blob: 538216d97e6be4d585fdf466a8347965e4bc09df [file] [log] [blame]
* perfmon.c: perfmon2 PMC/PMD read/write system calls
* This file implements the perfmon2 interface which
* provides access to the hardware performance counters
* of the host processor.
* The initial version of perfmon.c was written by
* Ganesh Venkitachalam, IBM Corp.
* Then it was modified for perfmon-1.x by Stephane Eranian and
* David Mosberger, Hewlett Packard Co.
* Version Perfmon-2.x is a complete rewrite of perfmon-1.x
* by Stephane Eranian, Hewlett Packard Co.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
* Contributed by Stephane Eranian <>
* David Mosberger-Tang <>
* More information about perfmon available at:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/perfmon_kern.h>
#include "perfmon_priv.h"
* handle_dep_pmcs - update used_pmds based on dep_pmcs for the pmd
* @ctx: context to use
* @set: set to use
* @cnum: PMD to use
* return:
* 0 : success
* <0: on error (errno)
static int handle_dep_pmcs(struct pfm_context *ctx, struct pfm_event_set *set,
u16 cnum)
struct pfarg_pmc req;
u64 *dep_pmcs;
int n, p, q, ret = 0;
dep_pmcs = pfm_pmu_conf->pmd_desc[cnum].dep_pmcs;
n = bitmap_weight(cast_ulp(dep_pmcs), ctx->regs.max_pmc);
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
for(p = 0; n; n--, p = q+1) {
q = find_next_bit(cast_ulp(dep_pmcs), ctx->regs.max_pmc, p);
if (test_bit(q, cast_ulp(set->used_pmcs)))
req.reg_num = q;
req.reg_value = set->pmcs[q]; /* default value */
ret = __pfm_write_pmcs(ctx, &req, 1);
if (ret)
return ret;
* handle_smpl_bv - checks sampling bitmasks for new PMDs
* @ctx: context to use
* @set: set to use
* @bv: sampling bitmask
* scans the smpl bitmask looking for new PMDs (not yet used), if found
* invoke pfm_write_pmds() on them to get them initialized and marked used
* return:
* 0 : success
* <0: error (errno)
static int handle_smpl_bv(struct pfm_context *ctx, struct pfm_event_set *set,
unsigned long *bv)
struct pfarg_pmd req;
int p, q, n, ret = 0;
u16 max_pmd;
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
max_pmd = ctx->regs.max_pmd;
n = bitmap_weight(cast_ulp(bv), max_pmd);
for(p = 0; n; n--, p = q+1) {
q = find_next_bit(cast_ulp(bv), max_pmd, p);
if (test_bit(q, cast_ulp(set->used_pmds)))
req.reg_num = q;
req.reg_value = 0;
ret = __pfm_write_pmds(ctx, &req, 1, 0);
if (ret)
return ret;
* is_invalid -- check if register index is within limits
* @cnum: register index
* @impl: bitmask of implemented registers
* @max: highest implemented registers + 1
* return:
* 0 is register index is valid
* 1 if invalid
static inline int is_invalid(u16 cnum, unsigned long *impl, u16 max)
return cnum >= max || !test_bit(cnum, impl);
* __pfm_write_pmds - modified data registers
* @ctx: context to operate on
* @req: pfarg_pmd_t request from user
* @count: number of element in the pfarg_pmd_t vector
* @compat: used only on IA-64 to maintain backward compatibility with v2.0
* The function succeeds whether the context is attached or not.
* When attached to another thread, that thread must be stopped.
