blob: d913e05e9a4a54c165de43c8d2b3d03172ec62f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Utility for converting quota file from old to new format
* Sponsored by SuSE CR
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include "pot.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "quotaio.h"
#include "quotasys.h"
#include "quota.h"
#include "bylabel.h"
#include "quotaio_v2.h"
#include "dqblk_v2.h"
#define ACT_FORMAT 1 /* Convert format from old to new */
#define ACT_ENDIAN 2 /* Convert endianity */
static char *mntpoint;
char *progname;
static int ucv, gcv;
static struct quota_handle *qn; /* Handle of new file */
static int action; /* Action to be performed */
static int infmt, outfmt;
static void usage(void)
errstr(_("Utility for converting quota files.\nUsage:\n\t%s [options] mountpoint\n\n\
-u, --user convert user quota file\n\
-g, --group convert group quota file\n\
-e, --convert-endian convert quota file to correct endianity\n\
-f, --convert-format oldfmt,newfmt convert from old to VFSv0 quota format\n\
-h, --help show this help text and exit\n\
-V, --version output version information and exit\n\n"), progname);
errstr(_("Bugs to %s\n"), PACKAGE_BUGREPORT);
static inline unsigned int min(unsigned a, unsigned b)
if (a < b)
return a;
return b;
#define MAX_FMTNAME_LEN 32
static void parse_options(int argcnt, char **argstr)
int ret;
struct option long_opts[] = {
{ "help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
{ "version", 0, NULL, 'V'},
{ "user", 0, NULL, 'u'},
{ "group", 0, NULL, 'g'},
{ "convert-endian", 0, NULL, 'e'},
{ "convert-format", 1, NULL, 'f'},
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
char *comma;
char fmtbuf[MAX_FMTNAME_LEN];
while ((ret = getopt_long(argcnt, argstr, "Vugef:h", long_opts, NULL)) != -1) {
switch (ret) {
case '?':
case 'h':
case 'V':
case 'u':
ucv = 1;
case 'g':
gcv = 1;
case 'e':
action = ACT_ENDIAN;
case 'f':
action = ACT_FORMAT;
comma = strchr(optarg, ',');
if (!comma) {
errstr(_("You have to specify source and target format of conversion.\n"));
sstrncpy(fmtbuf, optarg, min(comma - optarg + 1, MAX_FMTNAME_LEN));
infmt = name2fmt(fmtbuf);
if (infmt == QF_ERROR)
outfmt = name2fmt(comma + 1);
if (outfmt == QF_ERROR)
if (optind + 1 != argcnt) {
errstr(_("Bad number of arguments.\n"));
if (!(ucv | gcv))
ucv = 1;
if (!action) {
errstr(_("You have to specify action to perform.\n"));
mntpoint = argstr[optind];
* Implementation of endian conversion
typedef char *dqbuf_t;
#define set_bit(bmp, ind) ((bmp)[(ind) >> 3] |= (1 << ((ind) & 7)))
#define get_bit(bmp, ind) ((bmp)[(ind) >> 3] & (1 << ((ind) & 7)))
#define getdqbuf() smalloc(QT_BLKSIZE)
#define freedqbuf(buf) free(buf)
static inline void endian_disk2memdqblk(struct util_dqblk *m, struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *d)
m->dqb_ihardlimit = be32toh(d->dqb_ihardlimit);
m->dqb_isoftlimit = be32toh(d->dqb_isoftlimit);
m->dqb_bhardlimit = be32toh(d->dqb_bhardlimit);
m->dqb_bsoftlimit = be32toh(d->dqb_bsoftlimit);
m->dqb_curinodes = be32toh(d->dqb_curinodes);
m->dqb_curspace = be64toh(d->dqb_curspace);
m->dqb_itime = be64toh(d->dqb_itime);
m->dqb_btime = be64toh(d->dqb_btime);
/* Is given dquot empty? */
static int endian_empty_dquot(struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *d)
static struct v2r0_disk_dqblk fakedquot;
return !memcmp(d, &fakedquot, sizeof(fakedquot));
/* Read given block */
static void read_blk(int fd, uint blk, dqbuf_t buf)
int err;
lseek(fd, blk << QT_BLKSIZE_BITS, SEEK_SET);
err = read(fd, buf, QT_BLKSIZE);
if (err < 0)
die(2, _("Cannot read block %u: %s\n"), blk, strerror(errno));
else if (err != QT_BLKSIZE)
memset(buf + err, 0, QT_BLKSIZE - err);
static void endian_report_block(int fd, uint blk, char *bitmap)
dqbuf_t buf = getdqbuf();
struct qt_disk_dqdbheader *dh;
struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *ddata;
struct dquot dquot;
struct qtree_mem_dqinfo *info = &qn->qh_info.u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree;
int i;
set_bit(bitmap, blk);
read_blk(fd, blk, buf);
dh = (struct qt_disk_dqdbheader *)buf;
ddata = (struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *)(dh + 1);
for (i = 0; i < qtree_dqstr_in_blk(info); i++)
if (!endian_empty_dquot(ddata + i)) {
memset(&dquot, 0, sizeof(dquot));
dquot.dq_h = qn;
endian_disk2memdqblk(&dquot.dq_dqb, ddata + i);
dquot.dq_id = be32toh(ddata[i].dqb_id);
if (qn->qh_ops->commit_dquot(&dquot, COMMIT_ALL) < 0)
errstr(_("Cannot commit dquot for id %u: %s\n"),
(uint)dquot.dq_id, strerror(errno));
static void endian_report_tree(int fd, uint blk, int depth, char *bitmap)
int i;
dqbuf_t buf = getdqbuf();
u_int32_t *ref = (u_int32_t *) buf;
read_blk(fd, blk, buf);
if (depth == QT_TREEDEPTH - 1) {
for (i = 0; i < QT_BLKSIZE >> 2; i++) {
blk = be32toh(ref[i]);
if (blk && !get_bit(bitmap, blk))
endian_report_block(fd, blk, bitmap);
else {
for (i = 0; i < QT_BLKSIZE >> 2; i++)
if ((blk = be32toh(ref[i])))
endian_report_tree(fd, blk, depth + 1, bitmap);
