blob: 4cc85585735a2939c26d793a0c5883b03ad25142 [file] [log] [blame]
* Checking routines for new VFS quota format
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include "pot.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "quota.h"
#include "quotaio.h"
#include "quotaio_v2.h"
#include "quotacheck.h"
#include "quota_tree.h"
#define getdqbuf() smalloc(QT_BLKSIZE)
#define freedqbuf(buf) free(buf)
#define SET_BLK(blk) (blkbmp[(blk) >> 3] |= 1 << ((blk) & 7))
#define GET_BLK(blk) (blkbmp[(blk) >> 3] & (1 << ((blk) & 7)))
typedef char *dqbuf_t;
static const int magics[MAXQUOTAS] = INITQMAGICS; /* Magics we should look for */
static const int known_versions[MAXQUOTAS] = INIT_V2_VERSIONS; /* Versions we accept */
static char *blkbmp; /* Bitmap of checked blocks */
static int detected_versions[MAXQUOTAS];
static int check_blkref(uint blk, uint blocks)
if (blk >= blocks)
return -1;
if (blk && blk < QT_TREEOFF)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Load and check basic info about quotas */
static int check_info(char *filename, int fd, int type)
struct v2_disk_dqinfo dinfo;
uint blocks, dflags, freeblk, freeent;
off_t filesize;
int err;
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Checking quotafile info...\n"));
lseek(fd, V2_DQINFOOFF, SEEK_SET);
err = read(fd, &dinfo, sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqinfo));
if (err < 0) {
errstr(_("Cannot read info from quota file %s: %s\n"),
filename, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (err != sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqinfo)) {
errstr(_("WARNING - Quota file %s was probably truncated. Cannot save quota settings...\n"),
return -1;
blocks = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_blocks);
freeblk = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_free_blk);
freeent = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_free_entry);
dflags = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_flags);
filesize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (check_blkref(freeblk, blocks) < 0 || dflags & ~V2_DQF_MASK ||
check_blkref(freeent, blocks) < 0 || (filesize + QT_BLKSIZE - 1) >> QT_BLKSIZE_BITS != blocks) {
errstr(_("WARNING - Quota file info was corrupted.\n"));
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Size of file: %lu\nBlocks: %u Free block: %u Block with free entry: %u Flags: %x\n"),
(unsigned long)filesize, blocks, freeblk, freeent, dflags);
old_info[type].dqi_bgrace = MAX_DQ_TIME;
old_info[type].dqi_igrace = MAX_IQ_TIME;
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_blocks =
(filesize + QT_BLKSIZE - 1) >> QT_BLKSIZE_BITS;
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_flags = 0;
printf(_("Setting grace times and other flags to default values.\nAssuming number of blocks is %u.\n"),
else {
old_info[type].dqi_bgrace = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_bgrace);
old_info[type].dqi_igrace = le32toh(dinfo.dqi_igrace);
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_blocks = blocks;
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_flags = dflags;
if (detected_versions[type] == 0)
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_entry_size = sizeof(struct v2r0_disk_dqblk);
else if (detected_versions[type] == 1)
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_entry_size = sizeof(struct v2r1_disk_dqblk);
/* Won't be needed */
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_free_blk = 0;
old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_free_entry = 0;
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("File info done.\n"));
return 0;
/* Print errstr message */
static void blk_corrupted(int *corrupted, uint * lblk, uint blk, char *fmtstr, ...)
