blob: 63197663295c61f09f1855e996de828876bbf9a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* ks8851Reg.h
* Micrel KS8851 Registers definitions.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Micrel, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* Support and updates available at
Author Date Version Description
PCD 07/26/07 Register definition base on KS8851 datasheet.
FB 01/10/08 Imported from micrel src with some small modifications
#ifndef __KS8851REG_h
#define __KS8851REG_h
* MAC Registers
* (Offset 0x00 - 0x25)
#define REG_BUS_ERROR_STATUS 0x06 /* BESR */
#define BUS_ERROR_IBEC 0x8000
#define BUS_ERROR_IBECV_MASK 0x7800 /* Default IPSec clock at 166Mhz */
#define REG_CHIP_CFG_STATUS 0x08 /* CCFG */
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN_BUS_MODE 0x0400 /* Bus in little endian mode */
#define EEPROM_PRESENCE 0x0200 /* External EEPROM is used */
#define SPI_BUS_MODE 0x0100 /* In SPI bus mode */
#define DATA_BUS_8BIT 0x0080 /* In 8-bit bus mode operation */
#define DATA_BUS_16BIT 0x0040 /* In 16-bit bus mode operation */
#define DATA_BUS_32BIT 0x0020 /* In 32-bit bus mode operation */
#define MULTIPLEX_MODE 0x0010 /* Data and address bus are shared */
#define CHIP_PACKAGE_128PIN 0x0008 /* 128-pin package */
#define CHIP_PACKAGE_80PIN 0x0004 /* 80-pin package */
#define CHIP_PACKAGE_48PIN 0x0002 /* 48-pin package */
#define CHIP_PACKAGE_32PIN 0x0001 /* 32-pin package for SPI host interface only */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_0 0x10 /* MARL */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_1 0x11 /* MARL */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_2 0x12 /* MARM */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_3 0x13 /* MARM */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_4 0x14 /* MARH */
#define REG_MAC_ADDR_5 0x15 /* MARH */
#define REG_BUS_CLOCK_CTRL 0x20 /* OBCR */
//David Choi
#define BUS_CLOCK_16MA 0x0040 /* 16mA output */
#define BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_3 0x0002 /* Bus clock devided by 3 */
#define BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_2 0x0001 /* Bus clock devided by 2 */
#define BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDEDBY_1 0x0000 /* Bus clock devided by 1 */
#define BUS_CLOCK_DIVIDED_MASK 0x0003 /* Bus clock devider mask */
#define BUS_SPEED_125_MHZ 0x0000 /* Set bus speed to 125 MHz */
#define BUS_SPEED_62_5_MHZ 0x0001 /* Set bus speed to 62.5 MHz (125/2) */
#define BUS_SPEED_41_7_MHZ 0x0002 /* Set bus speed to 41.67 MHz (125/3) */
#define REG_EEPROM_CTRL 0x22 /* EEPCR */
#define EEPROM_ACCESS_ENABLE 0x0010 /* Enable software to access EEPROM through bit 3 to bit 0 */
#define EEPROM_DATA_IN 0x0008 /* Data receive from EEPROM (EEDI pin) */
#define EEPROM_DATA_OUT 0x0004 /* Data transmit to EEPROM (EEDO pin) */
#define EEPROM_SERIAL_CLOCK 0x0002 /* Serial clock (EESK pin) */
#define EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT 0x0001 /* EEPROM chip select (EECS pin) */
#define REG_MEM_BIST_INFO 0x24 /* MBIR */
#define TX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED 0x1000 /* TX memeory BIST test finish */
#define TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED 0x0800 /* TX memory BIST test fail */
