blob: a4a126720c68359eda15e5a6d8aa50701481a7c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Stupid C parser, version 1e-6.
* Let's see how hard this is to do.
* Copyright (C) 2003 Transmeta Corp.
* 2003-2004 Linus Torvalds
* Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher Li
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "lib.h"
#include "allocate.h"
#include "token.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "target.h"
static struct symbol_list **function_symbol_list;
struct symbol_list *function_computed_target_list;
struct statement_list *function_computed_goto_list;
static struct token *statement(struct token *token, struct statement **tree);
static struct token *handle_attributes(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx, unsigned int keywords);
typedef struct token *declarator_t(struct token *, struct decl_state *);
static declarator_t
struct_specifier, union_specifier, enum_specifier,
attribute_specifier, typeof_specifier, parse_asm_declarator,
typedef_specifier, inline_specifier, auto_specifier,
register_specifier, static_specifier, extern_specifier,
thread_specifier, const_qualifier, volatile_qualifier;
static struct token *parse_if_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_return_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_loop_iterator(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_default_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_case_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_switch_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_for_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_while_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_do_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_goto_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_context_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_range_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *parse_asm_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt);
static struct token *toplevel_asm_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list);
typedef struct token *attr_t(struct token *, struct symbol *,
struct decl_state *);
static attr_t
attribute_packed, attribute_aligned, attribute_modifier,
attribute_address_space, attribute_context,
attribute_transparent_union, ignore_attribute,
attribute_mode, attribute_force;
typedef struct symbol *to_mode_t(struct symbol *);
static to_mode_t
to_QI_mode, to_HI_mode, to_SI_mode, to_DI_mode, to_TI_mode, to_word_mode;
enum {
Set_T = 1,
Set_S = 2,
Set_Char = 4,
Set_Int = 8,
Set_Double = 16,
Set_Float = 32,
Set_Signed = 64,
Set_Unsigned = 128,
Set_Short = 256,
Set_Long = 512,
Set_Vlong = 1024,
Set_Int128 = 2048,
Set_Any = Set_T | Set_Short | Set_Long | Set_Signed | Set_Unsigned
enum {
CInt = 0, CSInt, CUInt, CReal, CChar, CSChar, CUChar,
enum {
SNone = 0, STypedef, SAuto, SRegister, SExtern, SStatic, SForced, SMax,
static struct symbol_op typedef_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = typedef_specifier,
static struct symbol_op inline_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = inline_specifier,
static declarator_t noreturn_specifier;
static struct symbol_op noreturn_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = noreturn_specifier,
static declarator_t alignas_specifier;
static struct symbol_op alignas_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = alignas_specifier,
static struct symbol_op auto_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = auto_specifier,
static struct symbol_op register_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = register_specifier,
static struct symbol_op static_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = static_specifier,
static struct symbol_op extern_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = extern_specifier,
static struct symbol_op thread_op = {
.type = KW_MODIFIER,
.declarator = thread_specifier,
static struct symbol_op const_op = {
.declarator = const_qualifier,
static struct symbol_op volatile_op = {
.declarator = volatile_qualifier,
static struct symbol_op restrict_op = {
static struct symbol_op typeof_op = {
.declarator = typeof_specifier,
.test = Set_Any,
.set = Set_S|Set_T,
static struct symbol_op attribute_op = {
.declarator = attribute_specifier,
static struct symbol_op struct_op = {
.declarator = struct_specifier,
.test = Set_Any,
.set = Set_S|Set_T,
static struct symbol_op union_op = {
.declarator = union_specifier,
.test = Set_Any,
.set = Set_S|Set_T,
static struct symbol_op enum_op = {
.declarator = enum_specifier,
.test = Set_Any,
.set = Set_S|Set_T,
static struct symbol_op spec_op = {
.test = Set_Any,
.set = Set_S|Set_T,
static struct symbol_op char_op = {
.test = Set_T|Set_Long|Set_Short,
.set = Set_T|Set_Char,
.class = CChar,
static struct symbol_op int_op = {
.test = Set_T,
.set = Set_T|Set_Int,
static struct symbol_op double_op = {
.test = Set_T|Set_Signed|Set_Unsigned|Set_Short|Set_Vlong,
.set = Set_T|Set_Double,
.class = CReal,
static struct symbol_op float_op = {
.test = Set_T|Set_Signed|Set_Unsigned|Set_Short|Set_Long,
.set = Set_T|Set_Float,
.class = CReal,
static struct symbol_op short_op = {
.test = Set_S|Set_Char|Set_Float|Set_Double|Set_Long|Set_Short,
.set = Set_Short,
static struct symbol_op signed_op = {
.test = Set_S|Set_Float|Set_Double|Set_Signed|Set_Unsigned,
.set = Set_Signed,
.class = CSInt,
static struct symbol_op unsigned_op = {
.test = Set_S|Set_Float|Set_Double|Set_Signed|Set_Unsigned,
.set = Set_Unsigned,
.class = CUInt,
static struct symbol_op long_op = {
.test = Set_S|Set_Char|Set_Float|Set_Short|Set_Vlong,
.set = Set_Long,
static struct symbol_op int128_op = {
.test = Set_S|Set_T|Set_Char|Set_Short|Set_Int|Set_Float|Set_Double|Set_Long|Set_Vlong|Set_Int128,
.set = Set_T|Set_Int128,
static struct symbol_op if_op = {
.statement = parse_if_statement,
static struct symbol_op return_op = {
.statement = parse_return_statement,
static struct symbol_op loop_iter_op = {
.statement = parse_loop_iterator,
static struct symbol_op default_op = {
.statement = parse_default_statement,
static struct symbol_op case_op = {
.statement = parse_case_statement,
static struct symbol_op switch_op = {
.statement = parse_switch_statement,
static struct symbol_op for_op = {
.statement = parse_for_statement,
static struct symbol_op while_op = {
.statement = parse_while_statement,
static struct symbol_op do_op = {
.statement = parse_do_statement,
static struct symbol_op goto_op = {
.statement = parse_goto_statement,
static struct symbol_op __context___op = {
.statement = parse_context_statement,
static struct symbol_op range_op = {
.statement = parse_range_statement,
static struct symbol_op asm_op = {
.type = KW_ASM,
.declarator = parse_asm_declarator,
.statement = parse_asm_statement,
.toplevel = toplevel_asm_declaration,
static struct symbol_op packed_op = {
.attribute = attribute_packed,
static struct symbol_op aligned_op = {
.attribute = attribute_aligned,
static struct symbol_op attr_mod_op = {
.attribute = attribute_modifier,
static struct symbol_op attr_force_op = {
.attribute = attribute_force,
static struct symbol_op address_space_op = {
.attribute = attribute_address_space,
static struct symbol_op mode_op = {
.attribute = attribute_mode,
static struct symbol_op context_op = {
.attribute = attribute_context,
static struct symbol_op designated_init_op = {
.attribute = attribute_designated_init,
static struct symbol_op transparent_union_op = {
.attribute = attribute_transparent_union,
static struct symbol_op ignore_attr_op = {
.attribute = ignore_attribute,
static struct symbol_op mode_QI_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_QI_mode
static struct symbol_op mode_HI_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_HI_mode
static struct symbol_op mode_SI_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_SI_mode
static struct symbol_op mode_DI_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_DI_mode
static struct symbol_op mode_TI_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_TI_mode
static struct symbol_op mode_word_op = {
.type = KW_MODE,
.to_mode = to_word_mode
static struct init_keyword {
const char *name;
enum namespace ns;
unsigned long modifiers;
struct symbol_op *op;
struct symbol *type;
} keyword_table[] = {
/* Type qualifiers */
{ "const", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &const_op },
{ "__const", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &const_op },
{ "__const__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &const_op },
{ "volatile", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &volatile_op },
{ "__volatile", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &volatile_op },
{ "__volatile__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &volatile_op },
/* Typedef.. */
{ "typedef", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &typedef_op },
/* Type specifiers */
{ "void", NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &void_ctype, .op = &spec_op},
{ "char", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &char_op },
{ "short", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &short_op },
{ "int", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &int_op },
{ "long", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &long_op },
{ "float", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &float_op },
{ "double", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &double_op },
{ "signed", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &signed_op },
{ "__signed", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &signed_op },
{ "__signed__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &signed_op },
{ "unsigned", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &unsigned_op },
{ "__int128", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &int128_op },
{ "_Bool", NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &bool_ctype, .op = &spec_op },
/* Predeclared types */
