blob: 8f4a12118049d9556766ac25231343e763cc6c58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002,2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libxfs.h"
#include "avl64.h"
#ifdef AVL_DEBUG
static void
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *np)
avl64node_t *back = np->avl_back;
avl64node_t *forw = np->avl_forw;
avl64node_t *nextino = np->avl_nextino;
int bal = np->avl_balance;
ASSERT(bal != AVL_BALANCE || (!back && !forw) || (back && forw));
ASSERT(bal != AVL_FORW || forw);
ASSERT(bal != AVL_BACK || back);
if (forw) {
ASSERT(AVL_START(tree, np) < AVL_START(tree, forw));
ASSERT(np->avl_forw->avl_parent == np);
ASSERT(back || bal == AVL_FORW);
} else {
ASSERT(bal == AVL_BALANCE || back);
ASSERT(bal == AVL_BACK || !back);
if (back) {
ASSERT(AVL_START(tree, np) > AVL_START(tree, back));
ASSERT(np->avl_back->avl_parent == np);
ASSERT(forw || bal == AVL_BACK);
} else {
ASSERT(bal == AVL_BALANCE || forw);
ASSERT(bal == AVL_FORW || !forw);
if (nextino == NULL)
ASSERT(forw == NULL);
ASSERT(AVL_END(tree, np) <= AVL_START(tree, nextino));
static void
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *root)
avl64node_t *nlast, *nnext, *np;
uint64_t offset = 0;
uint64_t end;
nlast = nnext = root;
ASSERT(!nnext || nnext->avl_parent == NULL);
while (nnext) {
avl64_checknode(tree, nnext);
end = AVL_END(tree, nnext);
if (end <= offset) {
if ((np = nnext->avl_forw) && np != nlast) {
nlast = nnext;
nnext = np;
} else {
nlast = nnext;
nnext = nnext->avl_parent;
nlast = nnext;
if (np = nnext->avl_back) {
if (AVL_END(tree, np) > offset) {
nnext = np;
np = nnext;
nnext = nnext->avl_forw;
if (!nnext)
nnext = np->avl_parent;
offset = end;
#else /* ! AVL_DEBUG */
#define avl64_checktree(t,x)
#endif /* AVL_DEBUG */
* Reset balance for np up through tree.
* ``direction'' is the way that np's balance
* is headed after the deletion of one of its children --
* e.g., deleting a avl_forw child sends avl_balance toward AVL_BACK.
* Called only when deleting a node from the tree.
static void
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *np,
int direction)
avl64node_t **rootp = &tree->avl_root;
avl64node_t *parent;
avl64node_t *child;
avl64node_t *tmp;
int bal;
do {
ASSERT(direction == AVL_BACK || direction == AVL_FORW);
if (np->avl_balance == AVL_BALANCE) {
np->avl_balance = direction;
parent = np->avl_parent;
* If balance is being restored, no local node
* reorganization is necessary, but may be at
* a higher node. Reset direction and continue.
if (direction != np->avl_balance) {
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np)
direction = AVL_BACK;
direction = AVL_FORW;
np = parent;
* Imbalance. If a avl_forw node was removed, direction
* (and, by reduction, np->avl_balance) is/was AVL_BACK.
if (np->avl_balance == AVL_BACK) {
ASSERT(direction == AVL_BACK);
child = np->avl_back;
bal = child->avl_balance;
if (bal != AVL_FORW) /* single LL */ {
* np gets pushed down to lesser child's
* avl_forw branch.
