blob: fbc14f389a5e0528b2fe04269e39c526902040b4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-info */
/* This file is part of ZeptoOS: The Small Linux for Big Computers.
* See for more information.
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-info */
/* */
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-fillin */
/* $Id: $
* ZeptoOS_Version: 2.0
* ZeptoOS_Heredity: FOSS_ORIG
* ZeptoOS_License: GPL
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-fillin */
/* */
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-gpl */
/* Copyright: Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy,
* and UChicago Argonne, LLC. 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
* ZeptoOS License: GPL
* This software is free. See the file ZeptoOS/misc/license.GPL
* for complete details on your rights to copy, modify, and use this
* software.
/* ZEPTOOS:zepto-gpl */
#ifndef __ZCL_SPI_H_DEFINED__
#define __ZCL_SPI_H_DEFINED__
#include <common/namespace.h>
#ifdef __ZCL_KERNEL__
#error "This should not be included from Linux kernel!"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <bpcore/ppc450_inlines.h>
#ifndef __INLINE__
#define __INLINE__ extern inline
extern uint32_t zcl_PhysicalProcessorID(void);
extern uint32_t zcl_ProcessCount(void);
extern int zcl_ProcessorCount(void);
extern unsigned zcl_get_bigmemory_va_start(void);
extern unsigned zcl_get_bigmemory_pa_start(void);
extern unsigned zcl_get_bigmemory_len(void);
extern int zcl_virt2phy(unsigned long va, unsigned long *pa);
extern int zcl_AllocateLockBox(uint32_t lockid, uint32_t numlocks,
uint32_t** ptr, uint32_t flags);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_CounterGroupQueryFree(uint32_t type, uint32_t group,
uint32_t* n_subgroups,
uint32_t* subgroups);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_CounterGroupAllocate(uint32_t type,
uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_subgroups,
uint32_t* subgroups,
uint32_t target,
uint32_t handler,
uint32_t* handler_parm,
uint32_t interruptGroup,
uint32_t* _cg_ptr);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_InjFifoGroupQueryFree(
uint32_t group,
uint32_t* num_fifos,
uint32_t* fifo_ids);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_InjFifoGroupAllocate( uint32_t group,
uint32_t num_fifos,
uint32_t* fifo_ids,
uint16_t* priorities,
uint16_t* locals,
uint8_t* ts_inj_maps,
uint32_t* fg_ptr );
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_InjFifoInitById(uint32_t* fg_ptr,
int fifo_id,
uint32_t* va_start,
uint32_t* va_head,
uint32_t* va_end);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_RecFifoSetMap(uint32_t* rec_map);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_RecFifoGetFifoGroup(
uint32_t* fifogroup,
int group,
int target);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_RecFifoInitByID(
uint32_t* fg_ptr,
int fifo_id,
void *va_start,
void *va_head,
void *va_end );
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_ChgCounterInterruptEnables(uint32_t enable);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_globalBarrier(unsigned msec);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_debug_tag(unsigned long tag);
extern uint32_t zcl_spi_donothing(void);
extern int zcl_getpersonality(char* personality, size_t size);
extern int zcl_Coord2Rank(uint32_t xcoord, uint32_t ycoord, uint32_t zcoord, uint32_t tcoord, uint32_t* rank, uint32_t* numnodes);
extern int zcl_Rank2Coord(uint32_t rank, uint32_t* xcoord, uint32_t* ycoord, uint32_t* zcoord, uint32_t* tcoord);
#ifndef kernel_coords_t_defined
typedef struct _Kernel_Coordinates {
unsigned char x;
unsigned char y;
unsigned char z;
unsigned char t;
} kernel_coords_t;
#define kernel_coords_t_defined
extern int zcl_Rank2Coords(kernel_coords_t* coordinates, uint32_t len);
extern int zcl_rank(void);
extern int zcl_size(void);
#endif /* #ifndef __ZCL_SPI_H_DEFINED__ */