static int endian_scan_structures(int fd, int type)
char *bitmap;
loff_t blocks = (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) + QT_BLKSIZE - 1) >> QT_BLKSIZE_BITS;
bitmap = smalloc((blocks + 7) >> 3);
memset(bitmap, 0, (blocks + 7) >> 3);
endian_report_tree(fd, QT_TREEOFF, 0, bitmap);
return 0;
static int endian_check_header(int fd, int type)
struct v2_disk_dqheader head;
u_int32_t file_magics[] = INITQMAGICS;
u_int32_t known_versions[] = INIT_V2_VERSIONS;
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (read(fd, &head, sizeof(head)) != sizeof(head)) {
errstr(_("Cannot read header of old quotafile.\n"));
return -1;
if (be32toh(head.dqh_magic) != file_magics[type] || be32toh(head.dqh_version) > known_versions[type]) {
errstr(_("Bad file magic or version (probably not quotafile with bad endianity).\n"));
return -1;
return 0;
static int endian_load_info(int fd, int type)
struct v2_disk_dqinfo dinfo;
if (read(fd, &dinfo, sizeof(dinfo)) != sizeof(dinfo)) {
errstr(_("Cannot read information about old quotafile.\n"));
return -1;
qn->qh_info.u.v2_mdqi.dqi_flags = be32toh(dinfo.dqi_flags);
qn->qh_info.dqi_bgrace = be32toh(dinfo.dqi_bgrace);
qn->qh_info.dqi_igrace = be32toh(dinfo.dqi_igrace);
return 0;
* End of endian conversion
static int convert_dquot(struct dquot *dquot, char *name)
struct dquot newdquot;
memset(&newdquot, 0, sizeof(newdquot));
newdquot.dq_id = dquot->dq_id;
newdquot.dq_h = qn;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_ihardlimit = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_ihardlimit;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_isoftlimit = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_isoftlimit;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_curinodes = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_curinodes;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_bhardlimit = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_bhardlimit;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_bsoftlimit = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_bsoftlimit;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_curspace = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_curspace;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_btime = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_btime;
newdquot.dq_dqb.dqb_itime = dquot->dq_dqb.dqb_itime;
if (qn->qh_ops->commit_dquot(&newdquot, COMMIT_ALL) < 0) {
errstr(_("Cannot commit dquot for id %u: %s\n"),
(uint)dquot->dq_id, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return 0;
static int rename_file(int type, int fmt, struct mount_entry *mnt)
char *qfname, namebuf[PATH_MAX];
int ret = 0;
if (get_qf_name(mnt, type, fmt, 0, &qfname) < 0) {
errstr(_("Cannot get name of new quotafile.\n"));
return -1;
strcpy(namebuf, qfname);
sstrncat(namebuf, ".new", sizeof(namebuf));
if (rename(namebuf, qfname) < 0) {
errstr(_("Cannot rename new quotafile %s to name %s: %s\n"),
namebuf, qfname, strerror(errno));
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int convert_format(int type, struct mount_entry *mnt)
struct quota_handle *qo;
int ret = 0;
if (!(qo = init_io(mnt, type, infmt, IOI_INITSCAN))) {
errstr(_("Cannot open old format file for %ss on %s\n"),
_(type2name(type)), mnt->me_dir);
return -1;
if (!(qn = new_io(mnt, type, outfmt))) {
errstr(_("Cannot create file for %ss for new format on %s: %s\n"),
_(type2name(type)), mnt->me_dir, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (qo->qh_ops->scan_dquots(qo, convert_dquot) >= 0) /* Conversion succeeded? */
ret = rename_file(type, outfmt, mnt);
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int convert_endian(int type, struct mount_entry *mnt)
int ret = 0;
int ofd;
char *qfname;
if (get_qf_name(mnt, type, QF_VFSV0, NF_EXIST, &qfname) < 0)
return -1;
if ((ofd = open(qfname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
errstr(_("Cannot open old quota file on %s: %s\n"), mnt->me_dir, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (endian_check_header(ofd, type) < 0) {
return -1;
if (!(qn = new_io(mnt, type, QF_VFSV0))) {
errstr(_("Cannot create file for %ss for new format on %s: %s\n"),
type2name(type), mnt->me_dir, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (endian_load_info(ofd, type) < 0) {
return -1;
ret = endian_scan_structures(ofd, type);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return rename_file(type, QF_VFSV0, mnt);
static int convert_file(int type, struct mount_entry *mnt)
switch (action) {
return convert_format(type, mnt);
return convert_endian(type, mnt);
errstr(_("Unknown action should be performed.\n"));
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct mount_entry *mnt;
int ret = 0;
progname = basename(argv[0]);
parse_options(argc, argv);
if (init_mounts_scan(1, &mntpoint, 0) < 0)
return 1;
if (!(mnt = get_next_mount())) {
return 1;
if (ucv)
ret |= convert_file(USRQUOTA, mnt);
if (gcv)
ret |= convert_file(GRPQUOTA, mnt);
if (ret)
return 1;
return 0;