blob: e6c1bc33ea64a97090ce6cb7af8b0d51876371b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# This program reads the bcache superblock on bcacheX slaves to extract the
# dev.uuid and dev.label which refer to a specific backing device.
# It integrates with udev 'import' by writing CACHED_UUID=X and optionally
# CACHED_LABEL=X for the backing device of the provided bcache device.
# Ignore caching devices by skipping unless sb.version=1
# There is 1 and only 1 backing device (slaves/*) for a bcache device.
TEMPNODE=${1} # /dev/bcacheN
DEVNAME=${TEMPNODE##*/} # /dev/bcacheN -> bcacheN
for slave in "/sys/class/block/$DEVNAME/slaves"/*; do
[ -d "$slave" ] || continue
bcache-super-show "/dev/${slave##*/}" |
awk '$1 == "sb.version" { sbver=$2; }
$1 == "dev.uuid" { uuid=$2; }
$1 == "dev.label" && $2 != "(empty)" { label=$2; }
if ((sbver == 1 || sbver == 4 || sbver == 6) && uuid) {
print("CACHED_UUID=" uuid)
if (label) print("CACHED_LABEL=" label)
# awk exits 0 if it found a backing device.
[ $? -eq 0 ] && exit 0