Update triggering and tagging mechanic

Instead of using "bugbot on" and "bugbot assign", use phrases that are
less likely to be false-positives:

    bugspray track
    bugspray tag [user,product/component,subsystem]

Signed-off-by: Konstantin Ryabitsev <konstantin@linuxfoundation.org>
3 files changed
tree: f92902feaf86198ec8e5fd8f71a2e36c663e195b
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .vale.ini
  4. bugspray.sh
  6. default.config.toml
  7. pyproject.toml
  8. README.md
  9. requirements.in
  10. requirements.txt
  11. TODO.otl

Public-Inbox Bugzilla Integration Bot

This is the source for the kernel.org bugbot, currently in the early stages of testing and roll-out.