blob: a469eebe73a5043f72457cecbf55b58c23cb0396 [file] [log] [blame]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Copyright 2001 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139,
## USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version; incorporated herein by reference.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Makefile for mkzftree
## mkzftree mirrors a tree in a form suitable for "mkisofs -z".
-include MCONFIG
include MRULES
PROGS = mkzftree
MAN1PAGES = mkzftree.1
OBJS = mkzftree.o walk.o workers.o util.o hash.o iso9660.o \
compress.o uncompress.o
all: $(PROGS)
rm -f *.o *.i *.s version.h $(PROGS)
distclean: clean
rm -f MCONFIG config.status config.cache config.log config.h *~ \#*
rm -f core *.orig *.rej
mkzftree: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o mkzftree $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
spotless: distclean
rm -f configure
install: all
mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(bindir)
mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(mandir)/man1
config: MCONFIG
MCONFIG: configure
config.h: MCONFIG
: Generated by side effect
configure: aclocal.m4
rm -f MCONFIG config.cache config.log config.status config.h
# Version header
VERSION = $(shell cat version)
version.h: version
echo "#define ZISOFS_TOOLS_VERSION \"$(VERSION)\"" > version.h
# Dependencies
mkzftree.o: mkzftree.c mkzftree.h config.h version.h
workers.o: workers.c mkzftree.h config.h
compress.o: compress.c mkzftree.h config.h iso9660.h
hash.o: hash.c mkzftree.h config.h
iso9660.o: iso9660.c iso9660.h
uncompress.o: uncompress.c mkzftree.h config.h iso9660.h
util.o: util.c mkzftree.h config.h
walk.o: walk.c mkzftree.h config.h
workers.o: workers.c mkzftree.h config.h