blob: 95babedfa9f0f0254426f309e6529c38a893aae8 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _AVI_SEGMENT_H_
#define _AVI_SEGMENT_H_
#include "avi.h"
#include "avi_isp.h"
#include "avi_cap.h"
#include "avi_dma.h"
#include "avi_chroma.h"
struct avi_segment;
/* The interrupt callbacks are called directly from interrupt context with the
* segment's lock held */
typedef unsigned (*avi_segment_irq_handler_t)(struct avi_segment *,
enum avi_field *);
/* A segment can have up to 7 sources (2 blenders in series) */
/* A segment can have up to 5 sinks (4 forks in series). */
/* XXX not supported yet, change to 5 when adding fork support */
/* The segment's input and output formats */
struct avi_segment_format {
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
int interlaced;
enum avi_colorspace colorspace;
/* For DMA IN/OUT segments */
struct avi_dma_pixfmt pix_fmt;
struct {
/* constraint: line_size must be multiple of 8 */
unsigned line_size; /* in bytes */
} plane0, plane1;
/* A segment's layout within a blender */
struct avi_segment_layout {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
int hidden;
int alpha;
enum avi_segment_activation {
/* Segment disabled during interrupt */
struct avi_segment {
struct avi_segment *source[AVI_SEGMENT_MAX_SRC];
struct avi_segment *sink[AVI_SEGMENT_MAX_SINK];
/* pointers to the blenders used by this segment */
struct avi_node *blender[2];
/* pointers to the forks used by this segment */
struct avi_node *fork[4];
/* A bitmask of the segment's capabilities */
unsigned long caps;
enum avi_segment_activation active;
/* Input and output formats */
struct avi_segment_format input_format;
struct avi_segment_format output_format;
/* Output offset */
struct avi_segment_layout layout;
/* Input blender background colour. 24bit 888, no alpha */
u32 background;
/* Frame period (if applicable, 0 otherwise). It might make sense to put
* that in the segment format but I'm not sure if that's necessary and I
* don't want to increase the structure size needlessly. */
long stream_period_us;
long period_us;
/* Frame dropped (if applicable, 0 otherwise). */
unsigned long frame_dropped;
/* A list of the segment's nodes ordered the way they're interconnected
* in hardware */
struct avi_node **nodes;
unsigned nodes_nr;
/* For DMA nodes we store the base address of both planes */
dma_addr_t plane0_base;
dma_addr_t plane1_base;
enum avi_field cur_field;
/* DMA IN node used by special case planar : 2xDMA_IN > SCALER */
struct avi_node *dma_in_planar;
char id[16];
struct list_head list;
/* Lock protecting segment access when (dis)connecting or destroying the
* segment */
struct mutex lock;
/* The device owning this segment */
struct device *owner;
/* Private data for use by the owner. Can be useful in the interrupt
* handler. */
void *priv;
/* The interrupt callback */
avi_segment_irq_handler_t irq_handler_f;
struct avi_node *irq_node;
/* Length of the segment id. Last byte is forced to \0 for convenience. */
#define AVI_SEGMENT_ID_LEN (sizeof(((struct avi_segment *)0)->id))
/* Attempt to create a segment with capabilities "cap".
* Use IS_ERR and PTR_ERR to check for success and retreive the errno.
* If errno is ENODEV it means the AVI couldn't allocate the nodes to satisfy
* the requested capabilities. In this case caps is updated to contain the
* unsatisfied capabilities.
* If errno is EBUSY it means there's already a segment with that
* type/major/minor combination.
* If owner is not NULL it becomes the segment's owner, otherwise the segment's
* created as an orphan and avi_take_segment must be called to take ownership.
* The id of the resulting segment is "avi-<type>.<major>[:minor]"
* If minor is -1 it's ignored and not part of the id.
extern struct avi_segment *avi_segment_build(unsigned long *caps,
const char *type,
int major,
int minor,
struct device *owner);
/* Generate a new unique id based on "base_id" and "nonce". The result is stored
* in gen_id. This is usefull for drivers that need to create segments on the
* fly. */
extern void avi_segment_gen_id(const char *base_id,
const char *nonce,
char gen_id[AVI_SEGMENT_ID_LEN]);
/* Return 1 if the segment has at least one source or one sink. 0 otherwise. */
extern int avi_segment_connected(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Destroys a segment.
* The segment must not be connected to an other segment at the moment this
* function is called (otherwise -EBUSY is returned).
* Returns negative errno on error, 0 otherwise.
* /!\ Locks the segment's mutex
extern int avi_segment_teardown(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Retreive an existing segment by id.
* If no segment matching id is found this returns NULL
extern struct avi_segment *avi_segment_find(const char *id);
/* Enables the segment's interrupt.
* A segment has an interrupt if it contains an LCD, CAM or DMA_OUT capability.
* It's an error to call this function on a segment that does not have any such
* capability.
* If the segment's IRQ is already enabled this does nothing.
extern void avi_segment_enable_irq(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Disables the segment's interrupt.
