blob: 1fdc85d6b297ae3835c08c606d916ff5b0d23953 [file] [log] [blame]
Summary: The Linux RT kernel
# build parallelism:
%{!?_smp_mflags:%define _smp_mflags --jobs=16}
# realtime kernels are named "kernel-rt"
%define kernel kernel
%define realtime rt
# mrgN
%define iteration 46
# rtN
%define rttag rt29
# What parts do we want to build? We must build at least one kernel.
# These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
%define buildrt 0
%define builddoc 0
%define builddebug 1
%define buildheaders 0
%define buildvanilla 0
%define buildtrace 0
%define buildkabi 0
%define buildperf 1
%define buildfirmware 1
%define _enable_debug_packages 1
# Versions of various parts
%define base_sublevel 33
# all of this is to handle the differences between building
# from a released kernel tarball and a release-candidate (rc)
# tarball
%define released_kernel 1
## If this is a released kernel ##
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
%define upstream_sublevel %{base_sublevel}
# Do we have a 2.6.33.y update to apply?
%define stable_update 7
# Set rpm version accordingly
%if 0%{?stable_update}
%define stablerev .%{stable_update}
%define rpmversion 2.6.%{base_sublevel}%{?stablerev}
## The not-released-kernel case ##
# The next upstream release sublevel (base_sublevel+1)
%define upstream_sublevel %(expr %{base_sublevel} + 1)
# The rc snapshot level
%define rcrev 8
# Set rpm version accordingly
%define rpmversion 2.6.%{upstream_sublevel}
# pkg_release is what we'll fill in for the rpm Release field
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
### Old naming convention w/o rtX
### %define pkg_release %{iteration}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
%define pkg_release %{rttag}.%{iteration}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
%if 0%{?rcrev}
%define rctag rc%rcrev
%if 0%{?gitrev}
%define gittag .git%gitrev
%if !0%{?rcrev}
%define rctag .rc0
### old naming convention
### %define pkg_release 0.%{iteration}%{?rctag}%{?gittag}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
### Old naming convention w/o rtX
### %define pkg_release %{?rctag}%{?gittag}.%{iteration}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
%define pkg_release %{?rctag}%{?gittag}.%{rttag}.%{iteration}%{?buildid}%{?dist}
# The kernel tarball/base version
%define kversion 2.6.%{base_sublevel}
%define signmodules 0
%define make_target bzImage
%define kernel_image x86
%define hdrarch %_target_cpu
%define asmarch %_target_cpu
# groups of related archs
%define all_x86 i386 i686
# we differ here b/c of the reloc patches
# Override generic defaults with per-arch defaults
%ifarch noarch
%define builddoc 1
%define buildheaders 0
%define builddebug 0
%define buildperf 0
%define buildfirmware 0
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-*.config
# Second, per-architecture exclusions (ifarch)
%ifarch ppc64iseries i686 i586
%define buildheaders 0
%ifarch %{all_x86}
%define asmarch x86
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-i?86*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 0
%define hdrarch i386
%ifarch i686
%define buildrt 1
%define buildtrace 1
%define buildvanilla 1
%ifarch x86_64
%define asmarch x86
%define buildrt 1
%define buildtrace 1
%define buildvanilla 1
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-x86_64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 0
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64iseries
%define asmarch powerpc
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-ppc64*.config
%define image_install_path boot
%define signmodules 0
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define hdrarch powerpc
%ifarch sparc
%define asmarch sparc
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-sparc.config
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image image
%ifarch sparc64
%define asmarch sparc
%define buildsmp 1
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-sparc64*.config
%define make_target image
%define kernel_image image
%ifarch ppc
%define asmarch powerpc
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-ppc{-,.}*config
%define image_install_path boot
%define make_target vmlinux
%define kernel_image vmlinux
%define kernel_image_elf 1
%define buildsmp 1
%define hdrarch powerpc
%if %{buildrt}
%ifarch x86_64
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-x86_64-rt*.config
%ifarch i686
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{rpmversion}-i?86-rt*.config
# To temporarily exclude an architecture from being built, add it to
# %nobuildarches. Do _NOT_ use the ExclusiveArch: line, because if we
# don't build kernel-headers then the new build system will no longer let
# us use the previous build of that package -- it'll just be completely AWOL.
# Which is a BadThing(tm).
# We don't build a kernel on i386 or s390x -- we only do kernel-headers there.
%define nobuildarches i386 s390
%ifarch %nobuildarches
%define buildsmp 0
%define buildpae 0
#%define _enable_debug_packages 0
# Three sets of minimum package version requirements in the form of Conflicts:
# to versions below the minimum
# First the general kernel 2.6 required versions as per
# Documentation/Changes
%define kernel_dot_org_conflicts ppp < 2.4.3-3, isdn4k-utils < 3.2-32, nfs-utils < 1.0.7-12, e2fsprogs < 1.37-4, util-linux < 2.12, jfsutils < 1.1.7-2, reiserfs-utils < 3.6.19-2, xfsprogs < 2.6.13-4, procps < 3.2.5-6.3, oprofile < 0.9.1-2
# Then a series of requirements that are distribution specific, either
# because we add patches for something, or the older versions have
# problems with the newer kernel or lack certain things that make
# integration in the distro harder than needed.
%define package_conflicts initscripts < 7.23, udev < 063-6, iptables < 1.3.2-1, ipw2200-firmware < 2.4, selinux-policy-targeted < 1.25.3-14
