blob: 609b2123d4bd71bd3643641afaaa29f754d00617 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#define LLC_MODULE
typedef struct llc_struct llc;
typedef struct llc_struct *llcptr;
* LLC private data area structure.
struct llc_struct
char eye[4]; /* To recognize llc area in dump */
int retry_count; /* LLC link state variables */
unsigned char name[9]; /* name of this llc instance */
unsigned char s_flag;
unsigned char p_flag;
unsigned char f_flag;
unsigned char data_flag;
unsigned char cause_flag;
unsigned char vs; /* Send state variable */
unsigned char vr; /* Receive state variable */
unsigned char remote_busy;
unsigned char state; /* Current state of type2 llc procedure */
int n1; /* Maximum number of bytes in I pdu 7.8.2 */
int n2; /* Naximum number of retransmissions 7.8.2 */
unsigned char k; /* Transmit window size 7.8.4, tw in IBM doc*/
unsigned char rw; /* Receive window size */
* FRMR_RSP info field structure: p55
unsigned char cntl1;
unsigned char cntl2;
unsigned char vs;
unsigned char vr_cr;
unsigned char xxyz;
} frmr_info_fld;
* Timers in 7.8.1 page 78
#define P_TIMER 0
#define REJ_TIMER 1
#define ACK_TIMER 2
#define BUSY_TIMER 3
unsigned long timer_expire_time[4];
unsigned char timer_state[4]; /* The state of each timer */
#define TIMER_IDLE 0
unsigned long timer_interval[4];
struct timer_list tl[4];
* Client entry point, called by the LLC.
void (*llc_event)(struct llc_struct *);
* Mux and Demux variables
char * client_data; /* Pointer to clients context */
unsigned char local_sap;
unsigned char remote_sap ;
char remote_mac[MAX_ADDR_LEN]; /* MAC address of remote session partner */
struct net_device *dev; /* Device we are attached to */
unsigned char llc_mode; /* See doc 7.1 on p70 */
#define MODE_ADM 1
#define MODE_ABM 2
int llc_callbacks; /* Pending callbacks */
#define LLC_CONN_INDICATION 1 /* We have to ensure the names don't */
#define LLC_CONN_CONFIRM 2 /* mix up with the 802 state table */
#define LLC_DATA_INDIC 4
#define LLC_RST_CONFIRM 64
#define LLC_FRMR_RECV 128
#define LLC_FRMR_SENT 256
#define LLC_REMOTE_BUSY 512
#define LLC_UI_DATA 8192
struct sk_buff *inc_skb; /* Saved data buffer for indications */
struct sk_buff_head rtq; /* Retransmit queue */
struct sk_buff_head atq; /* Await transit queue */
unsigned char xid_count;
struct llc_struct *nextllc; /* ptr to next llc struct in proto chain */
#define ADD_TO_RTQ(skb) skb_queue_tail(&lp->rtq,skb)
#define ADD_TO_ATQ(skb) skb_queue_tail(&lp->atq,skb)
void llc_cancel_timers(llcptr lp);
int llc_decode_frametype(frameptr fr);
llcptr llc_find(void);
int llc_free_acknowledged_skbs(llcptr lp, unsigned char ack);
void llc_handle_xid_indication( char *chsp, short int ll, char *xid_data);
void llc_interpret_pseudo_code(llcptr lp, int pc_label, struct sk_buff *skb, char type);
void llc_add_to_queue(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sk_buff **f, struct sk_buff **b);
void llc_process_otype2_frame(llcptr lp, struct sk_buff *skb, char type);
struct sk_buff *llc_pull_from_atq(llcptr lp);
int llc_resend_ipdu(llcptr lp, unsigned char ack_nr, unsigned char type, char p);
void llc_sendpdu(llcptr lp, char type, char pf, int data_len, char *pdu_data);
void llc_sendipdu(llcptr lp, char type, char pf, struct sk_buff *skb);
void llc_start_timer(llcptr lp, int t);
void llc_stop_timer(llcptr lp, int t);
void llc_timer_expired(llcptr lp, int t);
int llc_validate_seq_nos(llcptr lp, frameptr fr);
int llc_data_request(llcptr lp, struct sk_buff *skb);
void llc_unit_data_request(llcptr lp, int ll, char * data);
void llc_disconnect_request(llcptr lp);
void llc_connect_request(llcptr lp);
void llc_xid_request(llcptr lp, char opt, int data_len, char *pdu_data);
void llc_test_request(llcptr lp, int data_len, char *pdu_data);
int register_cl2llc_client(llcptr llc, const char *device, void (*ops)(llcptr), u8 *rmac, u8 ssap, u8 dsap);
void unregister_cl2llc_client(llcptr lp);
int llc_mac_data_indicate(llcptr lp, struct sk_buff *skb );