blob: 28552882873af5b3e46fe2a0bb22ee901747f039 [file] [log] [blame]
# Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhone
# Copyright Aastra Telecom 2005-2010
# AastraIPPhone is the root class for all the Aastra XML objects.
# Public methods
# setTitle(Title) to setup the title of an object (optional)
# @title string
# setTitleWrap() to set the title to be wrapped on 2 lines (optional)
# setCancelAction(uri) to set the cancel parameter with the URI to be called on Cancel (optional)
# @uri string
# setDestroyOnExit() to set DestroyonExit parameter to 'yes', 'no' by default (optional)
# setBeep() to enable a notification beep with the object (optional)
# setLockIn() to set the Lock-in tag to 'yes' (optional)
# setLockInCall() to set the Lock-in tag to 'call' (optional)
# setAllowAnswer() to set the allowAnswer tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowDrop() to set the allowDrop tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowXfer() to set the allowXfer tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setAllowConf() to set the allowConf tag to 'yes' (optional only for non softkey phones)
# setTimeout(timeout) to define a specific timeout for the XML object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# addSoftkey(index,label,uri,icon_index) to add custom soktkeys to the object (optional)
# @index integer, softkey number
# @label string
# @uri string
# @icon_index integer, icon number
# setRefresh(timeout,URL) to add Refresh parameters to the object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# @URL string
# setEncodingUTF8() to change encoding from default ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (optional)
# addIcon(index,icon) to add custom icons to the object (optional)
# @index integer, icon index
# @icon string, icon name or definition
# generate() to return the generated XML for the object
# output(flush) to display the object
# @flush boolean optional, output buffer to be flushed out or not.
# Includes
class AastraIPPhone {
var $_entries;
var $_softkeys;
var $_icons;
var $_title='';
var $_title_wrap='';
var $_destroyOnExit='';
var $_cancelAction='';
var $_refreshTimeout=0;
var $_refreshURL='';
var $_beep='';
var $_lockin='';
var $_timeout=0;
var $_allowAnswer='';
var $_allowDrop='';
var $_allowXfer='';
var $_allowConf='';
var $_encoding='ISO-8859-1';
function AastraIPPhone()
# Variables for the XML object
$this->_entries = array();
$this->_softkeys = array();
$this->_icons = array();
$this->_title = '';
function setEncodingUTF8()
$this->_encoding = 'UTF-8';
function setTitle($title)
$this->_title = $title;
function setTitleWrap()
$this->_title_wrap = 'yes';
function setRefresh($timeout,$URL)
$this->_refreshTimeout = $timeout;
$this->_refreshURL = $URL;
function setBeep()
function setDestroyOnExit()
function setCancelAction($cancelAction)
function setLockIn()
function setLockInCall()
function setTimeout($timeout)
function setAllowAnswer()
function setAllowDrop()
function setAllowXfer()
function setAllowConf()
function output($flush=False)
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=".$this->_encoding);
if (($this->_refreshTimeout!=0) and ($this->_refreshURL!='')) header("Refresh: ".$this->_refreshTimeout."; url=".$this->_refreshURL);
$output="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$this->_encoding."\"?>\n";
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($output));
function generate()
function addSoftkey($index, $label, $uri, $icon=NULL)
if(!Aastra_is_icons_supported()) $icon=NULL;
if(($index>=1) and ($index<=Aastra_number_softkeys_supported())) $this->_softkeys[$index] = new AastraIPPhoneSoftkeyEntry($index, $this->escape($label), $this->escape($uri), $icon);
function addIcon($index, $icon)
if(Aastra_is_icons_supported()) $this->_icons[$index] = new AastraIPPhoneIconEntry($index, $icon);
function escape($string)
array('&', '<', '>', '"', "'"),
array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;', '&apos;'),
function convert_high_ascii($s)
$HighASCII = array(
"!\xc0!" => 'A', # A`
"!\xe0!" => 'a', # a`
"!\xc1!" => 'A', # A'
"!\xe1!" => 'a', # a'
"!\xc2!" => 'A', # A^
"!\xe2!" => 'a', # a^
"!\xc4!" => 'Ae', # A:
"!\xe4!" => 'ae', # a:
"!\xc3!" => 'A', # A~
"!\xe3!" => 'a', # a~
"!\xc8!" => 'E', # E`
"!\xe8!" => 'e', # e`
"!\xc9!" => 'E', # E'
"!\xe9!" => 'e', # e'
"!\xca!" => 'E', # E^
"!\xea!" => 'e', # e^
"!\xcb!" => 'Ee', # E:
"!\xeb!" => 'ee', # e:
"!\xcc!" => 'I', # I`
"!\xec!" => 'i', # i`
"!\xcd!" => 'I', # I'
"!\xed!" => 'i', # i'
"!\xce!" => 'I', # I^
"!\xee!" => 'i', # i^
"!\xcf!" => 'Ie', # I:
"!\xef!" => 'ie', # i:
"!\xd2!" => 'O', # O`
"!\xf2!" => 'o', # o`
"!\xd3!" => 'O', # O'
"!\xf3!" => 'o', # o'
"!\xd4!" => 'O', # O^
"!\xf4!" => 'o', # o^
"!\xd6!" => 'Oe', # O:
"!\xf6!" => 'oe', # o:
"!\xd5!" => 'O', # O~
"!\xf5!" => 'o', # o~
"!\xd8!" => 'Oe', # O/
"!\xf8!" => 'oe', # o/
"!\xd9!" => 'U', # U`
"!\xf9!" => 'u', # u`
"!\xda!" => 'U', # U'
"!\xfa!" => 'u', # u'
"!\xdb!" => 'U', # U^
"!\xfb!" => 'u', # u^
"!\xdc!" => 'Ue', # U:
"!\xfc!" => 'ue', # u:
"!\xc7!" => 'C', # ,C
"!\xe7!" => 'c', # ,c
"!\xd1!" => 'N', # N~
"!\xf1!" => 'n', # n~
"!\xdf!" => 'ss'
$find = array_keys($HighASCII);
$replace = array_values($HighASCII);
$s = preg_replace($find,$replace,$s);
return $s;