blob: 0a10b2c7f702cb706f89b6440abaad8fd4dbf241 [file] [log] [blame]
* Low-level drawing operations for a planar frame buffer
* This driver supports 3 pixel formats:
* - monochrome packed pixels (mfb)
* - normal bitplanes (afb)
* - interleaved bitplanes (ilbm)
* (C) Copyright 2001-2002 Geert Uytterhoeven
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
* License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
* more details.
#include "types.h"
#include "drawops.h"
#include "bitstream.h"
#include "fb.h"
static u8 *screen;
static u32 next_line;
static u32 next_plane;
static int planar_init(void)
u32 len;
len = fb_fix.line_length ? fb_fix.line_length : fb_var.xres_virtual/8;
switch (fb_fix.type) {
if (fb_var.bits_per_pixel != 1)
return 0;
/* mfb */
next_line = len;
/* afb */
next_line = len;
next_plane = len*fb_var.yres_virtual;
if (fb_fix.type_aux != len)
return 0;
/* ilbm */
next_line = len*fb_var.yres_virtual;
next_plane = len;
return 0;
screen = fb;
return 1;
static void planar_setpixel(u32 x, u32 y, pixel_t pixel)
u8 *p, mask;
int i;
p = screen+y*next_line+(x/8);
mask = 0x80 >> (x & 7);
i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
if (pixel & 1)
*p |= mask;
*p &= ~mask;
if (!--i)
pixel >>= 1;
p += next_plane;
static pixel_t planar_getpixel(u32 x, u32 y)
pixel_t pixel = 0, bit = 1;
u8 *p, mask;
int i;
p = screen+y*next_line+(x/8);
mask = 0x80 >> (x & 7);
i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
if (*p & mask)
pixel |= bit;
if (!--i)
return pixel;
bit <<= 1;
p += next_plane;
static inline void fill_one_line(unsigned long *dst, int dst_idx, u32 n,
pixel_t pixel)
int i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
dst += dst_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
dst_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
bitfill32(dst, dst_idx, pixel & 1 ? ~0 : 0, n);
if (!--i)
pixel >>= 1;
dst_idx += next_plane*8;
static void planar_draw_hline(u32 x, u32 y, u32 length, pixel_t pixel)
unsigned long *dst;
int dst_idx;
dst = (unsigned long *)((unsigned long)fb & ~(BYTES_PER_LONG-1));
dst_idx = ((unsigned long)fb & (BYTES_PER_LONG-1))*8;
dst_idx += y*next_line*8+x;
fill_one_line(dst, dst_idx, length, pixel);
static void planar_fill_rect(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height,
pixel_t pixel)
unsigned long *dst;
int dst_idx;
dst = (unsigned long *)((unsigned long)fb & ~(BYTES_PER_LONG-1));
dst_idx = ((unsigned long)fb & (BYTES_PER_LONG-1))*8;
dst_idx += y*next_line*8+x;
while (height--) {
fill_one_line(dst, dst_idx, width, pixel);
dst_idx += next_line*8;
static inline void expand_one_line(unsigned long *dst, int dst_idx, u32 n,
const u8 *data, pixel_t pixel0,
pixel_t pixel1)
const unsigned long *src;
int src_idx, i;
i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
dst += dst_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
dst_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
if ((pixel0 ^ pixel1) & 1) {
src = (unsigned long *)((unsigned long)data & ~(BYTES_PER_LONG-1));
src_idx = ((unsigned long)data & (BYTES_PER_LONG-1))*8;
if (pixel1 & 1)
bitcpy(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, n);
bitcpy_not(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, n);
/* set or clear */
} else
bitfill32(dst, dst_idx, pixel1 & 1 ? ~0 : 0, n);
if (!--i)
pixel0 >>= 1;
pixel1 >>= 1;
dst_idx += next_plane*8;
static void planar_expand_bitmap(u32 x, u32 y, u32 width, u32 height,
const u8 *data, u32 pitch, pixel_t pixel0,
pixel_t pixel1)
unsigned long *dst;
int dst_idx;
dst = (unsigned long *)((unsigned long)fb & ~(BYTES_PER_LONG-1));
dst_idx = ((unsigned long)fb & (BYTES_PER_LONG-1))*8;
dst_idx += y*next_line*8+x;
while (height--) {
expand_one_line(dst, dst_idx, width, data, pixel0, pixel1);
dst_idx += next_line*8;
data += pitch;
static inline void copy_one_line(unsigned long *dst, int dst_idx,
unsigned long *src, int src_idx, u32 n)
int i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
dst += dst_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
dst_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
src += src_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
src_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
bitcpy(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, n);
if (!--i)
dst_idx += next_plane*8;
src_idx += next_plane*8;
static inline void copy_one_line_rev(unsigned long *dst, int dst_idx,
unsigned long *src, int src_idx, u32 n)
int i = fb_var.bits_per_pixel;
while (1) {
dst += dst_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
dst_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
src += src_idx >> SHIFT_PER_LONG;
src_idx &= (BITS_PER_LONG-1);
bitcpy_rev(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, n);
if (!--i)
dst_idx += next_plane*8;
src_idx += next_plane*8;
static void planar_copy_rect(u32 dx, u32 dy, u32 width, u32 height, u32 sx,
u32 sy)
unsigned long *dst, *src;
int dst_idx, src_idx;
int rev_copy = 0;
if (dy > sy || (dy == sy && dx > sx)) {
dy += height;
sy += height;
rev_copy = 1;
dst = src = (unsigned long *)((unsigned long)fb & ~(BYTES_PER_LONG-1));
dst_idx = src_idx = ((unsigned long)fb & (BYTES_PER_LONG-1))*8;
dst_idx += dy*next_line*8+dx;
src_idx += sy*next_line*8+sx;
if (rev_copy) {
while (height--) {
dst_idx -= next_line*8;
src_idx -= next_line*8;
copy_one_line_rev(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, width);
} else {
while (height--) {
copy_one_line(dst, dst_idx, src, src_idx, width);
dst_idx += next_line*8;
src_idx += next_line*8;
const struct drawops planar_drawops = {
.name = "planar (monochrome and (interleaved) bitplanes)",
.init = planar_init,
.set_pixel = planar_setpixel,
.get_pixel = planar_getpixel,
.draw_hline = planar_draw_hline,
.fill_rect = planar_fill_rect,
.expand_bitmap = planar_expand_bitmap,
.copy_rect = planar_copy_rect,