{ "__builtin_va_list", NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &ptr_ctype, .op = &spec_op },
{ "__builtin_ms_va_list", NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &ptr_ctype, .op = &spec_op },
{ "__int128_t", NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &lllong_ctype, .op = &spec_op },
{ "__uint128_t",NS_TYPEDEF, .type = &ulllong_ctype, .op = &spec_op },
/* Extended types */
{ "typeof", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &typeof_op },
{ "__typeof", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &typeof_op },
{ "__typeof__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &typeof_op },
{ "__attribute", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &attribute_op },
{ "__attribute__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &attribute_op },
{ "struct", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &struct_op },
{ "union", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &union_op },
{ "enum", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &enum_op },
{ "inline", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &inline_op },
{ "__inline", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &inline_op },
{ "__inline__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &inline_op },
{ "_Noreturn", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &noreturn_op },
{ "_Alignas", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &alignas_op },
/* Ignored for now.. */
{ "restrict", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &restrict_op},
{ "__restrict", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &restrict_op},
{ "__restrict__", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &restrict_op},
/* Storage class */
{ "auto", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &auto_op },
{ "register", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &register_op },
{ "static", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &static_op },
{ "extern", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &extern_op },
{ "__thread", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &thread_op },
{ "_Thread_local", NS_TYPEDEF, .op = &thread_op },
/* Statement */
{ "if", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &if_op },
{ "return", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &return_op },
{ "break", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &loop_iter_op },
{ "continue", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &loop_iter_op },
{ "default", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &default_op },
{ "case", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &case_op },
{ "switch", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &switch_op },
{ "for", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &for_op },
{ "while", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &while_op },
{ "do", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &do_op },
{ "goto", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &goto_op },
{ "__context__",NS_KEYWORD, .op = &__context___op },
{ "__range__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &range_op },
{ "asm", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &asm_op },
{ "__asm", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &asm_op },
{ "__asm__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &asm_op },
/* Attribute */
{ "packed", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &packed_op },
{ "__packed__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &packed_op },
{ "aligned", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &aligned_op },
{ "__aligned__",NS_KEYWORD, .op = &aligned_op },
{ "nocast", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_NOCAST, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "noderef", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_NODEREF, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "safe", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_SAFE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "force", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &attr_force_op },
{ "bitwise", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_BITWISE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "__bitwise__",NS_KEYWORD, MOD_BITWISE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "address_space",NS_KEYWORD, .op = &address_space_op },
{ "mode", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &mode_op },
{ "context", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &context_op },
{ "designated_init", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &designated_init_op },
{ "__transparent_union__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &transparent_union_op },
{ "noreturn", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_NORETURN, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "__noreturn__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_NORETURN, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "pure", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_PURE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{"__pure__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_PURE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{"const", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_PURE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{"__const", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_PURE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{"__const__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_PURE, .op = &attr_mod_op },
{ "__mode__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &mode_op },
{ "QI", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_CHAR, .op = &mode_QI_op },
{ "__QI__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_CHAR, .op = &mode_QI_op },
{ "HI", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_SHORT, .op = &mode_HI_op },
{ "__HI__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_SHORT, .op = &mode_HI_op },
{ "SI", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &mode_SI_op },
{ "__SI__", NS_KEYWORD, .op = &mode_SI_op },
{ "DI", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONGLONG, .op = &mode_DI_op },
{ "__DI__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONGLONG, .op = &mode_DI_op },
{ "TI", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONGLONGLONG, .op = &mode_TI_op },
{ "__TI__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONGLONGLONG, .op = &mode_TI_op },
{ "word", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONG, .op = &mode_word_op },
{ "__word__", NS_KEYWORD, MOD_LONG, .op = &mode_word_op },
static const char *ignored_attributes[] = {
void init_parser(int stream)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(keyword_table); i++) {
struct init_keyword *ptr = keyword_table + i;
struct symbol *sym = create_symbol(stream, ptr->name, SYM_KEYWORD, ptr->ns);
sym->ident->keyword = 1;
if (ptr->ns == NS_TYPEDEF)
sym->ident->reserved = 1;
sym->ctype.modifiers = ptr->modifiers;
sym->ctype.base_type = ptr->type;
sym->op = ptr->op;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ignored_attributes); i++) {
const char * name = ignored_attributes[i];
struct symbol *sym = create_symbol(stream, name, SYM_KEYWORD,
sym->ident->keyword = 1;
sym->op = &ignore_attr_op;
// Add a symbol to the list of function-local symbols
static void fn_local_symbol(struct symbol *sym)
if (function_symbol_list)
add_symbol(function_symbol_list, sym);
static int SENTINEL_ATTR match_idents(struct token *token, ...)
va_list args;
struct ident * next;
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
return 0;
va_start(args, token);
do {
next = va_arg(args, struct ident *);
} while (next && token->ident != next);
return next && token->ident == next;
struct statement *alloc_statement(struct position pos, int type)
struct statement *stmt = __alloc_statement(0);
stmt->type = type;
stmt->pos = pos;
return stmt;
static struct token *struct_declaration_list(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list);
static void apply_modifiers(struct position pos, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct symbol *ctype;
if (!ctx->mode)
ctype = ctx->mode->to_mode(ctx->ctype.base_type);
if (!ctype)
sparse_error(pos, "don't know how to apply mode to %s",
ctx->ctype.base_type = ctype;
static struct symbol * alloc_indirect_symbol(struct position pos, struct ctype *ctype, int type)
struct symbol *sym = alloc_symbol(pos, type);
sym->ctype.base_type = ctype->base_type;
sym->ctype.modifiers = ctype->modifiers;
ctype->base_type = sym;
ctype->modifiers = 0;
return sym;
* NOTE! NS_LABEL is not just a different namespace,
* it also ends up using function scope instead of the
* regular symbol scope.
struct symbol *label_symbol(struct token *token)
struct symbol *sym = lookup_symbol(token->ident, NS_LABEL);
if (!sym) {
sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_LABEL);
bind_symbol(sym, token->ident, NS_LABEL);
return sym;
static struct token *struct_union_enum_specifier(enum type type,
struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx,
struct token *(*parse)(struct token *, struct symbol *))
struct symbol *sym;
struct position *repos;
token = handle_attributes(token, ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE);
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
sym = lookup_symbol(token->ident, NS_STRUCT);
if (!sym ||
(is_outer_scope(sym->scope) &&
(match_op(token->next,';') || match_op(token->next,'{')))) {
// Either a new symbol, or else an out-of-scope
// symbol being redefined.
sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, type);
bind_symbol(sym, token->ident, NS_STRUCT);
if (sym->type != type)
error_die(token->pos, "invalid tag applied to %s", show_typename (sym));
ctx->ctype.base_type = sym;
repos = &token->pos;
token = token->next;
if (match_op(token, '{')) {
// The following test is actually wrong for empty
// structs, but (1) they are not C99, (2) gcc does
// the same thing, and (3) it's easier.
