blob: 73881ce6cd88d68cb291558ee72db3feaf6a840b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1996-2004 by Hans Reiser, licensing governed by reiserfsprogs/README
#include "fsck.h"
static struct key *trunc_links = NULL;
static __u32 links_num = 0;
int wrong_mode (struct key * key, __u16 * mode, __u64 real_size, int symlink);
int wrong_st_blocks(struct key * key, __u32 * blocks, __u32 sd_blocks, __u16 mode,
int new_format);
int wrong_st_size (struct key * key, unsigned long long max_file_size, int blocksize,
__u64 * size, __u64 sd_size, int type);
int wrong_first_direct_byte (struct key * key, int blocksize, __u32 * first_direct_byte,
__u32 sd_first_direct_byte, __u32 size);
void get_object_key (struct reiserfs_de_head * deh, struct key * key,
struct key * entry_key, struct item_head * ih);
void print_name (char * name, int len);
void erase_name (int len);
struct path_key
struct short_key
__u32 k_dir_id;
__u32 k_objectid;
} key;
struct path_key * next, * prev;
struct path_key * head_key = NULL;
struct path_key * tail_key = NULL;
static int check_path_key(struct key * key)
struct path_key * cur = head_key;
while(cur != NULL)
if (!comp_short_keys(&cur->key, key)) {
fsck_log("\nsemantic check: The directory %k has 2 names.", key);
return LOOP_FOUND;
cur = cur->next;
return 0;
static int add_path_key(struct key * key)
if (check_path_key(key))
return LOOP_FOUND;
if (tail_key == NULL)
tail_key = getmem(sizeof(struct path_key));
head_key = tail_key;
tail_key->prev = NULL;
tail_key->next = getmem(sizeof(struct path_key));
tail_key->next->prev = tail_key;
tail_key = tail_key->next;
copy_short_key (&tail_key->key, key);
tail_key->next = NULL;
return 0;
void del_path_key()
if (tail_key == NULL)
die("Wrong path_key structure");
if (tail_key->prev == NULL)
tail_key = head_key = NULL;
tail_key = tail_key->prev;
tail_key->next = NULL;
/* path is path to stat data. If file will be relocated - new_ih will contain
a key file was relocated with */
static int check_check_regular_file (struct path * path, void * sd,
struct item_head * new_ih)
int is_new_file;
// struct key key, sd_key;
__u16 mode;
__u32 nlink;
__u64 real_size, sd_size;
__u32 blocks, sd_blocks; /* proper values and value in stat data */
__u32 first_direct_byte, sd_first_direct_byte;
struct item_head * ih, sd_ih;
int fix_sd;
int symlnk = 0;
int retval = OK;
__u32 tmp_position;
ih = get_ih (path);
if (new_ih) {
/* this objectid is used already */
*new_ih = *ih;
pathrelse (path);
rewrite_file (new_ih, 1, 1);
one_less_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
sem_pass_stat (fs)->oid_sharing_files_relocated ++;
retval = RELOCATED;
if (reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, &(new_ih->ih_key), path) == ITEM_NOT_FOUND)
reiserfs_panic ("check_check_regular_file: Could not find a StatData of "
"the relocated file %K", &new_ih->ih_key);
/* stat data is marked unreachable again due to relocation, fix that */
ih = get_ih (path);
sd = get_item (path);
if (get_ih_item_len (ih) == SD_SIZE)
is_new_file = 1;
is_new_file = 0;
get_sd_nlink (ih, sd, &nlink);
get_sd_mode (ih, sd, &mode);
get_sd_size (ih, sd, &sd_size);
get_sd_blocks (ih, sd, &sd_blocks);
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
// check and set nlink first
nlink ++;
set_sd_nlink (ih, sd, &nlink);
mark_buffer_dirty (bh);
if (nlink > 1)
return OK;
if (!is_new_file)
get_sd_first_direct_byte (ih, sd, &sd_first_direct_byte);
if (S_ISLNK (mode))
symlnk = 1;
sd_ih = *ih;
// sd_key = sd_ih.ih_key;
pathrelse (path);
if (are_file_items_correct (&sd_ih, sd, &real_size, &blocks, 0/* do not mark reachable */,
&symlnk) != 1)
