blob: bb49e1754a4036897cdebc9a784de3883b6f2d18 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007,2010
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, see <>.
#ifndef _BGP_SPI_LINUX_INTERFACE_H_ /* Prevent multiple inclusion */
/*! \brief Returns the physical processor ID of the running PPC450 core.
* \return Physical processor ID
* \retval 0 Running on processor 0
* \retval 1 Running on processor 1
* \retval 2 Running on processor 2
* \retval 3 Running on processor 3
extern inline uint32_t Kernel_PhysicalProcessorID( void ) { return 0; } /* ?????? */
/*! \brief Causes a commthread to disappear from the runqueue
* \note Kernel does not guarantee that the instruction pointer, stack pointer, and register state are preserved across a poof.
* \note TLS data is preserved across a poof
* \note This SPI is only executable on a comm. thread.
* \warning non-portable pthread API
* \return error indication
* \retval success Does not return. Thread has "poofed"
* \retval -1 Calling thread is not a CommThread, so cannot poof
int pthread_poof_np( void );
* \brief Clears the Full Reception FIFO (DD1 workaround)
* This function exists to reset the DMA reception fifos - it is a workaround for DD1 only. It should not be needed in DD2.
* \retval 0 Successful
* \retval error_value An error value defined in the _BGP_RAS_DMA_ErrCodes
* enum located in bgp/arch/include/common/bgp_ras.h
int Kernel_ClearFullReceptionFifo(void);
/*! \brief Generates an InterruptID value
* \param[in] group group of the interrupt. range 0-9.
* \param[in] irq_in_group irq within the group. range 0-31.
* \return Composite value able to be passed to Kernel_SetCommThreadConfig
* \see Kernel_SetCommThreadConfig
#define Kernel_MkInterruptID(group, irq_in_group) ((group<<5)|(irq_in_group&0x1f))
* \brief Communication Thread interrupt handler function prototype
* \param[in] arg1 1st argument to commthread
* \param[in] arg2 2nd argument to commthread
* \param[in] arg3 3rd argument to commthread
typedef void (*Kernel_CommThreadHandler)(uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint32_t arg3, uint32_t arg4);
* \brief Interrupt Group Prototype
* This data type is used to group interrupts of various devices together
* so they can be enabled or disabled simultaneously. A given interrupt user
* (eg. messaging, QCD, etc) specifies a value of this data type when its
* interrupt resources are allocated. The kernel associates those resources
* with the specified value so when this value is specified on the enable or
* disable interupts system call, all of the interrupts in the group are
* operated upon. Examples of devices that can be grouped in this way include
* DMA fifos, torus, tree, etc.
* \todo The kernel should provide interfaces to allocate a
* Kernel_InterruptGroup_t and deallocate it.
typedef void * Kernel_InterruptGroup_t;
/*! \defgroup COMMTHRD_OPCODES CommThread Opcodes
* \{
* \note Only 1 interrupt route can be specified per opcode
* \note CallFunc, DisableIntOnEntry, EnableIntOnPoof can be specified in any combination
* \note Current support requires that DisableIntOnEntry and EnableIntOnPoof be specified
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_DISABLE 0x00 /* !< Interrupt route - Not routed / interrupt disabled */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_CORE0 0x01 /* !< Interrupt route - Dispatched on core0 */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_CORE1 0x02 /* !< Interrupt route - Dispatched on core1 */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_CORE2 0x03 /* !< Interrupt route - Dispatched on core2 */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_CORE3 0x04 /* !< Interrupt route - Dispatched on core3 */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_BCAST 0x05 /* !< Interrupt route - Dispatched on all cores */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_ROUTEMASK 0x0F /* !< Interrupt route mask */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_CALLFUNC 0x10 /* !< The provided function will be called on the comm. thread */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_DISABLEINTONENTRY 0x20 /* !< Interrupts using cntrid will be disabled when comm. thread is invoked */
#define COMMTHRD_OPCODE_ENABLEINTONPOOF 0x40 /* !< Interrupts using cntrid will be enabled when comm. thread poofs */
* \brief Sets kernel data structures needed to dispatch a communications thread
* Each interrupt on BGP can be used to launch a communications thread. Since access to the
* interrupt controller is privileged, the function exposes some interrupt control to the
* user application.
* \pre Counter must have been allocated via the LockBox_AllocateCounter() routine.
