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The Linux man-pages project
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<h1>The Linux <em>man-pages</em> project</h1>
The Linux <em>man-pages</em> project documents the
<a href="">Linux</a>
<a href="">kernel</a>
and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs.
With respect to the C library, the primary focus is the
<a href="">GNU</a> C library
(<a href="">glibc</a>),
although, where known,
documentation of variations in other C libraries
available for Linux is also included.
The project provides manual pages in the following sections:
<a href="">1: <em>User commands</em></a>; <em>man-pages</em> includes a very few Section 1 pages that
document programs supplied by the GNU C library.
<a href="">2: <em>System calls</em></a>
documents the
<a href="">system calls</a>
provided by the Linux kernel.
<a href="">3: <em>Library functions</em></a>
documents the functions provided by the standard C library.
<a href="">4: <em>Devices</em></a>
documents details of various devices, most of which reside in
<span class="pathname">/dev</span>.
<a href="">5: <em>Files</em></a>
describes various file formats and filesystems, and includes
<a href="">proc(5)</a>,
which documents the
<span class="pathname">/proc</span>
file system.
<a href="">7: <em>Overviews,
conventions, and miscellaneous</em></a>.
<a href="">8:
<em>Superuser and system administration commands</em></a>;
<em>man-pages</em> includes a very few Section 8 pages
that document programs supplied by the GNU C library.
<a href="download.html">Download</a>
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<a href="contributing.html">Contributing</a>
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<a href="reporting_bugs.html">Reporting bugs</a>
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<a href="patches.html">Submitting patches</a>
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<a href="missing_pages.html">Missing pages</a>
<a href="linux-man-ml.html">Mailing list</a>
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<a href="maintaining.html">Project maintenance</a>
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<a href="translations.html">Translation projects</a>
<a href="code_of_conduct.html">Code of conduct</a>
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