blob: 5fe68675b00f0747f9da5cadd21ffb37e2a9e548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "mlog.h"
#include "dlog.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "getopt.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "drive.h"
/* drive.c - selects and initializes a drive strategy
/* structure definitions used locally ****************************************/
/* declarations of externally defined global symbols *************************/
extern void usage( void );
extern char *homedir;
/* declare all drive strategies here
extern drive_strategy_t drive_strategy_simple;
extern drive_strategy_t drive_strategy_scsitape;
extern drive_strategy_t drive_strategy_rmt;
/* forward declarations of locally defined static functions ******************/
static drive_t *drive_alloc( char *, size_t );
static void drive_allochdrs( drive_t *drivep,
global_hdr_t *gwhdrtemplatep,
ix_t driveix );
/* definition of locally defined global variables ****************************/
drive_t **drivepp;
size_t drivecnt;
size_t partialmax;
/* definition of locally defined static variables *****************************/
/* drive strategy array - ordered by precedence
static drive_strategy_t *strategypp[] = {
/* definition of locally defined global functions ****************************/
/* drive_init1 - select and instantiate a drive manager for each drive
* specified on the command line.
drive_init1( int argc, char *argv[ ] )
int c;
ix_t driveix;
/* sanity check asserts
assert( sizeof( drive_hdr_t ) == DRIVE_HDR_SZ );
/* count drive arguments
optind = 1;
opterr = 0;
drivecnt = 0;
while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, GETOPT_CMDSTRING )) != EOF ) {
switch ( c ) {
/* allocate an array to hold ptrs to drive descriptors
if (drivecnt > 0) {
drivepp = ( drive_t ** )calloc( drivecnt, sizeof( drive_t * ));
assert( drivepp );
/* initialize the partialmax value. Each drive can be completing a file
* started in another drive (except for drive 0) and leave one file to
* be completed by another drive. This value is used to limit the
* search in the list of partially completed files shared between all
* restore streams. Note, if drivecnt is one, then partialmax is zero
* to indicate no partial files can span streams.
partialmax = (drivecnt <= 1 ? 0 : (drivecnt * 2) - 1);
/* initialize drive descriptors from command line arguments
optind = 1;
opterr = 0;
driveix = 0;
while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, GETOPT_CMDSTRING )) != EOF ) {
switch ( c ) {
if ( ! optarg || optarg[ 0 ] == '-' ) {
_("-%c argument missing\n"),
c );
usage( );
return BOOL_FALSE;
/* allocate a drive descriptor
drivepp[ driveix ] = drive_alloc( optarg, driveix );
assert( driveix == drivecnt );
/* the user may specify stdin as the source, by
* a single dash ('-') with no option letter. This must appear
* between all lettered arguments and the file system pathname.
if ( optind < argc && ! strcmp( argv[ optind ], "-" )) {
if ( driveix > 0 ) {
#ifdef DUMP
_("cannot specify source files and stdout together\n")
#endif /* DUMP */
#ifdef RESTORE
_("cannot specify source files and stdin together\n")
#endif /* RESTORE */
usage( );
return BOOL_FALSE;
drivecnt = 1;
/* Adding this alloc to fix malloc corruption.
* Bug #393618 - prasadb 04/16/97
* allocate an array to hold ptrs to drive descriptors
drivepp = ( drive_t ** )calloc( drivecnt, sizeof( drive_t * ));
assert( drivepp );
drivepp[ 0 ] = drive_alloc( "stdio", 0 );
#ifdef DUMP /* ifdef added around dlog_desist() by prasadb to fix 435626 */
dlog_desist( );
/* verify that some dump destination(s) / restore source(s) specified
if ( drivecnt == 0 ) {
#ifdef DUMP
_("no destination file(s) specified\n")
#endif /* DUMP */
#ifdef RESTORE
_("no source file(s) specified\n")
#endif /* RESTORE */
usage( );
return BOOL_FALSE;
/* run each drive past each strategy, pick the best match
* and instantiate a drive manager.
for ( driveix = 0 ; driveix < drivecnt ; driveix++ ) {
drive_t *drivep = drivepp[ driveix ];
int bestscore = 0 - INTGENMAX;
ix_t six;
ix_t scnt = sizeof( strategypp ) / sizeof( strategypp[ 0 ] );
drive_strategy_t *bestsp = 0;
bool_t ok;
for ( six = 0 ; six < scnt ; six++ ) {
drive_strategy_t *sp = strategypp[ six ];
int score;
score = ( * sp->ds_match )( argc,
drivep );
if ( ! bestsp || score > bestscore ) {
bestsp = sp;
bestscore = score;
assert( bestsp );
drivep->d_strategyp = bestsp;
drivep->d_recmarksep = bestsp->ds_recmarksep;
drivep->d_recmfilesz = bestsp->ds_recmfilesz;
_("using %s strategy\n"),
bestsp->ds_description );
ok = ( * bestsp->ds_instantiate )( argc,
drivep );
if ( ! ok ) {
return BOOL_FALSE;
return BOOL_TRUE;
/* drive_init2 - second phase strategy initialization.
