blob: d938636758ab83ea49c8b9e471934d963c9a3cb2 [file] [log] [blame]
;; $Id$
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Copyright 2003 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
;; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Dump as much as possible of the register state; for debugging
mov ah,02h
call dumpregs
int 13h
push gs
push fs
push es
push ds
push ss
push cs
push cs
pop ds
mov bp,sp
mov di,regnames
mov cx,9 ; 9 32-bit registers
mov si,[di]
inc di
inc di
call cwritestr
mov eax,[bp]
add bp,4
call writehex8
loop .reg8
mov cx,7 ; 6 16-bit registers
mov si,[di]
inc di
inc di
call cwritestr
mov eax,[bp]
inc bp
inc bp
call writehex4
loop .reg4
call crlf
add sp,4 ; Skip CS, SS
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
dw .eflags
dw .edi
dw .esi
dw .ebp
dw .esp
dw .ebx
dw .edx
dw .ecx
dw .eax
dw .cs
dw .ss
dw .ds
dw .es
dw .fs
dw .gs
dw .ip
.eflags db 'EFL: ', 0
.edi db 13,10,'EDI: ', 0
.esi db ' ESI: ', 0
.ebp db ' EBP: ', 0
.esp db ' ESP: ', 0
.ebx db 13,10,'EBX: ', 0
.edx db ' EDX: ', 0
.ecx db ' ECX: ', 0
.eax db ' EAX: ', 0
.cs db 13,10,'CS: ',0
.ss db ' SS: ',0
.ds db ' DS: ',0
.es db ' ES: ',0
.fs db ' FS: ',0
.gs db ' GS: ',0
.ip db ' IP: ',0