* \pre It is recommended that Kernel_DisableInteruptClass() be called twice on the counter
* to ensure that the interrupt is disabled until all interrupts for the counter
* have been configured.
* \pre All
* \post After the last call to Kernel_SetCommThreadConfig for the counter, invoke
* Kernel_EnableInterruptClass() and Kernel_HardEnableInterruptClass() on
* that counter to enable the interrupts for that class.
* \see LockBox_AllocateCounter
* \see Kernel_DisableInterruptClass
* \see Kernel_EnableInterruptClass
* \see Kernel_HardEnableInterruptClass
* \note An interrupt can only belong to 1 interrupt class (a.k.a., lockbox counter)
* \note The effects of this function span the entire node regardless of SMP, Dual, or VNM settings.
* \note Kernel may prevent changing interrupt settings for certain InterruptID values.
* \note If an interrupt fires on a core without a comm. thread, results are not guaranteed.
* \return Completion status of the command.
* \retval 0 no error occurred
* \retval EINVAL invalid parameter
* \param[in] InterruptID Identifies a unique interrupt line. \see Kernel_MkInterruptID
* \param[in] opcode Specifies what operation to perform when the interrupt occurs. Valid \ref COMMTHRD_OPCODES
* \param[in] cntrid ID of the lockbox counter used for interrupt enable/disable control
* \param[in] funcptr Function pointer that will be invoked when the interrupt fires
* \param[in] arg1 1st argument to the funcptr when the interrupt fires
* \param[in] arg2 2nd argument to the funcptr when the interrupt fires
* \param[in] arg3 3rd argument to the funcptr when the interrupt fires
typedef uint32_t* LockBox_Counter_t; /*!< Counter ID definition */
int Kernel_SetCommThreadConfig(int InterruptID,
int opcode,
LockBox_Counter_t cntrid,
Kernel_CommThreadHandler funcptr,
uint32_t arg1,
uint32_t arg2,
uint32_t arg3,
uint32_t arg4);
/*! \brief Indicates that the kernel should disable the interrupt
* Updates the interrupt class's lockbox to indicate that the kernel should disable the interrupt.
* Kernel will disable the interrupt at its leisure, but it should ensure that no communications thread
* is invoked for that interrupt class.
* The lockbox values have the following meanings:
* 0: Interrupts for this classid are enabled
* 1: Interrupts for this classid are logically disabled.
* If an interrupt occurs, the kernel will hard-disable them and ignore the interrupt.
* 2: Interrupts for this classid are hard-disabled. The interrupt will not disturb the core.
* \note The effects of this function span the entire node regardless of SMP, Dual, or VNM settings.
* \note Do not disable an already disabled interrupt class.
* \note A disabled interrupt class is disabled for all 4 cores, regardless of mode.
* \param[in] classid An allocated lockbox that is being used to control a set of interrupt enable/disable lines
uint32_t Kernel_DisableInterruptClass(LockBox_Counter_t classid);
* \brief Enables/Disables the counter overflow/underflow interrupts
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that can enable or disable the 4 counter overflow/underflow interrupts
* \param[in] enable/disable boolean
* \retval 0 Successful
* \retval error_value An error value defined in the _BGP_RAS_DMA_ErrCodes
* enum located in bgp/arch/include/common/bgp_ras.h
int Kernel_ChgCounterInterruptEnables(uint32_t enable);
/* int rts_get_personality( void * pers, size_t size ); */
* \brief Update mapping info about physically contigouos application memory regions
* ( used only in HPC mode )
int Kernel_UpdateAppSegmentInfo(void);
* \brief Internal helper function for virtual to physical address translation
int User_Virtual2Physical(unsigned long vaddr, /* 32bit Virtual start address */
size_t vsize, /* size in bytes of virtual range */
uint32_t *ua_out, /* upper 4 Physical Address bits */
uint32_t *pa_out );
/*! \brief Translate a 32bit Virtual Address to a 36bit Physical Address, returning separated upper and lower parts.
* \param[in] pVA 32bit virtual address in the calling process
* \param[in] vsize size in bytes of the virtual range
* \param[out] ua_out upper 4 physical address bits
* \param[out] pa_out lower 32 physical address bits
* \return Error condition for translation
* \retval 0 Successful translation, with ua_out and pa_out filled in
* \retval -1 Invalid Virtual Address for this process, ua_out and pa_out unmodified.
* \retval -2 The range from vaddr to (vaddr+vsize) is not physically contiguous.
