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.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Andries Brouwer (
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
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.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111,
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.\" 2000-08-14 added GNU additions from Andreas Jaeger
.\" 2000-12-05 some changes inspired by acahalan's remarks
.TH FENV 3 2000-08-12 "Linux Manpage" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag,
fetestexcept, fegetenv, fegetround, feholdexcept, fesetround,
fesetenv, feupdateenv \- C99 floating point rounding and exception handling
.B #include <fenv.h>
.BI "int feclearexcept(int " excepts );
.BI "int fegetexceptflag(fexcept_t *" flagp ", int " excepts );
.BI "int feraiseexcept(int " excepts );
.BI "int fesetexceptflag(const fexcept_t *" flagp ", int " excepts );
.BI "int fetestexcept(int " excepts );
.B "int fegetround(void);"
.BI "int fesetround(int " rounding_mode );
.BI "int fegetenv(fenv_t *" envp );
.BI "int feholdexcept(fenv_t *" envp );
.BI "int fesetenv(const fenv_t *" envp );
.BI "int feupdateenv(const fenv_t *" envp );
These eleven functions were defined in C99, and describe the handling
of floating point rounding and exceptions (overflow, zero-divide etc.).
.SS Exceptions
The DivideByZero exception occurs when an operation on finite numbers
produces infinity as exact answer.
The Overflow exception occurs when a result has to be represented as a
floating point number, but has (much) larger absolute value than the
largest (finite) floating point number that is representable.
The Underflow exception occurs when a result has to be represented as a
floating point number, but has smaller absolute value than the smallest
positive normalized floating point number (and would lose much accuracy
when represented as a denormalized number).
The Inexact exception occurs when the rounded result of an operation
is not equal to the infinite precision result.
It may occur whenever Overflow or Underflow occurs.
The Invalid exception occurs when there is no well-defined result
for an operation, as for 0/0 or infinity \- infinity or sqrt(\-1).
.SS "Exception handling"
Exceptions are represented in two ways: as a single bit
(exception present/absent), and these bits correspond in some
implementation-defined way with bit positions in an integer,
and also as an opaque structure that may contain more information
about the exception (perhaps the code address where it occurred).
Each of the macros
is defined when the implementation supports handling
of the corresponding exception, and if so then
defines the corresponding bit(s), so that one can call
exception handling functions e.g. using the integer argument
Other exceptions may be supported. The macro
is the bitwise OR of all bits corresponding to supported exceptions.
.BR feclearexcept ()
function clears the supported exceptions represented by the bits
in its argument.
.BR fegetexceptflag ()
function stores a representation of the state of the exception flags
represented by the argument
.I excepts
in the opaque object
.RI * flagp .
.BR feraiseexcept ()
function raises the supported exceptions represented by the bits in
.IR excepts .
.BR fesetexceptflag ()
function sets the complete status for the exceptions represented by
.I excepts
to the value
.RI * flagp .
This value must have been obtained by an earlier call of
.BR fegetexceptflag ()
with a last argument that contained all bits in
.IR excepts .
.BR fetestexcept ()
function returns a word in which the bits are set that were
set in the argument
.I excepts
and for which the corresponding exception is currently set.
.SS Rounding
Each of the macros
is defined when the implementation supports getting and setting
the corresponding rounding direction.
.BR fegetround ()
function returns the macro corresponding to the current
rounding mode.
.BR fesetround ()
function sets the rounding mode as specified by its argument
and returns zero when it was successful.
.SS "Floating point environment"
The entire floating point environment, including
control modes and status flags, can be handled
as one opaque object, of type
.IR fenv_t .
The default environment is denoted by
(of type
.IR "const fenv_t *" ).
This is the environment setup at program start and it is defined by
ISO C to have round to nearest, all exceptions cleared and a non-stop
(continue on exceptions) mode.
.BR fegetenv ()
function saves the current floating point environment in the object
.RI * envp .
.BR feholdexcept ()
function does the same, then clears all exception flags,
and sets a non-stop (continue on exceptions) mode,
if available. It returns zero when successful.
.BR fesetenv ()
function restores the floating point environment from
the object
.RI * envp .
This object must be known to be valid, e.g., the result of a call to
.BR fegetenv ()
.BR feholdexcept ()
or equal to
This call does not raise exceptions.
.BR feupdateenv ()
function installs the floating-point environment represented by
the object
.RI * envp ,
except that currently raised exceptions are not cleared.
After calling this function, the raised exceptions will be a bitwise OR
of those previously set with those in
.RI * envp .
As before, the object
.RI * envp
must be known to be valid.
These functions return zero on success and non-zero if an error occurred.
.\" Earlier seven of these functions were listed as returning void.
.\" This was corrected in Corrigendum 1 (ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001(E))
.\" of the C99 Standard.
If possible, the GNU C Library defines a macro
which represents an environment where every exception raised causes a
trap to occur. You can test for this macro using
.BR #ifdef .
It is only defined if
is defined.
The C99 standard does not define a way to set individual bits in the
floating point mask, e.g. to trap on specific flags.
glibc 2.2 supports the functions
.BR feenableexcept ()
.BR fedisableexcept ()
to set individual floating point traps, and
.BR fegetexcept ()
to query the state.
.B "#define _GNU_SOURCE"
.B "#include <fenv.h>"
.BI "int feenableexcept (int " excepts );
.BI "int fedisableexcept (int " excepts );
.BI "int fegetexcept (void);"
.BR feenableexcept ()
.BR fedisableexcept ()
functions enable (disable) traps for each of the exceptions represented by
.I excepts
and return the previous set of enabled exceptions when successful,
and \-1 otherwise.
.BR fegetexcept ()
function returns the set of all currently enabled exceptions.
Link with
.BR \-lm .
IEC 60559 (IEC 559:1989), ANSI/IEEE 854, ISO C99 (ISO/IEC 9899:1999).