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
fsck_log ("check_regular_file: The file %K with the corrupted structure found\n",
} else {
fix_sd = 0;
fix_sd += wrong_mode (&sd_ih.ih_key, &mode, real_size, symlnk);
if (!is_new_file)
fix_sd += wrong_first_direct_byte (&sd_ih.ih_key, fs->fs_blocksize,
&first_direct_byte, sd_first_direct_byte, real_size);
if (reiserfs_bin_search(&sd_ih.ih_key, trunc_links, links_num, sizeof(sd_ih.ih_key),
&tmp_position, comp_short_keys) != POSITION_FOUND)
fix_sd += wrong_st_size (&sd_ih.ih_key, is_new_file ? MAX_FILE_SIZE_V2 :
MAX_FILE_SIZE_V1, fs->fs_blocksize, &real_size, sd_size,
symlnk ? TYPE_SYMLINK : 0);
} else {
real_size = sd_size;
fix_sd += wrong_st_blocks (&sd_ih.ih_key, &blocks, sd_blocks, mode, is_new_file);
if (fix_sd) {
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
struct buffer_head * bh;
/* find stat data and correct it */
set_type_and_offset (KEY_FORMAT_1, &sd_ih.ih_key, SD_OFFSET, TYPE_STAT_DATA);
if (reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, &sd_ih.ih_key, path) != ITEM_FOUND) {
fsck_log ("check_regular_file: A StatData of the file %K cannot be "
"found\n", &sd_ih.ih_key);
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
bh = get_bh (path);
ih = get_ih (path);
sd = get_item (path);
set_sd_size (ih, sd, &real_size);
set_sd_blocks (ih, sd, &blocks);
set_sd_mode (ih, sd, &mode);
if (!is_new_file)
set_sd_first_direct_byte (ih, sd, &first_direct_byte);
mark_buffer_dirty (bh);
} else {
fsck_check_stat (fs)->fixable_corruptions += fix_sd;
return retval;
/* returns buffer, containing found directory item.*/
static char * get_next_directory_item (
struct key * key, /* on return this will contain key of next item in the tree */
struct key * parent, struct item_head * ih, __u32 * pos_in_item, int dir_format)
char * dir_item;
struct key * rdkey;
struct buffer_head * bh;
struct reiserfs_de_head * deh;
int i;
int retval;
retval = reiserfs_search_by_entry_key (fs, key, &path);
if (retval != POSITION_FOUND && get_offset (key) != DOT_OFFSET)
reiserfs_panic ("get_next_directory_item: The current directory %k cannot be found",
/* leaf containing directory item */
bh = PATH_PLAST_BUFFER (&path);
*pos_in_item = path.pos_in_item;
*ih = *get_ih (&path);
deh = B_I_DEH (bh, ih);
/* position was not found for '.' or there is no '..' */
if (retval != POSITION_FOUND || ((get_offset (key) == DOT_OFFSET) &&
(get_ih_entry_count (ih) < 2 || name_in_entry_length (ih, deh + 1, 1) != 2 ||
strncmp (name_in_entry (deh + 1, 1), "..", 2)))) {
fsck_log ("get_next_directory_item: The %s %k cannot be found in %k",
(retval == POSITION_NOT_FOUND) ? "entry" : "directory", key, &ih->ih_key);
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
/* add "." and ".." exist */
pathrelse (&path);
reiserfs_add_entry (fs, key, ".", name_length (".", dir_format), key, 0);
reiserfs_add_entry (fs, key, "..", name_length ("..", dir_format), parent, 0);
fsck_log (" - entry was added\n");
goto start_again;
} else {
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
fsck_log ("\n");
if (retval == DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND)
return 0;
/* make sure, that ".." exists as well */
if (get_offset (key) == DOT_OFFSET) {
if (get_ih_entry_count (ih) < 2 ||
name_in_entry_length (ih, deh + 1, 1) != 2 ||
strncmp (name_in_entry (deh + 1, 1), "..", 2))
fsck_log ("get_next_directory_item: \"..\" not found in %H\n", ih);
pathrelse (&path);
return 0;
/* mark hidden entries as visible, set "." and ".." correctly */
deh += *pos_in_item;
for (i = *pos_in_item; i < get_ih_entry_count (ih); i ++, deh ++) {
/* int namelen;