* np-> -D +B
* / \ / \
* child-> B deleted A -D
* / \ /
* A C C
cmn_err(CE_CONT, "!LL delete b 0x%x c 0x%x\n",
np, child);
np->avl_back = child->avl_forw;
if (child->avl_forw)
child->avl_forw->avl_parent = np;
child->avl_forw = np;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np) {
parent->avl_forw = child;
direction = AVL_BACK;
} else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
parent->avl_back = child;
direction = AVL_FORW;
} else {
ASSERT(*rootp == np);
*rootp = child;
np->avl_parent = child;
child->avl_parent = parent;
if (bal == AVL_BALANCE) {
np->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
child->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
} else {
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
np = parent;
avl64_checktree(tree, *rootp);
/* child->avl_balance == AVL_FORW double LR rotation
* child's avl_forw node gets promoted up, along with
* its avl_forw subtree
* np-> -G C
* / \ / \
* child-> +B H -B G
* / \ \ / / \
* A +C deleted A D H
* \
* D
cmn_err(CE_CONT, "!LR delete b 0x%x c 0x%x t 0x%x\n",
np, child, child->avl_forw);
tmp = child->avl_forw;
bal = tmp->avl_balance;
child->avl_forw = tmp->avl_back;
if (tmp->avl_back)
tmp->avl_back->avl_parent = child;
tmp->avl_back = child;
child->avl_parent = tmp;
np->avl_back = tmp->avl_forw;
if (tmp->avl_forw)
tmp->avl_forw->avl_parent = np;
tmp->avl_forw = np;
if (bal == AVL_FORW)
child->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (bal == AVL_BACK)
np->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
goto next;
ASSERT(np->avl_balance == AVL_FORW && direction == AVL_FORW);
child = np->avl_forw;
bal = child->avl_balance;
if (bal != AVL_BACK) /* single RR */ {
* np gets pushed down to greater child's
* avl_back branch.
* np-> +B -D
* / \ / \
* deleted D <-child +B E
* / \ \
* C E C
cmn_err(CE_CONT, "!RR delete b 0x%x c 0x%x\n",
np, child);
np->avl_forw = child->avl_back;
if (child->avl_back)
child->avl_back->avl_parent = np;
child->avl_back = np;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np) {
parent->avl_forw = child;
direction = AVL_BACK;
} else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
parent->avl_back = child;
direction = AVL_FORW;
} else {
ASSERT(*rootp == np);
*rootp = child;
np->avl_parent = child;
child->avl_parent = parent;
if (bal == AVL_BALANCE) {
np->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
} else {
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
np = parent;
avl64_checktree(tree, *rootp);
/* child->avl_balance == AVL_BACK double RL rotation
cmn_err(CE_CONT, "!RL delete b 0x%x c 0x%x t 0x%x\n",
np, child, child->avl_back);
tmp = child->avl_back;
bal = tmp->avl_balance;
child->avl_back = tmp->avl_forw;
if (tmp->avl_forw)
tmp->avl_forw->avl_parent = child;
tmp->avl_forw = child;
child->avl_parent = tmp;
np->avl_forw = tmp->avl_back;
if (tmp->avl_back)
tmp->avl_back->avl_parent = np;
tmp->avl_back = np;
if (bal == AVL_BACK)
child->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (bal == AVL_FORW)
np->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
np->avl_parent = tmp;
tmp->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
tmp->avl_parent = parent;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np) {
parent->avl_forw = tmp;
direction = AVL_BACK;
} else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
parent->avl_back = tmp;
direction = AVL_FORW;
} else {
ASSERT(*rootp == np);
*rootp = tmp;
np = parent;
avl64_checktree(tree, *rootp);
} while (np);
* Remove node from tree.
* avl_delete does the local tree manipulations,
* calls retreat() to rebalance tree up to its root.
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *np)
avl64node_t *forw = np->avl_forw;
avl64node_t *back = np->avl_back;
avl64node_t *parent = np->avl_parent;
avl64node_t *nnext;
if (np->avl_back) {
* a left child exits, then greatest left descendent's nextino
* is pointing to np; make it point to np->nextino.
nnext = np->avl_back;
while (nnext) {
if (!nnext->avl_forw)
break; /* can't find anything bigger */
nnext = nnext->avl_forw;
} else
if (np->avl_parent) {
* find nearest ancestor with lesser value. That ancestor's
* nextino is pointing to np; make it point to np->nextino
nnext = np->avl_parent;
while (nnext) {
if (AVL_END(tree, nnext) <= AVL_END(tree, np))
nnext = nnext->avl_parent;
} else
nnext = NULL;
if (nnext) {
ASSERT(nnext->avl_nextino == np);
nnext->avl_nextino = np->avl_nextino;
* Something preceeds np; np cannot be firstino.
