blob: 7ea755648f3e9f002bb73e4309272adcb0bdfc65 [file] [log] [blame]
* PowerVR SGX 2D block driver.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Imagination Technologies
#ifndef _UAPI_IMG_SGX2D_H_
#define _UAPI_IMG_SGX2D_H_
#include <linux/types.h>
/* architecture families */
#define SGX2D_FAM_COMET 0x01
/* architecture capabilities */
#define SGX2D_CAP_FIFOFREE 0x00000001 /* Fifo freespace available */
/* registers */
#define SGX2D_REG_INVALID 0x00
#define SGX2D_REG_SLAVEPORT 0x01
#define SGX2D_REG_FIFOFREE 0x02 /* space left in slave port */
#define SGX2D_REG_BLTCOUNT 0x03 /* number of completed blits */
#define SGX2D_REG_BUSY 0x04 /* busy status */
#define SGX2D_REG_IDLE 0x05 /* idle status */
#define SGX2D_REG_BASEADDR 0x06 /* memory base address */
struct sgx2d_vers {
__u32 sgx_vers;
__u32 arch_fam; /* SGX2D_FAM_* */
__u32 arch_vers;
__u32 caps; /* SGX2D_CAP_* */
struct sgx2d_reg {
__u32 id; /* in, SGX2D_REG_* */
__u32 offset; /* offset into mmio memory */
__u32 mask; /* register mask */
__u8 shift;
/* what to pass to mmap */
struct sgx2d_meminfo {
void *addr; /* address to use/pass to mmap */
unsigned int len; /* length of memory area */
int flags; /* mmap flags (0 indicates unmappable) */
#define SGX2DIO 0xF2
#define SGX2DIO_GETVERS _IOR(SGX2DIO, 0xC2, struct sgx2d_vers)
#define SGX2DIO_GETREG _IOWR(SGX2DIO, 0xC3, struct sgx2d_reg)
#define SGX2DIO_GETMEM _IOR(SGX2DIO, 0xC4, struct sgx2d_meminfo)
#endif /* _UAPI_IMG_SGX2D_H_ */