char * name;
name = name_in_entry (deh, i);
namelen = name_in_entry_length (ih, deh, i);
if (de_hidden (deh)) // handled in check_tree
reiserfs_panic ("get_next_directory_item: item %k: hidden entry %d \'%.*s\'\n",
key, i, namelen, name);
if (get_deh_offset (deh) == DOT_OFFSET) {
if (not_of_one_file (&(deh->deh2_dir_id), key)) {
/* "." must point to the directory it is in */
//deh->deh_objectid != REISERFS_ROOT_PARENT_OBJECTID)/*????*/ {
fsck_log ("get_next_directory_item: The entry \".\" of the directory %K "
"pointes to %K, instead of %K", key, (struct key *)(&(deh->deh2_dir_id)),
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
set_deh_dirid (deh, get_key_dirid (key));
set_deh_objectid (deh, get_key_objectid (key));
mark_buffer_dirty (bh);
fsck_log (" - corrected\n");
} else {
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
fsck_log ("\n");
if (get_deh_offset (deh) == DOT_DOT_OFFSET) {
/* set ".." so that it points to the correct parent directory */
if (comp_short_keys (&(deh->deh2_dir_id), parent)) {
fsck_log ("get_next_directory_item: The entry \"..\" of the directory %K "
"pointes to %K, instead of %K", key, (struct key *)(&(deh->deh2_dir_id)));
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
set_deh_dirid (deh, get_key_dirid (parent));
set_deh_objectid (deh, get_key_objectid (parent));
mark_buffer_dirty (bh);
fsck_log (" - corrected\n");
} else {
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
fsck_log ("\n");
/* copy directory item to the temporary buffer */
dir_item = getmem (get_ih_item_len (ih));
memcpy (dir_item, B_I_PITEM (bh, ih), get_ih_item_len (ih));
/* next item key */
if (PATH_LAST_POSITION (&path) == (B_NR_ITEMS (bh) - 1) &&
(rdkey = uget_rkey (&path)))
copy_key (key, rdkey);
else {
set_key_dirid (key, 0);
set_key_objectid (key, 0);
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_REBUILD)
mark_item_reachable (get_ih (&path), bh);
pathrelse (&path);
return dir_item;
/* semantic pass of --check */
static int check_semantic_pass (struct key * key, struct key * parent, int dot_dot,
struct item_head * new_ih)
struct path path;
void * sd;
__u32 nlink;
int is_new_dir;
struct buffer_head * bh;
struct item_head * ih;
int retval;
char * dir_item;
__u32 pos_in_item;
struct item_head tmp_ih;
struct key next_item_key, entry_key, object_key;
__u64 dir_size = 0;
__u32 blocks;
__u64 sd_size;
__u32 sd_blocks;
int fix_sd;
/*int relocate;*/
int dir_format = 0;
__u16 mode;
retval = OK;
/* start_again: when directory was relocated */
if (!KEY_IS_STAT_DATA_KEY (key)) {
fsck_log ("check_semantic_pass: The key %k must be key of a StatData\n", key);
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
/* look for stat data of an object */
if (reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, key, &path) == ITEM_NOT_FOUND) {
pathrelse (&path);
/* stat data has been found */
ih = get_ih (&path);
sd = get_item(&path);
get_sd_nlink (ih, sd, &nlink);
/* It seems quite difficult to relocate objects on fix-fixable -
* rewrite_file calls reiserfs_file_write which can convert tails
* to unfm, plus unreachable, was_tail flags, etc. */
#if 0
if ((/* relocate = */ should_be_relocated(&ih->ih_key))) {
if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_CHECK)
relocate = 0;
one_more_corruption(fs, FATAL);
if (fix_obviously_wrong_sd_mode (&path)) {
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
pathrelse (&path);
return OK;
if (nlink == 0) {
fsck_log ("%s: block %lu: The StatData %k has bad nlink number (%u)\n",
__FUNCTION__, get_bh(&path)->b_blocknr, &ih->ih_key, nlink);
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