ASSERT(tree->avl_firstino != np);
else {
* Nothing preceeding np; after deletion, np's nextino
* is firstino of tree.
ASSERT(tree->avl_firstino == np);
tree->avl_firstino = np->avl_nextino;
* Degenerate cases...
if (forw == NULL) {
forw = back;
goto attach;
if (back == NULL) {
if (forw)
forw->avl_parent = parent;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np) {
parent->avl_forw = forw;
retreat(tree, parent, AVL_BACK);
} else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
parent->avl_back = forw;
retreat(tree, parent, AVL_FORW);
} else {
ASSERT(tree->avl_root == np);
tree->avl_root = forw;
avl64_checktree(tree, tree->avl_root);
* Harder case: children on both sides.
* If back's avl_forw pointer is null, just have back
* inherit np's avl_forw tree, remove np from the tree
* and adjust balance counters starting at back.
* np-> xI xH (befor retreat())
* / \ / \
* back-> H J G J
* / / \ / \
* G ? ? ? ?
* / \
* ? ?
if ((forw = back->avl_forw) == NULL) {
* AVL_FORW retreat below will set back's
* balance to AVL_BACK.
back->avl_balance = np->avl_balance;
back->avl_forw = forw = np->avl_forw;
forw->avl_parent = back;
back->avl_parent = parent;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np)
parent->avl_forw = back;
else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
parent->avl_back = back;
} else {
ASSERT(tree->avl_root == np);
tree->avl_root = back;
* back is taking np's place in the tree, and
* has therefore lost a avl_back node (itself).
retreat(tree, back, AVL_FORW);
avl64_checktree(tree, tree->avl_root);
* Hardest case: children on both sides, and back's
* avl_forw pointer isn't null. Find the immediately
* inferior buffer by following back's avl_forw line
* to the end, then have it inherit np's avl_forw tree.
* np-> xI xH
* / \ / \
* G J back-> G J (before retreat())
* / \ / \
* F ?... F ?1
* / \
* ? H <-forw
* /
* ?1
while ((back = forw->avl_forw))
forw = back;
* Will be adjusted by retreat() below.
forw->avl_balance = np->avl_balance;
* forw inherits np's avl_forw...
forw->avl_forw = np->avl_forw;
np->avl_forw->avl_parent = forw;
* ... forw's parent gets forw's avl_back...
back = forw->avl_parent;
back->avl_forw = forw->avl_back;
if (forw->avl_back)
forw->avl_back->avl_parent = back;
* ... forw gets np's avl_back...
forw->avl_back = np->avl_back;
np->avl_back->avl_parent = forw;
* ... and forw gets np's parent.
forw->avl_parent = parent;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np)
parent->avl_forw = forw;
parent->avl_back = forw;
} else {
ASSERT(tree->avl_root == np);
tree->avl_root = forw;
* What used to be forw's parent is the starting
* point for rebalancing. It has lost a avl_forw node.
retreat(tree, back, AVL_BACK);
avl64_checktree(tree, tree->avl_root);
* avl_findanyrange:
* Given range r [start, end), find any range which is contained in r.
* if checklen is non-zero, then only ranges of non-zero length are
* considered in finding a match.
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t start,
uint64_t end,
int checklen)
avl64node_t *np = tree->avl_root;
/* np = avl64_findadjacent(tree, start, AVL_SUCCEED); */
while (np) {
if (start < AVL_START(tree, np)) {
if (np->avl_back) {
np = np->avl_back;
/* if we were to add node with start, would
* have a growth of AVL_BACK
/* if succeeding node is needed, this is it.
if (start >= AVL_END(tree, np)) {
if (np->avl_forw) {
np = np->avl_forw;
/* if we were to add node with start, would
* have a growth of AVL_FORW;
/* we are looking for a succeeding node;
* this is nextino.