# The file we install uses syntax older ldconfig's don't grok.
%define xen_conflicts glibc < 2.3.5-1, xen < 3.0.1
# Packages that need to be installed before the kernel is, because the %post
# scripts use them.
%define kernel_prereq fileutils, module-init-tools, initscripts >= 8.11.1-1, mkinitrd >= 4.2.21-1
Name: %{kernel}-%{realtime}
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: GPLv2
Version: %{rpmversion}
Release: %{pkg_release}
ExclusiveArch: noarch i686 x86_64
ExclusiveOS: Linux
Provides: kernel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}%{?1}
Provides: kernel-rt = %{rpmversion}
Provides: kernel-rt-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-rt-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
Requires: rt-setup
# prevent the x86 kernel-rt package from being picked up by yum
# on an x86_64 box (this prevents multilib behavior, yum special-cases
# the "kernel" package-name, but not the kernel-rt package name):
%ifarch x86_64
Conflicts: kernel-i686
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes
# List the packages used during the kernel build
BuildPreReq: module-init-tools, patch >= 2.5.4, bash >= 2.03, sh-utils, tar
BuildPreReq: bzip2, findutils, gzip, m4, perl, make >= 3.78, diffutils
%if %{signmodules}
BuildPreReq: gnupg
BuildRequires: gcc >= 3.4.2, binutils >= 2.12, redhat-rpm-config
%if %{buildheaders}
BuildRequires: unifdef
BuildRequires: python
BuildConflicts: rhbuildsys(DiskFree) < 500Mb
# Base kernel source
%if 0%{?stable_update}
Source1: patch-%{rpmversion}.bz2
%if 0%{?rcrev}
Source2: patch-%{rpmversion}-%{rctag}.bz2
# current release candidate
Source3: Makefile.config
Source10: COPYING.modules
Source11: genkey
%if %{buildkabi}
Source12: kabitool
Source14: find-provides
Source20: config-debug
Source21: config-generic
Source22: config-i686-PAE
Source23: config-nodebug
Source24: config-rt
Source25: config-trace
Source26: config-vanilla
Source27: config-x86_64-generic
Source28: config-x86-generic
Source31: perf-manpage.tar.bz2
# Future Audit
# Patch19: bz460217-nagle-tunables.patch
# Patch23: aic94xx-inline-fw-rt.patch
# Patch24: qla2xxx-inline-fw-rt.patch
# Patch28: ibm-amd-edac-rh-v1-2.6.29_forward_port.patch
# Patch50: perf-use-cplus_demangle.patch
# bz465837-rtc-compat-rhel5.patch-ported-to-V2.patch
# End Audit
%if 0%{?rcrev}
Patch2: patch-%{rpmversion}-%{rctag}-%{rttag}.bz2
Patch2: patch-%{rpmversion}-%{rttag}.bz2
Patch4: Allocate-RTSJ-memory-for-TCK-conformance-test.patch
Patch5: Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch
Patch6: ibm-rmem-for-rtsj.patch
Patch7: linux-2.6-dynticks-off-by-default.patch
Patch8: linux-2.6-panic-on-oops.patch
# Patch9: forward-port-of-limit-i386-ram-to-16gb.patch
Patch10: ibm-rtl-driver.patch
Patch11: ibm-hs21-tmid-fix.patch
Patch12: scsi-fc-transport-removal-of-target-configurable.patch
Patch13: bz523604-remove-pulse-code-from-the-bnx2x-driver.patch
Patch14: tracing-x86-Add-check-to-detect-GCC-messing-with-mco.patch
Patch15: i7core_edac-Bring-the-i7core_edac-up-to-date-with-li.patch
Patch16: i7core_edac-Always-call-i7core_-ur-dimm_check_mc_ecc.patch
Patch17: i7core_edac-i7core_register_mci-should-not-fall-thro.patch
Patch18: i7core_edac-Add-support-for-Westmere-to-i7core_edac.patch
Patch19: bnx2-backport.patch
Patch20: bnx2x-FW-5.2.13.patch
# Patch44: InfiniBand-Add-IBoE-support.patch
Patch21: bz612275-ibm_rtl-check_DMI_information_in_module_probe.patch
Patch22: bz625713-Fix-an-Oops-in-the-NFSv4-atomic-open-code.patch
Patch23: bz625701-can-add-limit-for-nframes-and-clean-up-signed-unsign.patch
Patch24: bz621436-drm-stop-information-leak-of-old-kernel-stack.patch
Patch25: bz621436-drm-block-userspace-under-allocating-buffer-and-havi.patch
Patch26: bz627807-KEYS-Fix-RCU-no-lock-warning-in-keyctl_session_to_pa.patch
Patch27: bz627807-KEYS-Fix-bug-in-keyctl_session_to_parent-if-parent-h.patch
Patch28: bz632070-niu-Fix-kernel-buffer-overflow-for-ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLA.patch
Patch29: bz631624-tracing-Do-not-allow-llseek-to-set_ftrace_filter.patch
Patch30: bz626316-act_nat-use-stack-variable.patch
Patch31: bz626316-net-sched-fix-some-kernel-memory-leaks.patch
Patch32: bz628436-wireless-extensions-fix-kernel-heap-content-leak.patch
Patch33: bz630553-ALSA-seq-oss-Fix-double-free-at-error-path-of-snd_se.patch
Patch34: bz634450-x86-64-compat-Test-rax-for-the-syscall-number-not-ea.patch
Patch35: bz634450-x86-64-compat-Retruncate-rax-after-ia32-syscall-entr.patch
Patch36: bz629445-aio-check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-do_io_submi.patch
Patch37: bz633142-drivers-net-usb-hso.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-.patch
Patch38: bz633147-drivers-net-eql.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-stac.patch
Patch39: bz633151-drivers-net-cxgb3-cxgb3_main.c-prevent-reading-unini.patch
Patch40: bz634460-compat-Make-compat_alloc_user_space-incorporate-the.patch
Patch41: bz607854-mm-keep-a-guard-page-below-a-grow-down-stack-segment.patch
Patch42: bz607854-mm-fix-missing-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page.patch
Patch43: bz607854-x86-don-t-send-SIGBUS-for-kernel-page-faults.patch
Patch44: bz607854-mm-fix-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page-properl.patch
Patch45: bz607854-mm-fix-up-some-user-visible-effects-of-the-stack-gua.patch
Patch46: bz607854-mm-make-the-vma-list-be-doubly-linked.patch
Patch47: bz607854-mm-make-the-mlock-stack-guard-page-checks-stricter.patch
Patch48: bz607854-mm-make-stack-guard-page-logic-use-vm_prev-pointer.patch
Patch49: bz638480-ALSA-prevent-heap-corruption-in-snd_ctl_new.patch
Patch50: bz647434-perf-Mark-software-events-as-irqsafe.patch
Patch10000: linux-2.6-build-nonintconfig.patch
# empty final patch file to facilitate testing of kernel patches
Patch99999: linux-kernel-test.patch
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root
# Override find_provides to use a script that provides "kernel(symbol) = hash".
# Pass path of the RPM temp dir containing kabideps to find-provides script.
%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_provides %_sourcedir/find-provides %{_tmppath}
%define __find_requires /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires kernel
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
input and output, etc.