* The context is locked and interrupts are disabled.
int __pfm_write_pmds(struct pfm_context *ctx, struct pfarg_pmd *req, int count,
int compat)
struct pfm_event_set *set, *active_set;
unsigned long *smpl_pmds, *reset_pmds, *impl_pmds, *impl_rw_pmds;
u32 req_flags;
u16 cnum, pmd_type, max_pmd;
u16 set_id;
int i, can_access_pmu;
int ret;
pfm_pmd_check_t wr_func;
active_set = ctx->active_set;
max_pmd = ctx->regs.max_pmd;
impl_pmds = cast_ulp(ctx->regs.pmds);
impl_rw_pmds = cast_ulp(ctx->regs.rw_pmds);
wr_func = pfm_pmu_conf->pmd_write_check;
set = list_first_entry(&ctx->set_list, struct pfm_event_set, list);
can_access_pmu = 0;
* we cannot access the actual PMD registers when monitoring is masked
if (unlikely(ctx->state == PFM_CTX_LOADED))
can_access_pmu = __get_cpu_var(pmu_owner) == ctx->task
|| ctx->flags.system;
ret = -EINVAL;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, req++) {
cnum = req->reg_num;
set_id = req->reg_set;
req_flags = req->reg_flags;
smpl_pmds = cast_ulp(req->reg_smpl_pmds);
reset_pmds = cast_ulp(req->reg_reset_pmds);
* cannot write to unexisting
* writes to read-only register are ignored
if (unlikely(is_invalid(cnum, impl_pmds, max_pmd))) {
PFM_DBG("pmd%u is not available", cnum);
goto error;
pmd_type = pfm_pmu_conf->pmd_desc[cnum].type;
* ensure only valid flags are set
if (req_flags & ~PFM_REGFL_PMD_ALL) {
PFM_DBG("pmd%u: invalid flags=0x%x",
cnum, req_flags);
goto error;
* verify validity of smpl_pmds
if (unlikely(!bitmap_subset(smpl_pmds, impl_pmds, PFM_MAX_PMDS))) {
PFM_DBG("invalid smpl_pmds=0x%llx for pmd%u",
(unsigned long long)req->reg_smpl_pmds[0],
goto error;
* verify validity of reset_pmds
* check against impl_rw_pmds because it is not
* possible to reset read-only PMDs
if (unlikely(!bitmap_subset(reset_pmds, impl_rw_pmds, PFM_MAX_PMDS))) {
PFM_DBG("invalid reset_pmds=0x%llx for pmd%u",
(unsigned long long)req->reg_reset_pmds[0],
goto error;
* locate event set
if (set_id != set->id) {
set = pfm_find_set(ctx, set_id, 0);
if (set == NULL) {
PFM_DBG("event set%u does not exist",
goto error;
* execute write checker, if any
if (unlikely(wr_func && (pmd_type & PFM_REG_WC))) {
ret = (*wr_func)(ctx, set, req);
if (ret)
goto error;
ret = handle_dep_pmcs(ctx, set, cnum);
if (ret)
goto error;
if (unlikely(compat))
goto skip_set;
if (bitmap_weight(smpl_pmds, max_pmd)) {
ret = handle_smpl_bv(ctx, set, smpl_pmds);
if (ret)
goto error;
if (bitmap_weight(reset_pmds, max_pmd)) {
ret = handle_smpl_bv(ctx, set, reset_pmds);
if (ret)
goto error;
* now commit changes to software state
set->pmds[cnum].flags = req_flags;
__set_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->used_pmds));
* we reprogram the PMD hence, we clear any pending
* ovfl. Does affect ovfl switch on restart but new
* value has already been established here
if (test_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->povfl_pmds))) {
__clear_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->povfl_pmds));
__clear_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->ovfl_pmds));
* update ovfl_notify
if (req_flags & PFM_REGFL_OVFL_NOTIFY)
__set_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->ovfl_notify));
__clear_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->ovfl_notify));
* establish new switch count
set->pmds[cnum].ovflsw_thres = req->reg_ovfl_switch_cnt;
set->pmds[cnum].ovflsw_ref_thres = req->reg_ovfl_switch_cnt;
* set last value to new value for all types of PMD
set->pmds[cnum].lval = req->reg_value;
set->pmds[cnum].value = req->reg_value;
* update reset values (not just for counters)
set->pmds[cnum].long_reset = req->reg_long_reset;
set->pmds[cnum].short_reset = req->reg_short_reset;
* update randomization mask
set->pmds[cnum].mask = req->reg_random_mask;
set->pmds[cnum].eventid = req->reg_smpl_eventid;
if (set == active_set) {
set->priv_flags |= PFM_SETFL_PRIV_MOD_PMDS;
if (can_access_pmu)
pfm_write_pmd(ctx, cnum, req->reg_value);
PFM_DBG("set%u pmd%u=0x%llx flags=0x%x a_pmu=%d "
"ctx_pmd=0x%llx s_reset=0x%llx "
"l_reset=0x%llx s_pmds=0x%llx "
"r_pmds=0x%llx o_pmds=0x%llx "
"o_thres=%llu compat=%d eventid=%llx",
(unsigned long long)req->reg_value,
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].value,
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].short_reset,
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].long_reset,
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].smpl_pmds[0],
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].reset_pmds[0],
(unsigned long long)set->ovfl_pmds[0],
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].ovflsw_thres,
(unsigned long long)set->pmds[cnum].eventid);
ret = 0;
* make changes visible
if (can_access_pmu)
return ret;
* __pfm_write_pmcs - modified config registers
* @ctx: context to operate on
* @req: pfarg_pmc_t request from user
* @count: number of element in the pfarg_pmc_t vector
* The function succeeds whether the context is * attached or not.