va_list args;
if (!*corrupted) {
if (!(flags & (FL_VERBOSE | FL_DEBUG)))
errstr(_("Corrupted blocks: "));
if (flags & (FL_VERBOSE | FL_DEBUG)) {
va_start(args, fmtstr);
errstr(_("Block %u: "), blk);
vfprintf(stderr, fmtstr, args);
fputc('\n', stderr);
else if (*lblk != blk) {
if (!*corrupted)
fprintf(stderr, "%u", blk);
fprintf(stderr, ", %u", blk);
*corrupted = 1;
*lblk = blk;
/* Convert dist quota format to utility one - copy just needed fields */
static void v2r0_disk2utildqblk(struct util_dqblk *u, struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *d)
u->dqb_ihardlimit = le32toh(d->dqb_ihardlimit);
u->dqb_isoftlimit = le32toh(d->dqb_isoftlimit);
u->dqb_bhardlimit = le32toh(d->dqb_bhardlimit);
u->dqb_bsoftlimit = le32toh(d->dqb_bsoftlimit);
u->dqb_itime = le64toh(d->dqb_itime);
u->dqb_btime = le64toh(d->dqb_btime);
/* Convert dist quota format to utility one - copy just needed fields */
static void v2r1_disk2utildqblk(struct util_dqblk *u, struct v2r1_disk_dqblk *d)
u->dqb_ihardlimit = le64toh(d->dqb_ihardlimit);
u->dqb_isoftlimit = le64toh(d->dqb_isoftlimit);
u->dqb_bhardlimit = le64toh(d->dqb_bhardlimit);
u->dqb_bsoftlimit = le64toh(d->dqb_bsoftlimit);
u->dqb_itime = le64toh(d->dqb_itime);
u->dqb_btime = le64toh(d->dqb_btime);
/* Put one entry info memory */
static int buffer_entry(dqbuf_t buf, uint blk, int *corrupted, uint * lblk, int cnt, int type)
struct util_dqblk *fdq, mdq;
qid_t id;
struct dquot *cd;
struct qtree_mem_dqinfo *info = &old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree;
char *ddq = (char *)buf + sizeof(struct qt_disk_dqdbheader) + cnt * info->dqi_entry_size;
if (detected_versions[type] == 0) {
v2r0_disk2utildqblk(&mdq, (struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *)ddq);
id = le32toh(((struct v2r0_disk_dqblk *)ddq)->dqb_id);
} else {
v2r1_disk2utildqblk(&mdq, (struct v2r1_disk_dqblk *)ddq);
id = le32toh(((struct v2r1_disk_dqblk *)ddq)->dqb_id);
cd = lookup_dquot(id, type);
if (cd != NODQUOT) {
fdq = &cd->dq_dqb;
if (mdq.dqb_bhardlimit != fdq->dqb_bhardlimit
|| mdq.dqb_bsoftlimit != fdq->dqb_bsoftlimit
|| mdq.dqb_ihardlimit != fdq->dqb_ihardlimit
|| mdq.dqb_isoftlimit != fdq->dqb_isoftlimit) {
blk_corrupted(corrupted, lblk, blk, _("Duplicated entries."));
if (flags & FL_GUESSDQ) {
if (!(flags & (FL_DEBUG | FL_VERBOSE)))
fputc('\n', stderr);
errstr(_("Found more structures for ID %u. Using values: BHARD: %lld BSOFT: %lld IHARD: %lld ISOFT: %lld\n"),
(uint) id, (long long)fdq->dqb_bhardlimit, (long long)fdq->dqb_bsoftlimit,
(long long)fdq->dqb_ihardlimit, (long long)fdq->dqb_isoftlimit);
return 0;
else if (flags & FL_INTERACTIVE) {
if (!(flags & (FL_DEBUG | FL_VERBOSE)))
fputc('\n', stderr);
errstr(_("Found more structures for ID %u. Values: BHARD: %lld/%lld BSOFT: %lld/%lld IHARD: %lld/%lld ISOFT: %lld/%lld\n"),
(uint) id, (long long)fdq->dqb_bhardlimit, (long long)mdq.dqb_bhardlimit,
(long long)fdq->dqb_bsoftlimit, (long long)mdq.dqb_bsoftlimit,
(long long)fdq->dqb_ihardlimit, (long long)mdq.dqb_ihardlimit,
(long long)fdq->dqb_isoftlimit, (long long)mdq.dqb_isoftlimit);
if (ask_yn(_("Should I use new values?"), 0)) {
fdq->dqb_bhardlimit = mdq.dqb_bhardlimit;
fdq->dqb_bsoftlimit = mdq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
