blob: fd598a56e404eb5befaa7bba74bedecb29c3bddf [file] [log] [blame]
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% For, must be on or before line 5:
% To accomodate change in Ghostscript 9.26 (default output: PDF 1.7)
% Suppress warning emitted when multiple figures drawn by inkscape appear
% within a page. See:
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% standard packages
% A more pleasant font
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% indexing macros
% rollback glossaries related packages as well
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% width of subsection (four digits + two periods): 3.2em
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% to cover section "E.10" and subsection "15.5.10",
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% width of subsection: 3.7em
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% to cover subsection "15.5.10",
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% Custom commands for index
\newindex[API Index]{api} % index for API
\newindex[People Name Index]{ppl} % index for People Name
\newcommand{\categapi}[1]{~{\scriptsize (#1)}}
% For consistent index entries of capitalization of "Index entry"
\newcommand{\indexh}[3]{\ucindex{#3 #2}}
\newcommand{\IX}[1]{\ucindex{#1}\hlindex{#1}} % put with first letter capitalized into general index
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% page number in bold face
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\newcommand{\IXBplr}[1]{\index{#1|BF}\hlindex{#1s}} % put as is into general index for plural
\newcommand{\IXBplx}[2]{\ucindex{#1|BF}\hlindex{#1#2}} % put as is into general index for plural of exeptional form
\newcommand{\IXBalt}[2]{\ucindex{#2|BF}\hlindex{#1}} % put alternative with first letter capitalized into general index
\newcommand{\IXBaltr}[2]{\index{#2|BF}\hlindex{#1}} % put alternative as is into general index
\newcommand{\IXBh}[2]{\indexh{#1 #2|BF}{#2|BF}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2}}
\newcommand{\IXBhpl}[2]{\indexh{#1 #2|BF}{#2|BF}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2s}}
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\newcommand{\IXBhmrpl}[2]{\indexhmr{#1 #2|BF}{#2|BF}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2s}}
% page number for Glossary items or the likes
\newcommand{\IXG}[1]{\ucindex{#1|GL}\hlindex{#1}} % put with first letter capitalized into general index
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\newcommand{\IXGplx}[2]{\ucindex{#1|GL}\hlindex{#1#2}} % put as is into general index for plural of exeptional form
\newcommand{\IXGalt}[2]{\ucindex{#2|GL}\hlindex{#1}} % put alternative with first letter capitalized into general index
\newcommand{\IXGaltr}[2]{\index{#2|GL}\hlindex{#1}} % put alternative as is into general index
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\newcommand{\IXGhpl}[2]{\indexh{#1 #2|GL}{#2|GL}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2s}}
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\newcommand{\IXGhrpl}[2]{\indexhr{#1 #2|GL}{#2|GL}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2s}}
\newcommand{\IXGhmr}[2]{\indexhmr{#1 #2|GL}{#2|GL}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2}}
\newcommand{\IXGhmrpl}[2]{\indexhmr{#1 #2|GL}{#2|GL}{#1}\hlindex{#1 #2s}}
\newcommand{\ppl}[2]{\hlindex{#1 #2}\index{#2, #1}} % forename surname in text, "surname, forename" into ppl index
\newcommand{\pplmdl}[2]{\hlindex{#1~#2}\index{#2, #1}} % for abbreviated middle name
\newcommand{\pplsur}[2]{\hlindex{#2}\index{#2, #1}} % surname in text, "surname, givenname" into ppl index
\newcommand{\pplalt}[2]{\hlindex{#1}\index{#2}} % put 1st arg in text, put 2nd arg into ppl index
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\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{VerbatimLL}{Verbatim}% for snippet inside list
\newcommand{\creflastconjunction}{, and~}