* When attached to another thread, that thread must be stopped.
* The context is locked and interrupts are disabled.
int __pfm_write_pmcs(struct pfm_context *ctx, struct pfarg_pmc *req, int count)
struct pfm_event_set *set, *active_set;
u64 value, dfl_val, rsvd_msk;
unsigned long *impl_pmcs;
int i, can_access_pmu;
int ret;
u16 set_id;
u16 cnum, pmc_type, max_pmc;
u32 flags, expert;
pfm_pmc_check_t wr_func;
active_set = ctx->active_set;
wr_func = pfm_pmu_conf->pmc_write_check;
max_pmc = ctx->regs.max_pmc;
impl_pmcs = cast_ulp(ctx->regs.pmcs);
set = list_first_entry(&ctx->set_list, struct pfm_event_set, list);
expert = pfm_controls.flags & PFM_CTRL_FL_RW_EXPERT;
can_access_pmu = 0;
* we cannot access the actual PMC registers when monitoring is masked
if (unlikely(ctx->state == PFM_CTX_LOADED))
can_access_pmu = __get_cpu_var(pmu_owner) == ctx->task
|| ctx->flags.system;
ret = -EINVAL;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, req++) {
cnum = req->reg_num;
set_id = req->reg_set;
value = req->reg_value;
flags = req->reg_flags;
* no access to unavailable PMC register
if (unlikely(is_invalid(cnum, impl_pmcs, max_pmc))) {
PFM_DBG("pmc%u is not available", cnum);
goto error;
pmc_type = pfm_pmu_conf->pmc_desc[cnum].type;
dfl_val = pfm_pmu_conf->pmc_desc[cnum].dfl_val;
rsvd_msk = pfm_pmu_conf->pmc_desc[cnum].rsvd_msk;
* ensure only valid flags are set
if (flags & ~PFM_REGFL_PMC_ALL) {
PFM_DBG("pmc%u: invalid flags=0x%x", cnum, flags);
goto error;
* locate event set
if (set_id != set->id) {
set = pfm_find_set(ctx, set_id, 0);
if (set == NULL) {
PFM_DBG("event set%u does not exist",
goto error;
* set reserved bits to default values
* (reserved bits must be 1 in rsvd_msk)
* bypass via /sys/kernel/perfmon/mode = 1
if (likely(!expert))
value = (value & ~rsvd_msk) | (dfl_val & rsvd_msk);
if (flags & PFM_REGFL_NO_EMUL64) {
if (!(pmc_type & PFM_REG_NO64)) {
PFM_DBG("pmc%u no support for "
"PFM_REGFL_NO_EMUL64", cnum);
goto error;
value &= ~pfm_pmu_conf->pmc_desc[cnum].no_emul64_msk;
* execute write checker, if any
if (likely(wr_func && (pmc_type & PFM_REG_WC))) {
req->reg_value = value;
ret = (*wr_func)(ctx, set, req);
if (ret)
goto error;
value = req->reg_value;
* Now we commit the changes
* mark PMC register as used
* We do not track associated PMC register based on
* the fact that they will likely need to be written
* in order to become useful at which point the statement
* below will catch that.