fdq->dqb_ihardlimit = mdq.dqb_ihardlimit;
fdq->dqb_isoftlimit = mdq.dqb_isoftlimit;
fdq->dqb_btime = mdq.dqb_btime;
fdq->dqb_itime = mdq.dqb_itime;
else {
errstr(_("ID %u has more structures. User intervention needed (use -i for interactive mode or -n for automatic answer).\n"),
(uint) id);
return -1;
else if (mdq.dqb_itime != fdq->dqb_itime || mdq.dqb_btime != fdq->dqb_btime) {
if (fdq->dqb_btime < mdq.dqb_btime)
fdq->dqb_btime = mdq.dqb_btime;
if (fdq->dqb_itime < mdq.dqb_itime)
fdq->dqb_itime = mdq.dqb_itime;
else {
cd = add_dquot(id, type);
fdq = &cd->dq_dqb;
fdq->dqb_bhardlimit = mdq.dqb_bhardlimit;
fdq->dqb_bsoftlimit = mdq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
fdq->dqb_ihardlimit = mdq.dqb_ihardlimit;
fdq->dqb_isoftlimit = mdq.dqb_isoftlimit;
/* Add grace times only if there are limits... */
if (mdq.dqb_bsoftlimit)
fdq->dqb_btime = mdq.dqb_btime;
if (mdq.dqb_isoftlimit)
fdq->dqb_itime = mdq.dqb_itime;
return 0;
static void check_read_blk(int fd, uint blk, dqbuf_t buf)
ssize_t rd;
lseek(fd, blk << QT_BLKSIZE_BITS, SEEK_SET);
rd = read(fd, buf, QT_BLKSIZE);
if (rd < 0)
die(2, _("Cannot read block %u: %s\n"), blk, strerror(errno));
if (rd != QT_BLKSIZE) {
debug(FL_VERBOSE | FL_DEBUG, _("Block %u is truncated.\n"), blk);
memset(buf + rd, 0, QT_BLKSIZE - rd);
static int check_tree_ref(uint blk, uint ref, uint blocks, int check_use, int * corrupted,
uint * lblk)
if (check_blkref(ref, blocks) < 0) {
blk_corrupted(corrupted, lblk, blk, _("Reference to illegal block %u"), ref);
return -1;
if (!ref)
return 0;
if (!check_use || !GET_BLK(ref))
return 0;
blk_corrupted(corrupted, lblk, blk, _("Block %u in tree referenced twice"), ref);
return -1;
/* Check block with structures */
static int check_data_blk(int fd, uint blk, int type, uint blocks, int * corrupted, uint * lblk)
dqbuf_t buf = getdqbuf();
struct qt_disk_dqdbheader *head = (struct qt_disk_dqdbheader *)buf;
int i;
char *dd = (char *)(head + 1);
struct qtree_mem_dqinfo *info = &old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree;
check_read_blk(fd, blk, buf);
if (check_blkref(le32toh(head->dqdh_next_free), blocks) < 0)
blk_corrupted(corrupted, lblk, blk, _("Illegal free block reference to block %u"),
if (le16toh(head->dqdh_entries) > qtree_dqstr_in_blk(info))
blk_corrupted(corrupted, lblk, blk, _("Corrupted number of used entries (%u)"),
(uint) le16toh(head->dqdh_entries));
for (i = 0; i < qtree_dqstr_in_blk(info); i++)
if (!qtree_entry_unused(info, dd + i * info->dqi_entry_size))
if (buffer_entry(buf, blk, corrupted, lblk, i, type) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
/* Check one tree block */
static int check_tree_blk(int fd, uint blk, int depth, int type, uint blocks, int * corrupted,
uint * lblk)
dqbuf_t buf = getdqbuf();
u_int32_t *r = (u_int32_t *) buf;
int i;
check_read_blk(fd, blk, buf);
for (i = 0; i < QT_BLKSIZE >> 2; i++)
if (depth < QT_TREEDEPTH - 1) {
if (check_tree_ref(blk, le32toh(r[i]), blocks, 1, corrupted, lblk) >= 0 &&
le32toh(r[i])) /* Isn't block OK? */
if (check_tree_blk(fd, le32toh(r[i]), depth + 1, type, blocks, corrupted, lblk) < 0) {
return -1;
else if (check_tree_ref(blk, le32toh(r[i]), blocks, 0, corrupted, lblk) >= 0 && le32toh(r[i]))