%package devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
Provides: kernel-rt-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Prereq: /usr/bin/find
%description devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the kernel package.
%package doc
Summary: Various documentation bits found in the kernel source.
Group: Documentation
%description doc
This package contains documentation files from the kernel
source. Various bits of information about the Linux kernel and the
device drivers shipped with it are documented in these files.
You'll want to install this package if you need a reference to the
options that can be passed to Linux kernel modules at load time.
%package headers
Summary: Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc
Group: Development/System
Obsoletes: glibc-kernheaders
Provides: glibc-kernheaders = 3.0-46
%description headers
Kernel-headers includes the C header files that specify the interface
between the Linux kernel and userspace libraries and programs. The
header files define structures and constants that are needed for
building most standard programs and are also needed for rebuilding the
glibc package.
%if %{buildperf}
%package -n perf
Summary: Tool to record and inspect hw/sw performance counters data
Group: Development/System
BuildRequires: binutils-devel, elfutils-libelf-devel, elfutils-libelf
BuildRequires: xmlto mlocate
Provides: perl(Perf::Trace::Context), perl(Perf::Trace::Core), perl(Perf::Trace::Util)
%description -n perf
Performance counters are special hardware registers available on most modern
CPUs. These registers count the number of certain types of hw events: such as
instructions executed, cache-misses suffered, or branches mispredicted -
without slowing down the kernel or applications. These registers can also
trigger interrupts when a threshold number of events have passed - and can thus
be used to profile the code that runs on that CPU.
Use the perf tool to collect and process performance counters data.
%package vanilla
Summary: The vanilla upstream kernel the -rt kernel is based on
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{rpmversion}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}vanilla
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes
%description vanilla
This package includes a vanilla version of the Linux kernel. It is
useful for those who dont want a real-time kernel, or who'd like to
quickly check whether a problem seen on -rt is also present in the
vanilla kernel.
%package trace
Summary: The realtime kernel with tracing options turned on
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel = %{rpmversion}
Provides: kernel-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}trace
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
# We can't let RPM do the dependencies automatic because it'll then pick up
# a correct but undesirable perl dependency from the module headers which
# isn't required for the kernel proper to function
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes
Requires: rt-setup
%description trace
This package includes a version of the realtime Linux kernel with tracing
options compiled turned on and compield in. It is useful in tracking down
latency hot-spots in kernel code.
%package trace-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the tracing kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
AutoReqProv: no
Provides: kernel-rt-trace-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Provides: kernel-rt-trace-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}trace
Prereq: /usr/bin/find
%description trace-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the tracing kernel package.
%package vanilla-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the vanilla kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-rt-vanilla-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Provides: kernel-rt-vanilla-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}vanilla
Provides: kernel-rt-vanilla-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}vanilla
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find
%description vanilla-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the vanilla kernal package.
%package debug
Summary: A debug realtime kernel and modules
Group: System Environment/Kernel
License: GPLv2
Provides: kernel-rt-debug = %{rpmversion}
Provides: kernel-rt-debug-drm = 4.3.0
Provides: kernel-rt-debug-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}debug
Prereq: %{kernel_prereq}
Conflicts: %{kernel_dot_org_conflicts}
Conflicts: %{package_conflicts}
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: yes
Requires: rt-setup
%description debug
This package contains the realtime kernel and modules compiled with various
tracing and debugging options enabled. It is primarily useful for tracking
down problem discovered with the regular realtime kernel.
%package debug-devel
Summary: Development package for building kernel modules to match the debug realtime kernel.
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Provides: kernel-rt-debug-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
Provides: kernel-rt-debug-devel-%{_target_cpu} = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}debug
Provides: kernel-rt-debug-devel = %{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}debug
AutoReqProv: no
Prereq: /usr/bin/find
%description debug-devel
This package provides kernel headers and makefiles sufficient to build modules
against the debug kernel-rt package.
patch_command='patch -p1 -F1 -s'
local patch=$1
if [ ! -f $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch ]; then
echo "Can't find $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch"
exit 1;
case "$patch" in
*.bz2) bunzip2 < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
*.gz) gunzip < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" | $patch_command ${1+"$@"} ;;
*) $patch_command ${1+"$@"} < "$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$patch" ;;
# First we unpack the kernel tarball.
# If this isn't the first make prep, we use links to the existing clean tarball
# which speeds things up quite a bit.
# Update to latest upstream.
%if 0%{?released_kernel}
%define vanillaversion 2.6.%{base_sublevel}
# released_kernel with stable_update available case
%if 0%{?stable_update}
%define vanillaversion 2.6.%{base_sublevel}.%{stable_update}
# non-released_kernel case
%if 0%{?rcrev}
%define vanillaversion 2.6.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}
%if 0%{?gitrev}
%define vanillaversion 2.6.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}-git%{gitrev}
# pre-{base_sublevel+1}-rc1 case
%if 0%{?gitrev}
%define vanillaversion 2.6.%{base_sublevel}-git%{gitrev}
if [ ! -d %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}/vanilla-%{vanillaversion} ]; then
# Ok, first time we do a make prep.
rm -f pax_global_header
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release} -c
mv linux-%{kversion} vanilla-%{vanillaversion}
cd vanilla-%{vanillaversion}
# Update vanilla to the latest upstream.
# released_kernel with stable_update available case
%if 0%{?stable_update}
ApplyPatch patch-2.6.%{base_sublevel}.%{stable_update}.bz2
# non-released_kernel case
%if 0%{?rcrev}
ApplyPatch patch-2.6.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}.bz2
%if 0%{?gitrev}
ApplyPatch patch-2.6.%{upstream_sublevel}-rc%{rcrev}-git%{gitrev}.bz2
# pre-{base_sublevel+1}-rc1 case
%if 0%{?gitrev}
ApplyPatch patch-2.6.%{base_sublevel}-git%{gitrev}.bz2
# This patch adds a "make nonint_oldconfig" which is non-interactive and
# also gives a list of missing options at the end. Useful for automated
# builds (as used in the buildsystem).
ApplyPatch linux-2.6-build-nonintconfig.patch
# create a directory to hold the config files
mkdir configs
# now move back up and get ready to work
cd ..
