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sgx2d - char driver for ImgTec's PowerVR SGX 2D block
This driver creates a device node (/dev/sgx2d) which allows a userland SGX 2D
driver (e.g. in DirectFB) to access the SGX 2D slave port and associated
Kernel config options (found in Device Drivers -> Character Devices).
Enables the SGX2D character driver.
The SGX 2D block is set up with platform data, which you may need to
enable in Processor type and features.
Ioctl Interface
#include <linux/sgx2d.h>
The following ioctls can be used with the sgx2d device.
Sleeps until the SGX 2D block is idle. This waits for a 2D event
interrupt if the block busy.
Soft reset the 2D block. This releases any processes waiting for
Takes a pointer to a struct sgx2d_vers.
Gets information and version information about the SGX 2D block. The
caps field is a bitmask of capabilities, and can include the following
bitmasks, OR'd together:
Indicates that a fifo free field is useable.
Takes a pointer to a struct sgx2d_reg.
Gets information about where in the IO memory to access a particular
register field. Set the id field before the ioctl call. If the ioctl
succeeds the offset field will specify the offset of the register into
the IO memory, and the mask and shift fields specify where in the
register the specified field is.
Valid register field ids are:
* SGX2D_REG_SLAVEPORT (write only)
The 32 bit slave port to write the SGX command stream to. It
is safe to ignore the mask and offset fields.
* SGX2D_REG_FIFOFREE (read only)
The field specifying how much space is left in the slave port.
* SGX2D_REG_BLTCOUNT (read only)
The field specifying how many blits have been completed.
* SGX2D_REG_BUSY (read only)
The field specifying whether the 2D block is busy.
* SGX2D_REG_IDLE (read only)
The field specifying whether the 2D block is idle.
The field to put the base physical memory address (divided by
4) that all addresses written to the slave port are relative
to. It is safe to ignore the mask and offset fields.
Note that not all of these registers might exist. For example the
SGX2D_REG_FIFOFREE register does not exist on Comet.
Important: It is NOT safe to read from a write only register or write
to a read only register.
Takes a pointer to a struct sgx2d_meminfo.
Gets information about the IO memory, and how to map it into userland
if necessary. After using this ioctl successfully, there are two cases
the userland program should handle:
* If the flags field is zero
The IO registers needed to access the SGX 2D block are already
accessible from userland. The memory area starts at the
address in the addr field, and the length in bytes is provided
in the len field.
* If the flags field is non-zero
The IO registers must be mapped in with the mmap syscall. In
this case the userland process should provide the value in the
addr field as the start parameter, the value in the len field
as the length parameter, and the value in the flags field as
the flags parameter. If the mmap is successful, the address
returned should be used to access the IO registers.
Important: It is NOT safe or portable to read or write any registers
except those accessed with a successful call to the SGX2DIO_GETREG