blob: ed12f947937e6f7c347694c3b9e2116c68e4dad8 [file] [log] [blame]
* linux/boot/head.S
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
* head.S contains the 32-bit startup code.
.globl _idt,_gdt,
.globl _swapper_pg_dir,_pg0
.globl _empty_bad_page
.globl _empty_bad_page_table
.globl _empty_zero_page
.globl _tmp_floppy_area,_floppy_track_buffer
#include <linux/tasks.h>
#include <linux/segment.h>
#define CL_MAGIC_ADDR 0x90020
#define CL_MAGIC 0xA33F
#define CL_BASE_ADDR 0x90000
#define CL_OFFSET 0x90022
* swapper_pg_dir is the main page directory, address 0x00001000
movl $(KERNEL_DS),%eax
mov %ax,%ds
mov %ax,%es
mov %ax,%fs
mov %ax,%gs
lss _stack_start,%esp
call setup_idt
xorl %eax,%eax
1: incl %eax # check that A20 really IS enabled
movl %eax,0x000000 # loop forever if it isn't
cmpl %eax,0x100000
je 1b
* Initialize eflags. Some BIOS's leave bits like NT set. This would
* confuse the debugger if this code is traced.
* XXX - best to initialize before switching to protected mode.
pushl $0
* Copy bootup parameters out of the way. First 2kB of
* _empty_zero_page is for boot parameters, second 2kB
* is for the command line.
movl $0x90000,%esi
movl $_empty_zero_page,%edi
movl $512,%ecx
xorl %eax,%eax
movl $512,%ecx
jne 1f
movl $_empty_zero_page+2048,%edi
movzwl CL_OFFSET,%esi
addl $(CL_BASE_ADDR),%esi
movl $2048,%ecx
* Clear BSS
xorl %eax,%eax
movl $__edata,%edi
movl $__end,%ecx
subl %edi,%ecx
/* check if it is 486 or 386. */
* XXX - this does a lot of unnecessary setup. Alignment checks don't
* apply at our cpl of 0 and the stack ought to be aligned already, and
* we don't need to preserve eflags.
movl %esp,%edi # save stack pointer
andl $0xfffffffc,%esp # align stack to avoid AC fault
pushfl # push EFLAGS
popl %eax # get EFLAGS
movl %eax,%ecx # save original EFLAGS
xorl $0x40000,%eax # flip AC bit in EFLAGS
pushl %eax # copy to EFLAGS
popfl # set EFLAGS
pushfl # get new EFLAGS
popl %eax # put it in eax
xorl %ecx,%eax # change in flags
andl $0x40000,%eax # check if AC bit changed
jnz 1f # 486
pushl %ecx # restore original EFLAGS
movl %edi,%esp # restore esp
movl %cr0,%eax # 386
andl $0x80000011,%eax # Save PG,PE,ET
orl $2,%eax # set MP
jmp 2f
* NOTE! 486 should set bit 16, to check for write-protect in supervisor
* mode. Then it would be unnecessary with the "verify_area()"-calls.
* 486 users probably want to set the NE (#5) bit also, so as to use
* int 16 for math errors.
* XXX - the above is out of date. We set all the bits, but don't take
* advantage of WP (26 Dec 92).
1: pushl %ecx # restore original EFLAGS
movl %edi,%esp # restore esp
movl %cr0,%eax # 486
andl $0x80000011,%eax # Save PG,PE,ET
orl $0x50022,%eax # set AM, WP, NE and MP
2: movl %eax,%cr0
call check_x87
call setup_paging
lgdt gdt_descr
lidt idt_descr
ljmp $(KERNEL_CS),$1f
1: movl $(KERNEL_DS),%eax # reload all the segment registers
mov %ax,%ds # after changing gdt.
mov %ax,%es
mov %ax,%fs
mov %ax,%gs
lss _stack_start,%esp
pushl $0 # These are the parameters to main :-)
pushl $0
pushl $0
cld # gcc2 wants the direction flag cleared at all times
call _start_kernel
jmp L6 # main should never return here, but
# just in case, we know what happens.
* We depend on ET to be correct. This checks for 287/387.
