blob: e0a7e825a97cfd8602759304de6cea01e29723a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhoneImageMenu
# Copyright Aastra Telecom 2007-2010
# AastraIPPhoneImageMenu object.
# Public methods
# Inherited from AastraIPPhone
# setCancelAction(uri) to set the cancel parameter with the URI to be called on Cancel (optional)
# @uri string
# setDestroyOnExit() to set DestroyonExit parameter to 'yes', 'no' by default (optional)
# setBeep() to enable a notification beep with the object (optional)
# setLockIn() to set the Lock-in tag to 'yes' (optional)
# setLockInCall() to set the Lock-in tag to 'call' (optional)
# setTimeout(timeout) to define a specific timeout for the XML object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# addSoftkey(index,label,uri,icon_index) to add custom soktkeys to the object (optional)
# @index integer, softkey number
# @label string
# @uri string
# @icon_index integer, icon number
# setRefresh(timeout,URL) to add Refresh parameters to the object (optional)
# @timeout integer (seconds)
# @URL string
# setEncodingUTF8() to change encoding from default ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 (optional)
# addIcon(index,icon) to add custom icons to the object (optional)
# @index integer, icon index
# @icon string, icon name or definition
# generate() to return the generated XML for the object
# output(flush) to display the object
# @flush boolean optional, output buffer to be flushed out or not.
# Specific to the object
# setImage(image)to define the image to be displayed
# @image string
# setGDImage(GDImage) to use a GDImage for display, the size is forced to 40x144
# @GDImage GDImage
# setAlignment(vertical,horizontal) to define image alignment
# @vertical string, "left", "right", "center"
# @horizontal string, "left", "right", "center"
# setSize(height,width) to define image size
# @height integer (pixels)
# @width integer (pixels)
# setURIBase(uriBase) to define the base URI for the selections
# @uriBase string
# addURI(key,uri) to add a selection key with its URI
# @key string (1-9, * and #)
# @uri string
# Example
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneImageMenu.class.php');
# $imagem = new AastraIPPhoneImageMenu();
# $imagem->setDestroyOnExit();
# $imagem->setSize(40,144);
# $imagem->setImage('fffffffc02fffffffee4ffffbfffc05fffe7ff7a7ffffffffeffeebd7fffffea6bcfffffe796f3feff6fa289f0a86f4866fa20df42414595dd0134f8037ed1637f0e2522b2dd003b6eb936f05fffbd4f4107bba6eb0080e93715000010b754001281271408c640252081b1b22500013c5c66201368004e04467520dc11067152b82094d418e100247205805494780105002601530020131400020a05c91088b002b08c21c0000c200000001fe800000000000000001c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020041000004008300000ff08500000000c900000000710000000000000001401400000140140000014014000001401400000140140000000000000007c0ff00000c30880000081088000008108800000c30700000062000000000003f000001e02000000330200000021000000003301e000001e0330000000021000003f033000002001e0000020000000000001e000c03fc33003c013021007c02101201f00330ff03f001e000039000003e039001e00103f003300101f8021003007c03303f003c01e000000c00001e001c03f033007802002100f002002103e000001203c401702003cc0290ff039c02902101fc02b000007c03f01a003c020039018c0ff02d03c402102703c400001203ec01e000026402b0000264029000026c029000027c01a0000338000000033800000003100000000300000000030003f00003fc03000003fc02000003fc020000030001f0000300000000030001e000030002b000030002900003fc02900003fc01a00003f00000000310030000031c01e000031f003000033f81e00003f383000001e081e000008c003000003c01e00000fc03000001f000000003d001a0000390039000039002d00003f002700000f8012000007c000000001c0000000004000000000000000000000000000');
# $imagem->addURI('1','');
# $imagem->addURI('2','');
# $imagem->addSoftkey('1', 'Label', '','1');
# $imagem->addSoftkey('6', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');
# $imagem->addIcon('1', 'Icon:Envelope');
# $imagem->addIcon('2', 'FFFF0000FFFF0000');
# $imagem->output();
class AastraIPPhoneImageMenu extends AastraIPPhone {
var $_image;
var $_verticalAlign=NULL;
var $_horizontalAlign=NULL;
var $_height=NULL;
var $_width=NULL;
var $_uriBase=NULL;
function setImage($image)
$this->_image = $image;
function setAlignment($vertical=NULL,$horizontal=NULL)
$this->_verticalAlign = $vertical;
$this->_horizontalAlign = $horizontal;
function setSize($height,$width)
$this->_height = $height;
$this->_width = $width;
function setURIBase($uriBase)
$this->_uriBase = $uriBase;
function addURI($key, $uri)
$this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneImageMenuEntry($key, $uri);
function setGDImage($GDImage)
$img = $GDImage->getGDImage();
$byte = 0;
$i = 0;
$imageHexString = "";
for ($x=0; $x < 144; $x++)
for ($y=0; $y < 40; $y++)
$rgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
if ($rgb > 0) $byte = $byte + pow(2,(7-($i%8)));
if ($i%8 == 7)
$byteHex = dechex($byte);
if (strlen($byteHex) == 1) $byteHex = "0".$byteHex;
$imageHexString = $imageHexString . $byteHex;
function render()
# Beginning of roor tag
$out = "<AastraIPPhoneImageMenu";
# DestroyOnExit
if ($this->_destroyOnExit=='yes') $out .= " destroyOnExit=\"yes\"";
# CancelAction
if($this->_cancelAction != "")
$cancelAction = $this->escape($this->_cancelAction);
$out .= " cancelAction=\"{$cancelAction}\"";
# Beep
if($this->_beep=='yes') $out .= " Beep=\"yes\"";
# Lockin
if($this->_lockin!='') $out .= " LockIn=\"{$this->_lockin}\"";
# Timeout
if($this->_timeout!=0) $out .= " Timeout=\"{$this->_timeout}\"";
# End of roor tag
$out .= ">\n";
# Image tag
$out .= "<Image";
# VerticalAlign
if($this->_verticalAlign!=NULL) $out .= " verticalAlign=\"{$this->_verticalAlign}\"";
# HorizontalAlign
if($this->_horizontalAlign!=NULL) $out .= " horizontalAlign=\"{$this->_horizontalAlign}\"";
# Height
if($this->_height!=NULL) $out .= " height=\"{$this->_height}\"";
# Width
if($this->_width!=NULL) $out .= " width=\"{$this->_width}\"";
# Image
$out .= ">{$this->_image}</Image>\n";
# URI List
$out .= "<URIList";
$uriBase = $this->escape($this->_uriBase);
if($uriBase!=NULL) $out .= " base=\"{$uriBase}\"";
$out .= ">\n";
if (isset($this->_entries) && is_array($this->_entries))
foreach ($this->_entries as $entry) $out .= $entry->render();
$out .= "</URIList>\n";
# Softkeys
if (isset($this->_softkeys) && is_array($this->_softkeys))
foreach ($this->_softkeys as $softkey) $out .= $softkey->render();
# Icons
if (isset($this->_icons) && is_array($this->_icons))
foreach ($this->_icons as $icon)
$out .= "<IconList>\n";
$out .= $icon->render();
if($IconList) $out .= "</IconList>\n";
# End of root tag
$out .= "</AastraIPPhoneImageMenu>\n";
# Return XML object