blob: e490dfdf56de02c2bd742c6c8d089aca2162fb15 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# srcdiff is used to compare current user level code with the current
# kernel code and advise of any differences between files which are
# sharing some or all of their content.
# There are two classes of sharing which we will check - header files
# in the include directory, which must be exactly the same (use diff)
# and source files which contain routines which must be exactly the
# same (but the userland file is always a subset of the kernel file,
# and hence a more flexible mechanism to "diff" is required).
# NB: to cross check that srcdiff is finding all the functions in the
# user source file, providing you have "mkproto" installed, you
# can "cd xfsprogs/libxfs" and cut&paste this in a bourne shell:
# $ for file in xfs_*.c; do
# > mkproto -nps < $file | perl -ne '
# > END { print " $count\t- " }
# > s/^.* (xfs\w+|\*xfs\w+|xlog\w+|\*xlog\w+) \(.*/\1/ && { $count++ }'
# > echo $file
# > done
# (compare this to "srcdiff | fgrep Total:")
use strict;
die "WORKAREA not set" unless defined $ENV{'WORKAREA'};
die "KWORKAREA not set" unless defined $ENV{'KWORKAREA'};
die "DMWORKAREA not set" unless defined $ENV{'DMWORKAREA'};
chdir $ENV{'WORKAREA'};
my $dmworkarea = $ENV{'DMWORKAREA'};
my $kworkarea = $ENV{'KWORKAREA'};
my $xdiff = $ENV{'XDIFF'};
my $quiet = 0;
my $usage = 0;
if ( ! -f "$kworkarea/xfs_fs.h" ) {
$kworkarea .= '/fs/xfs';
die "Cannot find XFS in KWORKAREA" unless -f "$kworkarea/xfs_fs.h";
die "Cannot find DMAPI in DMWORKAREA" unless -f "$dmworkarea/dmapi.h";
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (/^-q$/) {
} else {
print STDERR "Illegal option $_\n";
if ($usage) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-q]\n";
exit 1;
my @pkglist = qw( xfstests attr acl dmapi xfsdump xfsprogs );
my @difflist = qw(
xfs_ag.h xfs_alloc.h xfs_alloc_btree.h xfs_arch.h
xfs_attr_leaf.h xfs_attr_sf.h xfs_bit.h xfs_bmap.h
xfs_bmap_btree.h xfs_btree.h xfs_buf_item.h
xfs_da_btree.h xfs_dfrag.h xfs_dinode.h
xfs_dir2.h xfs_dir2_block.h xfs_dir2_data.h
xfs_dir2_leaf.h xfs_dir2_node.h xfs_dir2_sf.h
xfs_extfree_item.h xfs_ialloc.h
xfs_imap.h xfs_ialloc_btree.h xfs_inode.h xfs_inode_item.h
xfs_inum.h xfs_log.h xfs_log_priv.h xfs_log_recover.h
xfs_mount.h xfs_quota.h xfs_rtalloc.h
xfs_sb.h xfs_trans.h xfs_trans_space.h xfs_types.h xfs_fs.h
sub straightdiff {
my ( $file, $prefix1, $prefix2 ) = @_;
`diff $prefix1/$file $prefix2/$file >/dev/null 2>&1`;
if (!$quiet) {
print sprintf("\t%-35s ... ", $file);
if ($? != 0) { printf("FAILED\n(%s/%s differs to %s/%s)\n",
$prefix1, $file, $prefix2, $file); }
else { print "ok\n"; }
} elsif ($? != 0) {
printf("\t%-35s ... FAILED\n(%s/%s differs to %s/%s)\n",
$file, $prefix1, $file, $prefix2, $file);
if (defined($xdiff)) {
`$xdiff $prefix1/$file $prefix2/$file`;
# xfstests directory m4 directory is a repository of all of the
# custom m4 macros used in the packages we look after.
sub m4macrodiff {
my ( $package ) = @_;
foreach (`ls $package/m4/*.m4`) {
my $m4 = `basename $_`;
straightdiff $m4, "$package/m4", "xfstests/m4";
my $first = shift @pkglist;
foreach (@pkglist) {
print "\n=== Checking $_ package ===\n";
m4macrodiff $_;
straightdiff 'buildrules', "$first/include", "$_/include";
straightdiff 'buildmacros', "$first/include", "$_/include";
straightdiff 'Makefile', "$first/build", "$_/build";
straightdiff 'Makefile', "$first/build/rpm", "$_/build/rpm";
straightdiff 'Makefile', "$first/build/tar", "$_/build/tar";
print "\n=== Checking headers ===\n";
foreach (@difflist) {
straightdiff $_, 'xfsprogs/include', "$kworkarea";
straightdiff 'dmapi_kern.h', 'dmapi/include', "$dmworkarea";
straightdiff 'dmapi.h', 'dmapi/include', "$dmworkarea";