#define TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED_COUNT 0x0700 /* TX memory BIST test fail count */
#define RX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED 0x0010 /* RX memory BIST test finish */
#define RX_MEM_TEST_FAILED 0x0008 /* RX memory BIST test fail */
#define RX_MEM_TEST_FAILED_COUNT 0x0003 /* RX memory BIST test fail count */
#define REG_RESET_CTRL 0x26 /* GRR */
#define QMU_SOFTWARE_RESET 0x0002 /* QMU soft reset (clear TxQ, RxQ) */
#define GLOBAL_SOFTWARE_RESET 0x0001 /* Global soft reset (PHY, MAC, QMU) */
* Wake On Lan Control Registers
* (Offset 0x2A - 0x6B)
#define REG_WOL_CTRL_ETH 0x2A /* WFCR */
#define WOL_MAGIC_ENABLE_ETH 0x0080 /* Enable the magic packet pattern detection */
#define WOL_FRAME3_ENABLE_ETH 0x0008 /* Enable the wake up frame 3 pattern detection */
#define WOL_FRAME2_ENABLE_ETH 0x0004 /* Enable the wake up frame 2 pattern detection */
#define WOL_FRAME1_ENABLE_ETH 0x0002 /* Enable the wake up frame 1 pattern detection */
#define WOL_FRAME0_ENABLE_ETH 0x0001 /* Enable the wake up frame 0 pattern detection */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_CRC0 0x30 /* WF0CRC0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_CRC1 0x32 /* WF0CRC1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK0 0x34 /* WF0BM0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK1 0x36 /* WF0BM1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK2 0x38 /* WF0BM2 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME0_BYTE_MASK3 0x3A /* WF0BM3 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_CRC0 0x40 /* WF1CRC0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_CRC1 0x42 /* WF1CRC1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK0 0x44 /* WF1BM0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK1 0x46 /* WF1BM1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK2 0x48 /* WF1BM2 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME1_BYTE_MASK3 0x4A /* WF1BM3 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_CRC0 0x50 /* WF2CRC0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_CRC1 0x52 /* WF2CRC1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK0 0x54 /* WF2BM0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK1 0x56 /* WF2BM1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK2 0x58 /* WF2BM2 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME2_BYTE_MASK3 0x5A /* WF2BM3 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_CRC0 0x60 /* WF3CRC0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_CRC1 0x62 /* WF3CRC1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK0 0x64 /* WF3BM0 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK1 0x66 /* WF3BM1 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK2 0x68 /* WF3BM2 */
#define REG_WOL_FRAME3_BYTE_MASK3 0x6A /* WF3BM3 */
* Transmit/Receive Control Registers
* (Offset 0x70 - 0x9F)
/* Transmit Frame Header */
#define REG_QDR_DUMMY 0x00 /* Dummy address to access QMU RxQ, TxQ */
#define TX_CTRL_INTERRUPT_ON 0x8000 /* Transmit Interrupt on Completion */
#define REG_TX_CTRL 0x70 /* TXCR */
#define TX_CTRL_ICMP_CHECKSUM 0x0100 /* Enable ICMP frame checksum generation */
#define TX_CTRL_UDP_CHECKSUM 0x0080 /* Enable UDP frame checksum generation */
#define TX_CTRL_TCP_CHECKSUM 0x0040 /* Enable TCP frame checksum generation */
#define TX_CTRL_IP_CHECKSUM 0x0020 /* Enable IP frame checksum generation */
#define TX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE 0x0010 /* Clear transmit queue, reset tx frame pointer */
#define TX_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE 0x0008 /* Enable transmit flow control */
#define TX_CTRL_PAD_ENABLE 0x0004 /* Enable adding a padding to a packet shorter than 64 bytes */
#define TX_CTRL_CRC_ENABLE 0x0002 /* Enable adding a CRC to the end of transmit frame */
#define TX_CTRL_ENABLE 0x0001 /* Enable tranmsit */
#define REG_TX_STATUS 0x72 /* TXSR */
#define TX_STAT_LATE_COL 0x2000 /* Trnasmit late collision occurs */
#define TX_STAT_MAX_COL 0x1000 /* Tranmsit maximum collision is reached */
#define TX_FRAME_ID_MASK 0x003F /* Transmit frame ID mask */
#define REG_RX_CTRL1 0x74 /* RXCR1 */
#define RX_CTRL_FLUSH_QUEUE 0x8000 /* Clear receive queue, reset rx frame pointer */
#define RX_CTRL_UDP_CHECKSUM 0x4000 /* Enable UDP frame checksum verification */
#define RX_CTRL_TCP_CHECKSUM 0x2000 /* Enable TCP frame checksum verification */
#define RX_CTRL_IP_CHECKSUM 0x1000 /* Enable IP frame checksum verification */
#define RX_CTRL_MAC_FILTER 0x0800 /* Receive with address that pass MAC address filtering */
#define RX_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE 0x0400 /* Enable receive flow control */
#define RX_CTRL_BAD_PACKET 0x0200 /* Enable receive CRC error frames */
#define RX_CTRL_HASH_FILTER 0x0100 /* Receive multicast frames that pass the CRC hash filtering */
#define RX_CTRL_BROADCAST 0x0080 /* Receive all the broadcast frames */
#define RX_CTRL_ALL_MULTICAST 0x0040 /* Receive all the multicast frames (including broadcast frames) */
#define RX_CTRL_UNICAST 0x0020 /* Receive unicast frames that match the device MAC address */
#define RX_CTRL_PROMISCUOUS 0x0010 /* Receive all incoming frames, regardless of frame's DA */
#define RX_CTRL_INVERSE_FILTER 0x0002 /* Receive with address check in inverse filtering mode */
#define RX_CTRL_ENABLE 0x0001 /* Enable receive */
/* #5 hash perfect (from micrel datasheet)
* All Rx frames are passed with Physical address (DA) matching the MAC address
* and with Multicast address matching the MAC address hash table
/* #7 promiscous (from micrel datasheet)
* All Rx frames are passed without any condition
/* #9 perfect with multicast address passed (from micrel datasheet)
* All Rx frames are passed with Physical Address (DA) matching the MAC address
* and with Multicast address without any condition
#define REG_RX_CTRL2 0x76 /* RXCR2 */
#define RX_CTRL_IPV6_UDP_FRAG_PASS 0x0010 /* No checksum generation and verification if IPv6 UDP is fragment */
#define RX_CTRL_IPV6_UDP_ZERO_PASS 0x0008 /* Receive pass IPv6 UDP frame with UDP checksum is zero */
#define RX_CTRL_UDP_LITE_CHECKSUM 0x0004 /* Enable UDP Lite frame checksum generation and verification */
#define RX_CTRL_ICMP_CHECKSUM 0x0002 /* Enable ICMP frame checksum verification */
#define RX_CTRL_BLOCK_MAC 0x0001 /* Receive drop frame if the SA is same as device MAC address */
#define RX_CTRL_SINGLE_FRAME_BURST (0x4<<5) /* Single frame data bust with DMA */
#define REG_TX_MEM_INFO 0x78 /* TXMIR */
#define TX_MEM_AVAILABLE_MASK 0x1FFF /* The amount of memory available in TXQ */
#define REG_RX_FHR_STATUS 0x7C /* RXFHSR */