# We already have a vanilla dir.
cd %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkg_release}
if [ -d linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu} ]; then
# Just in case we ctrl-c'd a prep already
rm -rf deleteme.%{_target_cpu}
# Move away the stale away, and delete in background.
mv linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu} deleteme.%{_target_cpu}
rm -rf deleteme.%{_target_cpu} &
cp -rl vanilla-%{vanillaversion} linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}
cd linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/config-* .
cp %{SOURCE15} .
cp %{SOURCE30} .
# Dynamically generate kernel .config files from config-* files
make -f %{SOURCE3} VERSION=%{rpmversion} configs
%if 0%{?rcrev}
ApplyPatch patch-%{rpmversion}-%{rctag}-%{rttag}.bz2
ApplyPatch patch-%{rpmversion}-%{rttag}.bz2
ApplyPatch Allocate-RTSJ-memory-for-TCK-conformance-test.patch
ApplyPatch Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch
ApplyPatch ibm-rmem-for-rtsj.patch
ApplyPatch linux-2.6-dynticks-off-by-default.patch
# ApplyPatch forward-port-of-limit-i386-ram-to-16gb.patch
ApplyPatch linux-2.6-panic-on-oops.patch
ApplyPatch ibm-rtl-driver.patch
ApplyPatch ibm-hs21-tmid-fix.patch
ApplyPatch scsi-fc-transport-removal-of-target-configurable.patch
ApplyPatch bz523604-remove-pulse-code-from-the-bnx2x-driver.patch
ApplyPatch tracing-x86-Add-check-to-detect-GCC-messing-with-mco.patch
ApplyPatch i7core_edac-Bring-the-i7core_edac-up-to-date-with-li.patch
ApplyPatch i7core_edac-Always-call-i7core_-ur-dimm_check_mc_ecc.patch
ApplyPatch i7core_edac-i7core_register_mci-should-not-fall-thro.patch
ApplyPatch i7core_edac-Add-support-for-Westmere-to-i7core_edac.patch
ApplyPatch bnx2-backport.patch
ApplyPatch bnx2x-FW-5.2.13.patch
# ApplyPatch InfiniBand-Add-IBoE-support.patch
ApplyPatch bz612275-ibm_rtl-check_DMI_information_in_module_probe.patch
ApplyPatch bz625713-Fix-an-Oops-in-the-NFSv4-atomic-open-code.patch
ApplyPatch bz625701-can-add-limit-for-nframes-and-clean-up-signed-unsign.patch
ApplyPatch bz621436-drm-stop-information-leak-of-old-kernel-stack.patch
ApplyPatch bz621436-drm-block-userspace-under-allocating-buffer-and-havi.patch
ApplyPatch bz627807-KEYS-Fix-RCU-no-lock-warning-in-keyctl_session_to_pa.patch
ApplyPatch bz627807-KEYS-Fix-bug-in-keyctl_session_to_parent-if-parent-h.patch
ApplyPatch bz632070-niu-Fix-kernel-buffer-overflow-for-ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLA.patch
ApplyPatch bz631624-tracing-Do-not-allow-llseek-to-set_ftrace_filter.patch
ApplyPatch bz626316-act_nat-use-stack-variable.patch
ApplyPatch bz626316-net-sched-fix-some-kernel-memory-leaks.patch
ApplyPatch bz628436-wireless-extensions-fix-kernel-heap-content-leak.patch
ApplyPatch bz630553-ALSA-seq-oss-Fix-double-free-at-error-path-of-snd_se.patch
ApplyPatch bz634450-x86-64-compat-Test-rax-for-the-syscall-number-not-ea.patch
ApplyPatch bz634450-x86-64-compat-Retruncate-rax-after-ia32-syscall-entr.patch
ApplyPatch bz629445-aio-check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-do_io_submi.patch
ApplyPatch bz633142-drivers-net-usb-hso.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-.patch
ApplyPatch bz633147-drivers-net-eql.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-stac.patch
ApplyPatch bz633151-drivers-net-cxgb3-cxgb3_main.c-prevent-reading-unini.patch
ApplyPatch bz634460-compat-Make-compat_alloc_user_space-incorporate-the.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-keep-a-guard-page-below-a-grow-down-stack-segment.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-fix-missing-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-x86-don-t-send-SIGBUS-for-kernel-page-faults.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-fix-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page-properl.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-fix-up-some-user-visible-effects-of-the-stack-gua.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-make-the-vma-list-be-doubly-linked.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-make-the-mlock-stack-guard-page-checks-stricter.patch
ApplyPatch bz607854-mm-make-stack-guard-page-logic-use-vm_prev-pointer.patch
ApplyPatch bz638480-ALSA-prevent-heap-corruption-in-snd_ctl_new.patch
ApplyPatch bz647434-perf-Mark-software-events-as-irqsafe.patch
# empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches
ApplyPatch linux-kernel-test.patch
cp %{SOURCE10} Documentation/
# Necessary for BZ459141 (ftrace daemon removal)
chmod +x scripts/
# now run oldconfig over all the config files
for i in *.config
if [ "$i" != ${i//vanilla/chocolate/} ]; then
mv $i .config
Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
if [ "$isvanilla" = "true" ]; then
pushd ../vanilla-%{vanillaversion};
mv $OLDDIR/.config .
make ARCH=$Arch nonint_oldconfig > /dev/null
echo "# $Arch" > configs/$i
cat .config >> configs/$i
if [ "$isvanilla" = "true" ]; then
# make sure the kernel has the sublevel we know it has. This looks weird
# but for -pre and -rc versions we need it since we only want to use
# the higher version when the final kernel is released.
perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -prep/" Makefile
# get rid of unwanted files resulting from patch fuzz
cd ..
