blob: b7261191fc1e4c9c6cf678e02db512dd08c241fa [file] [log] [blame]
eBPF toy code examples (running in kernel) to familiarize yourself
with syntax and features:
- BTF defined map examples
- bpf_graft.c -> Demo on altering runtime behaviour
- bpf_shared.c -> Ingress/egress map sharing example
- bpf_map_in_map.c -> Using map in map example
- legacy struct bpf_elf_map defined map examples
- legacy/bpf_shared.c -> Ingress/egress map sharing example
- legacy/bpf_tailcall.c -> Using tail call chains
- legacy/bpf_cyclic.c -> Simple cycle as tail calls
- legacy/bpf_graft.c -> Demo on altering runtime behaviour
- legacy/bpf_map_in_map.c -> Using map in map example
Note: Users should use new BTF way to defined the maps, the examples
in legacy folder which is using struct bpf_elf_map defined maps is not