blob: 763c09f8c82e21458c052593d63fcd91ce50459a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef CONTENT_H
#define CONTENT_H
/* content.[hc] - dump/restore content strategy abstraction
/* content_hdr_t - content file header
* This header structure will be placed at the beginning of the
* content media files by the media manager mo_begin_write() operator,
* and will be extracted from the beginning of the media object files by
* the mo_begin_read() operator. A content header_t has three parts: generally
* useful info, content strategy-specific info, and upper layer info. The hdr
* argument of the co_begin_write() operator will be stuffed into the
* upper layer info, and extracted for the upper layer by co_begin_read().
#define CONTENT_HDR_SZ sizeofmember( media_hdr_t, mh_upper )
#define CONTENT_STATSZ 160 /* must match dlog.h DLOG_MULTI_STATSZ */
struct content_hdr {
char ch_mntpnt[ GLOBAL_HDR_STRING_SZ ]; /* 100 100 */
/* full pathname of fs mount point */
char ch_fsdevice[ GLOBAL_HDR_STRING_SZ ]; /* 100 200 */
/* full pathname of char device containing fs */
char ch_pad1[GLOBAL_HDR_STRING_SZ]; /* 100 300 */
/* in case another label is needed */
char ch_fstype[ CONTENT_HDR_FSTYPE_SZ ]; /* 10 310 */
/* from fsid.h */
uuid_t ch_fsid; /* 10 320 */
/* file system uuid */
char ch_pad2[ GLOBAL_HDR_UUID_SZ ]; /* 10 330 */
/* in case another id is needed */
char ch_pad3[ 8 ]; /* 8 338 */
/* padding */
int32_t ch_strategyid; /* 4 33c */
/* ID of the content strategy used to produce this dump */
char ch_pad4[ 4 ]; /* 4 340 */
/* alignment */
char ch_specific[ 0xc0 ]; /* c0 400 */
/* content strategy-specific info */
typedef struct content_hdr content_hdr_t;
#define CONTENT_QUOTAFILE "xfsdump_quotas"
#define CONTENT_PQUOTAFILE "xfsdump_quotas_proj"
#define CONTENT_GQUOTAFILE "xfsdump_quotas_group"
#ifdef DUMP
struct quota_info {
char * desc; /* Quotas type (user, project, etc) */
bool_t savequotas; /* Quotas saved OK */
char * quotafile; /* Filename quota info is stored in */
char quotapath[MAXPATHLEN]; /* Full path to quotafile */
char * repquotaargs; /* Args to repquota to create this quotafile */
int statflag; /* quota stats flag for this type */
ino_t quotaino; /* ino of the quota file */
typedef struct quota_info quota_info_t;
extern bool_t is_quota_file(ino_t ino);
#endif /* DUMP */
#ifdef DUMP
extern bool_t content_init( int argc,
char *argv[ ],
global_hdr_t *gwhdrtemplatep );
/* prepares for multi-stream dump
extern int content_stream_dump( ix_t strmix );
/* does stream dump
#endif /* DUMP */
#ifdef RESTORE
extern size_t perssz;
extern bool_t content_init( int argc, char *argv[ ], size64_t vmsz );
/* prepares for multi-thread restore
extern int content_stream_restore( ix_t thrdix );
/* does thread restore
extern bool_t content_overwrite_ok( char *path,
int32_t ctime,
int32_t mtime,
char **reasonstrp,
bool_t *exists );
/* called by tree to ask if ok to overwrite file
extern void content_showinv( void );
/* displays inventory of dump session being restored,
* in the context of a second-level dialog
extern void content_showremainingobjects( void );
/* displays info on media objects remaining to be restored.
#endif /* RESTORE */
extern bool_t content_complete( void );
/* cleanup: called from main thread. returns TRUE if complete
extern size_t content_statline( char **lines[ ] );
/* supplies status line for main keyboard intr dialog
* returns by ref an array of character strings, and the length
* of the array is returned by value.
extern bool_t content_media_change_needed;
/* queried by main thread to decide if interupt dialog needed
* for media change confirmation.
extern char *content_mediachange_query( void );
/* invoked by main thread sigint dialog to allow operator to
* confirm media changes and ask what media objects remain
#endif /* CONTENT_H */