if (!GET_BLK(le32toh(r[i])) && check_data_blk(fd, le32toh(r[i]), type, blocks, corrupted, lblk) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int v2_detect_version(char *filename, int fd, int type)
struct v2_disk_dqheader head;
int err;
int ver;
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
err = read(fd, &head, sizeof(head));
if (err < 0 || err != sizeof(head))
return -1;
if (le32toh(head.dqh_magic) != magics[type] ||
le32toh(head.dqh_version) > known_versions[type]) {
errstr(_("Quota file %s has corrupted headers. You have to specify quota format on command line.\n"),
return -1;
ver = le32toh(head.dqh_version);
if (ver == 0)
return QF_VFSV0;
return QF_VFSV1;
/* Check basic header */
static int check_header(char *filename, int fd, int type, int version)
int err;
struct v2_disk_dqheader head;
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Checking quotafile headers...\n"));
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
err = read(fd, &head, sizeof(head));
if (err < 0)
die(1, _("Cannot read header from quotafile %s: %s\n"), filename, strerror(errno));
if (err != sizeof(head)) {
errstr(_("WARNING - Quotafile %s was probably truncated. Cannot save quota settings...\n"),
return -1;
if (le32toh(head.dqh_magic) != magics[type] ||
le32toh(head.dqh_version) > known_versions[type]) {
errstr(_("WARNING - Quota file %s has corrupted headers\n"),
if (le32toh(head.dqh_version) != version) {
errstr(_("Quota file format version %d does not match the one "
"specified on command line (%d). Quota file header "
"may be corrupted.\n"),
le32toh(head.dqh_version), version);
if (!ask_yn(_("Continue checking assuming version from command line?"), 1))
return -1;
detected_versions[type] = version;
} else
detected_versions[type] = le32toh(head.dqh_version);
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Headers checked.\n"));
return 0;
/* Load data from file to memory */
int v2_buffer_file(char *filename, int fd, int type, int fmt)
uint blocks, lastblk = 0;
int corrupted = 0, ret = 0;
int version;
if (fmt == QF_VFSV0)
version = 0;
else if (fmt == QF_VFSV1)
version = 1;
die(3, _("Do not know how to buffer format %d\n"), fmt);
old_info[type].dqi_bgrace = MAX_DQ_TIME;
old_info[type].dqi_igrace = MAX_IQ_TIME;
if (flags & FL_NEWFILE)
return 0;
if (check_header(filename, fd, type, version) < 0)
return -1;
if (check_info(filename, fd, type) < 0)
return -1;
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Headers of file %s checked. Going to load data...\n"),
blocks = old_info[type].u.v2_mdqi.dqi_qtree.dqi_blocks;
blkbmp = xmalloc((blocks + 7) >> 3);
memset(blkbmp, 0, (blocks + 7) >> 3);
if (check_tree_ref(0, QT_TREEOFF, blocks, 1, &corrupted, &lastblk) >= 0)
ret = check_tree_blk(fd, QT_TREEOFF, 0, type, blocks, &corrupted, &lastblk);
errstr(_("Cannot gather quota data. Tree root node corrupted.\n"));
free_mem += (blocks + 7) >> 3;
if (corrupted) {
if (!(flags & (FL_VERBOSE | FL_DEBUG)))
fputc('\n', stderr);
errstr(_("WARNING - Some data might be changed due to corruption.\n"));
debug(FL_DEBUG, _("Not found any corrupted blocks. Congratulations.\n"));
return ret;
/* Merge quotafile info from old and new file */
void v2_merge_info(struct util_dqinfo *new, struct util_dqinfo *old)
new->u.v2_mdqi.dqi_flags = old->u.v2_mdqi.dqi_flags;