blob: 558bf7e1d2a00a22343654d163bfb4cb7b8a622e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H
/* util.[hc] - generally useful functions
/* write_buf - converts the normal manager write method into something simpler
* the managers present a somewhat complicated write interface, for performance
* reasons, which eliminates buffer copying. however, there are times when
* the data to be written is already buffered, such as when writing out
* header structures. This function takes care of the details of writing
* the contents of such a buffer using the manager operators.
* if bufp is null, writes bufsz zeros.
typedef char * ( * gwbfp_t )( void *contextp, size_t wantedsz, size_t *szp);
typedef int ( * wfp_t )( void *contextp, char *bufp, size_t bufsz );
extern int write_buf( char *bufp,
size_t bufsz,
void *contextp,
gwbfp_t get_write_buf_funcp,
wfp_t write_funcp );
/* read_buf - converts the normal manager read method into something simpler
* the managers present a somewhat complicated read interface, for performance
* reasons, which eliminates buffer copying. however, there are times when
* the caller wants his buffer to be filled completely, such as when reading
* header structures. This function takes care of the details of filling
* such a buffer using the manager operators.
* if bufp is null, discards read data.
* returns number of bytes successfully read. returns by reference the
* status of the first failure of the read funcp. if no read failures occur,
* *statp will be zero.
typedef char * ( *rfp_t )( void *contextp, size_t wantedsz, size_t *szp, int *statp );
typedef void ( * rrbfp_t )( void *contextp, char *bufp, size_t bufsz );
extern int read_buf( char *bufp,
size_t bufsz,
void *contextp,
rfp_t read_funcp,
rrbfp_t return_read_buf_funcp,
int *statp );
/* strncpyterm - like strncpy, but guarantees the destination is null-terminated
extern char *strncpyterm( char *s1, char *s2, size_t n );
/* bigstat - efficient file status gatherer. presents an iterative
* callback interface, invoking the caller's callback for each in-use
* inode. the caller can specify the first ino, and can limit the callbacks
* to just dirs, just non-dirs, or both. if the callback returns non-zero,
* aborts the iteration and sets stat to the callback's return; otherwise,
* stat is set to zero. return value set to errno if the system call fails,
* or EINTR if optional pre-emption func returns TRUE.
#define BIGSTAT_ITER_DIR ( 1 << 0 )
#define BIGSTAT_ITER_NONDIR ( 1 << 1 )
#define BIGSTAT_ITER_ALL ( ~0 )
typedef int (*bstat_cbfp_t)(void *arg1,
jdm_fshandle_t *fshandlep,
int fsfd,
xfs_bstat_t *statp );
typedef xfs_ino_t (*bstat_seekfp_t)(void *arg1,
xfs_ino_t lastino);
extern int bigstat_iter( jdm_fshandle_t *fshandlep,
int fsfd,
int selector,
xfs_ino_t start_ino,
bstat_cbfp_t fp,
void * cb_arg1,
bstat_seekfp_t seekfp,
void * seek_arg1,
int *statp,
bool_t ( pfp )( int ), /* preemption chk func */
xfs_bstat_t *buf,
size_t buflen );
extern int bigstat_one( int fsfd,
xfs_ino_t ino,
xfs_bstat_t *statp );
extern int inogrp_iter( int fsfd,
int ( * fp )( void *arg1,
int fsfd,
xfs_inogrp_t *inogrp ),
void * arg1,
int *statp );
/* calls the callback for every entry in the directory specified
* by the stat buffer. supplies the callback with a file system
* handler and a stat buffer, and the name from the dirent.
* NOTE: does NOT invoke callback for "." or ".."!
* caller may supply getdents buffer. size must be >= sizeof( dirent_t )
* + MAXPATHLEN. if not supplied (usrgdp NULL), one will be malloc()ed.
* if the callback returns non-zero, returns 1 with cbrval set to the
* callback's return value. if syscall fails, returns -1 with errno set.
* otherwise returns 0.
extern int diriter( jdm_fshandle_t *fshandlep,
int fsfd,
xfs_bstat_t *statp,
int ( *cbfp )( void *arg1,
jdm_fshandle_t *fshandlep,
int fsfd,
xfs_bstat_t *statp,
char *namep ),
void *arg1,
int *cbrvalp,
char *usrgdp,
size_t usrgdsz );
/* macro to copy uuid structures
#define COPY_LABEL( lab1, lab2) ( bcopy( lab1, lab2, GLOBAL_HDR_STRING_SZ) )
* Align pointer up to alignment
#define ALIGN_PTR(p,a) \
(((intptr_t)(p) & ((a)-1)) ? \
((void *)(((intptr_t)(p) + ((a)-1)) & ~((a)-1))) : \
((void *)(p)))
#endif /* UTIL_H */