blob: 6b618b418a7d9694d766726b47a75a5ca63de090 [file] [log] [blame]
1. I have installed the Steel City Comic font referring to item 1
in FAQ.txt, and rebuilt "perfbook.pdf". But it doesn't seem to
have any effect. What am I missing?
A. If you built "perfbook.pdf" before installing the font,
you need to rebuild cartoons whose sources are .svg
files. Typing "make touchsvg; make" will do the trick.
2. I prefer perfbook-1c.pdf than perfbook.pdf to read it on my
tablet. Typing "make perfbook-1c.pdf" every time is a little
bit cumbersome. Isn't there any simpler way?
A. Actually there is! Just type "make 1c".
3. Are there other short name targets?
A. "make hb" will build perfbook-hb.pdf that is useful
for making hard-bound printouts.
"make 2c" will build perfbook.pdf.
4. Isn't it possible to build perfbook-1c.pdf by just typing
A. Yes, it is! Define an environment variable
"PERFBOOK_DEFAULT" in your shell and set its value as
"1c". Then, just typing "make" will build
If you set "hb" to "PERFBOOK_DEFAULT", typing "make"
will build perfbook-hb.pdf mentioned in #3.
While you have the environment variable set, specifying
a specific target (or targets) always works.
5. The Makefile cannot find pdflatex. What is it and where can I
find it?
A. The "pdflatex" package is a variant of Don Knuth's
digital typesetting program. On Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial,
installing the following set of packages suffices:
texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra psutils
texlive-publishers-doc texlive-fonts-extra
texlive-math-extra texlive-publishers
texlive-science texlive-bibtex-extra latex2html
gnuplot-x11 xfig inkscape graphviz fig2ps
On Fedora 24, installing the following set of packages
fig2ps graphviz texlive-epstopdf inkscape latex2html
Other systems might provide similarly named packages.
For example, Doug Miller noted that the following list
of teTeX components worked for him on RHEL5:
tetex tetex-afm tetex-dvips tetex-latex latex2html
texinfo tetex-fonts tetex-doc tetex-xdvi
For another example, Frederic Weisbecker reports that
the following packages allows perfbook to be built on
Fedora 19:
texlive-latex texlive-collection-latexextra
psutils texlive-math* texlive-bibtex latex2html
xfig (and maybe also gnuplot-latex
texlive-publishers-doc texlive-fonts-extra
6. I cannot build perfbook, and the perfbook.log file complains
about some obscure package being missing. What do I do?
A. Please see #5 above.
7. When I try to build perfbook, it hangs after printing a line
reading "pdflatex 1". How can I fix this?
A. On UNIX-like systems, including Linux, type control-D.
Then look at the end of the perfbook.log file (or the
perfbook-1c.log file if you were building single-column).
The error message at the end of the log file should
indicate the source of the problem.
The build scripts are supposed to make this unnecessary,
so if it happens, please let me know. Please send me the
perfbook.log output (or perfbook-1c.log output, depending
on which you were building) so that I can fix the scripts.
8. Some of experimental targets for alternative font won't build
due to lack of necessary packages such as "newtxtt". How can I
install those packages?
A. The simplest approach is to upgrade to a recent TeX
distribution such as TeX Live 2016. Upgrading your Linux
distribution (e.g. to Ubuntu Xenial) is one way to
upgrade TeX Live (to 2015 on Xenial), and might have many
other benefits as well.
However, if you prefer to manually install individual
packages, refer to "Method 3" in:
For font packages such as "newtxtt" and "nimbus15",
you must also update font-map database. See:
Note: If available, you can use the <package>,
which will automatically put the files in a relatively
right place. Note that font packages should be copied to
the TEXMFLOCAL directory rather than to the TEXMFHOME
Following is a list of links to optional packages as of
March 2017: