blob: 2971600ed4eb34a0f8360d74ad8cf6b03578dd2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
* David Sommerseth <>
* Parses summary.xml reports from rteval into a standardised XML format
* which is useful when putting data into a database.
* This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; version 2.
* This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* @file xmlparser.c
* @author David Sommerseth <>
* @date Wed Oct 21 10:58:53 2009
* @brief Parses summary.xml reports from rteval into a standardised XML format
* which is useful when putting data into a database.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h>
#include <libxslt/transform.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
#include <libexslt/exslt.h>
#include <eurephia_nullsafe.h>
#include <eurephia_xml.h>
#include <xmlparser.h>
#include <sha1.h>
#include <log.h>
static dbhelper_func const * xmlparser_dbhelpers = NULL;
* Simple strdup() function which encapsulates the string in single quotes,
* which is needed for XSLT parameter values
* @param str The string to be strdup'ed and encapsulated
* @return Returns a pointer to the new buffer.
static char *encapsString(const char *str) {
char *ret = NULL;
if( str == NULL ) {
return NULL;
ret = (char *) calloc(1, strlen(str)+4);
assert( ret != NULL );
snprintf(ret, strlen(str)+3, "'%s'", str);
return ret;
* Converts an integer to string an encapsulates the value in single quotes,
* which is needed for XSLT parameter values.
* @param val Integer value to encapsulate
* @return Returns a pointer to a new buffer with the encapsulated integer value. This
* buffer must be free'd after usage.
static char *encapsInt(const unsigned int val) {
char *buf = NULL;
buf = (char *) calloc(1, 130);
snprintf(buf, 128, "'%i'", val);
return buf;
* Simple function to determine if the given string is a number or not
* @param str Pointer to the tring to be checked
* @returns Returns 0 if not a number and a non-null value if it is a number
int isNumber(const char * str)
char *ptr = NULL;
if (str == NULL || *str == '\0' || isspace(*str))
return 0;
strtod (str, &ptr);
return *ptr == '\0';
* Split a string into an array.
* Use strGet() to extract the results and strFree() to free the memory
* allocated by strSplit()
* @param str Input string
* @param sep Separator list (string)
* @returns Returns a pointer to a array_str_t struct on success, otherwise NULL
array_str_t * strSplit(const char * str, const char * sep)
array_str_t * ret = calloc(1, sizeof(array_str_t));
char * p = NULL, *cp = strdup(str);
if( !ret || !cp ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error in strSplit()\n");
return NULL;
p = strtok(cp, sep);
while( p ) {
ret->data = realloc(ret->data, sizeof(char *) * ++(ret->size));
if( !ret->data ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error in strSplit() while parsing\n");
return NULL;
ret->data[ret->size-1] = strdup(p);
p = strtok(NULL, sep);
return ret;
* Retrieve an array memeber
* @param ar Pointer holding the array_str_t data
* @param el Element number to retrive
* @returns Returns a pointer to the array member. This value must never be freed.
* On failure NULL is returned. Only possible failures are out-of-range or a NULL
* array input.
inline char * strGet(array_str_t * ar, unsigned int el)
return (!ar && (el > ar->size) ? NULL : ar->data[el]);
* Retrive number of accessible array members
* @param ar Pointer holding the array_str_t data
* @returns Returns the number of elements in the array_str_t struct.
* If a NULL pointer is given, it will return 0.
inline unsigned int strSize(array_str_t * ar)
return (!ar ? 0 : ar->size);
* Frees up the memory held by an array_str_t struct.
* @params ar Pointer holding the array_str_t data to be freed
void strFree(array_str_t * ar)
int i = 0;
if( !ar ) {
for( i = 0; i < ar->size; i++ ) {
ar->data[i] = NULL;
free(ar->data); ar->data = NULL;
* Initialise the XML parser, setting some global variables
void init_xmlparser(dbhelper_func const * dbhelpers)
xmlparser_dbhelpers = dbhelpers;
/* Init libxml2 and load all exslt functions */
* Parses any XML input document into a sqldata XML format which can be used by pgsql_INSERT().