find . \( -name "*.orig" -o -name "*~" \) -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null
### build
# Create gpg keys for signing the modules
%if %{signmodules}
gpg --homedir . --batch --gen-key %{SOURCE11}
gpg --homedir . --export --keyring ./ Red >
make linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}/scripts/bin2c
linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}/scripts/bin2c ksign_def_public_key __initdata < > linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}/crypto/signature/key.h
BuildKernel() {
if [ "vanilla" = "$Flavour" ]; then
pushd ../vanilla-%{vanillaversion}
# Pick the right config file for the kernel we're building
if [ -n "$Flavour" ] ; then
echo BUILDING A KERNEL FOR $Flavour %{_target_cpu}...
echo "KernelVer => $KernelVer"
echo "_smp_mflags => %{_smp_mflags}"
# make sure EXTRAVERSION says what we want it to say
perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = %{?stablerev}-%{pkg_release}$Flavour/" Makefile
# ensure the sublevel is correct (the upstream sublevel)
perl -p -i -e "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL = %{upstream_sublevel}/" Makefile
# and now to start the build process
make -s mrproper
cp configs/$Config .config
Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`
echo USING ARCH=$Arch
if [ "$KernelImage" == "x86" ]; then
make -s ARCH=$Arch nonint_oldconfig > /dev/null
make -s ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} $MakeTarget
make -s ARCH=$Arch %{?_smp_mflags} modules || exit 1
# Start installing the results
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/boot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/%{image_install_path}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}
install -m 644 .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/config-$KernelVer
install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/$KernelVer
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initrd-$KernelVer.img
cp $KernelImage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
if [ -f arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub ]; then
cp arch/$Arch/boot/zImage.stub $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{image_install_path}/zImage.stub-$KernelVer || :
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer
%if %{buildkabi}
# Create the kABI metadata for use in packaging
echo "**** GENERATING kernel ABI metadata ****"
gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/symvers-$KernelVer.gz
chmod 0755 %_sourcedir/kabitool
if [ ! -e $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kabi_whitelist ]; then
%_sourcedir/kabitool -b $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir -k $KernelVer -l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist
cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kabi_whitelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist
rm -f %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps
%_sourcedir/kabitool -b . -d %{_tmppath}/kernel-$KernelVer-kabideps -k $KernelVer -w $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist
# And save the headers/makefiles etc for building modules against
# This all looks scary, but the end result is supposed to be:
# * all arch relevant include/ files
# * all Makefile/Kconfig files
# * all script/ files
if [ "$DoDevel" = "True" ]
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/source
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
(cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer ; ln -s build source)
# dirs for additional modules per module-init-tools, kbuild/modules.txt
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/extra
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/updates
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/weak-updates
# first copy everything
cp --parents `find -type f -name "Makefile*" -o -name "Kconfig*"` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp Module.symvers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
%if %{buildkabi}
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/kabi_whitelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp symsets-$KernelVer.tar.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
# then drop all but the needed Makefiles/Kconfig files
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Documentation
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
cp -a scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
if [ -d arch/%{_arch}/scripts ]; then
cp -a arch/%{_arch}/scripts $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch} || :
if [ -f arch/%{_arch}/*lds ]; then
cp -a arch/%{_arch}/*lds $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/%{_arch}/ || :
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*.o
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/scripts/*/*.o
if [ -d arch/%{asmarch}/include ]; then
cp -a --parents arch/%{asmarch}/include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
cd include
# The following two commands are the result of an experiment that
# is not finished, do not simply uncomment
# cp -a ../arch/x86/include/asm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/asm-x86
# ln -s asm-x86 asm
cp -a acpi config keys linux math-emu media mtd net pcmcia rdma rxrpc scsi sound video asm-generic crypto drm generated trace $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
# cp -a `readlink asm` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
# While arch/powerpc/include/asm is still a symlink to the old
# include/asm-ppc{64,} directory, include that in kernel-devel too.
if [ "$Arch" = "powerpc" -a -r ../arch/powerpc/include/asm ]; then
cp -a `readlink ../arch/powerpc/include/asm` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/$Arch/include
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/arch/$Arch/include
ln -sf ../../../include/asm-ppc* asm
# Make sure the Makefile and version.h have a matching timestamp so that
# external modules can be built
touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/Makefile $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/linux/version.h
touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/linux/autoconf.h
# Copy .config to include/config/auto.conf so "make prepare" is unnecessary.
cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/.config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build/include/config/auto.conf
cd ..
# save the vmlinux file for kernel debugging into the kernel-debuginfo rpm
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$KernelVer
cp vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$KernelVer
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer -name "*.ko" -type f >modnames
# gpg sign the modules
%if %{signmodules}
gcc -o scripts/modsign/mod-extract scripts/modsign/mod-extract.c -Wall
KEYFLAGS="--no-default-keyring --homedir .."
KEYFLAGS="$KEYFLAGS --secret-keyring ../kernel.sec"
KEYFLAGS="$KEYFLAGS --keyring ../"
for i in `cat modnames`
sh ./scripts/modsign/ $i Red
mv -f $i.signed $i
# mark modules executable so that strip-to-file can strip them
cat modnames | xargs chmod u+x
# detect missing or incorrect license tags
for i in `cat modnames`
echo -n "$i "
/sbin/modinfo -l $i >> modinfo
cat modinfo |\
grep -v "^GPL" |
grep -v "^Dual BSD/GPL" |\
grep -v "^Dual MPL/GPL" |\
grep -v "^GPL and additional rights" |\
grep -v "^GPL v2" && exit 1
rm -f modinfo
rm -f modnames
# remove files that will be auto generated by depmod at rpm -i time
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/modules.*
# Move the devel headers out of the root file system
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_usrsrc}/kernels
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelDir
ln -sf ../../..$DevelDir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/$KernelVer/build
[ -z "$DevelLink" ] || ln -sf `basename $DevelDir` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$DevelLink
if [ "vanilla" = "$Flavour" ]; then
# DO it...
# prepare directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
cd linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}
%if %{buildrt}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image "" True
%if %{builddebug}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image debug True
%if %{buildtrace}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image trace True
%if %{buildvanilla}
BuildKernel %make_target %kernel_image vanilla True
# Perf
%if %{buildperf}
pushd tools/perf
# Build the perf binary and doc and install it.
# make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} -C tools/perf install-man
make -s %{?_smp_mflags} V=1 DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=/usr install
# Perf docs are now created elsewhere and packed in a .tar.gz file
# Note I've added the BuildRequires so that we could build this now too
tar xvjf %{SOURCE31} -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
if [ -d %{buildroot}/lib/firmware ]; then
rm -rf %{buildroot}/lib/firmware
### Special hacks for debuginfo subpackages.
# This macro is used by %%install, so we must redefine it before that.
%define debug_package %{nil}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package debuginfo-common
Summary: Kernel source files used by %{name}-debuginfo packages
Group: Development/Debug
Provides: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description debuginfo-common
This package is required by %{name}-debuginfo subpackages.