np = np->avl_nextino;
/* AVL_START(tree, np) <= start < AVL_END(tree, np) */
if (np) {
if (checklen == AVL_INCLUDE_ZEROLEN) {
if (end <= AVL_START(tree, np)) {
/* something follows start, but is
* is entierly after the range (end)
/* np may stradle [start, end) */
* find non-zero length region
while (np && (AVL_END(tree, np) - AVL_START(tree, np) == 0)
&& (AVL_START(tree, np) < end))
np = np->avl_nextino;
if ((np == NULL) || (AVL_START(tree, np) >= end))
return NULL;
* nothing succeeds start, all existing ranges are before start.
return NULL;
* Returns a pointer to range which contains value.
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t value)
avl64node_t *np = tree->avl_root;
while (np) {
if (value < AVL_START(tree, np)) {
np = np->avl_back;
if (value >= AVL_END(tree, np)) {
np = np->avl_forw;
ASSERT(AVL_START(tree, np) <= value &&
value < AVL_END(tree, np));
return np;
return NULL;
* Returns a pointer to node which contains exact value.
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t value)
avl64node_t *np = tree->avl_root;
uint64_t nvalue;
while (np) {
nvalue = AVL_START(tree, np);
if (value < nvalue) {
np = np->avl_back;
if (value == nvalue) {
return np;
np = np->avl_forw;
return NULL;
* Balance buffer AVL tree after attaching a new node to root.
* Called only by avl_insert.
static void
avl64node_t **rootp,
avl64node_t *np,
int growth)
* At this point, np points to the node to which
* a new node has been attached. All that remains is to
* propagate avl_balance up the tree.
for ( ; ; ) {
avl64node_t *parent = np->avl_parent;
avl64node_t *child;
CERT(growth == AVL_BACK || growth == AVL_FORW);
* If the buffer was already balanced, set avl_balance
* to the new direction. Continue if there is a
* parent after setting growth to reflect np's
* relation to its parent.
if (np->avl_balance == AVL_BALANCE) {
np->avl_balance = growth;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_forw == np)
growth = AVL_FORW;
else {
ASSERT(parent->avl_back == np);
growth = AVL_BACK;
np = parent;
if (growth != np->avl_balance) {
* Subtree is now balanced -- no net effect
* in the size of the subtree, so leave.
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (growth == AVL_BACK) {
child = np->avl_back;
CERT(np->avl_balance == AVL_BACK && child);
if (child->avl_balance == AVL_BACK) { /* single LL */
* ``A'' just got inserted;
* np points to ``E'', child to ``C'',
* and it is already AVL_BACK --
* child will get promoted to top of subtree.
np-> -E C
/ \ / \
child-> -C F -B E
/ \ / / \
-B D A D F
Note that child->avl_parent and
avl_balance get set in common code.
np->avl_parent = child;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
np->avl_back = child->avl_forw;
if (child->avl_forw)
child->avl_forw->avl_parent = np;
child->avl_forw = np;
} else {
* double LR
* child's avl_forw node gets promoted to
* the top of the subtree.
np-> -E C
/ \ / \
child-> +B F -B E
/ \ / / \
A +C A D F
avl64node_t *tmp = child->avl_forw;
CERT(child->avl_balance == AVL_FORW && tmp);
child->avl_forw = tmp->avl_back;
if (tmp->avl_back)
tmp->avl_back->avl_parent = child;
tmp->avl_back = child;
child->avl_parent = tmp;
np->avl_back = tmp->avl_forw;
if (tmp->avl_forw)
tmp->avl_forw->avl_parent = np;
tmp->avl_forw = np;
np->avl_parent = tmp;
if (tmp->avl_balance == AVL_BACK)
np->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (tmp->avl_balance == AVL_FORW)
child->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
* Set child to point to tmp since it is
* now the top of the subtree, and will
* get attached to the subtree parent in
* the common code below.
child = tmp;
} else /* growth == AVL_BACK */ {
* This code is the mirror image of AVL_FORW above.