#define RX_VALID 0x8000 /* Frame in the receive packet memory is valid */
#define RX_ICMP_ERROR 0x2000 /* ICMP checksum field doesn't match */
#define RX_IP_ERROR 0x1000 /* IP checksum field doesn't match */
#define RX_TCP_ERROR 0x0800 /* TCP checksum field doesn't match */
#define RX_UDP_ERROR 0x0400 /* UDP checksum field doesn't match */
#define RX_BROADCAST 0x0080 /* Received frame is a broadcast frame */
#define RX_MULTICAST 0x0040 /* Received frame is a multicast frame */
#define RX_UNICAST 0x0020 /* Received frame is a unicast frame */
#define RX_PHY_ERROR 0x0010 /* Received frame has runt error */
#define RX_FRAME_ETHER 0x0008 /* Received frame is an Ethernet-type frame */
#define RX_TOO_LONG 0x0004 /* Received frame length exceeds max size 0f 2048 bytes */
#define RX_RUNT_ERROR 0x0002 /* Received frame was damaged by a collision */
#define RX_BAD_CRC 0x0001 /* Received frame has a CRC error */
#define REG_RX_FHR_BYTE_CNT 0x7E /* RXFHBCR */
#define RX_BYTE_CNT_MASK 0x0FFF /* Received frame byte size mask */
#define REG_TXQ_CMD 0x80 /* TXQCR */
#define TXQ_AUTO_ENQUEUE 0x0004 /* Enable enqueue tx frames from tx buffer automatically */
#define TXQ_MEM_AVAILABLE_INT 0x0002 /* Enable generate interrupt when tx memory is available */
#define TXQ_ENQUEUE 0x0001 /* Enable enqueue tx frames one frame at a time */
#define REG_RXQ_CMD 0x82 /* RXQCR */
#define RXQ_STAT_TIME_INT 0x1000 /* RX interrupt is occured by timer duration */
#define RXQ_STAT_BYTE_CNT_INT 0x0800 /* RX interrupt is occured by byte count threshold */
#define RXQ_STAT_FRAME_CNT_INT 0x0400 /* RX interrupt is occured by frame count threshold */
#define RXQ_TWOBYTE_OFFSET 0x0200 /* Enable adding 2-byte before frame header for IP aligned with DWORD */
#define RXQ_TIME_INT 0x0080 /* Enable RX interrupt by timer duration */
#define RXQ_BYTE_CNT_INT 0x0040 /* Enable RX interrupt by byte count threshold */
#define RXQ_FRAME_CNT_INT 0x0020 /* Enable RX interrupt by frame count threshold */
#define RXQ_AUTO_DEQUEUE 0x0010 /* Enable release rx frames from rx buffer automatically */
#define RXQ_START 0x0008 /* Start QMU transfer operation */
#define RXQ_CMD_FREE_PACKET 0x0001 /* Manual dequeue (release the current frame from RxQ) */
#define REG_TX_ADDR_PTR 0x84 /* TXFDPR */
#define REG_RX_ADDR_PTR 0x86 /* RXFDPR */
#define ADDR_PTR_AUTO_INC 0x4000 /* Enable Frame data pointer increments automatically */
#define REG_RX_TIME_THRES 0x8C /* RXDTTR */
#define RX_TIME_THRESHOLD_MASK 0xFFFF /* Set receive timer duration threshold */
#define RX_TIME_THRESHOLD_MAX 0xCFFF /* Max value */
#define RX_BYTE_THRESHOLD_MASK 0xFFFF /* Set receive byte count threshold */
#define REG_INT_MASK 0x90 /* IER */
#define INT_PHY 0x8000 /* Enable link change interrupt */
#define INT_TX 0x4000 /* Enable transmit done interrupt */
#define INT_RX 0x2000 /* Enable receive interrupt */
#define INT_RX_OVERRUN 0x0800 /* Enable receive overrun interrupt */
#define INT_TX_STOPPED 0x0200 /* Enable transmit process stopped interrupt */
#define INT_RX_STOPPED 0x0100 /* Enable receive process stopped interrupt */
#define INT_RX_ERROR 0x0080 /* Enable receive error frame interrupt */
#define INT_TX_SPACE 0x0040 /* Enable transmit space available interrupt */
#define INT_RX_WOL_FRAME 0x0020 /* Enable WOL on receive wake-up frame detect interrupt */