if (not_a_directory (sd)) {
fsck_check_stat (fs)->files ++;
retval = check_check_regular_file (&path, sd, /* relocate ? new_ih : */ 0);
pathrelse (&path);
return retval;
if (relocate) {
if (!new_ih)
reiserfs_panic ("check_semantic_pass: Memory is not prepared for relocation of "
"%K", &ih->ih_key);
*new_ih = *ih;
pathrelse (&path);
sem_pass_stat (fs)->oid_sharing_dirs_relocated ++;
relocate_dir (new_ih, 1);
one_less_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
*key = new_ih->ih_key;
retval = RELOCATED;
goto start_again;
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
// it looks like stat data of a directory found
if (nlink) {
// we saw this directory already
if (!dot_dot) {
// this name is not ".." - and hard links are not allowed on directories
pathrelse (&path);
} else {
// ".." found
nlink ++;
set_sd_nlink (ih, sd, &nlink);
mark_buffer_dirty (get_bh (&path));
pathrelse (&path);
return OK;
} // do not run it for dot_dot on check at all
nlink = 2;
if (get_key_objectid (key) == REISERFS_ROOT_OBJECTID)
nlink ++;
set_sd_nlink (ih, sd, &nlink);
mark_buffer_dirty (get_bh (&path));
/* directory stat data found */
if (get_ih_item_len (ih) == SD_SIZE)
is_new_dir = 1;
is_new_dir = 0;
/* save stat data's size and st_blocks */
get_sd_size (ih, sd, &sd_size);
get_sd_blocks (ih, sd, &sd_blocks);
get_sd_mode (ih, sd, &mode);
dir_format = (get_ih_item_len (get_ih (&path)) == SD_SIZE) ? KEY_FORMAT_2 : KEY_FORMAT_1;
/* release path pointing to stat data */
pathrelse (&path);
fsck_check_stat (fs)->dirs ++;
set_key_dirid (&next_item_key, get_key_dirid (key));
set_key_objectid (&next_item_key, get_key_objectid (key));
set_key_offset_v1 (&next_item_key, DOT_OFFSET);
set_key_uniqueness (&next_item_key, DIRENTRY_UNIQUENESS);
dir_size = 0;
while ((dir_item = get_next_directory_item (&next_item_key, parent, &tmp_ih,
&pos_in_item, dir_format)) != 0)
/* dir_item is copy of the item in separately allocated memory,
item_key is a key of next item in the tree */
int i;
char * name = 0;
int namelen, entry_len;
struct reiserfs_de_head * deh = (struct reiserfs_de_head *)dir_item + pos_in_item;
for (i = pos_in_item; i < get_ih_entry_count (&tmp_ih); i ++, deh ++) {
struct item_head relocated_ih;
int ret = OK;
if (name) {
free (name);
name = 0;
namelen = name_in_entry_length (&tmp_ih, deh, i);
asprintf (&name, "%.*s", namelen, name_in_entry (deh, i));
entry_len = entry_length (&tmp_ih, deh, i);
get_object_key (deh, &object_key, &entry_key, &tmp_ih);
if ((dir_format == KEY_FORMAT_2) && (entry_len % 8 != 0)) {
/* not alighed directory of new format - delete it */
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
fsck_log ("Entry %K (\"%.*s\") in the directory %K is not formated "
"properly - deleted\n", (struct key *)&(deh->deh2_dir_id),
namelen, name, &tmp_ih.ih_key);
reiserfs_remove_entry (fs, &entry_key);
entry_len = name_length (name, dir_format);
reiserfs_add_entry (fs, key, name, entry_len,
(struct key *)&(deh->deh2_dir_id), 0);
} else {
fsck_log ("Entry %K (\"%.*s\") in the directory %K is not formated "
"properly.\n", (struct key *)&(deh->deh2_dir_id), namelen, name,
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
print_name (name, namelen);
if (!is_properly_hashed (fs, name, namelen, get_deh_offset (deh))) {
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
fsck_log ("check_semantic_pass: Hash mismatch detected for (%.*s) in "
"directory %K\n", namelen, name, &tmp_ih.ih_key);
if (is_dot (name, namelen) || (is_dot_dot (name, namelen))) {
/* do not go through "." and ".." */
ret = OK;
} else {
if ((ret = add_path_key (&object_key)) == 0) {