* \retval -3 vaddr in Scratch, but no Scratch, or not enough Scratch, is enabled.
* \retval -4 invalid parameter
* \warning Supports only Text, Data, Stack, and (optional) eDRAM Scratch translation
* \warning CNK "pagesize" is 1MB.
* \warning Text and Data are virtually contiguous, but not necessarily physically contiguous.
* \todo Does not (currently) support > 4GB DDR space.
* \todo Does not (currently) support Shared Memory Area.
int Kernel_Virtual2Physical( void *pVA, /* input: 32bit Virtual start address */
size_t vsize, /* input: size in bytes of virtual range */
uint32_t *ua_out, /* output: upper 4 Physical Address bits */
uint32_t *pa_out ); /* output: lower 32 Physical Address bits */
* \brief Query Free DMA Counter Subgroups within a Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that returns a list of the
* free (available) subgroups within the specified group.
* \param[in] type Specifies whether this is an injection or
* reception counter group (DMA_Type_Injection
* or DMA_Type_Reception)
* \param[in] grp Group number being queried (0 to
* \param[out] num_subgroups Pointer to an int where the number of free
* subgroups in the specified group is returned
* \param[out] subgroups Pointer to an array of num_subgroups ints where
* the list of num_subgroups subgroups is returned.
* Each int is the subgroup number
* caller must provide space for
* entire counter group is free.
* \retval 0 Successful. num_subgroups and subgroups array set as described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_CounterGroupQueryFree()
* \note The kernel may need to synchronize with other cores performing
* allocate or free syscalls.
uint32_t Kernel_CounterGroupQueryFree(uint32_t type,
uint32_t group,
uint32_t * num_subgroups,
uint32_t * subgroups);
* \brief Allocate DMA Counters From A Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that allocates DMA counters
* from the specified group. Counters may be allocated in subgroups of
* DMA_NUM_COUNTERS_PER_SUBGROUP counters. Parameters specify how interrupts,
* generated when a counter hits zero, are to be handled. A
* DMA_CounterGroup_t structure is returned for use in other inline
* functions to operate on the allocated counters.
* \param[in] type Specifies whether this is an injection or
* reception counter group (DMA_Type_Injection
* or DMA_Type_Reception)
* \param[in] grp Group number whose counters are being allocated
* \param[in] num_subgroups Number of subgroups to be allocated from the group
* \param[in] subgroups Pointer to an array of num_subgroups ints where
* the list of subgroups to be allocated is provided.
* Each int is the subgroup number
* (0 to num_subgroups-1).
* \param[in] target The core that will receive the interrupt when a
* counter in this allocation hits zero
* \param[in] handler A pointer to the function to receive control in
* the I/O thread to handle the interrupt when a
* counter in this allocation hits zero. This
* function must be coded to take 3 parameters:
* void* A pointer to storage specific to this
* handler. This is the handler_parm
* specified on this allocation function.
* int The counter's subgroup number (0 to
* Note this number spans all groups.
* If handler is NULL, hit-zero interrupts will not
* be enabled for these counters.
* \param[in] handler_parm A pointer to storage that should be passed to the
* interrupt handling function (see handler
* parameter)
* \param[in] interruptGroup A InterruptGroup_t that identifies the
* group of interrupts that the counters being
* allocated will become part of.
* \param[out] cg_ptr Pointer to a structure that is filled in upon
* successful return for use in other inline
* functions to operate on the allocated counters.
* \li counter - Array of software counter
* structures. Each element
* points to the corresponding
* hardware counter in DMA SRAM.
* Pointers are null if not
* allocated).
* Counters are initialized to
* disabled, their hit_zero bit
* is off, base and max are NULL.
* \li status_ptr - Points to status area within the
* DMA memory map.
* \li permissions - Bits set for each allocated
* counter
* \li grp_permissions - Permissions for each
* subgroup
* \li group_id - The group number
* \li type - The type of DMA (injection or
* reception)
* \retval 0 Successful. Counters allocated and cg_ptr structure filled in as
* described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason. Nothing has been
* allocated.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_CounterGroupAllocate()
* \note The kernel may need to synchronize with other cores performing queries
* or frees.
uint32_t Kernel_CounterGroupAllocate(uint32_t type,
uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_subgroups,
uint32_t * subgroups,
uint32_t target,
uint32_t handler,
uint32_t * handler_parm,
uint32_t interruptGroup,
uint32_t * cg_ptr);
* \brief Free DMA Counters From A Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that frees DMA counters
* from the specified group. Counters may be freed in subgroups of
* \param[in] grp Group number whose counters are being freed
* \param[in] num_subgroups Number of subgroups to be freed from the group
* \param[in] subgroups Pointer to an array of num_subgroups ints where
* the list of subgroups to be freed is provided.