* The transformation must be defined in the input XSLT template.
* @param log Log context
* @param xslt XSLT template defining the data transformation
* @param indata_d Input XML data to transform to a sqldata XML document
* @param params Parameters to be sent to the XSLT parser
* @return Returns a well formed sqldata XML document on success, otherwise NULL is returned.
xmlDoc *parseToSQLdata(LogContext *log, xsltStylesheet *xslt, xmlDoc *indata_d, parseParams *params) {
xmlDoc *result_d = NULL;
char **xsltparams = NULL;
unsigned int idx = 0, idx_table = 0, idx_submid = 0,
idx_syskey = 0, idx_rterid = 0, idx_repfname = 0;
xsltparams = calloc(10, sizeof(char *));
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return NULL;
if( params->table == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Table is not defined");
return NULL;
// Prepare XSLT parameters
xsltparams[idx++] = "table\0";
xsltparams[idx] = (char *) encapsString(params->table);
idx_table = idx++;
if( params->submid > 0) {
xsltparams[idx++] = "submid\0";
xsltparams[idx] = (char *) encapsInt(params->submid);
idx_submid = idx++;
if( params->syskey > 0) {
xsltparams[idx++] = "syskey\0";
xsltparams[idx] = (char *) encapsInt(params->syskey);
idx_syskey = idx++;
if( params->rterid > 0 ) {
xsltparams[idx++] = "rterid";
xsltparams[idx] = (char *) encapsInt(params->rterid);
idx_rterid = idx++;
if( params->report_filename ) {
xsltparams[idx++] = "report_filename";
xsltparams[idx] = (char *) encapsString(params->report_filename);
idx_repfname = idx++;
xsltparams[idx] = NULL;
// Apply the XSLT template to the input XML data
result_d = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, indata_d, (const char **)xsltparams);
if( result_d == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_CRIT, "Failed applying XSLT template to input XML");
// Free memory we allocated via encapsString()/encapsInt()
if( params->submid ) {
if( params->syskey ) {
if( params->rterid ) {
if( params->report_filename ) {
return result_d;
* Internal xmlparser function. Extracts the value from a '//sqldata/records/record/value'
* node and hashes the value if the 'hash' attribute is set. Otherwise the value is extracted
* from the node directly. This function is only used by sqldataExtractContent().
* @param sql_n sqldata values node containing the value to extract.
* @return Returns a pointer to a new buffer containing the value on success, otherwise NULL.
* This memory buffer must be free'd after usage.
char * sqldataValueHash(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n) {
const char *hash = NULL, *isnull = NULL;
SHA1Context shactx;
uint8_t shahash[SHA1_HASH_SIZE];
char *ret = NULL, *ptr = NULL;
int i;
if( !(sql_n && (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->name, (xmlChar *) "value") == 0)
&& (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->parent->name, (xmlChar *) "record") == 0)
|| (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->parent->name, (xmlChar *) "value") == 0)) ) {
return NULL;
isnull = xmlGetAttrValue(sql_n->properties, "isnull");
if( isnull && (strcmp(isnull, "1") == 0) ) {
return NULL;
hash = xmlGetAttrValue(sql_n->properties, "hash");
if( !hash ) {
// If no hash attribute is found, just use the raw data
ret = strdup_nullsafe(xmlExtractContent(sql_n));
} else if( strcasecmp(hash, "sha1") == 0 ) {
const char *indata = xmlExtractContent(sql_n);
// SHA1 hashing requested
SHA1Update(&shactx, indata, strlen_nullsafe(indata));
SHA1Final(&shactx, shahash);
// "Convert" to a readable format
ret = malloc_nullsafe(log, (SHA1_HASH_SIZE * 2) + 3);
ptr = ret;
for( i = 0; i < SHA1_HASH_SIZE; i++ ) {
sprintf(ptr, "%02x", shahash[i]);
ptr += 2;
} else {
ret = strdup("<Unsupported hashing algorithm>");
return ret;
* Extract the content of a //sqldata/records/record/value[@type='array']/value node set
* and format it in suitable array format for the database backend.