#define INT_RX_WOL_MAGIC 0x0010 /* Enable WOL on receive magic packet detect interrupt */
#define INT_RX_WOL_LINKUP 0x0008 /* Enable WOL on link up detect interrupt */
#define INT_RX_WOL_ENERGY 0x0004 /* Enable WOL on energy detect interrupt */
#define INT_RX_SPI_ERROR 0x0002 /* Enable receive SPI bus error interrupt */
#define INT_RX_WOL_DELAY_ENERGY 0x0001 /* Enable WOL on delay energy detect interrupt */
#define REG_INT_STATUS 0x92 /* ISR */
#define RX_FRAME_CNT_MASK 0xFF00 /* Received frame count mask */
#define RX_FRAME_THRESHOLD_MASK 0x00FF /* Set receive frame count threshold mask */
#define TX_TOTAL_FRAME_SIZE_MASK 0xFFFF /* Set next total tx frame size mask */
* MAC Address Hash Table Control Registers
* (Offset 0xA0 - 0xA7)
#define REG_MAC_HASH_0 0xA0 /* MAHTR0 */
#define REG_MAC_HASH_1 0xA1
#define REG_MAC_HASH_2 0xA2 /* MAHTR1 */
#define REG_MAC_HASH_3 0xA3
#define REG_MAC_HASH_4 0xA4 /* MAHTR2 */
#define REG_MAC_HASH_5 0xA5
#define REG_MAC_HASH_6 0xA6 /* MAHTR3 */
#define REG_MAC_HASH_7 0xA7
* QMU Receive Queue Watermark Control Registers
* (Offset 0xB0 - 0xB5)
#define RX_LOW_WATERMARK_MASK 0x0FFF /* Set QMU RxQ low watermark mask */
#define RX_HIGH_WATERMARK_MASK 0x0FFF /* Set QMU RxQ high watermark mask */
#define RX_OVERRUN_WATERMARK_MASK 0x0FFF /* Set QMU RxQ overrun watermark mask */
* Global Control Registers
* (Offset 0xC0 - 0xD3)
#define REG_CHIP_ID 0xC0 /* CIDER */
#define CHIP_ID_MASK 0xFFF0 /* Family ID and chip ID mask */
#define REVISION_MASK 0x000E /* Chip revision mask */
#define CHIP_ID_SHIFT 4
#define CHIP_ID_8851_16 0x8870 /* KS8851-16/32MQL chip ID */
#define REG_LED_CTRL 0xC6 /* CGCR */
#define LED_CTRL_SEL1 0x8000 /* Select LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0 indication */
#define LED_CTRL_SEL0 0x0200 /* Select LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0 indication */
#define REG_IND_IACR 0xC8 /* IACR */
#define TABLE_READ 0x1000 /* Indirect read */
#define TABLE_MIB_ETH 0x0C00 /* Select MIB counter table */
#define TABLE_ENTRY_MASK 0x001F /* Set table entry to access */
#define REG_IND_DATA_LOW 0xD0 /* IADLR */
#define REG_IND_DATA_HIGH 0xD2 /* IADHR */
* Power Management Control Registers
* (Offset 0xD4 - 0xD7)
#define REG_POWER_CNTL 0xD4 /* PMECR */
#define PME_DELAY_ENABLE 0x4000 /* Enable the PME output pin assertion delay */
#define PME_ACTIVE_HIGHT 0x1000 /* PME output pin is active high */
#define PME_FROM_WKFRAME 0x0800 /* PME asserted when wake-up frame is detected */
#define PME_FROM_MAGIC 0x0400 /* PME asserted when magic packet is detected */
#define PME_FROM_LINKUP 0x0200 /* PME asserted when link up is detected */
#define PME_FROM_ENERGY 0x0100 /* PME asserted when energy is detected */
#define PME_EVENT_MASK 0x0F00 /* PME asserted event mask */
#define WAKEUP_AUTO_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Enable auto wake-up in energy mode */
#define WAKEUP_NORMAL_AUTO_ENABLE 0x0040 /* Enable auto goto normal mode from energy detecion mode */
#define WAKEUP_FROM_WKFRAME 0x0020 /* Wake-up from wake-up frame event detected */
#define WAKEUP_FROM_MAGIC 0x0010 /* Wake-up from magic packet event detected */
#define WAKEUP_FROM_LINKUP 0x0008 /* Wake-up from link up event detected */
#define WAKEUP_FROM_ENERGY 0x0004 /* Wake-up from energy event detected */