* Each int is the subgroup number
* \param[out] cg_ptr Pointer to the structure previously filled in when
* these counters were allocated. Upon successful
* return, this structure is updated to reflect the
* freed counters:
* \li counter[] - Counter structures Pointers to
* freed counters nulled.
* \li permissions - Bits cleared for each freed
* counter.
* \retval 0 Successful. Counters freed and cg_ptr structure updated as
* described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_CounterGroupFree()
* \note The kernel may need to synchronize with other cores performing allocates
* or queries.
uint32_t Kernel_CounterGroupFree( uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_subgroups,
uint32_t * subgroups,
uint32_t * cg_ptr );
* \brief Query Free DMA InjFifos within a Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that returns a list of the
* free (available to be allocated) fifos within the specified group.
* \param[in] grp Group number being queried
* \param[out] num_fifos Pointer to an int where the number of free
* fifos in the specified group is returned
* \param[out] fifo_ids Pointer to an array of num_fifos ints where
* the list of free fifos is returned.
* Each int is the fifo number
* The caller must provide space for
* in case the entire fifo group is free.
* \retval 0 Successful. num_fifos and fifo_ids array set as described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_InjFifoGroupQueryFree()
uint32_t Kernel_InjFifoGroupQueryFree( uint32_t group,
uint32_t * num_fifos,
uint32_t * fifo_ids);
* \brief Allocate DMA InjFifos From A Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that allocates specified
* DMA injection fifos from the specified group. Parameters specify whether
* each fifo is high or normal priority, local or non-local, and which torus
* fifos it maps to. A DMA_InjFifoGroup_t structure is returned for
* use in other inline functions to operate on the allocated fifos.
* Refer to the interrupt discussion at the top of this include file to see why
* there are no interrupt-related parameters.
* \param[in] grp Group number whose DMA injection fifos are being
* allocated (0 to DMA_NUM_INJ_FIFO_GROUPS-1)
* \param[in] num_fifos Number of fifos to be allocated from the group
* \param[in] fifo_ids Pointer to an array of num_fifos ints where
* the list of fifos to be allocated is provided.
* Each int is the fifo number (0 to num_fifos-1).
* \param[in] priorities Pointer to an array of num_fifos short ints where
* the list of priorities to be assigned to the fifos
* is provided. Each short int indicates the priority
* to be assigned to each of the fifos identified in
* the fifo_ids array (0 is normal, 1 is high priority).
* \param[in] locals Pointer to an array of num_fifos short ints where
* an indication is provided of whether each fifo will
* be used for local transfers (within the same node)
* or torus transfers. Each short int indicates the
* local/non-local attribute to be assigned to each of
* the fifos identified in the fifo_ids array (0 is
* non-local, 1 is local). If 0, the corresponding
* array element in ts_inj_maps indicates which torus
* fifos can be injected.
* \param[in] ts_inj_maps Pointer to an array of num_fifos short ints where
* the torus fifos that can be injected are specified
* for each fifo. Each short int specifies which of
* the 8 torus injection fifos can be injected when a
* descriptor is injected into the DMA injection fifo.
* Must be non-zero when the corresponding "locals"
* is 0.
* \param[out] fg_ptr Pointer to a structure that is filled in upon
* successful return for use in other inline functions
* to operate on the allocated fifos.
* \li fifos - Array of fifo structures. Structures
* for allocated fifos are initialized as
* documented below. Structures for
* fifos not allocated by this instance of
* this syscall are initialized to binary
* zeros. Allocated fifos are enabled.
* \li status_ptr - Points to status area within the
* DMA memory map.
* \li permissions - Bits indicating which fifos were
* allocated during this syscall.
* \li group_id - The id of this group.
* \retval 0 Successful. Fifos allocated and fg_ptr structure filled in as
* described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_InjFifoGroupAllocate()
* \return The group fifo structure pointed to by fg_ptr is completely
* initialized as follows:
* - status_ptr points to the appropriate fifo group DMA memory map
* - fifo structures array. Fifo structures for fifos not allocated
* during this syscall are initialized to binary zeros. Fifo
* structures for fifos allocated during this syscall are initialized:
* - fifo_hw_ptr points to the DMA memory map for this fifo. The
* hardware start, end, head, and tail are set to zero by the
* kernel.