* Same remarks as avi_segment_enable_irq.
extern void avi_segment_disable_irq(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Registers this segment's interrupt handler.
* You have to own the segment before you attempt to register an interrupt
* handler.
extern void avi_segment_register_irq(struct avi_segment *segment,
avi_segment_irq_handler_t handler);
/* Request the ownership of a segment.
* This is mandatory before attempting to modify the configuration of the
* segment.
* owner cannot be NULL.
* This returns -EBUSY if the segment is already owned, 0 otherwise.
* /!\ Locks the segment's mutex
extern int avi_take_segment(struct avi_segment *segment, struct device *owner);
/* Release the ownership of a segment.
* Returns negative errno on error, 0 otherwise.
* This does not destroy the segment, just remove the ownership. Use
* avi_teardown_segment to permanently destroy a segment.
extern int avi_release_segment(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Connect two segments together.
* If the source segment already has a sink a fork is added to share the output
* with the new destination.
* If the destination segment already has a source or the zorder parameter is
* greater than 0 a blender is added to mix the input. In this case the zorder
* parameter dictates the layer the source will occupy in the blender. Layer 0
* is the top-most layer.
* If zorder is -1 the first available layer is used (starting from 1 upwards).
* Returns -ENODEV if the connection could not be achieved by lack of fork or
* blender inputs available (if zorder is >= 0).
* Returns -EBUSY if the requested zorder is already in use.
* /!\ Locks both segments' mutexes
extern int avi_segment_connect(struct avi_segment *src,
struct avi_segment *dst,
int zorder);
/* Disconnect two segments
* Returns -EINVAL if src and dst are not currently connected together.
* /!\ Locks both segments' mutexes
extern int avi_segment_disconnect(struct avi_segment *src,
struct avi_segment *dst);
/* Set a segment layout on the screen (configures the blender) */
extern int avi_segment_set_position(struct avi_segment *s,
unsigned x,
unsigned y);
/* Set a segment alpha (configures the blender) */
extern int avi_segment_set_alpha(struct avi_segment *s, int alpha);
/* Set the segment background color when no video is displayed (blender
* background).
* Color is expressed as RGB and converted according to segment colorspace */
extern void avi_segment_set_background(struct avi_segment *segment, u32 rgb);
/* Return the background color converted to 24bit RGB */
u32 avi_segment_get_background(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Enable and activate the segment in order to start processing. Depending on
* the capabilities of the segment that might mean enabling the pixelclock or
* other capability-specific actions
extern int avi_segment_activate(struct avi_segment *segment);
* Same as above but it configures the FIFOs for a single frame and then stops
* the processing.
extern int avi_segment_activate_oneshot(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Disable the segment */
extern int avi_segment_deactivate(struct avi_segment *segment);
int avi_segment_try_format(struct avi_segment *s,
const struct avi_segment_format *in,
const struct avi_segment_format *out,
const struct avi_segment_layout *layout);
/* Configure a segment's input and output format to the same value (i.e. the
* segment does not modify the source or destination format). */
extern int avi_segment_set_format(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_segment_format *in_fmt,
const struct avi_segment_format *out_fmt);
/* Same as above but sets the layout as well. */
extern int avi_segment_set_format_and_layout(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_segment_format *i,
const struct avi_segment_format *o,
const struct avi_segment_layout *l);
/* Configure a segment's input format (i.e. the
* segment does not modify the source or destination format). */
extern int avi_segment_set_input_format(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_segment_format *fmt);
/* Configure a segment's output format (i.e. the
* segment does not modify the source or destination format). */
extern int avi_segment_set_output_format(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_segment_format *fmt);
/* Hide a segment (move it outside of the active frame). Requires a blender.*/
extern int avi_segment_hide(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Put the segment back to its previous layout */
extern int avi_segment_unhide(struct avi_segment *segment);
/* Retrieve a copy of segment's input format */
extern void avi_segment_get_input_format(struct avi_segment *segment,
struct avi_segment_format *format);
/* Retrieve a copy of segment's output format */
extern void avi_segment_get_output_format(struct avi_segment *segment,
struct avi_segment_format *format);
extern void avi_segment_get_layout(struct avi_segment *segment,
struct avi_segment_layout *layout);
/* Retrieve a node by its capability. */
extern struct avi_node *avi_segment_get_node(struct avi_segment *s,
const unsigned long cap);
/* Configure the DMA input buffer for an AVI_CAP_DMA_IN segment */
void avi_segment_set_input_buffer(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_dma_buffer *buff);
/* Configure the DMA output buffer for an AVI_CAP_DMA_OUT segment */
void avi_segment_set_output_buffer(struct avi_segment *segment,
const struct avi_dma_buffer *buff);
* Public segment index function
/* Iterate over all existing segments, calling "cback" on each.
* WARNING: The callback is called with the index lock held
extern int avi_segment_foreach(int (*cback)(struct avi_segment *, void *),
void *priv);
/* Return the total number of segments currently registered */
extern unsigned avi_segment_count(void);
#endif /* _AVI_SEGMENT_H_ */