#define WAKEUP_EVENT_MASK 0x003C /* Wake-up event mask */
#define POWER_STATE_D1 0x0003 /* Power saving mode */
#define POWER_STATE_D3 0x0002 /* Power down mode */
#define POWER_STATE_D2 0x0001 /* Power detection mode */
#define POWER_STATE_D0 0x0000 /* Normal operation mode (default) */
#define POWER_STATE_MASK 0x0003 /* Power management mode mask */
#define REG_WAKEUP_TIME 0xD6 /* GSWUTR */
#define WAKEUP_TIME 0xFF00 /* Min time (sec) wake-uo after detected energy */
#define GOSLEEP_TIME 0x00FF /* Min time (sec) before goto sleep when in energy mode */
* PHY Control Registers
* (Offset 0xD8 - 0xF9)
#define REG_PHY_RESET 0xD8 /* PHYRR */
#define PHY_RESET 0x0001 /* Reset PHY */
#define REG_PHY_CNTL 0xE4 /* P1MBCR */
//SOI,David Choi
#define PHY_LOCAL_LOOPBACK 0x4000 /* Force PHY 100Mbps */
#define PHY_SPEED_100MBIT 0x2000 /* Force PHY 100Mbps */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE 0x1000 /* Enable PHY auto-negotiation */
#define PHY_POWER_DOWN 0x0800 /* Set PHY power-down */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_RESTART 0x0200 /* Restart PHY auto-negotiation */
#define PHY_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100 /* Force PHY in full duplex mode */
#define PHY_HP_MDIX 0x0020 /* Set PHY in HP auto MDI-X mode */
#define PHY_FORCE_MDIX 0x0010 /* Force MDI-X */
#define PHY_AUTO_MDIX_DISABLE 0x0008 /* Disable auto MDI-X */
#define PHY_TRANSMIT_DISABLE 0x0002 /* Disable PHY transmit */
#define PHY_LED_DISABLE 0x0001 /* Disable PHY LED */
#define REG_PHY_STATUS 0xE6 /* P1MBSR */
#define PHY_100BT4_CAPABLE 0x8000 /* 100 BASE-T4 capable */
#define PHY_100BTX_FD_CAPABLE 0x4000 /* 100BASE-TX full duplex capable */
#define PHY_100BTX_CAPABLE 0x2000 /* 100BASE-TX half duplex capable */
#define PHY_10BT_FD_CAPABLE 0x1000 /* 10BASE-TX full duplex capable */
#define PHY_10BT_CAPABLE 0x0800 /* 10BASE-TX half duplex capable */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x0020 /* Auto-negotiation complete */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_CAPABLE 0x0008 /* Auto-negotiation capable */
#define PHY_LINK_UP 0x0004 /* PHY link is up */
#define PHY_EXTENDED_CAPABILITY 0x0001 /* PHY extended register capable */
#define REG_PHY_ID_LOW 0xE8 /* PHY1ILR */
#define REG_PHY_ID_HIGH 0xEA /* PHY1IHR */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_SYM_PAUSE 0x0400 /* Advertise pause capability */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_100BTX_FD 0x0100 /* Advertise 100 full-duplex capability */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_100BTX 0x0080 /* Advertise 100 half-duplex capability */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_10BT_FD 0x0040 /* Advertise 10 full-duplex capability */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_10BT 0x0020 /* Advertise 10 half-duplex capability */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_SELECTOR 0x001F /* Selector field mask */
#define PHY_AUTO_NEG_802_3 0x0001 /* 802.3 */
#define PHY_REMOTE_SYM_PAUSE 0x0400 /* Link partner pause capability */
#define PHY_REMOTE_100BTX_FD 0x0100 /* Link partner 100 full-duplex capability */
#define PHY_REMOTE_100BTX 0x0080 /* Link partner 100 half-duplex capability */
#define PHY_REMOTE_10BT_FD 0x0040 /* Link partner 10 full-duplex capability */
