blob: 8ffc921abadc905f226da490630ecf4288424598 [file] [log] [blame]
.. default-domain:: ir
Sparse's Intermediate Representation
This document briefly describes which field of struct instruction is
used by which operation.
Some of those fields are used by almost all instructions,
some others are specific to only one or a few instructions.
The common ones are:
* .src1, .src2, .src3: (pseudo_t) operands of binops or ternary ops.
* .src: (pseudo_t) operand of unary ops (alias for .src1).
* .target: (pseudo_t) result of unary, binary & ternary ops, is
sometimes used otherwise by some others instructions.
* .cond: (pseudo_t) input operands for condition (alias .src/.src1)
* .type: (symbol*) usually the type of .result, sometimes of the operands
.. op:: OP_RET
Return from subroutine.
* .src : returned value (NULL if void)
* .type: type of .src
.. op:: OP_BR
Unconditional branch
* .bb_true: destination basic block
.. op:: OP_CBR
Conditional branch
* .cond: condition
* .type: type of .cond, must be an integral type
* .bb_true, .bb_false: destination basic blocks
.. op:: OP_SWITCH
Switch / multi-branch
* .cond: condition
* .type: type of .cond, must be an integral type
* .multijmp_list: pairs of case-value - destination basic block
Computed goto / branch to register
* .src: address to branch to (void*)
* .multijmp_list: list of possible destination basic blocks
Arithmetic binops
They all follow the same signature:
* .src1, .src1: operands (types must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation (must be an integral type)
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_ADD
Integer addition.
.. op:: OP_SUB
Integer subtraction.
.. op:: OP_MUL
Integer multiplication.
.. op:: OP_DIVU
Integer unsigned division.
.. op:: OP_DIVS
Integer signed division.
.. op:: OP_MODU
Integer unsigned remainder.
.. op:: OP_MODS
Integer signed remainder.
.. op:: OP_SHL
Shift left (integer only)
.. op:: OP_LSR
Logical Shift right (integer only)
.. op:: OP_ASR
Arithmetic Shift right (integer only)
Floating-point binops
They all follow the same signature:
* .src1, .src1: operands (types must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation (must be a floating-point type)
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_FADD
Floating-point addition.
.. op:: OP_FSUB
Floating-point subtraction.
.. op:: OP_FMUL
Floating-point multiplication.
.. op:: OP_FDIV
Floating-point division.
Logical ops
They all follow the same signature:
* .src1, .src2: operands (types must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation
* .type: type of .target, must be an integral type
.. op:: OP_AND
Logical AND
.. op:: OP_OR
Logical OR
.. op:: OP_XOR
Logical XOR
Integer compares
They all have the following signature:
* .src1, .src2: operands (types must be compatible)
* .target: result of the operation (0/1 valued integer)
* .type: type of .target, must be an integral type
.. op:: OP_SET_EQ
Compare equal.
.. op:: OP_SET_NE
Compare not-equal.
.. op:: OP_SET_LE
Compare less-than-or-equal (signed).
.. op:: OP_SET_GE
Compare greater-than-or-equal (signed).
.. op:: OP_SET_LT
Compare less-than (signed).
.. op:: OP_SET_GT
Compare greater-than (signed).
.. op:: OP_SET_B
Compare less-than (unsigned).
.. op:: OP_SET_A
Compare greater-than (unsigned).
.. op:: OP_SET_BE
Compare less-than-or-equal (unsigned).
.. op:: OP_SET_AE
Compare greater-than-or-equal (unsigned).
Floating-point compares
They all have the same signature as the integer compares.
The usual 6 operations exist in two versions: 'ordered' and
'unordered'. These operations first check if any operand is a
NaN and if it is the case the ordered compares return false
and then unordered return true, otherwise the result of the
comparison, now guaranteed to be done on non-NaNs, is returned.
.. op:: OP_FCMP_OEQ
Floating-point compare ordered equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_ONE
Floating-point compare ordered not-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_OLE
Floating-point compare ordered less-than-or-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_OGE
Floating-point compare ordered greater-or-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_OLT
Floating-point compare ordered less-than
.. op:: OP_FCMP_OGT
Floating-point compare ordered greater-than
.. op:: OP_FCMP_UEQ
Floating-point compare unordered equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_UNE
Floating-point compare unordered not-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_ULE
Floating-point compare unordered less-than-or-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_UGE
Floating-point compare unordered greater-or-equal
.. op:: OP_FCMP_ULT
Floating-point compare unordered less-than
.. op:: OP_FCMP_UGT
Floating-point compare unordered greater-than
.. op:: OP_FCMP_ORD
Floating-point compare ordered: return true if both operands are ordered
(none of the operands are a NaN) and false otherwise.
