blob: f8fed55aa62070e380b64418451627e8c67ac033 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 by James Bottomley
# Phone Independent text screen handling class
class TextScreen {
var $_phone = array(
# notional: the 6739i uses a variable width font
'width' => 38,
'height' => 14,
'entries' => 4,
'formatted' => true,
'unitscrollbug' => true,
var $_softkeys = array();
var $_entries = array();
var $_text = array();
var $_title;
var $_destroyOnExit;
var $_cancelAction;
var $_style;
var $_scrollUp;
var $_scrollDown;
var $_defaultIndex;
var $_allowDrop;
function __construct() {
function addSoftKey($index, $label, $url, $icon = null) {
$this->_softkeys[$index] = array(
'label' => $label,
'url' => $url,
'icon' => $icon,
function setTitle($title) {
$this->_title = $title;
function setStyle($style) {
$this->_style = $style;
function setCancelAction($cancelAction) {
function setDestroyOnExit() {
$this->_destroyOnExit = 'yes';
function setAllowDrop() {
$this->_allowDrop = 'yes';
function setDefaultIndex($index) {
$this->_defaultIndex = $index;
function setScrollUp($uri) {
$this->_scrollUp = $uri;
function setScrollDown($uri) {
$this->_scrollDown = $uri;
function addEntry($name, $url, $selection = null, $icon = null,
$dial = null, $line = null) {
$this->_entries[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'url' => $url,
'selection' => $selection,
'icon' => $icon,
function setText($text) {
$this->_text = array($text);
function addtext($text) {
$this->_text[] = $text;
function output() {
if (count($this->_entries) == 0) {
if ($this->_phone['formatted']) {
$o = new AastraIpPhoneFormattedTextScreen();
} else {
$o = new AastraIPPhoneTextScreen();
} else {
$o = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenu();
if ($this->_destroyOnExit) {
if ($this->_allowDrop) {
if ($this->_phone['unitscrollbug'] && method_exists($o, 'setUnitScroll')) {
if ($this->_cancelAction) {
if ($this->_style) {
if ($this->_scrollUp) {
if ($this->_scrollDown) {
if ($this->_defaultIndex) {
foreach($this->_entries as $e) {
$name = $e['name'];
$url = $e['url'];
$selection = $e['selection'];
$icon = $e['icon'];
$o->addEntry($name, $url, $selection, $icon);
foreach($this->_softkeys as $k=>$e) {
$label = $e['label'];
$url = $e['url'];
$icon = $e['icon'];
$o->addSoftKey($k, $label, $url, $icon);
if (count($this->_entries) != 0) {
#do nothing
} else if (count($this->_text) == 0) {
} else if ($this->_phone['formatted']) {
foreach($this->_text as $t) {
$s = preg_split('/\n/',wordwrap($t, $this->_phone['width'], "\n\xa0\xa0"));
foreach($s as $l) {
} else {
$text = '';
foreach($this->_text as $t) {
$c = strlen($t) % $this->_phone['width'];
$c = $c ? $this->_phone['width'] - $c : 0;
error_log("length of t is ".strlen($t).' c='.$c);
$text .= $t . str_repeat("\xa0", $c).'|';