#define PHY_REMOTE_10BT 0x0020 /* Link partner 10 half-duplex capability */
#define REG_PORT_LINK_MD 0xF4 /* P1SCLMD */
#define PORT_CABLE_10M_SHORT 0x8000 /* Cable length is less than 10m short */
#define PORT_CABLE_STAT_FAILED 0x6000 /* Cable diagnostic test fail */
#define PORT_CABLE_STAT_SHORT 0x4000 /* Short condition detected in the cable */
#define PORT_CABLE_STAT_OPEN 0x2000 /* Open condition detected in the cable */
#define PORT_CABLE_STAT_NORMAL 0x0000 /* Normal condition */
#define PORT_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT 0x6000 /* Cable diagnostic test result mask */
#define PORT_START_CABLE_DIAG 0x1000 /* Enable cable diagnostic test */
#define PORT_FORCE_LINK 0x0800 /* Enable force link pass */
#define PORT_POWER_SAVING 0x0400 /* Disable power saving */
#define PORT_REMOTE_LOOPBACK 0x0200 /* Enable remote loopback at PHY */
#define PORT_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER 0x01FF /* Cable length distance to the fault */
#define REG_PORT_CTRL 0xF6 /* P1CR */
#define PORT_LED_OFF 0x8000 /* Turn off all the port LEDs (LED3/LED2/LED1/LED0) */
#define PORT_TX_DISABLE 0x4000 /* Disable port transmit */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_RESTART 0x2000 /* Restart auto-negotiation */
#define PORT_POWER_DOWN 0x0800 /* Set port power-down */
#define PORT_AUTO_MDIX_DISABLE 0x0400 /* Disable auto MDI-X */
#define PORT_FORCE_MDIX 0x0200 /* Force MDI-X */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Enable auto-negotiation */
#define PORT_FORCE_100_MBIT 0x0040 /* Force PHY 100Mbps */
#define PORT_FORCE_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0020 /* Force PHY in full duplex mode */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_SYM_PAUSE 0x0010 /* Advertise pause capability */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX_FD 0x0008 /* Advertise 100 full-duplex capability */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX 0x0004 /* Advertise 100 half-duplex capability */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT_FD 0x0002 /* Advertise 10 full-duplex capability */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT 0x0001 /* Advertise 10 half-duplex capability */
#define REG_PORT_STATUS 0xF8 /* P1SR */
#define PORT_HP_MDIX 0x8000 /* Set PHY in HP auto MDI-X mode */
#define PORT_REVERSED_POLARITY 0x2000 /* Polarity is reversed */
#define PORT_RX_FLOW_CTRL 0x1000 /* Receive flow control feature is active */
#define PORT_TX_FLOW_CTRL 0x0800 /* Transmit flow control feature is active */
#define PORT_STAT_SPEED_100MBIT 0x0400 /* Link is 100Mbps */
#define PORT_STAT_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0200 /* Link is full duplex mode */
#define PORT_MDIX_STATUS 0x0080 /* Is MDI */
#define PORT_AUTO_NEG_COMPLETE 0x0040 /* Auto-negotiation complete */
#define PORT_STATUS_LINK_GOOD 0x0020 /* PHY link is up */
#define PORT_REMOTE_SYM_PAUSE 0x0010 /* Link partner pause capability */
#define PORT_REMOTE_100BTX_FD 0x0008 /* Link partner 100 full-duplex capability */
#define PORT_REMOTE_100BTX 0x0004 /* Link partner 100 half-duplex capability */
#define PORT_REMOTE_10BT_FD 0x0002 /* Link partner 10 full-duplex capability */
#define PORT_REMOTE_10BT 0x0001 /* Link partner 10 half-duplex capability */
/* END */