* - All other fields in the structure are set to zero by the kernel
* except priority, local, and ts_inj_map are set to reflect what
* was requested in the priorities, locals, and ts_inj_maps
* syscall parameters.
uint32_t Kernel_InjFifoGroupAllocate( uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_fifos,
uint32_t * fifo_ids,
uint16_t * priorities,
uint16_t * locals,
uint8_t * ts_inj_maps,
uint32_t * fg_ptr );
* \brief Free DMA InjFifos From A Group
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that frees DMA injection
* counters from the specified group.
* \param[in] grp Group number whose DMA injection fifos are being
* freed (0 to DMA_NUM_INJ_FIFO_GROUPS-1)
* \param[in] num_fifos Number of fifos to be freed from the group
* \param[in] fifo_ids Pointer to an array of num_fifos ints where
* the list of fifos to be freed is provided.
* Each int is the fifo number (0 to num_fifos-1).
* \param[in] fg_ptr Pointer to the structure previously filled in when
* these fifos were allocated. Upon successful
* return, this structure is updated to reflect the
* freed fifos:
* \li fifos - Structures for freed fifos zero'd.
* Freed fifos are disabled.
* \li permissions - Bits cleared for each freed fifo.
* \retval 0 Successful. Fifos freed and fg_ptr structure updated as described.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. errno gives the reason.
* \internal This function is not intended to be called directly
* \see DMA_InjFifoGroupFree()
* \note This is a fatal error if any of the fifos are non empty and activated
uint32_t Kernel_InjFifoGroupFree(uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_fifos,
uint32_t * fifo_ids,
uint32_t * fg_ptr);
* \brief DMA InjFifo Initialization By Id
* - For an allocated injection DMA fifo, initialize its start, head, tail, and
* end.
* - Compute fifo size and free space.
* - Initialize wrap count.
* - Activate the fifo.
* \param[in] fg_ptr Pointer to fifo group structure.
* \param[in] fifo_id Id of the fifo to be initialized
* \param[in] va_start Virtual address of the start of the fifo.
* \param[in] va_head Virtual address of the head of the fifo (typically
* equal to va_start).
* \param[in] va_end Virtual address of the end of the fifo.
* \retval 0 Successful.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. Error checks include
* - va_start < va_end
* - va_start <= va_head <=
* - va_start and va_end are 32-byte aligned
* - fifo_size is larger than (DMA_MIN_INJECT_SIZE_IN_QUADS +
uint32_t Kernel_InjFifoInitById(uint32_t * fg_ptr,
int fifo_id,
uint32_t * va_start,
uint32_t * va_head,
uint32_t * va_end);
* \brief Set DMA Reception Fifo Map
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that
* - Sets DCRs establishing the map between the hardware torus fifos and the
* DMA reception fifos that are to receive the packets from those hardware
* torus fifos.
* - Sets DCRs establishing the DMA reception fifos that are to receive
* local transfer packets.
* - Sets the DCRs establishing the type (0 or 1) of each reception fifo.
* - Sets the DCRs establishing the threshold for type 0 and 1 reception fifos.
* - Leaves all of the fifos that are used in a "disabled" state.
* DMA_RecFifoInitById() initializes and enables the fifos.
* \param[in] rec_map Reception Fifo Map structure, defining the mapping.
* \retval 0 Successful
* \retval error_value An error value defined in the _BGP_RAS_DMA_ErrCodes
* enum located in bgp/arch/include/common/bgp_ras.h
* \internal This is an internal syscall
* \see DMA_RecFifoSetMap
* \note This function should be called once per job, after DMA_ResetRelease().
* It may be called by any core, but once a core has called it, other
* calls by that same core or any other core will fail.
* \note During job init, the kernel sets up the DCR clear masks for each
* reception fifo group (DCRs 0xD68 - 0xD6C) such that a write to clear
* a fifo in group g only clears group g.
int Kernel_RecFifoSetMap(uint32_t* rec_map);
* \brief Get DMA Reception Fifo Map
* This function is a wrapper around a system call that returns a DMA
* reception fifo map structure, filled in according to the DCRs.
* \param[in,out] rec_map A pointer to a Reception Fifo Map structure
* that will be filled-in upon return.