.. op:: OP_FCMP_UNO
Floating-point compare unordered: return false if no operands is ordered
and true otherwise.
Unary ops
.. op:: OP_NOT
Logical not.
* .src: operand (type must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation
* .type: type of .target, must be an integral type
.. op:: OP_NEG
Integer negation.
* .src: operand (type must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation (must be an integral type)
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_FNEG
Floating-point negation.
* .src: operand (type must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation (must be a floating-point type)
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_SYMADDR
Create a pseudo corresponding to the address of a symbol.
* .src: input symbol (must be a PSEUDO_SYM)
* .target: symbol's address
.. op:: OP_COPY
Copy (only needed after out-of-SSA).
* .src: operand (type must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation
* .type: type of .target
Type conversions
They all have the following signature:
* .src: source value
* .orig_type: type of .src
* .target: result value
* .type: type of .target
Currently, a cast to a void pointer is treated like a cast to
an unsigned integer of the same size.
.. op:: OP_TRUNC
Cast from integer to an integer of a smaller size.
.. op:: OP_SEXT
Cast from integer to an integer of a bigger size with sign extension.
.. op:: OP_ZEXT
Cast from integer to an integer of a bigger size with zero extension.
.. op:: OP_UTPTR
Cast from pointer-sized unsigned integer to pointer type.
.. op:: OP_PTRTU
Cast from pointer type to pointer-sized unsigned integer.
.. op:: OP_PTRCAST
Cast between pointers.
.. op:: OP_FCVTU
Conversion from float type to unsigned integer.
.. op:: OP_FCVTS
Conversion from float type to signed integer.
.. op:: OP_UCVTF
Conversion from unsigned integer to float type.
.. op:: OP_SCVTF
Conversion from signed integer to float type.
.. op:: OP_FCVTF
Conversion between float types.
Ternary ops
.. op:: OP_SEL
* .src1: condition, must be of integral type
* .src2, .src3: operands (types must be compatible with .target)
* .target: result of the operation
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_RANGE
Range/bounds checking (only used for an unused sparse extension).
* .src1: value to be checked
* .src2, src3: bound of the value (must be constants?)
* .type: type of .src[123]?
Memory ops
.. op:: OP_LOAD
* .src: base address to load from
* .offset: address offset
* .target: loaded value
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_STORE
* .src: base address to store to
* .offset: address offset
* .target: value to be stored
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_SETFVAL
Create a pseudo corresponding to a floating-point literal.
* .fvalue: the literal's value (long double)
* .target: the corresponding pseudo
* .type: type of the literal & .target
.. op:: OP_SETVAL
Create a pseudo corresponding to a string literal or a label-as-value.
The value is given as an expression EXPR_STRING or EXPR_LABEL.
* .val: (expression) input expression
* .target: the resulting value
* .type: type of .target, the value
.. op:: OP_PHI
Phi-node (for SSA form).
* .phi_list: phi-operands (type must be compatible with .target)
* .target: "result"
* .type: type of .target
Phi-node source.
Like OP_COPY but exclusively used to give a defining instructions
(and thus also a type) to *all* OP_PHI operands.
* .phi_src: operand (type must be compatible with .target, alias .src)
* .target: the "result" PSEUDO_PHI
* .type: type of .target
* .phi_users: list of phi instructions using the target pseudo
.. op:: OP_CALL
Function call.
* .func: (pseudo_t) the function (can be a symbol or a "register",
alias .src))
* .arguments: (pseudo_list) list of the associated arguments
* .target: function return value (if any)
* .type: type of .target
* .fntypes: (symbol_list) list of the function's types: the first
entry is the full function type, the next ones are the type of
each arguments
Only used as an annotation to show that the instructions just above
correspond to a function that have been inlined.
* .func: (pseudo_t) the function (must be a symbol, alias .src))
* .arguments: list of pseudos that where the function's arguments
* .target: function return value (if any)
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_SLICE
Extract a "slice" from an aggregate.
* .base: (pseudo_t) aggregate (alias .src)
* .from, .len: offet & size of the "slice" within the aggregate
* .target: result
* .type: type of .target
.. op:: OP_ASM
Inlined assembly code.
* .string: asm template
* .asm_rules: asm constraints, rules
Sparse tagging (line numbers, context, whatever)
.. op:: OP_CONTEXT
Currently only used for lock/unlock tracking.
* .context_expr: unused
* .increment: (1 for locking, -1 for unlocking)
* .check: (ignore the instruction if 0)
Misc ops
.. op:: OP_ENTRY
Function entry point (no associated semantic).
.. op:: OP_BADOP
Invalid operation (should never be generated).
.. op:: OP_NOP
No-op (should never be generated).
Annotation telling the pseudo will be death after the next
instruction (other than some other annotation, that is).
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