It provides the kernel source files common to all builds.
%files debuginfo-common
%if %{buildvanilla}
%dir %{_usrsrc}/debug
%dir /usr/lib/debug
%dir /usr/lib/debug/%{image_install_path}
%dir /usr/lib/debug/lib
%dir /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules
%dir /usr/lib/debug%{_usrsrc}/kernels
%if %{buildperf}
%package -n perf-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for kernel-rt-perf
Group: Development/Debug
%description -n perf-debuginfo
Provides the source files and debuginfo for kernel-rt-perf
%files -n perf-debuginfo
### install
cd linux-%{rpmversion}.%{_target_cpu}
# make the build-id directory (for building on fedora)
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_usrsrc}/debug/.build-id
%if %{builddoc}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}/Documentation
# sometimes non-world-readable files sneak into the kernel source tree
chmod -R a+r *
# copy the source over
tar cf - Documentation | tar xf - -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}
%if %{buildheaders}
# Install kernel headers
make ARCH=%{hdrarch} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr headers_install
# Manually go through the 'headers_check' process for every file, but
# don't die if it fails
chmod +x scripts/
echo -e '*****\n*****\nHEADER EXPORT WARNINGS:\n*****' > hdrwarnings.txt
for FILE in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}` ; do
scripts/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir} $FILE >> hdrwarnings.txt || :
echo -e '*****\n*****' >> hdrwarnings.txt
if grep -q exist hdrwarnings.txt; then
sed s:^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}:: hdrwarnings.txt
# Temporarily cause a build failure if header inconsistencies.
# exit 1
# glibc provides scsi headers for itself, for now
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/scsi
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/asm*/atomic.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/asm*/io.h
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/asm*/irq.h
%if %{buildfirmware}
cp configs/kernel*x86_64-rt.config .config
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} firmware_install
mv %{buildroot}/lib/firmware %{buildroot}/lib/zzzzz
mkdir %{buildroot}/lib/firmware
mv %{buildroot}/lib/zzzzz %{buildroot}/lib/firmware/%{version}-%{release}
### clean
### scripts
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-rt --banner "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (realtime)" --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL} || exit $?
%post devel
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]
. /etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
if [ "$HARDLINK" != "no" -a -x /usr/sbin/hardlink ] ; then
pushd %{_usrsrc}/kernels/%{KVERREL}-%{_target_cpu} > /dev/null
/usr/bin/find . -type f | while read f; do hardlink -c %{_usrsrc}/kernels/*FC*/$f $f ; done
popd > /dev/null
%post vanilla
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-rt-vanilla --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}vanilla || exit $?
%post trace
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-rt-trace --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}trace || exit $?
%post debug
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel-rt --banner "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (realtime debug)" --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL} || exit $?
%preun vanilla
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}vanilla || exit $?
%preun trace
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}trace || exit $?
%preun debug
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{KVERREL}debug || exit $?
### file lists
# This is %{image_install_path} on an arch where that includes ELF files,
# or empty otherwise.
%define elf_image_install_path %{?kernel_image_elf:%{image_install_path}}
%if %{buildrt}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-%{KVERREL}.
%files debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""
%if %{buildkabi}
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}.img
%files devel
%endif # buildrt
%if %{buildheaders}
%files headers
%if %{buildperf}
%files -n perf
%if %{builddebug}
%files debug
%if %{buildkabi}
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}debug
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}debug.img
%files debug-devel
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package debug-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-debug
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-debug-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description debug-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-debug
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-debug-%{KVERREL}.
%files debug-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""
%endif # builddebug
%if %{buildvanilla}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package vanilla-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-vanilla
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-vanilla-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description vanilla-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-vanilla
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-vanilla-%{KVERREL}.
%files vanilla-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""
%files vanilla
%if %{buildkabi}
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}vanilla
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}vanilla.img
%files vanilla-devel
%if %{buildtrace}
%if "%{_enable_debug_packages}" == "1"
%ifnarch noarch
%global __debug_package 1
%package trace-debuginfo
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}-trace
Group: Development/Debug
Requires: %{name}-debuginfo-common-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
Provides: %{name}-trace-debuginfo-%{_target_cpu} = %{KVERREL}
%description trace-debuginfo
This package provides debug information for package %{name}-trace
This is required to use SystemTap with %{name}-trace-%{KVERREL}.
