rteval: hackbench.py: Do not sleep if hackbench fails from memory errors

Do not sleep if hackbench fails to launch due to out-of-memory errors.
This can cause rteval to execute correctly without applying a full
stress load. Instead, exit gracefully

Signed-off-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
diff --git a/rteval/modules/loads/hackbench.py b/rteval/modules/loads/hackbench.py
index 8456a24..9d3f6c8 100644
--- a/rteval/modules/loads/hackbench.py
+++ b/rteval/modules/loads/hackbench.py
@@ -150,14 +150,10 @@
             except OSError, e:
                 if e.errno != errno.ENOMEM:
                     raise e
-                # Catch out-of-memory errors and wait a bit to (hopefully)
-                # ease memory pressure
-                self._log(Log.DEBUG, "ERROR: %s, sleeping for %f seconds" % (e.strerror, self.__err_sleep))
-                time.sleep(self.__err_sleep)
-                if self.__err_sleep < 60.0:
-                    self.__err_sleep *= 2.0
-                if self.__err_sleep > 60.0:
-                    self.__err_sleep = 60.0
+                # Exit gracefully without a traceback for out-of-memory errors
+                self._log(Log.DEBUG, "ERROR, ENOMEM while trying to launch hackbench")
+                print("out-of-memory trying to launch hackbench, exiting")
+                sys.exit(-1)
     def WorkloadAlive(self):