blob: 4157cddd9314e8c6ef2f48a285966d7df2ae0879 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Memory utilities
Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 David S. Miller
1996, 1998, 1999 Jakub Jelinek
1996 Andrew Tridgell
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
USA. */
#include <silo.h>
#define INITRD_VIRT_ADDR 0x40c00000
#define IMAGE_VIRT_ADDR 0x40000000
extern int initrd_can_do_64bit_phys;
static char *sun4u_memory_find (unsigned int len, int is_kernel);
struct linux_prom_registers prom_reg_memlist[64];
struct linux_mlist_v0 prom_phys_avail[64];
/* Internal Prom library routine to sort a linux_mlist_v0 memory
* list. Used below in initialization.
static void prom_sortmemlist (struct linux_mlist_v0 *thislist)
int swapi = 0;
int i, mitr, tmpsize;
char *tmpaddr;
char *lowest;
for (i = 0; thislist[i].theres_more != 0; i++) {
lowest = thislist[i].start_adr;
for (mitr = i + 1; thislist[mitr - 1].theres_more != 0; mitr++)
if (thislist[mitr].start_adr < lowest) {
lowest = thislist[mitr].start_adr;
swapi = mitr;
if (lowest == thislist[i].start_adr)
tmpaddr = thislist[swapi].start_adr;
tmpsize = thislist[swapi].num_bytes;
for (mitr = swapi; mitr > i; mitr--) {
thislist[mitr].start_adr = thislist[mitr - 1].start_adr;
thislist[mitr].num_bytes = thislist[mitr - 1].num_bytes;
thislist[i].start_adr = tmpaddr;
thislist[i].num_bytes = tmpsize;
/* Initialize the memory lists based upon the prom version. */
struct linux_mlist_v0 *prom_meminit (void)
int node = 0;
unsigned int iter, num_regs;
struct linux_mlist_v0 *mptr; /* ptr for traversal */
static int meminited = 0;
if (meminited) return prom_phys_avail;
meminited = 1;
switch (prom_vers) {
case PROM_V0:
/* Nice, kind of easier to do in this case. */
/* First, the total physical descriptors. */
/* Last, the available physical descriptors. */
for (mptr = (*(romvec->pv_v0mem.v0_available)), iter = 0;
mptr; mptr = mptr->theres_more, iter++) {
prom_phys_avail[iter].start_adr = mptr->start_adr;
prom_phys_avail[iter].num_bytes = mptr->num_bytes;
prom_phys_avail[iter].theres_more = &prom_phys_avail[iter + 1];
prom_phys_avail[iter - 1].theres_more = 0;
prom_sortmemlist (prom_phys_avail);
case PROM_V2:
case PROM_V3:
/* Grrr, have to traverse the prom device tree ;( */
node = prom_getchild (prom_root_node);
node = prom_searchsiblings (node, "memory");
num_regs = prom_getproperty (node, "available",
(char *) prom_reg_memlist,
sizeof (prom_reg_memlist));
num_regs = (num_regs / sizeof (struct linux_prom_registers));
for (iter = 0; iter < num_regs; iter++) {
prom_phys_avail[iter].start_adr =
prom_phys_avail[iter].num_bytes =
(unsigned long) prom_reg_memlist[iter].reg_size;
prom_phys_avail[iter].theres_more =
&prom_phys_avail[iter + 1];
prom_phys_avail[iter - 1].theres_more = 0;
prom_sortmemlist (prom_phys_avail);
return prom_phys_avail;
static int sun4c_hwflushes;
static int sun4c_linesize;
static void sun4c_init (void)
static int inited = 0;
int propval;
if (!inited) {
inited = 1;
propval = prom_getintdefault (prom_root_node, "vac_hwflush", -1);
sun4c_hwflushes = (propval == -1) ? prom_getintdefault (prom_root_node, "vac-hwflush", 0) : propval;
sun4c_linesize = prom_getintdefault (prom_root_node, "vac-linesize", 16);
void sun4c_map (unsigned long virtual, unsigned long page)
unsigned long virt = virtual;
sun4c_init ();
if (sun4c_hwflushes) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\n\tsta %%g0, [%0] 0x06\n\t" : : "r" (virt));
} else {
unsigned long end = virt + 4096;
for (; virt < end; virt += sun4c_linesize)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\n\tsta %%g0, [%0] 0x0d\n\t" : : "r" (virt));
virt = virtual;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("\n\tsta %1, [%0] 0x04\n\t" : : "r" (virt), "r" (page));
int sun4c_mapio (unsigned long phys, unsigned long virtual, int rdonly)
unsigned long page = ((phys >> 12) & 0xffff) | 0x94000000;
if (!rdonly) page |= 0x40000000;
sun4c_map (virtual & ~4095, page);
return 0;
void sun4c_unmapio (unsigned long virtual)
sun4c_map (virtual & ~4095, 0);
static inline unsigned long sun4m_get_lev1 (void)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ ("\n\t"
"set 0x100, %0\n\t"
"lda [%0] 4, %0\n\t"
"sll %0, 4, %0\n\t"
"lda [%0] 32, %0\n\t"
"srl %0, 4, %0\n\t"
"sll %0, 8, %0\n\t" : "=r" (ret));
return ret;
static inline unsigned long sun4m_probe (unsigned long l)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ ("\n\t"
"lda [%1] 3, %0" : "=r" (ret) : "r" (l | 0x400));
return ret;
static inline unsigned long sun4m_get_direct (unsigned long l)
unsigned long ret;
__asm__ ("\n\t"
"lda [%1] 32, %0\n\t" : "=r" (ret) : "r" (l));