if (sym->symbol_list)
error_die(token->pos, "redefinition of %s", show_typename (sym));
sym->pos = *repos;
token = parse(token->next, sym);
token = expect(token, '}', "at end of struct-union-enum-specifier");
// Mark the structure as needing re-examination
sym->examined = 0;
sym->endpos = token->pos;
return token;
// private struct/union/enum type
if (!match_op(token, '{')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected declaration");
ctx->ctype.base_type = &bad_ctype;
return token;
sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, type);
token = parse(token->next, sym);
ctx->ctype.base_type = sym;
token = expect(token, '}', "at end of specifier");
sym->endpos = token->pos;
return token;
static struct token *parse_struct_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol *sym)
struct symbol *field, *last = NULL;
struct token *res;
res = struct_declaration_list(token, &sym->symbol_list);
FOR_EACH_PTR(sym->symbol_list, field) {
if (!field->ident) {
struct symbol *base = field->ctype.base_type;
if (base && base->type == SYM_BITFIELD)
if (last)
last->next_subobject = field;
last = field;
} END_FOR_EACH_PTR(field);
return res;
static struct token *parse_union_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol *sym)
return struct_declaration_list(token, &sym->symbol_list);
static struct token *struct_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
return struct_union_enum_specifier(SYM_STRUCT, token, ctx, parse_struct_declaration);
static struct token *union_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
return struct_union_enum_specifier(SYM_UNION, token, ctx, parse_union_declaration);
typedef struct {
int x;
unsigned long long y;
} Num;
static void upper_boundary(Num *n, Num *v)
if (n->x > v->x)
if (n->x < v->x) {
*n = *v;
if (n->y < v->y)
n->y = v->y;
static void lower_boundary(Num *n, Num *v)
if (n->x < v->x)
if (n->x > v->x) {
*n = *v;
if (n->y > v->y)
n->y = v->y;
static int type_is_ok(struct symbol *type, Num *upper, Num *lower)
int shift = type->bit_size;
int is_unsigned = type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED;
if (!is_unsigned)
if (upper->x == 0 && upper->y >> shift)
return 0;
if (lower->x == 0 || (!is_unsigned && (~lower->y >> shift) == 0))
return 1;
return 0;
static struct symbol *bigger_enum_type(struct symbol *s1, struct symbol *s2)
if (s1->bit_size < s2->bit_size) {
s1 = s2;
} else if (s1->bit_size == s2->bit_size) {
if (s2->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED)
s1 = s2;
if (s1->bit_size < bits_in_int)
return &int_ctype;
return s1;
static void cast_enum_list(struct symbol_list *list, struct symbol *base_type)
struct symbol *sym;
FOR_EACH_PTR(list, sym) {
struct expression *expr = sym->initializer;
struct symbol *ctype;
if (expr->type != EXPR_VALUE)
ctype = expr->ctype;
if (ctype->bit_size == base_type->bit_size)
cast_value(expr, base_type, expr, ctype);
static struct token *parse_enum_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol *parent)
unsigned long long lastval = 0;
struct symbol *ctype = NULL, *base_type = NULL;
Num upper = {-1, 0}, lower = {1, 0};
parent->examined = 1;
parent->ctype.base_type = &int_ctype;
while (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct expression *expr = NULL;
struct token *next = token->next;
struct symbol *sym;
if (match_op(next, '=')) {
next = constant_expression(next->next, &expr);
lastval = get_expression_value(expr);
ctype = &void_ctype;
if (expr && expr->ctype)
ctype = expr->ctype;
} else if (!ctype) {
ctype = &int_ctype;
} else if (is_int_type(ctype)) {
} else {
error_die(token->pos, "can't increment the last enum member");
if (!expr) {
expr = alloc_expression(token->pos, EXPR_VALUE);
expr->value = lastval;
expr->ctype = ctype;
sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
bind_symbol(sym, token->ident, NS_SYMBOL);
sym->ctype.modifiers &= ~MOD_ADDRESSABLE;
sym->initializer = expr;
sym->enum_member = 1;
sym->ctype.base_type = parent;
add_ptr_list(&parent->symbol_list, sym);
if (base_type != &bad_ctype) {
if (ctype->type == SYM_NODE)
ctype = ctype->ctype.base_type;
if (ctype->type == SYM_ENUM) {
if (ctype == parent)
ctype = base_type;
ctype = ctype->ctype.base_type;
* base_type rules:
* - if all enums are of the same type, then
* the base_type is that type (two first
* cases)
* - if enums are of different types, they
* all have to be integer types, and the
* base type is at least "int_ctype".
* - otherwise the base_type is "bad_ctype".
if (!base_type) {
base_type = ctype;
} else if (ctype == base_type) {
/* nothing */
} else if (is_int_type(base_type) && is_int_type(ctype)) {
base_type = bigger_enum_type(base_type, ctype);
} else
base_type = &bad_ctype;
parent->ctype.base_type = base_type;
if (is_int_type(base_type)) {
Num v = {.y = lastval};
if (ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED)
v.x = 0;
else if ((long long)lastval >= 0)
v.x = 0;
v.x = -1;
upper_boundary(&upper, &v);
lower_boundary(&lower, &v);
token = next;
sym->endpos = token->pos;
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
if (!base_type) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "bad enum definition");
base_type = &bad_ctype;
else if (!is_int_type(base_type))
base_type = base_type;
else if (type_is_ok(base_type, &upper, &lower))
base_type = base_type;
else if (type_is_ok(&int_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &int_ctype;
else if (type_is_ok(&uint_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &uint_ctype;
else if (type_is_ok(&long_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &long_ctype;
else if (type_is_ok(&ulong_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &ulong_ctype;
else if (type_is_ok(&llong_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &llong_ctype;
else if (type_is_ok(&ullong_ctype, &upper, &lower))
base_type = &ullong_ctype;
base_type = &bad_ctype;
parent->ctype.base_type = base_type;
parent->ctype.modifiers |= (base_type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED);
parent->examined = 0;
cast_enum_list(parent->symbol_list, base_type);
return token;
static struct token *enum_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct token *ret = struct_union_enum_specifier(SYM_ENUM, token, ctx, parse_enum_declaration);
struct ctype *ctype = &ctx->ctype.base_type->ctype;
if (!ctype->base_type)
ctype->base_type = &incomplete_ctype;
return ret;
static void apply_ctype(struct position pos, struct ctype *thistype, struct ctype *ctype);
static struct token *typeof_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct symbol *sym;
if (!match_op(token, '(')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected '(' after typeof");
return token;
if (lookup_type(token->next)) {
token = typename(token->next, &sym, NULL);
ctx->ctype.base_type = sym->ctype.base_type;
apply_ctype(token->pos, &sym->ctype, &ctx->ctype);
} else {
struct symbol *typeof_sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_TYPEOF);
token = parse_expression(token->next, &typeof_sym->initializer);
typeof_sym->endpos = token->pos;
if (!typeof_sym->initializer) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected expression after the '(' token");
typeof_sym = &bad_ctype;
ctx->ctype.base_type = typeof_sym;
return expect(token, ')', "after typeof");
static struct token *ignore_attribute(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct expression *expr = NULL;
if (match_op(token, '('))
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "in attribute");
return token;
static struct token *attribute_packed(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
if (!ctx->ctype.alignment)
ctx->ctype.alignment = 1;
return token;
static struct token *attribute_aligned(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
int alignment = max_alignment;
struct expression *expr = NULL;
if (match_op(token, '(')) {
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "in attribute");
if (expr)
alignment = const_expression_value(expr);
if (alignment & (alignment-1)) {
warning(token->pos, "I don't like non-power-of-2 alignments");
return token;
} else if (alignment > ctx->ctype.alignment)
ctx->ctype.alignment = alignment;
return token;
static void apply_qualifier(struct position *pos, struct ctype *ctx, unsigned long qual)
if (ctx->modifiers & qual)
warning(*pos, "duplicate %s", modifier_string(qual));
ctx->modifiers |= qual;
static struct token *attribute_modifier(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
apply_qualifier(&token->pos, &ctx->ctype, attr->ctype.modifiers);
return token;
static struct token *attribute_address_space(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct expression *expr = NULL;
int as;
token = expect(token, '(', "after address_space attribute");
token = conditional_expression(token, &expr);
if (expr) {
as = const_expression_value(expr);
if (Waddress_space && as)
ctx-> = as;
token = expect(token, ')', "after address_space attribute");
return token;
static struct symbol *to_QI_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
if (ctype == &char_ctype)
return ctype;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &uchar_ctype
: &schar_ctype;
static struct symbol *to_HI_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &ushort_ctype
: &sshort_ctype;