movl $0,_hard_math
fstsw %ax
cmpb $0,%al
je 1f
movl %cr0,%eax /* no coprocessor: have to set bits */
xorl $4,%eax /* set EM */
movl %eax,%cr0
.align 2
1: movl $1,_hard_math
.byte 0xDB,0xE4 /* fsetpm for 287, ignored by 387 */
* setup_idt
* sets up a idt with 256 entries pointing to
* ignore_int, interrupt gates. It doesn't actually load
* idt - that can be done only after paging has been enabled
* and the kernel moved to 0xC0000000. Interrupts
* are enabled elsewhere, when we can be relatively
* sure everything is ok.
lea ignore_int,%edx
movl $(KERNEL_CS << 16),%eax
movw %dx,%ax /* selector = 0x0010 = cs */
movw $0x8E00,%dx /* interrupt gate - dpl=0, present */
lea _idt,%edi
mov $256,%ecx
movl %eax,(%edi)
movl %edx,4(%edi)
addl $8,%edi
dec %ecx
jne rp_sidt
* Setup_paging
* This routine sets up paging by setting the page bit
* in cr0. The page tables are set up, identity-mapping
* the first 4MB. The rest are initialized later.
* (ref: added support for up to 32mb, 17Apr92) -- Rik Faith
* (ref: update, 25Sept92) -- croutons@crunchy.uucp
* (ref: 92.10.11 - Linus Torvalds. Corrected 16M limit - no upper memory limit)
.align 2
movl $1024*2,%ecx /* 2 pages - swapper_pg_dir+1 page table */
xorl %eax,%eax
movl $_swapper_pg_dir,%edi /* swapper_pg_dir is at 0x1000 */
/* Identity-map the kernel in low 4MB memory for ease of transition */
movl $_pg0+7,_swapper_pg_dir /* set present bit/user r/w */
/* But the real place is at 0xC0000000 */
movl $_pg0+7,_swapper_pg_dir+3072 /* set present bit/user r/w */
movl $_pg0+4092,%edi
movl $0x03ff007,%eax /* 4Mb - 4096 + 7 (r/w user,p) */
1: stosl /* fill the page backwards - more efficient :-) */
subl $0x1000,%eax
jge 1b
movl $_swapper_pg_dir,%eax
movl %eax,%cr3 /* cr3 - page directory start */
movl %cr0,%eax
orl $0x80000000,%eax
movl %eax,%cr0 /* set paging (PG) bit */
ret /* this also flushes the prefetch-queue */
* page 0 is made non-existent, so that kernel NULL pointer references get
* caught. Thus the swapper page directory has been moved to 0x1000
.org 0x1000
* The page tables are initialized to only 4MB here - the final page
* tables are set up later depending on memory size.
.org 0x2000
.org 0x3000
.org 0x4000
.org 0x5000
.org 0x6000
* tmp_floppy_area is used by the floppy-driver when DMA cannot
* reach to a buffer-block. It needs to be aligned, so that it isn't
* on a 64kB border.
.fill 1024,1,0
* floppy_track_buffer is used to buffer one track of floppy data: it
* has to be separate from the tmp_floppy area, as otherwise a single-
* sector read/write can mess it up. It can contain one full track of
* data (18*2*512 bytes).
.fill 512*2*18,1,0
/* This is the default interrupt "handler" :-) */
.asciz "Unknown interrupt\n"
.align 2
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
push %ds
push %es
push %fs
movl $(KERNEL_DS),%eax
mov %ax,%ds
mov %ax,%es
mov %ax,%fs
pushl $int_msg
call _printk
popl %eax
pop %fs
pop %es
pop %ds
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax
* The interrupt descriptor table has room for 256 idt's
.align 4
.word 0
.word 256*8-1 # idt contains 256 entries
.long 0xc0000000+_idt
.align 4
.fill 256,8,0 # idt is uninitialized
.align 4
.word 0
.word (8+2*NR_TASKS)*8-1
.long 0xc0000000+_gdt
* This gdt setup gives the kernel a 1GB address space at virtual
* address 0xC0000000 - space enough for expansion, I hope.
.align 4
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* NULL descriptor */
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* not used */
.quad 0xc0c39a000000ffff /* 0x10 kernel 1GB code at 0xC0000000 */
.quad 0xc0c392000000ffff /* 0x18 kernel 1GB data at 0xC0000000 */
.quad 0x00cbfa000000ffff /* 0x23 user 3GB code at 0x00000000 */
.quad 0x00cbf2000000ffff /* 0x2b user 3GB data at 0x00000000 */
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* not used */
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* not used */
.fill 2*NR_TASKS,8,0 /* space for LDT's and TSS's etc */