ret = check_semantic_pass (&object_key, key,
is_dot_dot(name, namelen), &relocated_ih);
del_path_key ();
erase_name (namelen);
/* check what check_semantic_tree returned */
switch (ret) {
case OK:
dir_size += DEH_SIZE + entry_len;
fsck_log ("check_semantic_pass: Name \"%.*s\" in directory %K points to "
"nowhere\n", namelen, name, &tmp_ih.ih_key);
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
reiserfs_remove_entry (fs, &entry_key);
fsck_log (" - removed");
} else {
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
fsck_log ("\n");
fsck_log ("check_semantic_pass: Name \"%.*s\" in directory %K points a "
"directory without body\n", namelen, name, &tmp_ih.ih_key);
/* fixme: stat data should be deleted as well */
if (fsck_fix_fixable (fs)) {
reiserfs_remove_entry (fs, &entry_key);
fsck_data(fs)->deleted_entries ++;
fsck_log (" - removed");
fsck_log ("\n");*/
/* file was relocated, update key in corresponding directory entry */
if (reiserfs_search_by_entry_key (fs, &entry_key, &path) != POSITION_FOUND) {
fsck_log("Cannot find a name of the relocated file %K in the directory "
"%K\n", &entry_key, &tmp_ih.ih_key);
} else {
/* update key dir entry points to */
struct reiserfs_de_head * tmp_deh;
tmp_deh = B_I_DEH (get_bh (&path), get_ih (&path)) + path.pos_in_item;
fsck_log ("The directory %K pointing to %K (\"%.*s\") updated to point "
"to ", &tmp_ih.ih_key, &tmp_deh->deh2_dir_id, namelen, name);
set_deh_dirid (tmp_deh, get_key_dirid (&relocated_ih.ih_key));
set_deh_objectid (tmp_deh, get_key_objectid (&relocated_ih.ih_key));
fsck_log ("%K (\"%.*s\")\n", &tmp_deh->deh2_dir_id, namelen, name);
mark_buffer_dirty (get_bh (&path));
dir_size += DEH_SIZE + entry_len;
pathrelse (&path);
} /* for */
freemem (dir_item);
free (name);
name = 0;
if (not_of_one_file (&next_item_key, key))
/* next key is not of this directory */
} /* while (dir_item) */
if (dir_size == 0)
/* FIXME: is it possible? */
/* calc correct value of sd_blocks field of stat data */
blocks = dir_size2st_blocks (dir_size);
fix_sd = 0;
fix_sd += wrong_st_blocks (key, &blocks, sd_blocks, mode, is_new_dir);
fix_sd += wrong_st_size (key, is_new_dir ? MAX_FILE_SIZE_V2 : MAX_FILE_SIZE_V1,
fs->fs_blocksize, &dir_size, sd_size, TYPE_DIRENTRY);
if (fix_sd) {
if (fsck_mode (fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
/* we have to fix either sd_size or sd_blocks, so look for stat data again */
if (reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, key, &path) != ITEM_FOUND) {
fsck_log ("check_semantic_tree: The StatData of the file %K was not found\n",
one_more_corruption(fs, FATAL);
bh = get_bh (&path);
ih = get_ih (&path);
sd = get_item (&path);
set_sd_size (ih, sd, &dir_size);
set_sd_blocks (ih, sd, &blocks);
mark_buffer_dirty (bh);
pathrelse (&path);
} else {
fsck_check_stat (fs)->fixable_corruptions += fix_sd;
return retval;
int check_safe_links ()
struct path safe_link_path, path;
struct key safe_link_key = {-1, 0, {{0, 0}}};
struct key key = {0, 0, {{0, 0}}};
struct key * rkey;
struct item_head * tmp_ih;
while (1) {
if (get_key_dirid (&safe_link_key) == 0)
reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, &safe_link_key, &safe_link_path);
if (get_blkh_nr_items ( B_BLK_HEAD (get_bh(&safe_link_path))) <=
PATH_LAST_POSITION (&safe_link_path))
pathrelse (&safe_link_path);
tmp_ih = get_ih(&safe_link_path);
if (get_key_dirid(&tmp_ih->ih_key) != (__u32)-1 ||
get_key_objectid(&tmp_ih->ih_key) == (__u32)-1) {
pathrelse (&safe_link_path);
if (get_ih_item_len (tmp_ih) != 4)
reiserfs_panic ("Safe Link %k cannot be of the size %d",
&tmp_ih->ih_key, get_ih_item_len (tmp_ih));