%files trace-debuginfo
%if "%{elf_image_install_path}" != ""
%files trace
%if %{buildkabi}
%dir /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}trace
%ghost /boot/initrd-%{KVERREL}trace.img
%files trace-devel
# only some architecture builds need kernel-doc
%if %{builddoc}
%files doc
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}/Documentation
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/kernel-doc-%{rpmversion}
* Wed Oct 13 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz638480-ALSA-prevent-heap-corruption-in-snd_ctl_new.patch
- Added bz647434-perf-Mark-software-events-as-irqsafe.patch
- Modified the kernel-rt.spec file for bz608784
* Wed Oct 6 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz607854-mm-keep-a-guard-page-below-a-grow-down-stack-segment.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-fix-missing-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page.patch
- Added bz607854-x86-don-t-send-SIGBUS-for-kernel-page-faults.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-fix-page-table-unmap-for-stack-guard-page-properl.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-fix-up-some-user-visible-effects-of-the-stack-gua.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-make-the-mlock-stack-guard-page-checks-stricter.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-make-stack-guard-page-logic-use-vm_prev-pointer.patch
- Added bz607854-mm-make-the-vma-list-be-doubly-linked.patch
* Mon Oct 4 2010 Clark Williams <> -
- removed logic for generating kernel-rt-firmware and requirements for
that package
* Mon Sep 27 2010 Clark Williams <> -
- Added manual Provides for perf subpackage
* Sun Sep 26 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Changes to perf
* Tue Sep 21 2010 John Kacur <> -
* Mon Sep 20 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz634460-compat-Make-compat_alloc_user_space-incorporate-the.patch
* Mon Sep 13 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz626316-act_nat-use-stack-variable.patch
- Added bz626316-net-sched-fix-some-kernel-memory-leaks.patch
- Added bz628436-wireless-extensions-fix-kernel-heap-content-leak.patch
- Added bz630553-ALSA-seq-oss-Fix-double-free-at-error-path-of-snd_se.patch
- Added bz634450-x86-64-compat-Test-rax-for-the-syscall-number-not-ea.patch
- Added bz634450-x86-64-compat-Retruncate-rax-after-ia32-syscall-entr.patch
- Added bz629445-aio-check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-do_io_submi.patch
- Added bz633142-drivers-net-usb-hso.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-.patch
- Added bz633147-drivers-net-eql.c-prevent-reading-uninitialized-stac.patch
- Added bz633151-drivers-net-cxgb3-cxgb3_main.c-prevent-reading-unini.patch
* Thu Sep 9 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz632070-niu-Fix-kernel-buffer-overflow-for-ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLA.patch
- Added bz631624-tracing-Do-not-allow-llseek-to-set_ftrace_filter.patch
- Reenabled forward-port-of-limit-i386-ram-to-16gb.patch
- Updated and reenabled bz523604-remove-pulse-code-from-the-bnx2x-driver.patch
* Thu Aug 26 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz625713-Fix-an-Oops-in-the-NFSv4-atomic-open-code.patch
- Added bz625701-can-add-limit-for-nframes-and-clean-up-signed-unsign.patch
- Added bz621436-drm-stop-information-leak-of-old-kernel-stack.patch
- Added bz621436-drm-block-userspace-under-allocating-buffer-and-havi.patch
- Added bz627807-KEYS-Fix-RCU-no-lock-warning-in-keyctl_session_to_pa.patch
- Added bz627807-KEYS-Fix-bug-in-keyctl_session_to_parent-if-parent-h.patch
- Turned off CONFIG_LLC
* Tue Aug 17 2010 Luis Claudio R. Goncalves <> -
- Removed firmware.patch
- Created the (noarch) kernel-rt-firmware package
* Wed Aug 4 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebased to v2.6.33.7-rt29
* Mon Aug 2 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Removed dca-core-cleanup.patch (adds an extra variable, rejected by tglx)
- Turned PAE off
- The following patches can all be removed because they are in -rt28
- Removed consoles-not-working-properly.patch - improved version in -rt28
- Removed 0045-sched-set_cpus_allowed_ptr-Don-t-use-rq-migration_th.patch
- Removed 0046-sched-Kill-the-broken-and-deadlockable-cpuset_lock-c.patch
- Removed 0047-sched-move_task_off_dead_cpu-Take-rq-lock-around-sel.patch
- Removed 0048-sched-move_task_off_dead_cpu-Remove-retry-logic.patch
- Removed 0049-sched-sched_exec-Remove-the-select_fallback_rq-logic.patch
- Removed 0050-sched-_cpu_down-Don-t-play-with-current-cpus_allowed.patch
- Removed 0051-sched-Make-select_fallback_rq-cpuset-friendly.patch
- Removed 0052-0017d735092844118bef006696a750a0e4ef6ebd.patch
- Removed 0053-futex-Protect-against-pi_blocked_on-corruption-durin.patch
- Removed 0054-suspend-Prevent-might-sleep-splats.patch
- Removed 0055-net-iptables-Fix-xt_info-locking.patch
- Removed 0056-x86-mce-Convert-cmci_discover_lock-to-raw_spinlock.patch
- Removed 0057-cpu-hotplug-Don-t-wake-up-the-desched-thread-from-id.patch
- Removed 0058-cpu-hotplug-Prevent-softirq-wakeup-on-wrong-CPU.patch
- Removed 0059-drivers-dca-Convert-dca_lock-to-a-raw-spinlock.patch
- Removed 0060-powerpc-cpu-hotplug-Prevent-softirq-wakeup-on-wrong-.patch
- Removed 0061-dca-Fix-fallout-from-raw_spinlock-conversion.patch
* Thu Jul 29 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Removed convert_dca_lock_to_raw_spinlock_V2.patch (to match git)
- Added dca-core-cleanup.patch (to replace above)
* Thu Jul 28 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added consoles-not-working-properly.patch
* Wed Jul 28 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Removed InfiniBand-Add-IBoE-support.patch
- Added bz612275-ibm_rtl-check_DMI_information_in_module_probe.patch
- Removed 0059-drivers-dca-Convert-dca_lock-to-a-raw-spinlock.patch
- Removed 0061-dca-Fix-fallout-from-raw_spinlock-conversion.patch
- Added convert_dca_lock_to_raw_spinlock_V2.patch (Replaces above two)
* Tue Jul 20 2010 Clark Williams <> -
- merged tip/rt/2.6.33 to pickup:
- dca_lock fix for igb driver
- hotplug wakeup fixes
- TASK_WAKING vs. fork() deadlock fix from peterz
- various scheduler fixes from oleg
- PI futex fix from dvhart
- might_sleep workaround during suspend
- network fix for xt_info locking
* Sat Jul 17 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added InfiniBand-Add-IBoE-support.patch
* Wed Jul 14 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebasing to
- Removed gianfar-Fix-TX-ring-processing-on-SMP-machines.patch
- Removed Revert_select_parent_locking_fix.patch
- Removed Make_sure_d_kill_sets_d_parent_to_null.patch