* The used_pmcs bitmask is only useful on architectures where
* the PMC needs to be modified for particular bits, especially
* on overflow or to stop/start.
if (!test_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->used_pmcs)))
__set_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->used_pmcs));
set->pmcs[cnum] = value;
if (set == active_set) {
set->priv_flags |= PFM_SETFL_PRIV_MOD_PMCS;
if (can_access_pmu)
pfm_arch_write_pmc(ctx, cnum, value);
PFM_DBG("set%u pmc%u=0x%llx a_pmu=%d "
(unsigned long long)value,
(unsigned long long)set->used_pmcs[0]);
ret = 0;
* make sure the changes are visible
if (can_access_pmu)
return ret;
* __pfm_read_pmds - read data registers
* @ctx: context to operate on
* @req: pfarg_pmd_t request from user
* @count: number of element in the pfarg_pmd_t vector
* The function succeeds whether the context is attached or not.
* When attached to another thread, that thread must be stopped.
* The context is locked and interrupts are disabled.
int __pfm_read_pmds(struct pfm_context *ctx, struct pfarg_pmd *req, int count)
u64 val = 0, lval, ovfl_mask, hw_val;
u64 sw_cnt;
unsigned long *impl_pmds;
struct pfm_event_set *set, *active_set;
int i, ret, can_access_pmu = 0;
u16 cnum, pmd_type, set_id, max_pmd;
ovfl_mask = pfm_pmu_conf->ovfl_mask;
impl_pmds = cast_ulp(ctx->regs.pmds);
max_pmd = ctx->regs.max_pmd;
active_set = ctx->active_set;
set = list_first_entry(&ctx->set_list, struct pfm_event_set, list);
if (likely(ctx->state == PFM_CTX_LOADED)) {
can_access_pmu = __get_cpu_var(pmu_owner) == ctx->task
|| ctx->flags.system;
if (can_access_pmu)
* on both UP and SMP, we can only read the PMD from the hardware
* register when the task is the owner of the local PMU.
ret = -EINVAL;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, req++) {
cnum = req->reg_num;
set_id = req->reg_set;
if (unlikely(is_invalid(cnum, impl_pmds, max_pmd))) {
PFM_DBG("pmd%u is not implemented/unaccessible", cnum);
goto error;
pmd_type = pfm_pmu_conf->pmd_desc[cnum].type;
* locate event set
if (set_id != set->id) {
set = pfm_find_set(ctx, set_id, 0);
if (set == NULL) {
PFM_DBG("event set%u does not exist",
goto error;
* it is not possible to read a PMD which was not requested:
* - explicitly written via pfm_write_pmds()
* - provided as a reg_smpl_pmds[] to another PMD during
* pfm_write_pmds()
* This is motivated by security and for optimization purposes:
* - on context switch restore, we can restore only what
* we use (except when regs directly readable at user
* level, e.g., IA-64 self-monitoring, I386 RDPMC).
* - do not need to maintain PMC -> PMD dependencies
if (unlikely(!test_bit(cnum, cast_ulp(set->used_pmds)))) {
PFM_DBG("pmd%u cannot read, because not used", cnum);
goto error;
val = set->pmds[cnum].value;
lval = set->pmds[cnum].lval;
* extract remaining ovfl to switch
sw_cnt = set->pmds[cnum].ovflsw_thres;
* If the task is not the current one, then we check if the
* PMU state is still in the local live register due to lazy
* ctxsw. If true, then we read directly from the registers.
if (set == active_set && can_access_pmu) {
hw_val = pfm_read_pmd(ctx, cnum);
if (pmd_type & PFM_REG_C64)
val = (val & ~ovfl_mask) | (hw_val & ovfl_mask);
val = hw_val;
PFM_DBG("set%u pmd%u=0x%llx sw_thr=%llu lval=0x%llx",
(unsigned long long)val,
(unsigned long long)sw_cnt,
(unsigned long long)lval);
req->reg_value = val;
req->reg_last_reset_val = lval;
req->reg_ovfl_switch_cnt = sw_cnt;
ret = 0;
return ret;