read_config_byte(0, pci_devfn,
PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &header_type);
if (!PCI_FUNC(pci_devfn))
found_multi = header_type & 0x80;
cpc700_pcibios_read_config_word(0, pci_devfn, PCI_VENDOR_ID,
if (vendor != 0xffff) {
cpc700_pcibios_read_config_word(0, pci_devfn,
PCI_DEVICE_ID, &device);
/* If this PCI device is the Lance PCNet board then turn it off */
if ((vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD) &&
(device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_LANCE)) {
/* Turn on I/O Space on the board. */
cpc700_pcibios_read_config_word(0, pci_devfn,
PCI_COMMAND, &command);
command |= 0x1;
cpc700_pcibios_write_config_word(0, pci_devfn,
PCI_COMMAND, command);
/* Get the I/O space address */
cpc700_pcibios_read_config_dword(0, pci_devfn,
bar0 &= 0xfffffffe;
/* Reset the PCNet Board */
inl (bar0+PCNET32_DWIO_RESET);
inw (bar0+PCNET32_WIO_RESET);
/* First do a work oriented read of csr0. If the value is
* 4 then this is the correct mode to access the board.
* If not try a double word ortiented read.
outw(0, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RAP);
csr0 = inw(bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RDP);
if (csr0 == 4) {
/* Check the Chip id register */
outw(88, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RAP);
csr_id = inw(bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RDP);
if (csr_id) {
/* This is the valid mode - set the stop bit */
outw(0, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RAP);
outw(csr0, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RDP);
} else {
outl(0, bar0 + PCNET32_DWIO_RAP);
csr0 = inl(bar0 + PCNET32_DWIO_RDP);
if (csr0 == 4) {
/* Check the Chip id register */
outl(88, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RAP);
csr_id = inl(bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RDP);
if (csr_id) {
/* This is the valid mode - set the stop bit*/
outl(0, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RAP);
outl(csr0, bar0 + PCNET32_WIO_RDP);
/* assume the chunk below 8M is free */
end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
* We link ourself to 0x00800000. When we run, we relocate
* ourselves there. So we just need __image_begin for the
* start. -- Tom
zimage_start = (char *)(unsigned long)(&__image_begin);
zimage_size = (unsigned long)(&__image_end) -
(unsigned long)(&__image_begin);
initrd_size = (unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_end) -
(unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin);
* The zImage and initrd will be between start and _end, so they've
* already been moved once. We're good to go now. -- Tom
avail_ram = (char *)PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned long)_end);
puts("zimage at: "); puthex((unsigned long)zimage_start);
puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(zimage_size+zimage_start));
if ( initrd_size ) {
puts("initrd at: ");
puthex((unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin));
puts(" "); puthex((unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_end));puts("\n");
avail_ram = (char *)0x00400000;
end_avail = (char *)0x00800000;
puts("avail ram: "); puthex((unsigned long)avail_ram); puts(" ");
puthex((unsigned long)end_avail); puts("\n");
/* Display standard Linux/PPC boot prompt for kernel args */
puts("\nLinux/PPC load: ");
cp = cmd_line;
memcpy (cmd_line, cmd_preset, sizeof(cmd_preset));
while ( *cp )
* If they have a console, allow them to edit the command line.
* Otherwise, don't bother wasting the five seconds.
while (timer++ < 5*1000) {
if (tstc()) {
while ((ch = getc()) != '\n' && ch != '\r') {
if (ch == '\b') {
if (cp != cmd_line) {
puts("\b \b");
} else {
*cp++ = ch;
break; /* Exit 'timer' loop */
udelay(1000); /* 1 msec */
*cp = 0;
puts("Uncompressing Linux...");
gunzip(0, 0x400000, zimage_start, &zimage_size);
struct bi_record *rec;
unsigned long initrd_loc;
unsigned long rec_loc = _ALIGN((unsigned long)(zimage_size) +
(1 << 20) - 1, (1 << 20));
rec = (struct bi_record *)rec_loc;
/* We need to make sure that the initrd and bi_recs do not
* overlap. */
if ( initrd_size ) {
initrd_loc = (unsigned long)(&__ramdisk_begin);
/* If the bi_recs are in the middle of the current
* initrd, move the initrd to the next MB
* boundary. */
if ((rec_loc > initrd_loc) &&
((initrd_loc + initrd_size)
> rec_loc)) {
initrd_loc = _ALIGN((unsigned long)(zimage_size)
+ (2 << 20) - 1, (2 << 20));
memmove((void *)initrd_loc, &__ramdisk_begin,
puts("initrd moved: "); puthex(initrd_loc);
puts(" "); puthex(initrd_loc + initrd_size);
rec->tag = BI_FIRST;
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
rec->tag = BI_BOOTLOADER_ID;
memcpy( (void *)rec->data, "spruceboot", 11);
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + 10 + 1;
rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
rec->tag = BI_MEMSIZE;
rec->data[0] = mem_size;
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + sizeof(unsigned long);
rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
rec->tag = BI_CMD_LINE;
memcpy( (char *)rec->data, cmd_line, strlen(cmd_line)+1);
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + strlen(cmd_line) + 1;
rec = (struct bi_record *)((ulong)rec + rec->size);
if ( initrd_size ) {
rec->tag = BI_INITRD;
rec->data[0] = initrd_loc;
rec->data[1] = initrd_size;
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + 2 *
sizeof(unsigned long);
rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec +
rec->tag = BI_LAST;
rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
puts("Now booting the kernel\n");
return 0;