blob: 40234b351d6cafdc3156aa328de95646cfaa2bea [file] [log] [blame]
/* Disk functions
Copyright (C) 1996 Pete A. Zaitcev
1996,1997 Jakub Jelinek
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
USA. */
#include <silo.h>
#include <stringops.h>
static int net = 0;
static int floppy = 0;
static unsigned int flash = 0;
static int fd;
static unsigned long long seekp;
static char bootdevice[4096];
static char currentdevice[4096];
char *silo_disk_get_bootdevice(void)
return bootdevice;
int silo_disk_open(char *device)
strcpy (currentdevice, device);
net = 0;
floppy = 0;
seekp = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
switch (prom_vers) {
case PROM_V0:
char buffer[20], *p;
if (strlen (device) < 20) {
/* v0 prom likes to paint in devopen parameter sometimes... */
strcpy (buffer, device);
p = buffer;
} else p = device;
fd = (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_devopen) (p);
if (device[0] == 'f' && device[1] == 'd')
floppy = 1;
else if ((device[0] == 'l' || device[0] == 'i') && device[1] == 'e')
net = 1;
case PROM_V2:
case PROM_V3:
int node;
char buffer[20];
fd = (*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dev_open) (device);
if ((unsigned)(fd + 1) > 1) {
node = (romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_inst2pkg) (fd);
prom_getstring (node, "device_type", buffer, 20);
if (!strcmp (buffer, "network"))
net = 1;
case PROM_P1275:
int node;
char buffer [20];
fd = p1275_cmd ("open", 1, device);
if ((unsigned)(fd + 1) > 1) {
node = p1275_cmd ("instance-to-package", 1, fd);
* Don't use our argument due to devalias.
* Alas, flash has no device_type property.
prom_getstring (node, "name", buffer, 20);
if (!strcmp (buffer, "flash-memory")) {
int reg[3];
reg[0] = 0; reg[1] = 0; reg[2] = 0;
prom_getproperty (node, "reg", (char*)&reg[0], sizeof (reg));
flash = reg[1];
} else {
prom_getstring (node, "device_type", buffer, 20);
if (!strcmp (buffer, "network"))
net = 1;
if (fd == 0 || fd == -1) {
printf ("\nFatal error: Couldn't open device %s\n", device);
return -1;
return 0;
extern unsigned char boot_part, boot_parts[32];
extern unsigned char raid_dsk_number;
int get_boot_part(void)
int ret = boot_part;
if (raid_dsk_number > 32)
printf("Internal error. RAID disk number should be at most 32.\n");
else if (raid_dsk_number)
ret = boot_parts[raid_dsk_number - 1];
return ret;
int silo_diskinit(void)
fd = 0;
if (prom_vers == PROM_V0) {
struct linux_arguments_v0 *ap = *romvec->pv_v0bootargs;
char *s = bootdevice;
*s++ = ap->boot_dev[0];
*s++ = ap->boot_dev[1];
*s++ = '(';
*s++ = (ap->boot_dev_ctrl & 07) + '0';
*s++ = ',';
if ((*s = ap->boot_dev_unit / 10 + '0') != '0')
*s++ = ap->boot_dev_unit % 10 + '0';
*s++ = ',';
*s++ = get_boot_part() + '0';
*s++ = ')';
*s = 0;
} else {
char *p;
if (prom_vers == PROM_P1275)
prom_getproperty (prom_chosen, "bootpath", bootdevice, sizeof(bootdevice));
strcpy (bootdevice, *romvec->pv_v2bootargs.bootpath);
p = strchr (bootdevice, ':');
if (!p) {
p = strchr (bootdevice, 0); *p++ = ':'; *p++ = get_boot_part() + 'a'; *p = 0;
} else if (p[1] >= 'a' && p[1] <= 'z' && !p[2])
p[1] = get_boot_part() + 'a';
return silo_disk_open(bootdevice);
static void silo_disk_reopen(void)
char c;
c = *currentdevice;
*currentdevice = c;
static unsigned int flash_ld(unsigned int offset)
unsigned int retval;
offset += flash;
__asm__ __volatile__("lda [%2] %1, %0\n\t" :
"=r" (retval) : "i" (0x20), "r" (offset));
return retval;
int silo_disk_read(char *buff, int size, unsigned long long offset)
if (!size)
return 0;
if (prom_vers == PROM_V0) {
if (net)
return (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_rdnetdev) (fd, size, buff);
else {
char buffer[512];
int i = 0, j, k, rc = 0, ret = 0;
if (offset & 0x1ff) {
if (size > 512 - (offset & 0x1ff))
i = 512 - (offset & 0x1ff);
i = size;
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
rc = (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_rdblkdev) (fd, 1, (unsigned)(offset >> 9), buffer);