child = np->avl_forw;
CERT(np->avl_balance == AVL_FORW && child);
if (child->avl_balance == AVL_FORW) { /* single RR */
np->avl_parent = child;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
np->avl_forw = child->avl_back;
if (child->avl_back)
child->avl_back->avl_parent = np;
child->avl_back = np;
} else {
* double RL
avl64node_t *tmp = child->avl_back;
ASSERT(child->avl_balance == AVL_BACK && tmp);
child->avl_back = tmp->avl_forw;
if (tmp->avl_forw)
tmp->avl_forw->avl_parent = child;
tmp->avl_forw = child;
child->avl_parent = tmp;
np->avl_forw = tmp->avl_back;
if (tmp->avl_back)
tmp->avl_back->avl_parent = np;
tmp->avl_back = np;
np->avl_parent = tmp;
if (tmp->avl_balance == AVL_FORW)
np->avl_balance = AVL_BACK;
np->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (tmp->avl_balance == AVL_BACK)
child->avl_balance = AVL_FORW;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
child = tmp;
child->avl_parent = parent;
child->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (parent) {
if (parent->avl_back == np)
parent->avl_back = child;
parent->avl_forw = child;
} else {
ASSERT(*rootp == np);
*rootp = child;
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t start, /* range start at start, */
uint64_t end, /* exclusive */
int *growthp) /* OUT */
avl64node_t *root = tree->avl_root;
avl64node_t *np;
np = root;
ASSERT(np); /* caller ensures that there is atleast one node in tree */
for ( ; ; ) {
CERT(np->avl_parent || root == np);
CERT(!np->avl_parent || root != np);
CERT(!(np->avl_back) || np->avl_back->avl_parent == np);
CERT(!(np->avl_forw) || np->avl_forw->avl_parent == np);
CERT(np->avl_balance != AVL_FORW || np->avl_forw);
CERT(np->avl_balance != AVL_BACK || np->avl_back);
CERT(np->avl_balance != AVL_BALANCE ||
np->avl_back == NULL || np->avl_forw);
CERT(np->avl_balance != AVL_BALANCE ||
np->avl_forw == NULL || np->avl_back);
if (AVL_START(tree, np) >= end) {
if (np->avl_back) {
np = np->avl_back;
*growthp = AVL_BACK;
if (AVL_END(tree, np) <= start) {
if (np->avl_forw) {
np = np->avl_forw;
*growthp = AVL_FORW;
/* found exact match -- let caller decide if it is an error */
static void
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *parent,
avl64node_t *newnode,
int growth)
avl64node_t *nnext;
uint64_t start = AVL_START(tree, newnode);
if (growth == AVL_BACK) {
parent->avl_back = newnode;
* we are growing to the left; previous in-order to newnode is
* closest ancestor with lesser value. Before this
* insertion, this ancestor will be pointing to
* newnode's parent. After insertion, next in-order to newnode
* is the parent.
newnode->avl_nextino = parent;
nnext = parent;
while (nnext) {
if (AVL_END(tree, nnext) <= start)
nnext = nnext->avl_parent;
if (nnext) {
* nnext will be null if newnode is
* the least element, and hence very first in the list.
ASSERT(nnext->avl_nextino == parent);
nnext->avl_nextino = newnode;
else {
parent->avl_forw = newnode;
newnode->avl_nextino = parent->avl_nextino;
parent->avl_nextino = newnode;
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *newnode)
avl64node_t *np;
uint64_t start = AVL_START(tree, newnode);
uint64_t end = AVL_END(tree, newnode);
int growth;
* Clean all pointers for sanity; some will be reset as necessary.
newnode->avl_nextino = NULL;
newnode->avl_parent = NULL;
newnode->avl_forw = NULL;
newnode->avl_back = NULL;
newnode->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if ((np = tree->avl_root) == NULL) { /* degenerate case... */
tree->avl_root = newnode;
tree->avl_firstino = newnode;
return newnode;
if ((np = avl64_insert_find_growth(tree, start, end, &growth))
== NULL) {
if (start != end) { /* non-zero length range */
_("avl_insert: Warning! duplicate range [%llu,%llu]\n"),
(unsigned long long)start,
(unsigned long long)end);
avl64_insert_grow(tree, np, newnode, growth);
if (growth == AVL_BACK) {
* Growing to left. if np was firstino, newnode will be firstino
if (tree->avl_firstino == np)
tree->avl_firstino = newnode;
#ifdef notneeded
if (growth == AVL_FORW)
* Cannot possibly be firstino; there is somebody to our left.