return ret;
static inline void sun4m_set_direct (unsigned long l, unsigned long set)
__asm__ ("\n\t"
"sta %0, [%1] 32\n\t" : : "r" (set), "r" (l));
unsigned long long initrd_phys;
unsigned long sun4m_initrd_pa;
unsigned long sun4m_initrd_va;
char *memory_find (int len)
register struct linux_mlist_v0 *mlist;
char *beg = 0, *start;
int l = 0, num;
unsigned long totalmem = 0;
char *min = (char *)0x300000;
if (architecture != sun4u) {
prom_meminit ();
for (mlist = prom_phys_avail; mlist; mlist = mlist->theres_more) {
totalmem += mlist->num_bytes;
if (totalmem >= 0x4000000)
if (architecture != sun4c) {
unsigned long ll;
if (totalmem >= 0x4000000)
min = (char *)0x3000000;
else if (totalmem >= 0x2000000)
min = (char *)0x1000000;
ll = (sun4m_probe (0x4000) & 0xffffff00) << 4;
ll -= 0x4000;
min += ll;
mlist = prom_phys_avail;
for (;;) {
if (beg && mlist->start_adr != beg + l)
beg = 0;
start = mlist->start_adr;
num = mlist->num_bytes;
if (start <= min) {
num += start - min;
start = min;
if (num > 0) {
if (num + (beg ? l : 0) >= len) {
if (!beg) beg = start;
if (architecture == sun4c)
return beg;
else {
unsigned long lev1;
int i;
sun4m_initrd_pa = (unsigned long)beg;
initrd_phys = (unsigned long long)(unsigned long)beg;
lev1 = sun4m_get_lev1();
for (i = 0x60; i < 0xa0; i++)
if (!(sun4m_get_direct(lev1 + 4*i) & 3))
if (i == 0xa0) return (char *)0;
sun4m_set_direct(lev1 + 4*i, ((sun4m_initrd_pa & 0xff000000) >> 4) | 0x9e);
sun4m_initrd_va = i << 24;
return (char *)sun4m_initrd_va + (sun4m_initrd_pa & 0xffffff);
if (beg) l += num;
else {
beg = start;
l = num;
if (!mlist->theres_more) goto not_found;
mlist = mlist->theres_more;
} else {
return sun4u_memory_find((len + 0x1fff) & ~0x2000, 0);
return (char *)0;
static unsigned long long sun4u_image_virt, sun4u_image_len, sun4u_image_phys;
static unsigned long long sun4u_initrd_virt, sun4u_initrd_len;
unsigned long long sun4u_initrd_phys;
static char *sun4u_memory_find (unsigned int len, int is_kernel)
int n, node, i;
struct p1275_mem {
unsigned long long phys;
unsigned long long size;
} *p = (struct p1275_mem *)0;
unsigned int virt = (is_kernel ? IMAGE_VIRT_ADDR : INITRD_VIRT_ADDR);
unsigned long long phys = 0, phys_base;
p = (struct p1275_mem *)malloc(2048);
node = prom_finddevice("/memory");
n = prom_getproplen(node, "available");
if (!n || n == -1 || prom_getproperty(node, "available", (char *)p, 2048) == -1) {
free (p);
printf("Could not get available property\n");
return (char *)0;
phys = 0;
n /= sizeof(*p);
phys_base = ~(unsigned long long)0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (p[i].phys < phys_base)
phys_base = p[i].phys;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/* Do not mess with first 4 Megs of memory */
if (p[i].phys == phys_base) {
if (p[i].size <= 0x400000)
p[i].phys += 0x400000;
p[i].size -= 0x400000;
/* Make sure initrd doesn't overwrite kernel */
if (!is_kernel && p[i].phys == sun4u_image_phys) {
if (p[i].size <= sun4u_image_len)
p[i].phys += sun4u_image_len;
p[i].size -= sun4u_image_len;
/* Make sure initrd phys isn't greater than 32-bits. We
* can only pass unsigned int to the kernel for this
* location. */
if (!is_kernel && !initrd_can_do_64bit_phys && p[i].phys >= 0x0000000100000000ULL)
if (p[i].size >= len) {
phys = p[i].phys;
free (p);
if (!phys) {
printf("Could not find any available memory\n");
return (char *)0;
if (prom_map(PROM_MAP_DEFAULT, (unsigned long long)len, virt, phys) == -1) {
printf("Could not map memory\n");
return (char *)0;
if (is_kernel) {
sun4u_image_len = len;
sun4u_image_virt = virt;
sun4u_image_phys = phys;
phys += 0x4000ULL;
virt += 0x4000;
} else {
sun4u_initrd_len = len;
sun4u_initrd_virt = virt;
initrd_phys = phys;
/* Not sure what the old kernel crap is for, but it
* expects the passed initrd physical to be relative to
* the phys memory base. We'll keep compatible with older
* kernels to avoid any problems. */
sun4u_initrd_phys = phys - phys_base;
return (char *)virt;
static void sun4u_memory_release(int is_kernel)
unsigned long long virt, len;
if (is_kernel) {
virt = sun4u_image_virt;
len = sun4u_image_len;
} else {
virt = sun4u_initrd_virt;
len = sun4u_initrd_len;
if (!len)
prom_unmap(len, virt);
if (is_kernel)
sun4u_image_len = 0;
sun4u_initrd_len = 0;
char *image_memory_find (unsigned int len)
/* This only works for sparc64 */
if (architecture != sun4u)
return (char *)0;
return sun4u_memory_find(len, 1);
void image_memory_release(void)
if (architecture != sun4u)
void memory_release(void)
if (architecture == sun4u) {
} else if (sun4m_initrd_pa) {
unsigned long lev1;
lev1 = sun4m_get_lev1();
sun4m_set_direct(lev1 + (sun4m_initrd_va >> 24) * 4, 0);