static struct symbol *to_SI_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &uint_ctype
: &sint_ctype;
static struct symbol *to_DI_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &ullong_ctype
: &sllong_ctype;
static struct symbol *to_TI_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &ulllong_ctype
: &slllong_ctype;
static struct symbol *to_word_mode(struct symbol *ctype)
if (ctype->ctype.base_type != &int_type)
return NULL;
return ctype->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED ? &ulong_ctype
: &slong_ctype;
static struct token *attribute_mode(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
token = expect(token, '(', "after mode attribute");
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *mode = lookup_keyword(token->ident, NS_KEYWORD);
if (mode && mode->op->type == KW_MODE)
ctx->mode = mode->op;
sparse_error(token->pos, "unknown mode attribute %s\n", show_ident(token->ident));
token = token->next;
} else
sparse_error(token->pos, "expect attribute mode symbol\n");
token = expect(token, ')', "after mode attribute");
return token;
static struct token *attribute_context(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct context *context = alloc_context();
struct expression *args[3];
int argc = 0;
token = expect(token, '(', "after context attribute");
while (!match_op(token, ')')) {
struct expression *expr = NULL;
token = conditional_expression(token, &expr);
if (!expr)
if (argc < 3)
args[argc++] = expr;
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
switch(argc) {
case 0:
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected context input/output values");
case 1:
context->in = get_expression_value(args[0]);
case 2:
context->in = get_expression_value(args[0]);
context->out = get_expression_value(args[1]);
case 3:
context->context = args[0];
context->in = get_expression_value(args[1]);
context->out = get_expression_value(args[2]);
if (argc)
add_ptr_list(&ctx->ctype.contexts, context);
token = expect(token, ')', "after context attribute");
return token;
static struct token *attribute_designated_init(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
if (ctx->ctype.base_type && ctx->ctype.base_type->type == SYM_STRUCT)
ctx->ctype.base_type->designated_init = 1;
warning(token->pos, "attribute designated_init applied to non-structure type");
return token;
static struct token *attribute_transparent_union(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
if (Wtransparent_union)
warning(token->pos, "attribute __transparent_union__");
if (ctx->ctype.base_type && ctx->ctype.base_type->type == SYM_UNION)
ctx->ctype.base_type->transparent_union = 1;
warning(token->pos, "attribute __transparent_union__ applied to non-union type");
return token;
static struct token *recover_unknown_attribute(struct token *token)
struct expression *expr = NULL;
if (Wunknown_attribute)
warning(token->pos, "attribute '%s': unknown attribute", show_ident(token->ident));
token = token->next;
if (match_op(token, '('))
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "in attribute");
return token;
static struct token *attribute_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
token = expect(token, '(', "after attribute");
token = expect(token, '(', "after attribute");
for (;;) {
struct ident *attribute_name;
struct symbol *attr;
if (eof_token(token))
if (match_op(token, ';'))
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
attribute_name = token->ident;
attr = lookup_keyword(attribute_name, NS_KEYWORD);
if (attr && attr->op->attribute)
token = attr->op->attribute(token->next, attr, ctx);
token = recover_unknown_attribute(token);
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
token = expect(token, ')', "after attribute");
token = expect(token, ')', "after attribute");
return token;
static const char *storage_class[] =
[STypedef] = "typedef",
[SAuto] = "auto",
[SExtern] = "extern",
[SStatic] = "static",
[SRegister] = "register",
[SForced] = "[force]"
static unsigned long storage_modifiers(struct decl_state *ctx)
static unsigned long mod[SMax] =
[SAuto] = MOD_AUTO,
[SExtern] = MOD_EXTERN,
[SStatic] = MOD_STATIC,
[SRegister] = MOD_REGISTER
return mod[ctx->storage_class] | (ctx->is_inline ? MOD_INLINE : 0)
| (ctx->is_tls ? MOD_TLS : 0);
static void set_storage_class(struct position *pos, struct decl_state *ctx, int class)
/* __thread can be used alone, or with extern or static */
if (ctx->is_tls && (class != SStatic && class != SExtern)) {
sparse_error(*pos, "__thread can only be used alone, or with "
"extern or static");
if (!ctx->storage_class) {
ctx->storage_class = class;
if (ctx->storage_class == class)
sparse_error(*pos, "duplicate %s", storage_class[class]);
sparse_error(*pos, "multiple storage classes");
static struct token *typedef_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&next->pos, ctx, STypedef);
return next;
static struct token *auto_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&next->pos, ctx, SAuto);
return next;
static struct token *register_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&next->pos, ctx, SRegister);
return next;
static struct token *static_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&next->pos, ctx, SStatic);
return next;
static struct token *extern_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&next->pos, ctx, SExtern);
return next;
static struct token *thread_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
/* This GCC extension can be used alone, or with extern or static */
if (!ctx->storage_class || ctx->storage_class == SStatic
|| ctx->storage_class == SExtern) {
ctx->is_tls = 1;
} else {
sparse_error(next->pos, "__thread can only be used alone, or "
"with extern or static");
return next;
static struct token *attribute_force(struct token *token, struct symbol *attr, struct decl_state *ctx)
set_storage_class(&token->pos, ctx, SForced);
return token;
static struct token *inline_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
ctx->is_inline = 1;
return next;
static struct token *noreturn_specifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
apply_qualifier(&next->pos, &ctx->ctype, MOD_NORETURN);
return next;
static struct token *alignas_specifier(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
int alignment = 0;
if (!match_op(token, '(')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected '(' after _Alignas");
return token;
if (lookup_type(token->next)) {
struct symbol *sym = NULL;
token = typename(token->next, &sym, NULL);
sym = examine_symbol_type(sym);
alignment = sym->ctype.alignment;
token = expect(token, ')', "after _Alignas(...");
} else {
struct expression *expr = NULL;
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "after _Alignas");
if (!expr)
return token;
alignment = const_expression_value(expr);
if (alignment < 0) {
warning(token->pos, "non-positive alignment");
return token;
if (alignment & (alignment-1)) {
warning(token->pos, "non-power-of-2 alignment");
return token;
if (alignment > ctx->ctype.alignment)
ctx->ctype.alignment = alignment;
return token;
static struct token *const_qualifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
apply_qualifier(&next->pos, &ctx->ctype, MOD_CONST);
return next;
static struct token *volatile_qualifier(struct token *next, struct decl_state *ctx)
apply_qualifier(&next->pos, &ctx->ctype, MOD_VOLATILE);
return next;
static void apply_ctype(struct position pos, struct ctype *thistype, struct ctype *ctype)
unsigned long mod = thistype->modifiers;
if (mod)
apply_qualifier(&pos, ctype, mod);
/* Context */
concat_ptr_list((struct ptr_list *)thistype->contexts,
(struct ptr_list **)&ctype->contexts);
/* Alignment */
if (thistype->alignment > ctype->alignment)
ctype->alignment = thistype->alignment;
/* Address space */
if (thistype->as)
ctype->as = thistype->as;
static void specifier_conflict(struct position pos, int what, struct ident *new)
const char *old;
if (what & (Set_S | Set_T))
goto Catch_all;
if (what & Set_Char)
old = "char";
else if (what & Set_Double)
old = "double";
else if (what & Set_Float)
old = "float";
else if (what & Set_Signed)
old = "signed";
else if (what & Set_Unsigned)
old = "unsigned";
else if (what & Set_Short)
old = "short";
else if (what & Set_Long)
old = "long";
old = "long long";
sparse_error(pos, "impossible combination of type specifiers: %s %s",
old, show_ident(new));
sparse_error(pos, "two or more data types in declaration specifiers");
static struct symbol * const int_types[] =
{&short_ctype, &int_ctype, &long_ctype, &llong_ctype, &lllong_ctype};
static struct symbol * const signed_types[] =
{&sshort_ctype, &sint_ctype, &slong_ctype, &sllong_ctype,
static struct symbol * const unsigned_types[] =
{&ushort_ctype, &uint_ctype, &ulong_ctype, &ullong_ctype,
static struct symbol * const real_types[] =
{&float_ctype, &double_ctype, &ldouble_ctype};
static struct symbol * const char_types[] =
{&char_ctype, &schar_ctype, &uchar_ctype};
static struct symbol * const * const types[] = {
int_types + 1, signed_types + 1, unsigned_types + 1,
real_types + 1, char_types, char_types + 1, char_types + 2
struct symbol *ctype_integer(int size, int want_unsigned)
return types[want_unsigned ? CUInt : CInt][size];
static struct token *handle_qualifiers(struct token *t, struct decl_state *ctx)
