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.\" Copyright 1993 David Metcalfe (
.\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
.\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
.\" preserved on all copies.
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.\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
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.\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this
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.\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by
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.\" References consulted:
.\" Linux libc source code
.\" Lewine's _POSIX Programmer's Guide_ (O'Reilly & Associates, 1991)
.\" 386BSD man pages
.\" Modified Sat Jul 24 17:46:57 1993 by Rik Faith (
.\" Modified 2001-11-17, aeb
.TH TMPFILE 3 2001-11-17 "" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
tmpfile \- create a temporary file
.B #include <stdio.h>
.B FILE *tmpfile (void);
The \fBtmpfile\fP() function generates a unique temporary filename.
The temporary file is then opened in binary read/write (w+b) mode.
The file will be automatically deleted when it is closed or the
program terminates normally.
The \fBtmpfile\fP() function returns a stream descriptor, or NULL if
a unique filename cannot be generated or the unique file cannot be
opened. In the latter case, \fIerrno\fP is set to indicate the error.
Search permission denied for directory in file's path prefix.
Unable to generate a unique filename.
The call was interrupted by a signal.
Too many file descriptors in use by the process.
Too many files open in the system.
There was no room in the directory to add the new filename.
Read-only filesystem.
SVID 3, POSIX, 4.3BSD, ISO 9899, SUSv2
An error message may be written to \fIstdout\fP if the stream
cannot be opened.
The standard does not specify the directory that \fItmpfile\fP()
will use. Glibc will try the path prefix \fIP_tmpdir\fP defined
in \fI<stdio.h>\fP, and if that fails the directory \fI/tmp\fP.
.BR exit (3),
.BR mkstemp (3),
.BR mktemp (3),
.BR tempnam (3),
.BR tmpnam (3)