blob: 4328660bc04612e91bcaf15a80edb90abc93ac6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001 by David Brownell
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* USB Host Controller Driver (usb_hcd) framework
* Since "struct usb_bus" is so thin, you can't share much code in it.
* This framework is a layer over that, and should be more sharable.
struct usb_hcd { /* usb_bus.hcpriv points to this */
* housekeeping
struct usb_bus *bus; /* hcd is-a bus */
struct list_head hcd_list;
const char *product_desc;
const char *description; /* "ehci-hcd" etc */
struct timer_list rh_timer; /* drives root hub */
struct list_head dev_list; /* devices on this bus */
struct tq_struct work;
* hardware info/state
struct hc_driver *driver; /* hw-specific hooks */
int irq; /* irq allocated */
void *regs; /* device memory/io */
/* a few non-PCI controllers exist, mostly for OHCI */
struct pci_dev *pdev; /* pci is typical */
int region; /* pci region for regs */
u32 pci_state [16]; /* for PM state save */
atomic_t resume_count; /* multiple resumes issue */
int state;
# define __ACTIVE 0x01
# define __SLEEPY 0x02
# define __SUSPEND 0x04
# define __TRANSIENT 0x80
# define USB_STATE_HALT 0
#define HCD_IS_RUNNING(state) ((state) & __ACTIVE)
#define HCD_IS_SUSPENDED(state) ((state) & __SUSPEND)
/* more shared queuing code would be good; it should support
* smarter scheduling, handle transaction translators, etc;
* input size of periodic table to an interrupt scheduler.
* (ohci 32, uhci 1024, ehci 256/512/1024).
struct hcd_dev { /* usb_device.hcpriv points to this */
struct list_head dev_list; /* on this hcd */
struct list_head urb_list; /* pending on this dev */
/* per-configuration HC/HCD state, such as QH or ED */
void *ep[32];
// urb.hcpriv is really hardware-specific
struct hcd_timeout { /* timeouts we allocate */
struct list_head timeout_list;
struct timer_list timer;
/* each driver provides one of these, and hardware init support */
struct hc_driver {
const char *description; /* "ehci-hcd" etc */
/* irq handler */
void (*irq) (struct usb_hcd *hcd, struct pt_regs *regs);
int flags;
#define HCD_MEMORY 0x0001 /* HC regs use memory (else I/O) */
#define HCD_USB11 0x0010 /* USB 1.1 */
#define HCD_USB2 0x0020 /* USB 2.0 */
/* called to init HCD and root hub */
int (*start) (struct usb_hcd *hcd);
/* called after all devices were suspended */
int (*suspend) (struct usb_hcd *hcd, u32 state);
/* called before any devices get resumed */
int (*resume) (struct usb_hcd *hcd);
/* cleanly make HCD stop writing memory and doing I/O */
void (*stop) (struct usb_hcd *hcd);
/* return current frame number */
int (*get_frame_number) (struct usb_hcd *hcd);
// FIXME: rework generic-to-specific HCD linkage (specific contains generic)
/* memory lifecycle */
struct usb_hcd *(*hcd_alloc) (void);
void (*hcd_free) (struct usb_hcd *hcd);
/* manage i/o requests, device state */
int (*urb_enqueue) (struct usb_hcd *hcd, struct urb *urb,
int mem_flags);
int (*urb_dequeue) (struct usb_hcd *hcd, struct urb *urb);
// frees configuration resources -- allocated as needed during
// urb_enqueue, and not freed by urb_dequeue
void (*free_config) (struct usb_hcd *hcd,
struct usb_device *dev);
/* root hub support */
int (*hub_status_data) (struct usb_hcd *hcd, char *buf);
int (*hub_control) (struct usb_hcd *hcd,
u16 typeReq, u16 wValue, u16 wIndex,
char *buf, u16 wLength);
extern void usb_hcd_giveback_urb (struct usb_hcd *hcd, struct urb *urb,
struct pt_regs *regs);
struct pci_device_id;
extern int usb_hcd_pci_probe (struct pci_dev *dev,
const struct pci_device_id *id);
extern void usb_hcd_pci_remove (struct pci_dev *dev);
#ifdef CONFIG_PM
// FIXME: see Documentation/power/pci.txt (2.4.6 and later?)