* allocates global read and write hdrs, copying global hdr template
* into the write hdrs (DUMP only). kicks off async init for each drive,
* which will be synchronized with drive_init3.
drive_init2( int argc,
char *argv[ ],
global_hdr_t *gwhdrtemplatep )
ix_t driveix;
for ( driveix = 0 ; driveix < drivecnt ; driveix++ ) {
drive_t *drivep = drivepp[ driveix ];
bool_t ok;
drive_allochdrs( drivep, gwhdrtemplatep, driveix );
ok = ( * drivep->d_opsp->do_init )( drivep );
if ( ! ok ) {
return BOOL_FALSE;
return BOOL_TRUE;
/* drive_init3 - third phase strategy initialization.
* synchronizes with async operations begun by drive_init2.
drive_init3( void )
ix_t driveix;
for ( driveix = 0 ; driveix < drivecnt ; driveix++ ) {
drive_t *drivep = drivepp[ driveix ];
bool_t ok;
ok = ( * drivep->d_opsp->do_sync )( drivep );
if ( ! ok ) {
return BOOL_FALSE;
return BOOL_TRUE;
/* drive_mark_commit - commits and unlinks all accumulated marks with
* offsets less than or equal to the offset of the next (as yet unwritten)
* byte in the media file.
* utility function for use by drive-specific strategies.
drive_mark_commit( drive_t *drivep, off64_t ncommitted )
drive_markrec_t *dmp;
for ( dmp = drivep->d_markrecheadp
dmp && dmp->dm_log <= ( drive_mark_t )ncommitted
) {
drivep->d_markrecheadp = dmp->dm_nextp;
( * dmp->dm_cbfuncp )( dmp->dm_cbcontextp, dmp, BOOL_TRUE );
dmp = drivep->d_markrecheadp;
/* drive_mark_discard - unlinks all accumulated marks, calling their callbacks
* indicating the mark was NOT committed.
* utility function for use by drive-specific strategies.
drive_mark_discard( drive_t *drivep )
drive_markrec_t *dmp;
for ( dmp = drivep->d_markrecheadp
drivep->d_markrecheadp = dmp->dm_nextp, dmp = dmp->dm_nextp ) {
( * dmp->dm_cbfuncp )( dmp->dm_cbcontextp, dmp, BOOL_FALSE );
/* drive_display_metrics - called by main thread during interactive dialog
* to print drive throughput and streaming metrics.
drive_display_metrics( void )
ix_t driveix;
for ( driveix = 0 ; driveix < drivecnt ; driveix++ ) {
drive_t *drivep = drivepp[ driveix ];
drive_ops_t *dop = drivep->d_opsp;
if ( dop->do_display_metrics ) {
( * dop->do_display_metrics )( drivep );
/* definition of locally defined static functions ****************************/
/* drive_alloc - allocate and initialize the generic portions of a drive
* descriptor. do NOT allocate hdr buffers.
static drive_t *
drive_alloc( char *pathname, ix_t driveix )
drive_t *drivep;
struct stat64 statbuf;
/* allocate the descriptor
drivep = ( drive_t * )calloc( 1, sizeof( drive_t ));
assert( drivep );
/* convert the pathname to an absolute pathname
* NOTE: string "stdio" is reserved to mean send to standard out
if ( strcmp( pathname, "stdio" )) {
pathname = path_reltoabs( pathname, homedir );
/* set pipe flags
if ( ! strcmp( pathname, "stdio" )) {
drivep->d_isunnamedpipepr = BOOL_TRUE;
} else if ( ! stat64( pathname, &statbuf )
( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT ) == S_IFIFO ) {
drivep->d_isnamedpipepr = BOOL_TRUE;
/* complete the drive manager
drivep->d_pathname = pathname;
drivep->d_index = driveix;
return drivep;
/* drive_allochdrs - allocate and initialize the drive read and write
* hdrs, and ptrs into the hdrs.
static void
drive_allochdrs( drive_t *drivep, global_hdr_t *gwhdrtemplatep, ix_t driveix )
global_hdr_t *grhdrp;
drive_hdr_t *drhdrp;
global_hdr_t *gwhdrp;
drive_hdr_t *dwhdrp;
/* allocate the read header
grhdrp = ( global_hdr_t * )calloc( 1, sizeof( global_hdr_t ));
assert( grhdrp );
gwhdrp = NULL;
dwhdrp = NULL;
/* calculate pointer to the drive portion of the read header
drhdrp = ( drive_hdr_t * )grhdrp->gh_upper;
/* global write hdr used only for dumps. will be NULL for restore
if ( gwhdrtemplatep ) {
/* allocate the write header
gwhdrp = ( global_hdr_t * )calloc( 1, sizeof( global_hdr_t ));
assert( gwhdrp );
/* copy the template
*gwhdrp = *gwhdrtemplatep;
/* calculate pointer to the drive portion of the read header
dwhdrp = ( drive_hdr_t * )gwhdrp->gh_upper;
/* fill in generic drive fields of write hdr
dwhdrp->dh_strategyid = drivep->d_strategyp->ds_id;
dwhdrp->dh_driveix = driveix;
dwhdrp->dh_drivecnt = drivecnt;
/* complete the drive manager
drivep->d_greadhdrp = grhdrp;
drivep->d_readhdrp = drhdrp;
drivep->d_gwritehdrp = gwhdrp;
drivep->d_writehdrp = dwhdrp;