* \retval 0 Successful
* \retval error_value An error value defined in the _BGP_RAS_DMA_ErrCodes
* enum located in bgp/arch/include/common/bgp_ras.h
int Kernel_RecFifoGetMap(uint32_t* rec_map);
* \brief Get DMA Reception Fifo Group
* This is a wrapper around a System Call. This function returns THE
* one-and-only pointer to the fifo group structure, with the entries all
* filled in from info in the DCRs. If called multiple times with the same
* group, it will always return the same pointer, and the system call will
* not be invoked again.
* It must be called AFTER DMA_RecFifoSetMap().
* By convention, the same "target" is used for normal and header fifo
* interrupts (could be changed). In addition, by convention, interrupts for
* fifos in group g come out of the DMA as non-fatal irq bit 28+g,
* ie, only fifos in group g can cause the "type g" threshold interrupts.
* \param[in] grp The group number (0 through DMA_NUM_REC_FIFO_GROUPS).
* \param[in] target The core that will receive the interrupt when a
* fifo in this group reaches its threshold
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same group.
* \param[in] normal_handler A pointer to the function to receive control in
* the I/O thread to handle the interrupt when a
* normal fifo in this group reaches its threshold.
* This function must be coded to take 2 parameters:
* void* A pointer to storage specific to this
* handler. This is the normal_handler_parm
* specified on this function call.
* int The global fifo ID of the fifo that hit
* its threshold (0 through
* If normal_handler is NULL, threshold interrupts
* are not delivered for normal fifos in this group.
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same group.
* \param[in] normal_handler_parm A pointer to storage that should be passed
* to the normal interrupt handling function
* (see normal_handler parameter).
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same
* group.
* \param[in] header_handler A pointer to the function to receive control in
* the I/O thread to handle the interrupt when a
* header fifo in this group reaches its threshold.
* This function must be coded to take 2 parameters:
* void* A pointer to storage specific to this
* handler. This is the header_handler_parm
* specified on this function call.
* int The global fifo ID of the fifo that hit
* its threshold (0 through
* If header_handler is NULL, threshold interrupts
* are not delivered for header fifos in this group.
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same group.
* \param[in] header_handler_parm A pointer to storage that should be passed
* to the header interrupt handling function
* (see header_handler parameter).
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same
* group.
* \param[in] interruptGroup A InterruptGroup_t that identifies the
* group of interrupts that the fifos in this group
* will become part of.
* Ignored on subsequent call with the same group.
* \return RecFifoGroupStruct Pointer to a DMA Reception Fifo Group structure
* that reflects the fifos that are being used in
* this group. This same structure is shared by
* all users of this reception fifo group.
* NULL is returned if an error occurs.
* \note The following comments from Phil about the internals of the syscall:
* - error checks
* - 0 <= group_id < 4
* - the start of the fifo group is a valid virtual address (tlb mapped)?
* - disable the rDMA
* - call _BGP_rDMA_Fifo_Get_Map to get the DCR mapping information
* - loop through the map to determine how many and which fifos in this group
* are used, including headers
* - filling in the addresses of used fifos
* - In particular, any pointer to any fifo in the group that is not used
* will have a null pointer
* - furthermore,
* - write starting values to all used fifos
* - make sure all interrupts are cleared
* - enable rDMA
int Kernel_RecFifoGetFifoGroup(
uint32_t * fifogroup,
int grp,
int target,
void * normal_handler,
void * normal_handler_parm,
void * header_handler,
void * header_handler_parm,
void * interruptGroup
* \brief DMA RecFifo Initialization By Id
* - For a DMA reception fifo, initialize its start, head, tail, and end.
* - Compute fifo size and free space.
* \param[in] fg_ptr Pointer to fifo group structure.
* \param[in] fifo_id Id of the fifo to be initialized
* \param[in] va_start Virtual address of the start of the fifo.
* \param[in] va_head Virtual address of the head of the fifo (typically
* equal to va_start).
* \param[in] va_end Virtual address of the end of the fifo.
* \retval 0 Successful.
* \retval -1 Unsuccessful. Error checks include
* - va_start < va_end
* - va_start <= va_head < va_end
* - va_start and va_end are 32-byte aligned
int Kernel_RecFifoInitById( uint32_t * fg_ptr,
int fifo_id,
void * va_start,
void * va_head,
void * va_end );
#endif /* Add nothing below this line */