- Removed powerpc-Enable-interrupts-in-do_signal.patch
- Removed powerpc-Disable-sparse-irq-for-RT.patch
- Removed lockdep-Reduce-stack_trace-usage.patch
- Removed bz579408-hvc_console-Fix-race-between-hvc_close-and-hvc_remov.patch
- Removed timer_stats-Convert-table_lock-to-raw_spin_lock.patch
- Removed bz568621-hvc_console-Fix-race-between_close_and_remov.patch
- Removed bz585096-KEYS-find_keyring_by_name-can-gain-access-to-a-freed.patch
- Removed perf_events-fix-errors-path-in-perf_output_begin.patch
- Removed trace-Update-the-comm-field-in-the-right-variable-i.patch
* Tue Jul 13 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added the bnx2-backport.patch
- Added bnx2x-FW-5.2.13.patch
* Mon Jul 12 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added no-vfs.patch to revert the dcache problems
* Fri Jul 2 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added gianfar-Fix-TX-ring-processing-on-SMP-machines.patch
- Renabled bz465837-rtc-compat-rhel5.patch-ported-to-V2.patch
* Wed Jun 30 2010 John Kacur <> -
- The following two patches address the dcache problem
- Added Revert_select_parent_locking_fix.patch
- Added Make_sure_d_kill_sets_d_parent_to_null.patch
* Wed Jun 16 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added powerpc-Enable-interrupts-in-do_signal.patch
- Added powerpc-Disable-sparse-irq-for-RT.patch
- Added lockdep-Reduce-stack_trace-usage.patch
- Disabled lockdep-Make-MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES-configurable.patch
- commented out CONFIG_MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES=393216 in config-debug
- Added bz579408-hvc_console-Fix-race-between-hvc_close-and-hvc_remov.patch
- Added timer_stats-Convert-table_lock-to-raw_spin_lock.patch
- CONFIG_SCSI_MPT2SAS=m added to config-generic
- CONFIG_XFS_FS=m added to config-generic
- CONFIG_XFS_POSIX_ACL=y added to config-generic
* Thu Jun 10 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebasing to
* Mon Jun 7 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Replaced nfs4-Prevent-deadlock.patch with Avoid_NFS_igrab_deadlock.patch
- Added Fix_d_genocide-from_decrementing_d_count_more_than_once.patch
- Added Fix_select_parent_dentry_traversal_locking.patch
* Tue Jun 1 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebasing to
- Removed net-ehea-make-rx-irq-handler-non-threaded-IRQF_NODEL.patch
- Removed fs-namespace-Fix-fuse-mount-fallout.patch
* Wed May 26 2010 John Kacur <> -
- For the following four i7core_edac patches, see bz582574
- Added i7core_edac-Bring-the-i7core_edac-up-to-date-with-li.patch
- Added i7core_edac-Always-call-i7core_-ur-dimm_check_mc_ecc.patch
- Added i7core_edac-i7core_register_mci-should-not-fall-thro.patch
- Added i7core_edac-Add-support-for-Westmere-to-i7core_edac.patch
- Added nfs4-Prevent-deadlock.patch - see bz596111
* Thu May 20 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz585096-KEYS-find_keyring_by_name-can-gain-access-to-a-freed.patch
- Added net-ehea-make-rx-irq-handler-non-threaded-IRQF_NODEL.patch
- Added fs-namespace-Fix-fuse-mount-fallout.patch
* Tue May 18 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebasing to
- Removed fs-Add-missing-parantheses.patch
- Removed autofs-deadlock-fixes.patch
- Removed fs-Fix-mnt_count-typo.patch
- Removed fs-Resolve-mntput_no_expire-issues.patch
- Added perf_events-fix-errors-path-in-perf_output_begin.patch
* Fri May 14 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added fs-Fix-mnt_count-typo.patch
- Added fs-Resolve-mntput_no_expire-issues.patch
* Tue May 11 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Two fixes from John Stultz for autofs deadlocks
* Thu May 6 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebased to
- Started clean-up of the spec file
* Fri Apr 16 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added tracing-x86-Add-check-to-detect-GCC-messing-with-mco.patch
- Fixes the problem where the function_graph is not available on 32-bit
- Added lockdep-Make-MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES-configurable.patch
- Made the default MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES to 393216 for config-debug
* Fri Apr 9 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added bz568621-hvc_console-Fix-race-between_close_and_remov.patch
* Wed Apr 7 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebased to
* Tue Mar 30 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Added Fix-CONFIG_STACK_TRACER-warning.patch
- Turned CONFIG_STACK_TRACER back on in the production build
- Added x86-32-clean-up-rwsem-inline-asm-statements.patch
- Added x86-clean-up-rwsem-type-system.patch
- Added x86-64-rwsem-64-bit-xadd-rwsem-implementation.patch
- Added x86-Fix-breakage-of-UML-from-the-changes-in-the-rwse.patch
- Added x86-64-support-native-xadd-rwsem-implementation.patch
- Added x86-64-rwsem-Avoid-store-forwarding-hazard-in-__down.patch
- Added sched-sched_getaffinity-Allow-less-than-NR_CPUS-leng.patch
* Mon Mar 22 2010 John Kacur <>
- rebasing to
- Changing the production config to CONFIG_STACK_TRACER is not set
* Thu Mar 18 2010 John Kacur <>
- rebasing to
* Wed Mar 17 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Rebasing to
- disable the lockbreak-in-load-balancer-for-RT.patch as it is already there
* Tue Mar 16 2010 John Kacur <> -
- Reenabling the IBM patches for raw memory eg:
- Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch
- ibm-rmem-for-rtsj.patch
- Added stable patch
- added CONFIG_FTRACE=y to config-generic
* Tue Mar 16 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rt7-mrg6
- Added the 0001-lockbreak-in-load-balancer-for-RT.patch
* Fri Mar 12 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rt7-mrg5
- rebased to 2.6.33-rt7
- Due to the rebase, we can drop mm-highmem.c-Fix-pkmap_count-undeclared.patch
* Tue Mar 9 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rt4-mrg4
- disabled forward-port-of-limit-i386-ram-to-16gb.patch
- the only part of the above patch left was rejected as unnecessary on lkml
- Added trace-Update-the-comm-field-in-the-right-variable-i.patch
* Wed Mar 3 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rt4-mrg3
- Rebased to 2.6.33-rt4
- Added mm-highmem.c-Fix-pkmap_count-undeclared.patch
* Thu Feb 25 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rc8-rt2-mrg2
- Rebased to 2.6.33-rc8-rt2
- Fixed config options, where options are no longer available as modules
* Wed Feb 24 2010 John Kacur <> - 2.6.33-rc8-rt1-mrg1
- Respinning to 2.6.33-rc8-rt1-mrg1
- Removed many patches, most because they are already in 2.6.33-rc8,
- some because they need review, and may no-longer apply.