set_key_dirid(&key, d32_get((__u32 *)get_item(&safe_link_path), 0));
set_key_objectid(&key, get_key_objectid(&tmp_ih->ih_key));
if ((rkey = reiserfs_next_key(&safe_link_path)) == NULL)
set_key_dirid (&safe_link_key, 0);
safe_link_key = *rkey;
if (reiserfs_search_by_key_4 (fs, &key, &path) == ITEM_NOT_FOUND) {
/*sware on check, delete on fix-fixable*/
if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_CHECK) {
fsck_log ("Invalid safe link %k: cannot find the pointed object (%K)\n",
&tmp_ih->ih_key, &key);
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
} else if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
fsck_log ("Invalid safe link %k: cannot find the pointed object (%K) - "
"safe link was deleted\n", &tmp_ih->ih_key, &key);
d32_put((__u32 *)get_item(&safe_link_path), 0, 0);
pathrelse (&path);
reiserfsck_delete_item (&safe_link_path, 0);
} else if (get_offset(&tmp_ih->ih_key) == 0x1) {
/* Truncate */
if (!not_a_directory (get_item(&path))) {
/*truncate on directory should not happen*/
/*sware on check, delete on fix-fixable*/
if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_CHECK) {
fsck_log ("Invalid 'truncate' safe link %k, cannot happen for "
"directory (%K)\n", &tmp_ih->ih_key, &key);
one_more_corruption (fs, FIXABLE);
} else if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
fsck_log ("Invalid 'truncate' safe link %k, cannot happen for "
"a directory (%K) - safe link was deleted\n", &tmp_ih->ih_key, &key);
d32_put((__u32 *)get_item(&safe_link_path), 0, 0);
pathrelse (&path);
reiserfsck_delete_item (&safe_link_path, 0);
} else {
/* save 'safe truncate links' to avoid swaring on wrong sizes. */
__u32 position;
if (reiserfs_bin_search (&key, trunc_links, links_num, sizeof(key),
&position, comp_short_keys) != POSITION_FOUND)
blocklist__insert_in_position(&key, (void *)&trunc_links, &links_num,
sizeof(key), &position);
pathrelse (&path);
pathrelse (&safe_link_path);
return OK;
void release_safe_links () {
/* called when --check is given */
void semantic_check (void)
if (fsck_data (fs)->check.bad_nodes) {
fsck_progress ("Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped\n");
goto clean;
if (fsck_data (fs)->check.fatal_corruptions) {
fsck_progress ("Fatal corruptions were found, Semantic pass skipped\n");
goto clean;
fsck_progress ("Checking Semantic tree:\n");
if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
/*create new_bitmap, and initialize new_bitmap & allocable bitmap*/
fsck_new_bitmap (fs) = reiserfs_create_bitmap(get_sb_block_count(fs->fs_ondisk_sb));
reiserfs_bitmap_copy (fsck_new_bitmap (fs), fs->fs_bitmap2);
fsck_allocable_bitmap (fs) = reiserfs_create_bitmap(get_sb_block_count
reiserfs_bitmap_copy (fsck_allocable_bitmap (fs), fs->fs_bitmap2);
fs->block_allocator = reiserfsck_reiserfs_new_blocknrs;
fs->block_deallocator = reiserfsck_reiserfs_free_block;
check_safe_links ();
if (check_semantic_pass (&root_dir_key, &parent_root_dir_key, 0, 0) != OK) {
fsck_log ("check_semantic_tree: No root directory found");
one_more_corruption (fs, FATAL);
release_safe_links ();
if (fsck_mode(fs) == FSCK_FIX_FIXABLE) {
reiserfs_delete_bitmap (fs->fs_bitmap2);
reiserfs_bitmap_delta (fsck_new_bitmap (fs), fsck_deallocate_bitmap (fs));
fs->fs_bitmap2 = fsck_new_bitmap (fs);
reiserfs_delete_bitmap (fsck_allocable_bitmap (fs));
fsck_allocable_bitmap (fs) = NULL;
set_sb_free_blocks (fs->fs_ondisk_sb, reiserfs_bitmap_zeros (fs->fs_bitmap2));
mark_buffer_dirty (fs->fs_super_bh);
add_badblock_list(fs, 1);
fsck_progress ("finished\n");
if (fsck_deallocate_bitmap (fs))
reiserfs_delete_bitmap (fsck_deallocate_bitmap (fs));