* @param log Log context
* @param sql_n sqldata values node containing the value to extract and format as an array.
* @return Returns a pointer to a new memory buffer containing the value as a string.
* On errors, NULL is returned. This memory buffer must be free'd after usage.
static char * sqldataValueArray(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n)
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return NULL;
return xmlparser_dbhelpers->dbh_FormatArray(log, sql_n);
* Extract the content of a '//sqldata/records/record/value' node. It will consider
* both the 'hash' and 'type' attributes of the 'value' tag.
* @param log Log context
* @param sql_n Pointer to a value node of a sqldata XML document.
* @return Returns a pointer to a new memory buffer containing the value as a string.
* On errors, NULL is returned. This memory buffer must be free'd after usage.
char *sqldataExtractContent(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n) {
const char *valtype = xmlGetAttrValue(sql_n->properties, "type");
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return NULL;
if( !sql_n || (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->name, (xmlChar *) "value") != 0)
|| (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->parent->name, (xmlChar *) "record") != 0) ) {
return NULL;
if( valtype && (strcmp(valtype, "xmlblob") == 0) ) {
xmlNode *chld_n = sql_n->children;
// Go to next "real" tag, skipping non-element nodes
while( chld_n && chld_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE ){
chld_n = chld_n->next;
return xmlNodeToString(log, chld_n);
} else if( valtype && (strcmp(valtype, "array") == 0) ) {
return sqldataValueArray(log, sql_n);
} else {
return sqldataValueHash(log, sql_n);
* Return the 'fid' value of a given field in an sqldata XML document.
* @param log Log context
* @param sql_n Pointer to the root xmlNode element of a sqldata XML document
* @param fname String containing the field name to look up
* @return Returns a value >= 0 on success, containing the 'fid' value of the field. Otherwise
* a value < 0 is returned. -1 if the field is not found or -2 if there are some problems
* with the XML document.
int sqldataGetFid(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sql_n, const char *fname) {
xmlNode *f_n = NULL;
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return -2;
if( !sql_n || (xmlStrcmp(sql_n->name, (xmlChar *) "sqldata") != 0) ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldataGetFid: Input XML document is not a valid sqldata document");
return -2;
f_n = xmlFindNode(sql_n, "fields");
if( !f_n || !f_n->children ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldataGetFid: Input XML document does not contain a fields section");
return -2;
foreach_xmlnode(f_n->children, f_n) {
if( (f_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
|| xmlStrcmp(f_n->name, (xmlChar *) "field") != 0 ) {
// Skip uninteresting nodes
if( strcmp(xmlExtractContent(f_n), fname) == 0 ) {
char *fid = xmlGetAttrValue(f_n->properties, "fid");
if( !fid ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldataGetFid: Field node is missing 'fid' attribute (field: %s)",
return -2;
return atoi_nullsafe(fid);
return -1;
* Retrieves the value of a particular field in an sqldata XML document.
* @param log Log context
* @param sqld pointer to an sqldata XML document.
* @param fname String containing the field name to extract the value of.
* @param recid Integer containing the record ID of the record to extract the value. This starts
* on 0.
