mac80211: Fix Ptk0 rekey documentation

@IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV setting is irrelevant for RX.
Move the requirement to the correct section in the PTK0 rekey

Signed-off-by: Alexander Wetzel <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
diff --git a/include/net/mac80211.h b/include/net/mac80211.h
index af0fc13..618d1f4 100644
--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
+++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
@@ -2818,13 +2818,13 @@
  * Mac80211 drivers should set the @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CAN_REPLACE_PTK0 flag
  * when they are able to replace in-use PTK keys according to the following
  * requirements:
- * 1) They do not hand over frames decrypted with the old key to
-      mac80211 once the call to set_key() with command %DISABLE_KEY has been
-      completed when also setting @IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV for any key,
+ * 1) They do not hand over frames decrypted with the old key to mac80211
+      once the call to set_key() with command %DISABLE_KEY has been completed,
    2) either drop or continue to use the old key for any outgoing frames queued
       at the time of the key deletion (including re-transmits),
    3) never send out a frame queued prior to the set_key() %SET_KEY command
-      encrypted with the new key and
+      encrypted with the new key when also needing
+      @IEEE80211_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_IV and
    4) never send out a frame unencrypted when it should be encrypted.
    Mac80211 will not queue any new frames for a deleted key to the driver.