while (token_type(t) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *s = lookup_symbol(t->ident, NS_TYPEDEF);
if (!s)
if (s->type != SYM_KEYWORD)
if (!(s->op->type & (KW_ATTRIBUTE | KW_QUALIFIER)))
t = t->next;
if (s->op->declarator)
t = s->op->declarator(t, ctx);
return t;
static struct token *declaration_specifiers(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
int seen = 0;
int class = CInt;
int size = 0;
while (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *s = lookup_symbol(token->ident,
if (!s || !(s->namespace & NS_TYPEDEF))
if (s->type != SYM_KEYWORD) {
if (seen & Set_Any)
seen |= Set_S | Set_T;
ctx->ctype.base_type = s->ctype.base_type;
apply_ctype(token->pos, &s->ctype, &ctx->ctype);
token = token->next;
if (s->op->type & KW_SPECIFIER) {
if (seen & s->op->test) {
seen & s->op->test,
seen |= s->op->set;
class += s->op->class;
if (s->op->set & Set_Int128)
size = 2;
if (s->op->type & KW_SHORT) {
size = -1;
} else if (s->op->type & KW_LONG && size++) {
if (class == CReal) {
seen |= Set_Vlong;
token = token->next;
if (s->op->declarator)
token = s->op->declarator(token, ctx);
if (s->op->type & KW_EXACT) {
ctx->ctype.base_type = s->ctype.base_type;
ctx->ctype.modifiers |= s->ctype.modifiers;
if (!(seen & Set_S)) { /* not set explicitly? */
struct symbol *base = &incomplete_ctype;
if (seen & Set_Any)
base = types[class][size];
ctx->ctype.base_type = base;
if (ctx->ctype.modifiers & MOD_BITWISE) {
struct symbol *type;
ctx->ctype.modifiers &= ~MOD_BITWISE;
if (!is_int_type(ctx->ctype.base_type)) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "invalid modifier");
return token;
type = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_BASETYPE);
*type = *ctx->ctype.base_type;
type->ctype.modifiers &= ~MOD_SPECIFIER;
type->ctype.base_type = ctx->ctype.base_type;
type->type = SYM_RESTRICT;
ctx->ctype.base_type = type;
return token;
static struct token *abstract_array_static_declarator(struct token *token, int *has_static)
while (token->ident == &static_ident) {
if (*has_static)
sparse_error(token->pos, "duplicate array static declarator");
*has_static = 1;
token = token->next;
return token;
static struct token *abstract_array_declarator(struct token *token, struct symbol *sym)
struct expression *expr = NULL;
int has_static = 0;
token = abstract_array_static_declarator(token, &has_static);
if (match_idents(token, &restrict_ident, &__restrict_ident, &__restrict___ident, NULL))
token = abstract_array_static_declarator(token->next, &has_static);
token = parse_expression(token, &expr);
sym->array_size = expr;
return token;
static struct token *parameter_type_list(struct token *, struct symbol *);
static struct token *identifier_list(struct token *, struct symbol *);
static struct token *declarator(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx);
static struct token *skip_attribute(struct token *token)
token = token->next;
if (match_op(token, '(')) {
int depth = 1;
token = token->next;
while (depth && !eof_token(token)) {
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_SPECIAL) {
if (token->special == '(')
else if (token->special == ')')
token = token->next;
return token;
static struct token *skip_attributes(struct token *token)
struct symbol *keyword;
for (;;) {
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
keyword = lookup_keyword(token->ident, NS_KEYWORD | NS_TYPEDEF);
if (!keyword || keyword->type != SYM_KEYWORD)
if (!(keyword->op->type & KW_ATTRIBUTE))
token = expect(token->next, '(', "after attribute");
token = expect(token, '(', "after attribute");
for (;;) {
if (eof_token(token))
if (match_op(token, ';'))
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
token = skip_attribute(token);
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
token = expect(token, ')', "after attribute");
token = expect(token, ')', "after attribute");
return token;
static struct token *handle_attributes(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx, unsigned int keywords)
struct symbol *keyword;
for (;;) {
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
keyword = lookup_keyword(token->ident, NS_KEYWORD | NS_TYPEDEF);
if (!keyword || keyword->type != SYM_KEYWORD)
if (!(keyword->op->type & keywords))
token = keyword->op->declarator(token->next, ctx);
keywords &= KW_ATTRIBUTE;
return token;
static int is_nested(struct token *token, struct token **p,
int prefer_abstract)
* This can be either a parameter list or a grouping.
* For the direct (non-abstract) case, we know if must be
* a parameter list if we already saw the identifier.
* For the abstract case, we know if must be a parameter
* list if it is empty or starts with a type.
struct token *next = token->next;
*p = next = skip_attributes(next);
if (token_type(next) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
if (lookup_type(next))
return !prefer_abstract;
return 1;
if (match_op(next, ')') || match_op(next, SPECIAL_ELLIPSIS))
return 0;
return 1;
enum kind {
Empty, K_R, Proto, Bad_Func,
static enum kind which_func(struct token *token,
struct ident **n,
int prefer_abstract)
struct token *next = token->next;
if (token_type(next) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
if (lookup_type(next))
return Proto;
/* identifier list not in definition; complain */
if (prefer_abstract)
"identifier list not in definition");
return K_R;
if (token_type(next) != TOKEN_SPECIAL)
return Bad_Func;
if (next->special == ')') {
/* don't complain about those */
if (!n || match_op(next->next, ';'))
return Empty;
"non-ANSI function declaration of function '%s'",
return Empty;
if (next->special == SPECIAL_ELLIPSIS) {
"variadic functions must have one named argument");
return Proto;
return Bad_Func;
static struct token *direct_declarator(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct ctype *ctype = &ctx->ctype;
struct token *next;
struct ident **p = ctx->ident;
if (ctx->ident && token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
*ctx->ident = token->ident;
token = token->next;
} else if (match_op(token, '(') &&
is_nested(token, &next, ctx->prefer_abstract)) {
struct symbol *base_type = ctype->base_type;
if (token->next != next)
next = handle_attributes(token->next, ctx,
token = declarator(next, ctx);
token = expect(token, ')', "in nested declarator");
while (ctype->base_type != base_type)
ctype = &ctype->base_type->ctype;
p = NULL;
if (match_op(token, '(')) {
enum kind kind = which_func(token, p, ctx->prefer_abstract);
struct symbol *fn;
fn = alloc_indirect_symbol(token->pos, ctype, SYM_FN);
token = token->next;
if (kind == K_R)
token = identifier_list(token, fn);
else if (kind == Proto)
token = parameter_type_list(token, fn);
token = expect(token, ')', "in function declarator");
fn->endpos = token->pos;
return token;
while (match_op(token, '[')) {
struct symbol *array;
array = alloc_indirect_symbol(token->pos, ctype, SYM_ARRAY);
token = abstract_array_declarator(token->next, array);
token = expect(token, ']', "in abstract_array_declarator");
array->endpos = token->pos;
ctype = &array->ctype;
return token;
static struct token *pointer(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
while (match_op(token,'*')) {
struct symbol *ptr = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_PTR);
ptr->ctype.modifiers = ctx->ctype.modifiers;
ptr->ctype.base_type = ctx->ctype.base_type;
ptr-> = ctx->;
ptr->ctype.contexts = ctx->ctype.contexts;
ctx->ctype.modifiers = 0;
ctx->ctype.base_type = ptr;
ctx-> = 0;
ctx->ctype.contexts = NULL;
ctx->ctype.alignment = 0;
token = handle_qualifiers(token->next, ctx);
ctx->ctype.base_type->endpos = token->pos;
return token;
static struct token *declarator(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
token = pointer(token, ctx);
return direct_declarator(token, ctx);
static struct token *handle_bitfield(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct ctype *ctype = &ctx->ctype;
struct expression *expr;
struct symbol *bitfield;
long long width;
if (ctype->base_type != &int_type && !is_int_type(ctype->base_type)) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "invalid bitfield specifier for type %s.",
// Parse this to recover gracefully.
return conditional_expression(token->next, &expr);
bitfield = alloc_indirect_symbol(token->pos, ctype, SYM_BITFIELD);
token = conditional_expression(token->next, &expr);
width = const_expression_value(expr);
bitfield->bit_size = width;
if (width < 0 || width > INT_MAX) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "invalid bitfield width, %lld.", width);
width = -1;
} else if (*ctx->ident && width == 0) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "invalid named zero-width bitfield `%s'",
width = -1;
} else if (*ctx->ident) {
struct symbol *base_type = bitfield->ctype.base_type;
struct symbol *bitfield_type = base_type == &int_type ? bitfield : base_type;
int is_signed = !(bitfield_type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED);
if (Wone_bit_signed_bitfield && width == 1 && is_signed) {
// Valid values are either {-1;0} or {0}, depending on integer
// representation. The latter makes for very efficient code...
sparse_error(token->pos, "dubious one-bit signed bitfield");
if (Wdefault_bitfield_sign &&
bitfield_type->type != SYM_ENUM &&
!(bitfield_type->ctype.modifiers & MOD_EXPLICITLY_SIGNED) &&
is_signed) {
// The sign of bitfields is unspecified by default.