newnode->avl_parent = np;
CERT(np->avl_forw == newnode || np->avl_back == newnode);
avl64_balance(&tree->avl_root, np, growth);
avl64_checktree(tree, tree->avl_root);
return newnode;
* avl64_insert_immediate(tree, afterp, newnode):
* insert newnode immediately into tree immediately after afterp.
* after insertion, newnode is right child of afterp.
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
avl64node_t *afterp,
avl64node_t *newnode)
* Clean all pointers for sanity; some will be reset as necessary.
newnode->avl_nextino = NULL;
newnode->avl_parent = NULL;
newnode->avl_forw = NULL;
newnode->avl_back = NULL;
newnode->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
if (afterp == NULL) {
tree->avl_root = newnode;
tree->avl_firstino = newnode;
ASSERT(afterp->avl_forw == NULL);
avl64_insert_grow(tree, afterp, newnode, AVL_FORW); /* grow to right */
CERT(afterp->avl_forw == newnode);
avl64_balance(&tree->avl_root, afterp, AVL_FORW);
avl64_checktree(tree, tree->avl_root);
* Returns first in order node
avl64node_t *
avl64_firstino(avl64node_t *root)
avl64node_t *np;
if ((np = root) == NULL)
return NULL;
while (np->avl_back)
np = np->avl_back;
return np;
* Returns last in order node
avl64node_t *
avl64_lastino(avl64node_t *root)
avl64node_t *np;
if ((np = root) == NULL)
return NULL;
while (np->avl_forw)
np = np->avl_forw;
return np;
avl64_init_tree(avl64tree_desc_t *tree, avl64ops_t *ops)
tree->avl_root = NULL;
tree->avl_firstino = NULL;
tree->avl_ops = ops;
#ifdef AVL_DEBUG
static void
avl64_printnode(avl64tree_desc_t *tree, avl64node_t *np, int nl)
printf("[%d-%d]%c", AVL_START(tree, np),
(AVL_END(tree, np) - 1), nl ? '\n' : ' ');
struct avl_debug_node {
avl64node_t avl_node;
xfs_off_t avl_start;
unsigned int avl_size;
avl64ops_t avl_debug_ops = {
static uint64_t
avl64_debug_start(avl64node_t *node)
return (uint64_t)(struct avl_debug_node *)node->avl_start;
static uint64_t
avl64_debug_end(avl64node_t *node)
return (uint64_t)
((struct avl_debug_node *)node->avl_start +
(struct avl_debug_node *)node->avl_size);
avl_debug_node freenodes[100];
avl_debug_node *freehead = &freenodes[0];
static avl64node_t *
freehead->avl_balance = AVL_BALANCE;
freehead->avl_parent = freehead->avl_forw = freehead->avl_back = NULL;
static void
avl64_print(avl64tree_desc_t *tree, avl64node_t *root, int depth)
int i;
if (!root)
if (root->avl_forw)
avl64_print(tree, root->avl_forw, depth+5);
for (i = 0; i < depth; i++)
putchar((int) ' ');
avl64_printnode(tree, root,1);
if (root->avl_back)
avl64_print(tree, root->avl_back, depth+5);
int i, j;
avl64node_t *np;
avl64tree_desc_t tree;
char linebuf[256], cmd[256];
avl64_init_tree(&tree, &avl_debug_ops);
for (i = 100; i > 0; i = i - 10)
np = alloc__debug_avlnode();
np->avl_start = i;
np->avl_size = 10;
avl64_insert(&tree, np);
avl64_print(&tree, tree.avl_root, 0);
for (np = tree.avl_firstino; np != NULL; np = np->avl_nextino)
avl64_printnode(&tree, np, 0);
while (1) {
printf(_("Command [fpdir] : "));
fgets(linebuf, 256, stdin);
if (feof(stdin)) break;
cmd[0] = NULL;
if (sscanf(linebuf, "%[fpdir]%d", cmd, &i) != 2)
switch (cmd[0]) {
case 'd':
case 'f':