% Define \crefthro{} for "Sections~m.n through~m.p"
\namecrefs{#1}~\ref{#1} through~\ref{#2}%
\nameCrefs{#1}~\ref{#1} through~\ref{#2}%
% Define \clnref{} and \Clnref{} for reference to line labels
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\docsvlist{#1}% Process list and count labels
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\ifnum\value{lblcount}=1 #2~\lnref{#1}%
\else\ifnum\value{lblcount}=2 {#2}s~%
\ifnum\value{lblcount}=0 { }and~\else\nextitem\fi\lnref{##1}}% How to process each label
\else {#2}s~%
\ifnum\value{lblcount}=0 , and~\else\nextitem\fi\lnref{##1}}% How to process each label
\docsvlist{#1}% Process list
\setcounter{lblcount}{0}% Restart label count
\renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\stepcounter{lblcount}}% Count label
\docsvlist{#1}% Process list and count labels
\def\nextitem{\def\nextitem{, }}% Separator
\ifnum\value{lblcount}=1 #2~\lnrefraw{#1}%
\else\ifnum\value{lblcount}=2 {#2}s~%
\ifnum\value{lblcount}=0 { }and~\else\nextitem\fi\lnrefraw{##1}}% How to process each label
\else {#2}s~%
\ifnum\value{lblcount}=0 , and~\else\nextitem\fi\lnrefraw{##1}}% How to process each label
\docsvlist{#1}% Process list
\newcommand{\clnrefthro}[2]{lines~\lnref{#1} through~\lnref{#2}}
\newcommand{\Clnrefthro}[2]{Lines~\lnref{#1} through~\lnref{#2}}
\newcommand{\pararef}[1]{Paragraph ``\nameref{#1}'' on Page~\pageref{#1}}
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% geometry setting
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% From
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% Smaller font and tighter space for chapter title
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% Glossaries dictionary and custom settings
\newcommand{\nbco}[1]{\hbox{\lstinline[breaklines=false,breakatwhitespace=false]{#1}}} % no break lines for short snippet
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\newcommand{\tco}[1]{\texttt{\detokenize{#1}}} % for code in tabular environment
% \tco{} will break at spaces but not at underscores
\newcommand{\qtco}[1]{``\hbox{\tco{#1}}''} % \tco with quotation marks
\newcommand{\lopt}[1]{\tco{-}\tco{-}\tco{#1}} % to avoid "--" to endash conversion
\newcommand{\nf}[1]{\textnormal{#1}} % to return to normal font
\newcommand{\qop}[1]{{\sffamily #1}} % QC operator such as H, T, S, etc.
%\newcommand{\GCC}{\co{gcc}} % For those who prefer "gcc"
%\newcommand{\IRQ}{irq} % For those who prefer "irq"
\newcommand{\rt}{\mbox{-rt}} % to prevent line break behind "-"
\renewcommand{\epigraph}[2]{\epigraphorig{\biolinum\emph{#1}}{\biolinum\scshape\footnotesize #2}}
\input{ushyphex} % Hyphenation exceptions for US English from hyphenex package
\input{pfhyphex} % Hyphenation exceptions for perfbook
Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, \\
What Can You Do About It?}
Edited by: \\
Paul E. McKenney \\
Meta Platforms, Inc. \\
\href{}{} \\
} % end author
% \date{\ }
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} % Enable counter for paragraph
% Glossary
%% Reset footnote count
% Bibliograpy
%\bibliographystyle{alpha} % Use genuine alpha style (In case of build failure, use this instead)
\bibliographystyle{alphapf} % Use alpha style customized by urlbst with --inlinelinks option
\bibliographystyle{alphapf} % Use alpha style customized by urlbst with --inlinelinks option
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\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}
% Credits
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} % surpress section numbering in backmatter
% Index if enabled
\BF{Bold}: Major reference.
\GL{Underline}: Definition.
\footnotesize (c):~Cxx standard, (g):~GCC extension,
(k):~Linux kernel, (kh):~Linux kernel historic, (pf):~perfbook CodeSamples,
(px):~POSIX, (ur):~userspace RCU\@.
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% \cleardoublepage
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