warning(token->pos, "dubious bitfield without explicit `signed' or `unsigned'");
bitfield->bit_size = width;
bitfield->endpos = token->pos;
return token;
static struct token *declaration_list(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list)
struct decl_state ctx = {.prefer_abstract = 0};
struct ctype saved;
unsigned long mod;
token = declaration_specifiers(token, &ctx);
mod = storage_modifiers(&ctx);
saved = ctx.ctype;
for (;;) {
struct symbol *decl = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
ctx.ident = &decl->ident;
token = declarator(token, &ctx);
if (match_op(token, ':'))
token = handle_bitfield(token, &ctx);
token = handle_attributes(token, &ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE);
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
decl->ctype = ctx.ctype;
decl->ctype.modifiers |= mod;
decl->endpos = token->pos;
add_symbol(list, decl);
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
ctx.ctype = saved;
return token;
static struct token *struct_declaration_list(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list)
while (!match_op(token, '}')) {
if (!match_op(token, ';'))
token = declaration_list(token, list);
if (!match_op(token, ';')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected ; at end of declaration");
token = token->next;
return token;
static struct token *parameter_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol *sym)
struct decl_state ctx = {.prefer_abstract = 1};
token = declaration_specifiers(token, &ctx);
ctx.ident = &sym->ident;
token = declarator(token, &ctx);
token = handle_attributes(token, &ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE);
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
sym->ctype = ctx.ctype;
sym->ctype.modifiers |= storage_modifiers(&ctx);
sym->endpos = token->pos;
sym->forced_arg = ctx.storage_class == SForced;
return token;
struct token *typename(struct token *token, struct symbol **p, int *forced)
struct decl_state ctx = {.prefer_abstract = 1};
int class;
struct symbol *sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
*p = sym;
token = declaration_specifiers(token, &ctx);
token = declarator(token, &ctx);
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
sym->ctype = ctx.ctype;
sym->endpos = token->pos;
class = ctx.storage_class;
if (forced) {
*forced = 0;
if (class == SForced) {
*forced = 1;
class = 0;
if (class)
warning(sym->pos, "storage class in typename (%s %s)",
storage_class[class], show_typename(sym));
return token;
static struct token *expression_statement(struct token *token, struct expression **tree)
token = parse_expression(token, tree);
return expect(token, ';', "at end of statement");
static struct token *parse_asm_operands(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt,
struct expression_list **inout)
struct expression *expr;
/* Allow empty operands */
if (match_op(token->next, ':') || match_op(token->next, ')'))
return token->next;
do {
struct ident *ident = NULL;
if (match_op(token->next, '[') &&
token_type(token->next->next) == TOKEN_IDENT &&
match_op(token->next->next->next, ']')) {
ident = token->next->next->ident;
token = token->next->next->next;
add_expression(inout, (struct expression *)ident); /* UGGLEE!!! */
token = primary_expression(token->next, &expr);
add_expression(inout, expr);
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "in asm parameter");
add_expression(inout, expr);
} while (match_op(token, ','));
return token;
static struct token *parse_asm_clobbers(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt,
struct expression_list **clobbers)
struct expression *expr;
do {
token = primary_expression(token->next, &expr);
if (expr)
add_expression(clobbers, expr);
} while (match_op(token, ','));
return token;
static struct token *parse_asm_labels(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt,
struct symbol_list **labels)
struct symbol *label;
do {
token = token->next; /* skip ':' and ',' */
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
return token;
label = label_symbol(token);
add_symbol(labels, label);
token = token->next;
} while (match_op(token, ','));
return token;
static struct token *parse_asm_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
int is_goto = 0;
token = token->next;
stmt->type = STMT_ASM;
if (match_idents(token, &__volatile___ident, &__volatile_ident, &volatile_ident, NULL)) {
token = token->next;
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT && token->ident == &goto_ident) {
is_goto = 1;
token = token->next;
token = expect(token, '(', "after asm");
token = parse_expression(token, &stmt->asm_string);
if (match_op(token, ':'))
token = parse_asm_operands(token, stmt, &stmt->asm_outputs);
if (match_op(token, ':'))
token = parse_asm_operands(token, stmt, &stmt->asm_inputs);
if (match_op(token, ':'))
token = parse_asm_clobbers(token, stmt, &stmt->asm_clobbers);
if (is_goto && match_op(token, ':'))
token = parse_asm_labels(token, stmt, &stmt->asm_labels);
token = expect(token, ')', "after asm");
return expect(token, ';', "at end of asm-statement");
static struct token *parse_asm_declarator(struct token *token, struct decl_state *ctx)
struct expression *expr;
token = expect(token, '(', "after asm");
token = parse_expression(token->next, &expr);
token = expect(token, ')', "after asm");
return token;
/* Make a statement out of an expression */
static struct statement *make_statement(struct expression *expr)
struct statement *stmt;
if (!expr)
return NULL;
stmt = alloc_statement(expr->pos, STMT_EXPRESSION);
stmt->expression = expr;
return stmt;
* All iterators have two symbols associated with them:
* the "continue" and "break" symbols, which are targets
* for continue and break statements respectively.
* They are in a special name-space, but they follow
* all the normal visibility rules, so nested iterators
* automatically work right.
static void start_iterator(struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol *cont, *brk;
cont = alloc_symbol(stmt->pos, SYM_NODE);
bind_symbol(cont, &continue_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
brk = alloc_symbol(stmt->pos, SYM_NODE);
bind_symbol(brk, &break_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
stmt->type = STMT_ITERATOR;
stmt->iterator_break = brk;
stmt->iterator_continue = cont;
static void end_iterator(struct statement *stmt)
static struct statement *start_function(struct symbol *sym)
struct symbol *ret;
struct statement *stmt = alloc_statement(sym->pos, STMT_COMPOUND);
ret = alloc_symbol(sym->pos, SYM_NODE);
ret->ctype = sym->ctype.base_type->ctype;
ret->ctype.modifiers |= (MOD_AUTO | MOD_REGISTER);
bind_symbol(ret, &return_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
stmt->ret = ret;
// Currently parsed symbol for __func__/__FUNCTION__/__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
current_fn = sym;
return stmt;
static void end_function(struct symbol *sym)
current_fn = NULL;
* A "switch()" statement, like an iterator, has a
* the "break" symbol associated with it. It works
* exactly like the iterator break - it's the target
* for any break-statements in scope, and means that
* "break" handling doesn't even need to know whether
* it's breaking out of an iterator or a switch.
* In addition, the "case" symbol is a marker for the
* case/default statements to find the switch statement
* that they are associated with.