printf(_("end of range ? "));
fgets(linebuf, 256, stdin);
j = atoi(linebuf);
if (i == j) j = i+1;
np = avl64_findinrange(&tree,i,j);
if (np) {
avl64_printnode(&tree, np, 1);
if (cmd[0] == 'd')
avl64_delete(&tree, np);
} else
printf(_("Cannot find %d\n"), i);
case 'p':
avl64_print(&tree, tree.avl_root, 0);
for (np = tree.avl_firstino;
np != NULL; np = np->avl_nextino)
avl64_printnode(&tree, np, 0);
case 'i':
np = alloc_avlnode();
np->avl_start = i;
printf(_("size of range ? "));
fgets(linebuf, 256, stdin);
j = atoi(linebuf);
np->avl_size = j;
avl64_insert(&tree, np);
case 'r': {
avl64node_t *b, *e, *t;
int checklen;
printf(_("End of range ? "));
fgets(linebuf, 256, stdin);
j = atoi(linebuf);
printf(_("checklen 0/1 ? "));
fgets(linebuf, 256, stdin);
checklen = atoi(linebuf);
b = avl64_findanyrange(&tree, i, j, checklen);
if (b) {
printf(_("Found something\n"));
t = b;
while (t) {
if (t != b &&
AVL_START(&tree, t) >= j)
avl64_printnode(&tree, t, 0);
t = t->avl_nextino;
* Given a tree, find value; will find return range enclosing value,
* or range immediately succeeding value,
* or range immediately preceeding value.
avl64node_t *
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t value,
int dir)
avl64node_t *np = tree->avl_root;
while (np) {
if (value < AVL_START(tree, np)) {
if (np->avl_back) {
np = np->avl_back;
/* if we were to add node with value, would
* have a growth of AVL_BACK
if (dir == AVL_SUCCEED) {
/* if succeeding node is needed, this is it.
if (dir == AVL_PRECEED) {
* find nearest ancestor with lesser value.
np = np->avl_parent;
while (np) {
if (AVL_END(tree, np) <= value)
np = np->avl_parent;
if (value >= AVL_END(tree, np)) {
if (np->avl_forw) {
np = np->avl_forw;
/* if we were to add node with value, would
* have a growth of AVL_FORW;
if (dir == AVL_SUCCEED) {
/* we are looking for a succeeding node;
* this is nextino.
if (dir == AVL_PRECEED) {
/* looking for a preceeding node; this is it. */
/* AVL_START(tree, np) <= value < AVL_END(tree, np) */
return NULL;
* avl_findranges:
* Given range r [start, end), find all ranges in tree which are contained
* in r. At return, startp and endp point to first and last of
* a chain of elements which describe the contained ranges. Elements
* in startp ... endp are in sort order, and can be accessed by
* using avl_nextino.
avl64tree_desc_t *tree,
uint64_t start,
uint64_t end,
avl64node_t **startp,
avl64node_t **endp)
avl64node_t *np;
np = avl64_findadjacent(tree, start, AVL_SUCCEED);
if (np == NULL /* nothing succeding start */
|| (np && (end <= AVL_START(tree, np))))
/* something follows start,
but... is entirely after end */
*startp = NULL;
*endp = NULL;
*startp = np;
/* see if end is in this region itself */
if (end <= AVL_END(tree, np) ||
np->avl_nextino == NULL ||
(np->avl_nextino &&
(end <= AVL_START(tree, np->avl_nextino)))) {
*endp = np;
/* have to munge for end */
* note: have to look for (end - 1), since
* findadjacent will look for exact value, and does not
* care about the fact that end is actually one more
* than the value actually being looked for; thus feed it one less.
*endp = avl64_findadjacent(tree, (end-1), AVL_PRECEED);