blob: db30635a04885f1f5a6d96811955a27f2b105892 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2010 - 2013 David Sommerseth <>
import os
import libxml2
from rteval.systopology import SysTopology
class CPUtopology:
"Retrieves an overview over the installed CPU cores and the system topology"
def __init__(self, root="/"):
self.sysdir = os.path.join(root, 'sys', 'devices', 'system', 'cpu')
self.__cputop_n = None
self.__cpu_cores = 0
self.__online_cores = 0
self.__isolated_cores = 0
self.__cpu_sockets = 0
def __read(self, dirname, fname):
fp = open(os.path.join(self.sysdir, dirname, fname), 'r')
data = fp.readline()
if len(data) > 0:
ret = int(data)
ret = 0
return ret
def _parse(self):
"Parses the cpu topology information from /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*"
self.__cputop_n = libxml2.newNode('CPUtopology')
# Get list of isolated CPUs from SysTopology
systopology = SysTopology()
isolated_cpus = {'cpu' + n for n in systopology.isolated_cpus_str()}
cpusockets = []
for dirname in os.listdir(self.sysdir):
# Only parse directories which starts with 'cpu'
if (dirname.find('cpu', 0) == 0) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.sysdir, dirname)):
# Make sure we only parse "proper" cpu<integer> directories, and not f.ex. 'cpuidle'
except ValueError:
# Parse contents of the cpu dir
for cpudir in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.sysdir, dirname)):
# Check if it is a proper CPU directory which should contain an 'online' file
# except on 'cpu0' which cannot be offline'd
if (cpudir.find('online', 0) == 0) or dirname == 'cpu0':
cpu_n = self.__cputop_n.newChild(None, 'cpu', None)
cpu_n.newProp('name', dirname)
online = (dirname == 'cpu0') and 1 or self.__read(dirname, 'online')
cpu_n.newProp('online', str(online))
self.__cpu_cores += 1
# Check if the CPU is online, if it is, grab more info available
if online == 1:
self.__online_cores += 1
cpu_n.newProp('core_id', \
str(self.__read(os.path.join(dirname, \
'topology'), 'core_id')))
phys_pkg_id = self.__read(os.path.join(dirname, 'topology'),
cpu_n.newProp('physical_package_id', str(phys_pkg_id))
is_isolated = dirname in isolated_cpus
if is_isolated:
self.__isolated_cores += 1
cpu_n.newProp('isolated', str(int(dirname in isolated_cpus)))
# Count unique CPU sockets
lastsock = None
sockcnt = 0
for sck in cpusockets:
if sck != lastsock:
lastsock = sck
sockcnt += 1
self.__cpu_sockets = sockcnt
# Summarise the core counts
self.__cputop_n.newProp('num_cpu_cores', str(self.__cpu_cores))
self.__cputop_n.newProp('num_cpu_cores_online', str(self.__online_cores))
self.__cputop_n.newProp('num_cpu_cores_isolated', str(self.__isolated_cores))
self.__cputop_n.newProp('num_cpu_sockets', str(self.__cpu_sockets))
return self.__cputop_n
def MakeReport(self):
return self.__cputop_n
def cpu_getCores(self, only_online):
return only_online and self.__online_cores or self.__cpu_cores
def cpu_getSockets(self):
return self.__cpu_sockets
def unit_test(rootdir):
cputop = CPUtopology()
n = cputop._parse()
print(" ---- XML Result ---- ")
x = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
x.saveFormatFileEnc('-', 'UTF-8', 1)
print(" ---- getCPUcores() / getCPUscokets() ---- ")
print(f"CPU cores: {cputop.cpu_getCores(False)} (online: {cputop.cpu_getCores(True)}) - CPU sockets: {cputop.cpu_getSockets()}")
return 0
except Exception as e:
# import traceback
# traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
print("** EXCEPTION %s", str(e))
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':