static void start_switch(struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol *brk, *switch_case;
brk = alloc_symbol(stmt->pos, SYM_NODE);
bind_symbol(brk, &break_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
switch_case = alloc_symbol(stmt->pos, SYM_NODE);
bind_symbol(switch_case, &case_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
switch_case->stmt = stmt;
stmt->type = STMT_SWITCH;
stmt->switch_break = brk;
stmt->switch_case = switch_case;
static void end_switch(struct statement *stmt)
if (!stmt->switch_case->symbol_list)
warning(stmt->pos, "switch with no cases");
static void add_case_statement(struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol *target = lookup_symbol(&case_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
struct symbol *sym;
if (!target) {
sparse_error(stmt->pos, "not in switch scope");
stmt->type = STMT_NONE;
sym = alloc_symbol(stmt->pos, SYM_NODE);
add_symbol(&target->symbol_list, sym);
sym->stmt = stmt;
stmt->case_label = sym;
static struct token *parse_return_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol *target = lookup_symbol(&return_ident, NS_ITERATOR);
if (!target)
error_die(token->pos, "internal error: return without a function target");
stmt->type = STMT_RETURN;
stmt->ret_target = target;
return expression_statement(token->next, &stmt->ret_value);
static struct token *parse_for_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol_list *syms;
struct expression *e1, *e2, *e3;
struct statement *iterator;
token = expect(token->next, '(', "after 'for'");
syms = NULL;
e1 = NULL;
/* C99 variable declaration? */
if (lookup_type(token)) {
token = external_declaration(token, &syms);
} else {
token = parse_expression(token, &e1);
token = expect(token, ';', "in 'for'");
token = parse_expression(token, &e2);
token = expect(token, ';', "in 'for'");
token = parse_expression(token, &e3);
token = expect(token, ')', "in 'for'");
token = statement(token, &iterator);
stmt->iterator_syms = syms;
stmt->iterator_pre_statement = make_statement(e1);
stmt->iterator_pre_condition = e2;
stmt->iterator_post_statement = make_statement(e3);
stmt->iterator_post_condition = NULL;
stmt->iterator_statement = iterator;
return token;
static struct token *parse_while_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
struct expression *expr;
struct statement *iterator;
token = parens_expression(token->next, &expr, "after 'while'");
token = statement(token, &iterator);
stmt->iterator_pre_condition = expr;
stmt->iterator_post_condition = NULL;
stmt->iterator_statement = iterator;
return token;
static struct token *parse_do_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
struct expression *expr;
struct statement *iterator;
token = statement(token->next, &iterator);
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT && token->ident == &while_ident)
token = token->next;
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected 'while' after 'do'");
token = parens_expression(token, &expr, "after 'do-while'");
stmt->iterator_post_condition = expr;
stmt->iterator_statement = iterator;
if (iterator && iterator->type != STMT_COMPOUND && Wdo_while)
warning(iterator->pos, "do-while statement is not a compound statement");
return expect(token, ';', "after statement");
static struct token *parse_if_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_IF;
token = parens_expression(token->next, &stmt->if_conditional, "after if");
token = statement(token, &stmt->if_true);
if (token_type(token) != TOKEN_IDENT)
return token;
if (token->ident != &else_ident)
return token;
return statement(token->next, &stmt->if_false);
static inline struct token *case_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_CASE;
token = expect(token, ':', "after default/case");
return statement(token, &stmt->case_statement);
static struct token *parse_case_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
token = parse_expression(token->next, &stmt->case_expression);
if (match_op(token, SPECIAL_ELLIPSIS))
token = parse_expression(token->next, &stmt->case_to);
return case_statement(token, stmt);
static struct token *parse_default_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
return case_statement(token->next, stmt);
static struct token *parse_loop_iterator(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
struct symbol *target = lookup_symbol(token->ident, NS_ITERATOR);
stmt->type = STMT_GOTO;
stmt->goto_label = target;
if (!target)
sparse_error(stmt->pos, "break/continue not in iterator scope");
return expect(token->next, ';', "at end of statement");
static struct token *parse_switch_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_SWITCH;
token = parens_expression(token->next, &stmt->switch_expression, "after 'switch'");
token = statement(token, &stmt->switch_statement);
return token;
static struct token *parse_goto_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_GOTO;
token = token->next;
if (match_op(token, '*')) {
token = parse_expression(token->next, &stmt->goto_expression);
add_statement(&function_computed_goto_list, stmt);
} else if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
stmt->goto_label = label_symbol(token);
token = token->next;
} else {
sparse_error(token->pos, "Expected identifier or goto expression");
return expect(token, ';', "at end of statement");
static struct token *parse_context_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_CONTEXT;
token = parse_expression(token->next, &stmt->expression);
if (stmt->expression->type == EXPR_PREOP
&& stmt->expression->op == '('
&& stmt->expression->unop->type == EXPR_COMMA) {
struct expression *expr;
expr = stmt->expression->unop;
stmt->context = expr->left;
stmt->expression = expr->right;
return expect(token, ';', "at end of statement");
static struct token *parse_range_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
stmt->type = STMT_RANGE;
token = assignment_expression(token->next, &stmt->range_expression);
token = expect(token, ',', "after range expression");
token = assignment_expression(token, &stmt->range_low);
token = expect(token, ',', "after low range");
token = assignment_expression(token, &stmt->range_high);
return expect(token, ';', "after range statement");
static struct token *statement(struct token *token, struct statement **tree)
struct statement *stmt = alloc_statement(token->pos, STMT_NONE);
*tree = stmt;
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *s = lookup_keyword(token->ident, NS_KEYWORD);
if (s && s->op->statement)
return s->op->statement(token, stmt);
if (match_op(token->next, ':')) {
struct symbol *s = label_symbol(token);
stmt->type = STMT_LABEL;
stmt->label_identifier = s;
if (s->stmt)
sparse_error(stmt->pos, "label '%s' redefined", show_ident(token->ident));
s->stmt = stmt;
token = skip_attributes(token->next->next);
return statement(token, &stmt->label_statement);
if (match_op(token, '{')) {
stmt->type = STMT_COMPOUND;
token = compound_statement(token->next, stmt);
return expect(token, '}', "at end of compound statement");
stmt->type = STMT_EXPRESSION;
return expression_statement(token, &stmt->expression);
/* gcc extension - __label__ ident-list; in the beginning of compound stmt */
static struct token *label_statement(struct token *token)
while (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_LABEL);
/* it's block-scope, but we want label namespace */
bind_symbol(sym, token->ident, NS_SYMBOL);
sym->namespace = NS_LABEL;
token = token->next;
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
return expect(token, ';', "at end of label declaration");
static struct token * statement_list(struct token *token, struct statement_list **list)
int seen_statement = 0;
while (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT &&
token->ident == &__label___ident)
token = label_statement(token->next);
for (;;) {
struct statement * stmt;
if (eof_token(token))
if (match_op(token, '}'))
if (lookup_type(token)) {
if (seen_statement) {
warning(token->pos, "mixing declarations and code");
seen_statement = 0;
stmt = alloc_statement(token->pos, STMT_DECLARATION);
token = external_declaration(token, &stmt->declaration);
} else {
seen_statement = Wdeclarationafterstatement;
token = statement(token, &stmt);
add_statement(list, stmt);
return token;
static struct token *identifier_list(struct token *token, struct symbol *fn)
struct symbol_list **list = &fn->arguments;
for (;;) {
struct symbol *sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
sym->ident = token->ident;
token = token->next;
sym->endpos = token->pos;
sym->ctype.base_type = &incomplete_ctype;
add_symbol(list, sym);
if (!match_op(token, ',') ||
token_type(token->next) != TOKEN_IDENT ||
token = token->next;
return token;
static struct token *parameter_type_list(struct token *token, struct symbol *fn)
struct symbol_list **list = &fn->arguments;
for (;;) {
struct symbol *sym;
if (match_op(token, SPECIAL_ELLIPSIS)) {
fn->variadic = 1;
token = token->next;
sym = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
token = parameter_declaration(token, sym);
if (sym->ctype.base_type == &void_ctype) {
/* Special case: (void) */
if (!*list && !sym->ident)
warning(token->pos, "void parameter");
add_symbol(list, sym);
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
return token;
struct token *compound_statement(struct token *token, struct statement *stmt)
token = statement_list(token, &stmt->stmts);
return token;
static struct expression *identifier_expression(struct token *token)
struct expression *expr = alloc_expression(token->pos, EXPR_IDENTIFIER);
expr->expr_ident = token->ident;
return expr;
static struct expression *index_expression(struct expression *from, struct expression *to)
int idx_from, idx_to;
struct expression *expr = alloc_expression(from->pos, EXPR_INDEX);
idx_from = const_expression_value(from);
idx_to = idx_from;
if (to) {
idx_to = const_expression_value(to);
if (idx_to < idx_from || idx_from < 0)
