blob: 7ec56c60e9afa5da4c958753ec6ba46e15fd67e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Dynamic array, to store all your flims in Includes macros required
* to create an array of strings but as the primitive type for the
* array is void * providing your own duplicate_primitive and
* destroy_primitive functions will allow you to use the dynamic_array
* API to have a dynamic array containing any primitive
* Authors: Horms <>
* Released under the terms of the GNU GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
* Default blocking size for dynamic array
* can be overriden when array is created
/* #defines to destroy and dupilcate strings */
#define DESTROY_STR (void (*)(void *s))free
#define DUP_STR (void *(*)(const void *s))strdup
#define DISPLAY_STR (void (*)(char *d, void *s))strcpy
#define LEN_STR (size_t (*)(void *s))strlen
typedef struct {
void **vector;
size_t count;
size_t allocated_size;
size_t block_size;
} dynamic_array_t;
* dynamic_array_create
* Create a dynamic array
* pre: block_size: blocking size to use.
* block_size is 0
* Block size refers to how many elements are prealocated
* each time the array is grown.
* return: An empty dynamic array
* NULL on error
extern dynamic_array_t *dynamic_array_create(size_t block_size);
* dynamic_array_destroy
* Free an array an all the elements held within
* pre: a: array to destroy
* destroy_element: pointer to funtion to destroy array elements
* Function should take an argument of a pointer
* and free the memory allocated to the structure
* pointed to.
* post: array is freed and destroy_element is called for all elements
* of the array.
* Nothing if a is NULL
void dynamic_array_destroy(dynamic_array_t * a,
void (*destroy_element) (void *));
* dynamic_array_add_element
* Add an element to a dynamic array
* pre: a: dynamic array to add element to
* e: element to add
* destroy_element: pointer to a function to destroy an element
* passed to dynamic_array_destroy on error
* duplicate_element: pointer to a function to duplicate an
* element should take a pointer to an element
* to duplicate as the only element and return
* a copy of the element Any memory allocation
* required should be done by this function.
* post: element in inserted in the first unused position in the array
* array size is increased by a->block_size if there is
* insufficient room in the array to add the element.
* Nothing is done if e is NULL
* return: a on success
* NULL if a is NULL or an error occurs
dynamic_array_t *dynamic_array_add_element(dynamic_array_t * a,
const void *e,
void (*destroy_element) (void
*(*duplicate_element) (const
* dynamic_array_display
* Print the contents of a dynamic array to a string
* pre: a: dynamic array to display
* delimiter: character to place between elements of the array
* display_element: pointer to a function to display an element
* element_length: pointer to a function to return the
* length of an element
* post: If a is NULL or there are no elements in a then nothing is done
* Else a character buffer is alocated and the contents
* of each array element, separated by delimiter is placed
* in the '\0' termintated buffer returned. It is up to the
* user to free this buffer.
* return: Allocated buffer as above
* NULL on error, NULL a or empty a
char *dynamic_array_display(dynamic_array_t * a,
char delimiter,
void (*display_element) (char *, void *),
size_t(*element_length) (void *)
* dynamic_array_get_element
* Get an element from an array
* pre: a: array to retrieve element from
* elementno: index element in array to retrieve
* post: no change is made to a
* return: element requested
* NULL if element is beyond the number of elements in the arary
void *dynamic_array_get_element(dynamic_array_t * a, size_t elementno);
* dynamic_array_get_count
* Get the number of elements in the array
* pre: array to find the number of elements in
* return: number of elements in the array
* -1 if a is NULL
size_t dynamic_array_get_count(dynamic_array_t * a);
* dynamic_array_get_vector
* Get the array contained in the dynamic array
* pre: array to find the vector of
* return: vector
* NULL if a is NULL
void *dynamic_array_get_vector(dynamic_array_t * a);
* dynamic_array_split_str
* Split a string into substrings on a delimiter
* pre: str: string to split
* delimiter: character to split string on
* post: string is split.
* Note: The string is modified.
* return: dynamic array containing sub_strings
* NULL on error
* string being NULL is an error state
dynamic_array_t *dynamic_array_split_str(char *string,
const char delimiter);