* @return Returns a pointer to a new memory buffer containing the extracted value. On errors or if
* recid is higher than available records, NULL is returned.
char *sqldataGetValue(LogContext *log, xmlDoc *sqld, const char *fname, int recid ) {
xmlNode *r_n = NULL;
int fid = -3, rc = 0;
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return NULL;
if( recid < 0 ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "sqldataGetValue: Invalid recid");
return NULL;
r_n = xmlDocGetRootElement(sqld);
if( !r_n || (xmlStrcmp(r_n->name, (xmlChar *) "sqldata") != 0) ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldataGetValue: Input XML document is not a valid sqldata document");
return NULL;
fid = sqldataGetFid(log, r_n, fname);
if( fid < 0 ) {
return NULL;
r_n = xmlFindNode(r_n, "records");
if( !r_n || !r_n->children ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldataGetValue: Input XML document does not contain a records section");
return NULL;
foreach_xmlnode(r_n->children, r_n) {
if( (r_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
|| xmlStrcmp(r_n->name, (xmlChar *) "record") != 0 ) {
// Skip uninteresting nodes
if( rc == recid ) {
xmlNode *v_n = NULL;
// The rigth record is found, find the field we're looking for
foreach_xmlnode(r_n->children, v_n) {
char *fid_s = NULL;
if( (v_n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
|| (xmlStrcmp(v_n->name, (xmlChar *) "value") != 0) ) {
// Skip uninteresting nodes
fid_s = xmlGetAttrValue(v_n->properties, "fid");
if( fid_s && (fid == atoi_nullsafe(fid_s)) ) {
return sqldataExtractContent(log, v_n);
return NULL;
* Helper function to parse an sqldata XML document for the systems_hostname table. In addition
* it will also return two strings containing hostname and ipaddress of the host.
* @param log Log context
* @param xslt Pointer to an xmlparser.xml XSLT template
* @param summaryxml rteval XML report document
* @param syskey Integer containing the syskey value corresponding to this host
* @param hostname Return pointer for where the hostname will be saved.
* @param ipaddr Return pointer for where the IP address will be saved.
* @return Returns a sqldata XML document on success. In this case the hostname and ipaddr will point
* at memory buffers containing hostname and ipaddress. These values must be free'd after usage.
* On errors the function will return NULL and hostname and ipaddr will not have been touched
* at all.
xmlDoc *sqldataGetHostInfo(LogContext *log, xsltStylesheet *xslt, xmlDoc *summaryxml,
int syskey, char **hostname, char **ipaddr)
xmlDoc *hostinfo_d = NULL;
parseParams prms;
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return NULL;
memset(&prms, 0, sizeof(parseParams));
prms.table = "systems_hostname";
prms.syskey = syskey;
hostinfo_d = parseToSQLdata(log, xslt, summaryxml, &prms);
if( !hostinfo_d ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldatGetHostInfo: Could not parse input XML data");
goto exit;
// Grab hostname from input XML
*hostname = sqldataGetValue(log, hostinfo_d, "hostname", 0);
if( !hostname ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldatGetHostInfo: Could not retrieve the hostname field from the input XML");
goto exit;
// Grab ipaddr from input XML
*ipaddr = sqldataGetValue(log, hostinfo_d, "ipaddr", 0);
if( !ipaddr ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR,
"sqldatGetHostInfo: Could not retrieve the IP address field from the input XML");
goto exit;
return hostinfo_d;
int sqldataGetRequiredSchemaVer(LogContext *log, xmlNode *sqldata_root)
char *schver = NULL, *cp = NULL, *ptr = NULL;
int majv = 0, minv = 0;
if( xmlparser_dbhelpers == NULL ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "Programming error: xmlparser is not initialised");
return -1;
if( !sqldata_root || (xmlStrcmp(sqldata_root->name, (xmlChar *) "sqldata") != 0) ) {
writelog(log, LOG_ERR, "sqldataGetRequiredSchemaVer: Invalid document node");
return -1;
schver = xmlGetAttrValue(sqldata_root->properties, "schemaver");
if( schver == NULL ) {
return 100; // If not defined, presume lowest available version.
cp = strdup(schver);
assert( cp != NULL );
if( (ptr = strpbrk(cp, ".")) != NULL ) {
*ptr = 0;
majv = atoi_nullsafe(cp);
minv = atoi_nullsafe(ptr);
} else {
majv = atoi_nullsafe(cp);
minv = 0;
return (majv * 100) + minv;