# setstate
# Implements a tri-state FSA, see comments for state transitions
# (knows about the way the XFS kernel code is written, & makes
# some assumptions so as to not need to parse generic C code).
# Accepts one line at a time from a source file, picking out the
# function bodies so they can be subsequently compared.
my $line; # line number in current source file
my $state; # current FSA state
my $funcbody; # current function body (contents)
sub setstate {
my ( $newline ) = @_;
# - state 0:
# if line looks like start of a function, transition to 1
# & squirrel line away as line 1 of current function
if ($state == 0) {
if ($newline =~ m/^[xfs|xlog]/) {
$state = 1;
$funcbody = $newline;
# - state 1:
# if line looks like start of a function, stay here
# & squirrel line away as line 1 of current function
# otherwise if line isn't start of function body,
# squirrel line away as next line of current function
# (args/..., but not sure this is a real function yet)
# otherwise (start of function)
# squirrel line away as next line of current function
# transition to state 2
elsif ($state == 1) {
if ($newline =~ m/^[xfs|xlog]/) {
$funcbody = $newline;
elsif ($newline =~ m/^\{/) {
$state = 2;
$funcbody .= $newline;
# - state 2:
# if line looks like end of function body,
# squirrel line away as last line of current function
# tell someone we have a complete function ready
# transition to state 0
# otherwise
# squirrel line away as next line of current function
elsif ($state == 2) {
$funcbody .= $newline;
if ($newline =~ m/^\}/) {
$state = 0;
return $funcbody;
else {
die "unknown state transition";
return undef; # i.e. not at end of a function
sub listfuncs {
my ( $file ) = @_;
my @funcs;
$funcbody = '';
$state = $line = 0;
open(USER, "$file") || die "cannot open $file";
while (<USER>) {
my $func = setstate($_);
push @funcs, $func if (defined($func)); # store function away
close USER;
return @funcs;
sub hashfuncs {
my ( $file ) = @_;
my %funcs;
$funcbody = '';
$state = $line = 0;
open(KERN, "$file") || die "cannot open $file";
while (<KERN>) {
my $func = setstate($_);
if (defined($func)) {
$func =~ m/^([xfs|xlog]\w+)\s*\(/;
next unless defined($1);
my $name = $1;
if (defined($func)) {
$funcs{$name} = $func; # store function away
close KERN;
return %funcs;
sub diffme {
my ( $sa, $sb ) = @_;
return unless defined($xdiff);
open(FILEA, "> /tmp/diff.user.$$") || die "cannot write to /tmp/diff.user.$$";
open(FILEB, "> /tmp/diff.kern.$$") || die "cannot write to /tmp/diff.kern.$$";
print FILEA $sa;
print FILEB $sb;
close FILEA;
close FILEB;
`$xdiff /tmp/diff.user.$$ /tmp/diff.kern.$$`;
unlink ("/tmp/diff.user.$$","/tmp/diff.kern.$$");
sub functiondiff {
my ( $file, $prefix1, $prefix2 ) = @_;
my $plural = '';
my $count = 0;
my $name;
my $found = 0;
print "\n=== Checking $file routines ===\n" unless ($quiet);
# iterate over user funcs, match up to kernel funcs
my @user = listfuncs "$prefix1/$file";
my %kern = hashfuncs "$prefix2/$file";
foreach my $userfunc (@user) {
$userfunc =~ m/^([xfs|xlog]\w+)\s*\(/;
next unless (defined($1));
$name = $1;
if (exists($kern{$name})) {
if ($userfunc ne $kern{$name}) {
print "\n=== $file routines ===\n"
if (!$found++ && $quiet);
printf("\t%-35s ... ", $name);
print "FAILED\n";
diffme $userfunc, $kern{$name};
elsif (!$quiet) {
printf("\t%-35s ... ", $name);
print "ok\n";
else {
print "Cannot find kernel function $userfunc";
print " in file $prefix2/$file\n";
($count != 1) && ( $plural = 's' );
print "( Total: $count routine$plural checked in $file )\n" unless ($quiet);
# xfsprogs/{libxfs,libxlog}/* fs/xfs/*
my @funclist = qw(
xfs_alloc.c xfs_alloc_btree.c xfs_attr.c xfs_attr_leaf.c
xfs_bmap.c xfs_bmap_btree.c xfs_btree.c xfs_da_btree.c
xfs_dir2.c xfs_dir2_block.c xfs_dir2_data.c xfs_dir2_leaf.c
xfs_dir2_node.c xfs_dir2_sf.c xfs_ialloc.c xfs_ialloc_btree.c
xfs_inode.c xfs_mount.c xfs_rtalloc.c xfs_trans.c
print "\n=== Checking libxfs code ===\n";
foreach (@funclist) {
functiondiff $_, 'xfsprogs/libxfs', "$kworkarea";
print "\n=== Checking libxlog code ===\n";
functiondiff 'xfs_log_recover.c', 'xfsprogs/libxlog', "$kworkarea";