blob: eaba4ed341b181eac1bd96876521dd5187dded36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003 Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
* Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Kay Sievers <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _UDEV_H_
#define _UDEV_H_
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "libudev.h"
#include "libudev-private.h"
struct udev_event {
struct udev *udev;
struct udev_device *dev;
struct udev_device *dev_parent;
struct udev_device *dev_db;
char *name;
char *tmp_node;
char *program_result;
mode_t mode;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
struct udev_list run_list;
int exec_delay;
unsigned long long birth_usec;
unsigned long long timeout_usec;
int fd_signal;
unsigned int builtin_run;
unsigned int builtin_ret;
bool sigterm;
bool inotify_watch;
bool inotify_watch_final;
bool group_final;
bool owner_final;
bool mode_set;
bool mode_final;
bool static_node;
bool name_final;
bool devlink_final;
bool run_final;
struct udev_watch {
struct udev_list_node node;
int handle;
char *name;
/* udev-rules.c */
struct udev_rules;
struct udev_rules *udev_rules_new(struct udev *udev, int resolve_names);
void udev_rules_unref(struct udev_rules *rules);
int udev_rules_apply_to_event(struct udev_rules *rules, struct udev_event *event, const sigset_t *sigmask);
void udev_rules_apply_static_dev_perms(struct udev_rules *rules);
/* udev-event.c */
struct udev_event *udev_event_new(struct udev_device *dev);
void udev_event_unref(struct udev_event *event);
size_t udev_event_apply_format(struct udev_event *event, const char *src, char *dest, size_t size);
int udev_event_apply_subsys_kernel(struct udev_event *event, const char *string,
char *result, size_t maxsize, int read_value);
int udev_event_spawn(struct udev_event *event,
const char *cmd, char **envp, const sigset_t *sigmask,
char *result, size_t ressize);
int udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event, struct udev_rules *rules, const sigset_t *sigset);
int udev_event_execute_run(struct udev_event *event, const sigset_t *sigset);
/* udev-watch.c */
int udev_watch_init(struct udev *udev);
void udev_watch_restore(struct udev *udev);
void udev_watch_begin(struct udev *udev, struct udev_device *dev);
void udev_watch_end(struct udev *udev, struct udev_device *dev);
struct udev_device *udev_watch_lookup(struct udev *udev, int wd);
/* udev-node.c */
int udev_node_mknod(struct udev_device *dev, const char *file, mode_t mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
int udev_node_add(struct udev_device *dev, mode_t mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
int udev_node_remove(struct udev_device *dev);
void udev_node_update_old_links(struct udev_device *dev, struct udev_device *dev_old);
/* udev-ctrl.c */
struct udev_ctrl;
struct udev_ctrl *udev_ctrl_new(struct udev *udev);
struct udev_ctrl *udev_ctrl_new_from_fd(struct udev *udev, int fd);
int udev_ctrl_enable_receiving(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
struct udev_ctrl *udev_ctrl_ref(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
struct udev_ctrl *udev_ctrl_unref(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
int udev_ctrl_cleanup(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
struct udev *udev_ctrl_get_udev(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
int udev_ctrl_get_fd(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
int udev_ctrl_send_set_log_level(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int priority, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_stop_exec_queue(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_start_exec_queue(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_reload_rules(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_ping(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_exit(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_set_env(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, const char *key, int timeout);
int udev_ctrl_send_set_children_max(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl, int count, int timeout);
struct udev_ctrl_connection;
struct udev_ctrl_connection *udev_ctrl_get_connection(struct udev_ctrl *uctrl);
struct udev_ctrl_connection *udev_ctrl_connection_ref(struct udev_ctrl_connection *conn);
struct udev_ctrl_connection *udev_ctrl_connection_unref(struct udev_ctrl_connection *conn);
struct udev_ctrl_msg;
struct udev_ctrl_msg *udev_ctrl_receive_msg(struct udev_ctrl_connection *conn);
struct udev_ctrl_msg *udev_ctrl_msg_ref(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
struct udev_ctrl_msg *udev_ctrl_msg_unref(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_set_log_level(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_stop_exec_queue(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_start_exec_queue(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_reload_rules(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_ping(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_exit(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
const char *udev_ctrl_get_set_env(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
int udev_ctrl_get_set_children_max(struct udev_ctrl_msg *ctrl_msg);
/* udevadm commands */
struct udevadm_cmd {
const char *name;
int (*cmd)(struct udev *udev, int argc, char *argv[]);
const char *help;
int debug;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_monitor;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_info;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_control;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_trigger;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_settle;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_test;
extern const struct udevadm_cmd udevadm_test_builtin;
/* built-in commands */
enum udev_builtin_cmd {
struct udev_builtin {
const char *name;
int (*cmd)(struct udev_device *dev, bool test);
const char *help;
extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_path_id;
extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_usb_id;
extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_input_id;
enum udev_builtin_cmd udev_builtin_lookup(const char *name);
const char *udev_builtin_name(enum udev_builtin_cmd cmd);
int udev_builtin_run(struct udev_device *dev, enum udev_builtin_cmd cmd, bool test);
int udev_builtin_list(struct udev *udev);
int udev_builtin_add_property(struct udev_device *dev, bool test, const char *key, const char *val, ...);