if (rc) break;
if (rc != 1)
return -1;
memcpy (buff, buffer + (offset & 0x1ff), i);
buff += i;
size -= i;
offset = ((offset + 512) & ~0x1ffULL);
ret = i;
if (size >> 9) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
rc = (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_rdblkdev) (fd, size >> 9, (unsigned)(offset >> 9), buff);
if (rc) break;
if (rc != (size >> 9)) {
/* Lets try if the floppy is not happy because the read size is too large for it */
for (k = 0; k < (size >> 9); k++) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
rc = (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_rdblkdev) (fd, 1, (unsigned)(offset >> 9) + k, buff + (k << 9));
if (rc) break;
if (rc != 1)
return -1;
i = (size & (~0x1ff));
ret += i;
buff += i;
offset += i;
size &= 0x1ff;
if (size) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
rc = (*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_rdblkdev) (fd, 1, (unsigned)(offset >> 9), buffer);
if (rc) break;
if (rc != 1)
return -1;
memcpy (buff, buffer, size);
ret += size;
return ret;
} else {
int rc = 0;
if (flash) {
unsigned int word;
int xlen;
int count;
if (offset >= 0x1000000) { /* Not very precise but will work... */
printf ("Reading beyond 16MB of flash, bad filesystem.\n");
return -1;
* Right thing is to map stuff in, then do a copy.
* We, however, are not sure that PROM does not leak mappings.
* So, let's kludge data in with ASI_BYPASS.
* Note that flash must be accessed with 32 bits loads.
offset += 1024; /* XXX Offset of flash filesystem */
count = 0;
xlen = 4 - (offset & 3);
if (xlen != 4) {
word = flash_ld (offset & ~3);
memcpy (buff, ((char *)&word) + (4 - xlen), xlen);
buff += xlen;
offset += xlen;
count += xlen;
while (count + 4 <= size) {
word = flash_ld (offset);
memcpy (buff, (char *)&word, 4);
buff += 4;
offset += 4;
count += 4;
xlen = size - count;
if (xlen != 0) {
word = flash_ld (offset);
memcpy (buff, (char *)&word, xlen);
buff += xlen;
offset += xlen;
count += xlen;
return count;
if (!net) {
if (prom_vers != PROM_P1275) {
if (((romvec->pv_printrev >> 16) < 2 ||
((romvec->pv_printrev >> 16) == 2 && (romvec->pv_printrev && 0xffff) < 6))
&& offset >= 0x40000000) {
printf ("Buggy old PROMs don't allow reading past 1GB from start of the disk. Send complaints to SMCC\n");
return -1;
if (seekp != offset) {
if (prom_vers == PROM_P1275) {
if ((rc = p1275_cmd ("seek", P1275_ARG_64B(2) | 3, fd, 0, offset)) == -1)
return -1;
} else {
if ((*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dev_seek) (fd, (unsigned)(offset >> 32), (unsigned)offset) == -1)
return -1;
seekp = offset;
if (prom_vers == PROM_P1275) {
rc = p1275_cmd ("read", 3, fd, buff, size);
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
rc = (*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dev_read) (fd, buff, size);
if (rc == size) break;
if ((*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dev_seek) (fd, (unsigned)(offset >> 32), (unsigned)offset) == -1)
return -1;
if (rc != size && size > 32768) {
int j, s = size;
while (size) {
if (size < 32768) j = size; else j = 32768;
if (silo_disk_read(buff, j, offset) != j)
return -1;
size -= j;
offset += j;
buff += j;
return s;
if (!net) {
seekp += size;
if (rc == size)
return size;
} else
return rc;
return -1;
void silo_disk_close(void)
if (*currentdevice) {
switch (prom_vers) {
case PROM_V0:
(*romvec->pv_v0devops.v0_devclose) (fd); break;
case PROM_V2:
case PROM_V3:
(*romvec->pv_v2devops.v2_dev_close) (fd); break;
case PROM_P1275:
p1275_cmd ("close", 1, fd); break;
*currentdevice = 0;
int silo_disk_setdisk(char *device)
if (!strcmp(currentdevice, device))
return 0;
return silo_disk_open(device);
* XXX Good thing would be to have an argument, perhaps some device name.
* XXX Other option is to make silo_disk_open() to return partitionable flag.
* XXX Retrofit floppy ((flash == 0) && (floppy == 0) && (net == 0));
int silo_disk_partitionable(void)
return (flash == 0);