kmod - module management

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  2. a3467eb ci: Add configure tests for dlopen by Lucas De Marchi · 8 days ago
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kmod - Linux kernel module handling


kmod is a set of tools to handle common tasks with Linux kernel modules like insert, remove, list, check properties, resolve dependencies and aliases.

These tools are designed on top of libkmod, a library that is shipped with kmod. See libkmod/README for more details on this library and how to use it. The aim is to be compatible with tools, configurations and indexes from module-init-tools project.


Compilation and installation

In order to compile the source code you need the following software packages:

  • GCC/CLANG compiler
  • GNU C library / musl / uClibc

Optional dependencies, required with the default build configuration:

  • ZLIB library
  • LZMA library
  • ZSTD library
  • OPENSSL library (signature handling in modinfo)

Typical configuration and installation

meson setup builddir/
meson compile -C builddir/
sudo meson install -C builddir/

For end-user and distributions builds, it's recommended to use:

meson setup --buildtype release builddir/

Alternatively you can try autotools build. NOTE: The autotools build is slated for removal with kmod v35

./configure CFLAGS="-g -O2" --prefix=/usr \
            --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/usr/lib
make && make install


When working on kmod, use the included build-dev.ini file, as:

meson setup --native-file build-dev.ini builddir/

Make sure to read our contributing guide and the other READMEs: libkmod and testsuite.

Compatibility with module-init-tools

kmod replaced module-init-tools, which was EOL'ed in 2011. All the tools were rewritten on top of libkmod and they can be used as drop in replacements. Along the years there were a few behavior changes and new features implemented, following feedback from Linux kernel community and distros.