blob: 0229a9cc443776c0b70717b26e1528b3c2e0c26e [file] [log] [blame]
# vi:ts=2 sw=2 et:
# Docs:
specfile_path: .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec
- .packit.yaml
- src: .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec
dest: util-linux.spec
upstream_package_name: util-linux
downstream_package_name: util-linux
# `git describe` returns in util-linux's case 'v2.37.2-xxx' which breaks RPM version
# # detection (that expects 2.37.2-xxx'). Let's tweak the version string accordingly
upstream_tag_template: "v{version}"
srpm_build_deps: []
# Use a spec file from Fedora Rawhide
- "git clone .packit_rpm --depth=1"
# Drop the "sources" file so rebase-helper doesn't think we're a dist-git
- "rm -fv .packit_rpm/sources"
# Drop all patches, since they're already included in the tarball
- "sed -ri '/^Patch[0-9]+:/d' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# Install additional dependencies we need for the build/tests
- "sed -i '/^### Dependencies/aBuildRequires: autoconf automake bc bison flex iproute libtool procps-ng socat sqlite-devel' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# We need to call autogen, since we use a custom tarball
- "sed -i '/^unset LINGUAS/a./' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# Enable tests after build
- "sed -i '/^### Macros/a%define _with_check 1' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# Ignore unpackaged files
- "sed -i '1 i%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# Enable -Werror
- "sed -i 's/^%configure /%configure --enable-werror /' .packit_rpm/util-linux.spec"
# We need to override the default create-archive action, since we need to tweak
# the resulting tarball and add a .tarball-version file to it, otherwise
# util-linux fails to detect its version during build
- "bash -c 'echo $PACKIT_PROJECT_VERSION >.tarball-version'"
- "bash -c 'git archive --prefix ${PACKIT_PROJECT_NAME_VERSION}/ --add-file .tarball-version --output .packit_rpm/${PACKIT_PROJECT_NAME_VERSION}.tar.gz HEAD'"
- "bash -c 'echo .packit_rpm/${PACKIT_PROJECT_NAME_VERSION}.tar.gz'"
# Available targets can be listed via `copr-cli list-chroots`
# Build test
- &copr
job: copr_build
trigger: pull_request
- fedora-rawhide-aarch64
- fedora-rawhide-i386
- fedora-rawhide-ppc64le
- fedora-rawhide-s390x
- fedora-rawhide-x86_64
- <<: *copr
trigger: commit
branch: master
- <<: *copr
trigger: release