warning(from->pos, "nonsense array initializer index range");
expr->idx_from = idx_from;
expr->idx_to = idx_to;
return expr;
static struct token *single_initializer(struct expression **ep, struct token *token)
int expect_equal = 0;
struct token *next = token->next;
struct expression **tail = ep;
int nested;
*ep = NULL;
if ((token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) && match_op(next, ':')) {
struct expression *expr = identifier_expression(token);
if (Wold_initializer)
warning(token->pos, "obsolete struct initializer, use C99 syntax");
token = initializer(&expr->ident_expression, next->next);
if (expr->ident_expression)
*ep = expr;
return token;
for (tail = ep, nested = 0; ; nested++, next = token->next) {
if (match_op(token, '.') && (token_type(next) == TOKEN_IDENT)) {
struct expression *expr = identifier_expression(next);
*tail = expr;
tail = &expr->ident_expression;
expect_equal = 1;
token = next->next;
} else if (match_op(token, '[')) {
struct expression *from = NULL, *to = NULL, *expr;
token = constant_expression(token->next, &from);
if (!from) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "Expected constant expression");
if (match_op(token, SPECIAL_ELLIPSIS))
token = constant_expression(token->next, &to);
expr = index_expression(from, to);
*tail = expr;
tail = &expr->idx_expression;
token = expect(token, ']', "at end of initializer index");
if (nested)
expect_equal = 1;
} else {
if (nested && !expect_equal) {
if (!match_op(token, '='))
warning(token->pos, "obsolete array initializer, use C99 syntax");
expect_equal = 1;
if (expect_equal)
token = expect(token, '=', "at end of initializer index");
token = initializer(tail, token);
if (!*tail)
*ep = NULL;
return token;
static struct token *initializer_list(struct expression_list **list, struct token *token)
struct expression *expr;
for (;;) {
token = single_initializer(&expr, token);
if (!expr)
add_expression(list, expr);
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
return token;
struct token *initializer(struct expression **tree, struct token *token)
if (match_op(token, '{')) {
struct expression *expr = alloc_expression(token->pos, EXPR_INITIALIZER);
*tree = expr;
token = initializer_list(&expr->expr_list, token->next);
return expect(token, '}', "at end of initializer");
return assignment_expression(token, tree);
static void declare_argument(struct symbol *sym, struct symbol *fn)
if (!sym->ident) {
sparse_error(sym->pos, "no identifier for function argument");
bind_symbol(sym, sym->ident, NS_SYMBOL);
static struct token *parse_function_body(struct token *token, struct symbol *decl,
struct symbol_list **list)
struct symbol_list **old_symbol_list;
struct symbol *base_type = decl->ctype.base_type;
struct statement *stmt, **p;
struct symbol *prev;
struct symbol *arg;
old_symbol_list = function_symbol_list;
if (decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_INLINE) {
function_symbol_list = &decl->inline_symbol_list;
p = &base_type->inline_stmt;
} else {
function_symbol_list = &decl->symbol_list;
p = &base_type->stmt;
function_computed_target_list = NULL;
function_computed_goto_list = NULL;
if (decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_EXTERN) {
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_INLINE))
warning(decl->pos, "function '%s' with external linkage has definition", show_ident(decl->ident));
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_STATIC))
decl->ctype.modifiers |= MOD_EXTERN;
stmt = start_function(decl);
*p = stmt;
FOR_EACH_PTR (base_type->arguments, arg) {
declare_argument(arg, base_type);
token = compound_statement(token->next, stmt);
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_INLINE))
add_symbol(list, decl);
decl->definition = decl;
prev = decl->same_symbol;
if (prev && prev->definition) {
warning(decl->pos, "multiple definitions for function '%s'",
info(prev->definition->pos, " the previous one is here");
} else {
while (prev) {
rebind_scope(prev, decl->scope);
prev->definition = decl;
prev = prev->same_symbol;
function_symbol_list = old_symbol_list;
if (function_computed_goto_list) {
if (!function_computed_target_list)
warning(decl->pos, "function '%s' has computed goto but no targets?", show_ident(decl->ident));
else {
FOR_EACH_PTR(function_computed_goto_list, stmt) {
stmt->target_list = function_computed_target_list;
return expect(token, '}', "at end of function");
static void promote_k_r_types(struct symbol *arg)
struct symbol *base = arg->ctype.base_type;
if (base && base->ctype.base_type == &int_type && (base->ctype.modifiers & (MOD_CHAR | MOD_SHORT))) {
arg->ctype.base_type = &int_ctype;
static void apply_k_r_types(struct symbol_list *argtypes, struct symbol *fn)
struct symbol_list *real_args = fn->ctype.base_type->arguments;
struct symbol *arg;
FOR_EACH_PTR(real_args, arg) {
struct symbol *type;
/* This is quadratic in the number of arguments. We _really_ don't care */
FOR_EACH_PTR(argtypes, type) {
if (type->ident == arg->ident)
goto match;
sparse_error(arg->pos, "missing type declaration for parameter '%s'", show_ident(arg->ident));
type->used = 1;
/* "char" and "short" promote to "int" */
arg->ctype = type->ctype;
FOR_EACH_PTR(argtypes, arg) {
if (!arg->used)
warning(arg->pos, "nonsensical parameter declaration '%s'", show_ident(arg->ident));
static struct token *parse_k_r_arguments(struct token *token, struct symbol *decl,
struct symbol_list **list)
struct symbol_list *args = NULL;
warning(token->pos, "non-ANSI definition of function '%s'", show_ident(decl->ident));
do {
token = declaration_list(token, &args);
if (!match_op(token, ';')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected ';' at end of parameter declaration");
token = token->next;
} while (lookup_type(token));
apply_k_r_types(args, decl);
if (!match_op(token, '{')) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected function body");
return token;
return parse_function_body(token, decl, list);
static struct token *toplevel_asm_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list)
struct symbol *anon = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
struct symbol *fn = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_FN);
struct statement *stmt;
anon->ctype.base_type = fn;
stmt = alloc_statement(token->pos, STMT_NONE);
fn->stmt = stmt;
token = parse_asm_statement(token, stmt);
add_symbol(list, anon);
return token;
struct token *external_declaration(struct token *token, struct symbol_list **list)
struct ident *ident = NULL;
struct symbol *decl;
struct decl_state ctx = { .ident = &ident };
struct ctype saved;
struct symbol *base_type;
unsigned long mod;
int is_typedef;
/* Top-level inline asm? */
if (token_type(token) == TOKEN_IDENT) {
struct symbol *s = lookup_keyword(token->ident, NS_KEYWORD);
if (s && s->op->toplevel)
return s->op->toplevel(token, list);
/* Parse declaration-specifiers, if any */
token = declaration_specifiers(token, &ctx);
mod = storage_modifiers(&ctx);
decl = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
/* Just a type declaration? */
if (match_op(token, ';')) {
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
return token->next;
saved = ctx.ctype;
token = declarator(token, &ctx);
token = handle_attributes(token, &ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE | KW_ASM);
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
decl->ctype = ctx.ctype;
decl->ctype.modifiers |= mod;
decl->endpos = token->pos;
/* Just a type declaration? */
if (!ident) {
warning(token->pos, "missing identifier in declaration");
return expect(token, ';', "at the end of type declaration");
/* type define declaration? */
is_typedef = ctx.storage_class == STypedef;
/* Typedefs don't have meaningful storage */
if (is_typedef)
decl->ctype.modifiers |= MOD_USERTYPE;
bind_symbol(decl, ident, is_typedef ? NS_TYPEDEF: NS_SYMBOL);
base_type = decl->ctype.base_type;
if (is_typedef) {
if (base_type && !base_type->ident) {
switch (base_type->type) {
case SYM_ENUM:
base_type->ident = ident;
} else if (base_type && base_type->type == SYM_FN) {
/* K&R argument declaration? */
if (lookup_type(token))
return parse_k_r_arguments(token, decl, list);
if (match_op(token, '{'))
return parse_function_body(token, decl, list);
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_STATIC))
decl->ctype.modifiers |= MOD_EXTERN;
} else if (base_type == &void_ctype && !(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_EXTERN)) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "void declaration");
for (;;) {
if (!is_typedef && match_op(token, '=')) {
if (decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_EXTERN) {
warning(decl->pos, "symbol with external linkage has initializer");
decl->ctype.modifiers &= ~MOD_EXTERN;
token = initializer(&decl->initializer, token->next);
if (!is_typedef) {
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & (MOD_EXTERN | MOD_INLINE))) {
add_symbol(list, decl);
if (decl->same_symbol) {
decl->definition = decl->same_symbol->definition;
decl->op = decl->same_symbol->op;
if (!match_op(token, ','))
token = token->next;
ident = NULL;
decl = alloc_symbol(token->pos, SYM_NODE);
ctx.ctype = saved;
token = handle_attributes(token, &ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE);
token = declarator(token, &ctx);
token = handle_attributes(token, &ctx, KW_ATTRIBUTE | KW_ASM);
apply_modifiers(token->pos, &ctx);
decl->ctype = ctx.ctype;
decl->ctype.modifiers |= mod;
decl->endpos = token->pos;
if (!ident) {
sparse_error(token->pos, "expected identifier name in type definition");
return token;
if (is_typedef)
decl->ctype.modifiers |= MOD_USERTYPE;
bind_symbol(decl, ident, is_typedef ? NS_TYPEDEF: NS_SYMBOL);
/* Function declarations are automatically extern unless specifically static */
base_type = decl->ctype.base_type;
if (!is_typedef && base_type && base_type->type == SYM_FN) {
if (!(decl->ctype.modifiers & MOD_STATIC))
decl->ctype.modifiers |= MOD_EXTERN;
return expect(token, ';', "at end of declaration");