// extern int usb_hcd_pci_save_state (struct pci_dev *dev, u32 state);
extern int usb_hcd_pci_suspend (struct pci_dev *dev, u32 state);
extern int usb_hcd_pci_resume (struct pci_dev *dev);
// extern int usb_hcd_pci_enable_wake (struct pci_dev *dev, u32 state, int flg);
#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
* HCD Root Hub support
#include "hub.h"
/* (shifted) direction/type/recipient from the USB 2.0 spec, table 9.2 */
#define DeviceRequest \
#define DeviceOutRequest \
#define InterfaceRequest \
#define EndpointRequest \
#define EndpointOutRequest \
/* table 9.6 standard features */
/* class requests from the USB 2.0 hub spec, table 11-15 */
/* GetBusState and SetHubDescriptor are optional, omitted */
#define ClearHubFeature (0x2000 | USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE)
#define ClearPortFeature (0x2300 | USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE)
#define GetHubDescriptor (0xa000 | USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR)
#define GetHubStatus (0xa000 | USB_REQ_GET_STATUS)
#define GetPortStatus (0xa300 | USB_REQ_GET_STATUS)
#define SetHubFeature (0x2000 | USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE)
#define SetPortFeature (0x2300 | USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE)
* Generic bandwidth allocation constants/support
#define FRAME_TIME_USECS 1000L
#define BitTime(bytecount) (7 * 8 * bytecount / 6) /* with integer truncation */
/* Trying not to use worst-case bit-stuffing
of (7/6 * 8 * bytecount) = 9.33 * bytecount */
/* bytecount = data payload byte count */
#define NS_TO_US(ns) ((ns + 500L) / 1000L)
/* convert & round nanoseconds to microseconds */
extern void usb_claim_bandwidth (struct usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb,
int bustime, int isoc);
extern void usb_release_bandwidth (struct usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb,
int isoc);
* Full/low speed bandwidth allocation constants/support.
#define BW_HOST_DELAY 1000L /* nanoseconds */
#define BW_HUB_LS_SETUP 333L /* nanoseconds */
/* 4 full-speed bit times (est.) */
#define FRAME_TIME_BITS 12000L /* frame = 1 millisecond */
extern int usb_check_bandwidth (struct usb_device *dev, struct urb *urb);
* Ceiling microseconds (typical) for that many bytes at high speed
* ISO is a bit less, no ACK ... from USB 2.0 spec, 5.11.3 (and needed
* to preallocate bandwidth)
#define USB2_HOST_DELAY 5 /* nsec, guess */
#define HS_USECS(bytes) NS_TO_US ( ((55 * 8 * 2083)/1000) \
+ ((2083UL * (3167 + BitTime (bytes)))/1000) \
#define HS_USECS_ISO(bytes) NS_TO_US ( ((long)(38 * 8 * 2.083)) \
+ ((2083UL * (3167 + BitTime (bytes)))/1000) \
extern long usb_calc_bus_time (int speed, int is_input,
int isoc, int bytecount);
/* hub.h ... DeviceRemovable in 2.4.2-ac11, gone in 2.4.10 */
// bleech -- resurfaced in 2.4.11 or 2.4.12
#define bitmap DeviceRemovable
/* random stuff */
#define RUN_CONTEXT (in_irq () ? "in_irq" \
: (in_interrupt () ? "in_interrupt" : "can sleep"))
/* 2.5 changes ... */
#ifndef container_of
#define container_of list_entry
#define usb_get_urb(x) (x)
#define usb_put_urb(x)
static inline struct usb_bus *hcd_to_bus (struct usb_hcd *hcd)
{ return hcd->bus; }
static inline void
usb_hub_tt_clear_buffer (struct usb_device *dev, int pipe)
{ }