blob: cc0ab6b7c0c77dec5ef03eaf4bd6597d242b2f8d [file] [log] [blame]
#define __nocast __attribute__((nocast))
typedef unsigned long __nocast ulong_nc_t;
extern void use_val(ulong_nc_t);
extern void use_ptr(ulong_nc_t *);
/* use address */
static void good_use_address(void)
ulong_nc_t t;
static ulong_nc_t *good_ret_address(void)
static ulong_nc_t t;
return &t;
static ulong_nc_t good_deref(ulong_nc_t *t)
return *t;
/* assign value */
static ulong_nc_t t;
static ulong_nc_t good_assign_self = t;
static unsigned long good_assign_sametype = t;
/* assign pointer */
static ulong_nc_t *good_ptr = &t;
static ulong_nc_t *bad_ptr_to = 1UL;
static unsigned long *bad_ptr_from = &t;
/* arithmetic operation */
static ulong_nc_t good_arith(ulong_nc_t t, unsigned int n)
return t + n;
/* implicit cast to other types */
static unsigned long good_ret_samecast(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static unsigned long long bad_ret_biggercast(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static long bad_ret_signcast(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static short bad_ret_smallercast(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static void assign_val(ulong_nc_t t)
ulong_nc_t good_c = t;
unsigned long good_ul = t;
unsigned long long bad_ull = t;
long bad_l = t;
short bad_i = t;
static void assign_via_ptr(ulong_nc_t *t)
ulong_nc_t good_c = *t;
unsigned long good_ul = *t;
unsigned long long bad_ull = *t;
long bad_l = *t;
short bad_i = *t;
static void assign_ptr(ulong_nc_t *t)
ulong_nc_t *good_same_type = t;
unsigned long *bad_mod = t;
unsigned long long __nocast *bad_size = t;
short __nocast *bad_i = t;
long __nocast *bad_l = t;
/* implicit cast to nocast */
static void implicit_assign_to(void)
ulong_nc_t t;
unsigned long ul = 1;
unsigned short us = 1;
unsigned long long ull = 1;
long l = 1;
t = ul; /* implicit to nocast from same type: OK? */
t = us;
t = ull;
t = l;
static void bad_implicit_arg_to(void)
unsigned long ul = 1;
unsigned short us = 1;
unsigned long long ull = 1;
long l = 1;
use_val(ul); /* implicit to nocast from same type: OK? */
/* implicit cast from nocast */
static unsigned long good_implicit_ret_ul(ulong_nc_t t)
return t; /* implicit to nocast from same type: OK? */
static unsigned short bad_implicit_ret_us(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static unsigned long long bad_implicit_ret_ull(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
static long bad_implicit_ret_l(ulong_nc_t t)
return t;
/* FIXME: explicit cast: should we complain? */
static ulong_nc_t good_samecast(ulong_nc_t v)
return (ulong_nc_t) v;
static ulong_nc_t bad_tocast(unsigned long v)
return (ulong_nc_t) v;
static unsigned long bad_fromcast(ulong_nc_t v)
return (unsigned long) v;
* check-name: nocast.c
* check-error-start
nocast.c:34:33: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different base types)
nocast.c:34:33: expected unsigned long [nocast] [usertype] *static [toplevel] bad_ptr_to
nocast.c:34:33: got unsigned long
nocast.c:34:33: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:35:39: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different modifiers)
nocast.c:35:39: expected unsigned long *static [toplevel] bad_ptr_from
nocast.c:35:39: got unsigned long [nocast] *<noident>
nocast.c:35:39: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:50:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:54:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:58:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:65:38: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:66:22: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:67:23: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:74:38: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:75:22: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:76:23: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:82:34: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different modifiers)
nocast.c:82:34: expected unsigned long *bad_mod
nocast.c:82:34: got unsigned long [nocast] [usertype] *t
nocast.c:82:34: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:83:49: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different type sizes)
nocast.c:83:49: expected unsigned long long [nocast] *bad_size
nocast.c:83:49: got unsigned long [nocast] [usertype] *t
nocast.c:83:49: warning: implicit cast to/from nocast type
nocast.c:84:33: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different type sizes)
nocast.c:84:33: expected short [nocast] *bad_i
nocast.c:84:33: got unsigned long [nocast] [usertype] *t
nocast.c:84:33: warning: implicit cast to/from nocast type
nocast.c:85:32: warning: implicit cast to/from nocast type
nocast.c:98:13: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:99:13: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:100:13: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:111:17: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:112:17: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:113:17: warning: implicit cast to nocast type
nocast.c:124:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:129:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
nocast.c:134:16: warning: implicit cast from nocast type
* check-error-end