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# Aastra XML API Classes - Aastra XML API Classes - AastraIPPhoneGDImage
# Copyright Aastra Telecom 2007-2010
# Firmware 2.0 or better
# AastraIPPhoneGDImage for AastraIPPhoneImageScreen and AastraIPPhoneImageScreen.
# php engine needs GD extensions
# ------------------------------
# Public methods
# drawttftext(fontsize,angle,x,y,text,colorIndex,fontfile)
# Writes text to the image using TrueType fonts
# fontsize The font size. Depending on your version of GD, this should be specified as the pixel
# size (GD1) or point size (GD2)
# angle The angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text. Higher values
# represent a counter-clockwise rotation. For example, a value of 90 would result in
# bottom-to-top reading text.
# x,y The coordinates given by x and y will define the basepoint of the first character
# (roughly the lower-left corner of the character).
# colorIndex 0=White 1=Black
# fontfile Location and name of the ttf file to use
# see php imagettftext() for more details
# drawtext(fontsize,x,y,text,colorIndex)
# Writes text to the image using built-in font
# fontsize The font size. From 1 to 5
# x,y The coordinates given by x and y will define the basepoint of the first character
# (roughly the lower-left corner of the character).
# colorIndex 0=White 1=Black
# see php imagestring() for more details
# rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,colorIndex,filled)
# Creates a rectangle starting at the specified coordinates.
# x1,y1 Upper left x,y coordinate. 0,0 is the top left corner of the image.
# x2,y2 Bottom right x,y coordinate
# colorIndex 0=White 1=Black
# filled Boolean, optional (default if False)
# see php imagerectangle() and imagefilledrectangle() for more details
# ellipse(cx,cy,width,height,colorIndex,filled)
# Draws an ellipse centered at the specified coordinates.
# cx,cy x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the center
# width the ellipse width
# height the ellipse height
# colorIndex 0=White 1=Black
# filled Boolean, optional (default if False)
# see php imageellipse() and imagefilledellipse() for more details
# line(x1,y1,x2,y2,colorIndex)
# Draws a line
# x1,y1 x,y coordinates for the first point
# x2,y2 x,y coordinates for the second point
# colorIndex 0=White 1=Black
# see php imageline() for more details
# setGDImage(image)
# Imports an externally generated GD image
# image GD image to import
# getGDImage()
# Exports the current GD image
# setFontPath(fontpath)
# Set directory path for the fonts to use
# fontpath Directory for the ttf fonts
# Default value
# Windows based platform C:\Windows\Fonts
# Linux based platform ../fonts
# Example 1
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneGDImage.class.php');
# $PhoneImageGD = new AastraIPPhoneGDImage();
# $time = strftime("%H:%M");
# $PhoneImageGD->drawttftext(30, 0, 10, 39, $time, 1,'Ni7seg.ttf');
# Example 2
# require_once('AastraIPPhoneGDImage.class.php');
# $PhoneImageGD = new AastraIPPhoneGDImage();
# $utf8text = "&#19996;&#19997;&#19998;&#19999;&#20024;";
# $PhoneImageGD->drawttftext(20, 0, 5, 35, $utf8text, 1,'arialuni.ttf');
class AastraIPPhoneGDImage
var $_img;
var $_white;
var $_black;
var $_blackNoAntiAliasing;
var $_font;
var $_fontpath;
function AastraIPPhoneGDImage()
# create the actual image
$this->_img=imagecreate(144, 40);
# define black and white
$this->_white = imagecolorallocate($this->_img, 255, 255, 255);
$this->_black = imagecolorallocate($this->_img, 0, 0, 0);
# Black and White only so disable anti-aliasing
$this->_black = $this->_black * -1;
$this->_white = $this->_white * -1;
# define a default font path
$os = strtolower(PHP_OS);
if(strpos($os, "win") === false) $this->_fontpath='../fonts';
else $this->_fontpath='C:\Windows\Fonts';
function importFromPng($file,$x,$y)
function setFontPath($fontpath)
function drawttftext($size, $angle, $x, $y, $text, $colorIndex, $font)
imagettftext($this->_img, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $this->getColor($colorIndex), $font, $text);
function drawtext($size, $x, $y, $text, $colorIndex)
imagestring($this->_img, $size, $x, $y, $text, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
function setGDImage($image)
function getGDImage()
return $this->_img;
function rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $colorIndex, $filled=False)
if($filled) imagefilledrectangle($this->_img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
else imagerectangle($this->_img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
function ellipse($cx, $cy, $width, $height, $colorIndex, $filled=False)
if($filled) imagefilledellipse($this->_img, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
else imageellipse($this->_img, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $colorIndex, $dashed=False)
if(!$dashed) imageline($this->_img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->getColor($colorIndex));
$style = array($this->_black, $this->_white);
imagesetstyle($this->_img, $style);
imageline($this->_img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
function getColor($index)
if ($index == 0) return $this->_white; else return $this->_black;